scalajs-bundler does not create the *" as value - sbt

When running val bundle = (Compile / fastOptJS / webpack).value in my build.sbt, I get the following files in the 'bundle':
What I am missing is the
If I check target/scala-2.12/scalajs-bundler/main the file is there!
The only setting of my build.sbt is:
webpackBundlingMode := BundlingMode.LibraryAndApplication()

There is an open issue with scalajs-bundler Plugin:


In SBT, Is there a way of just downloading the top-level dependencies?

I have an SBT project which pulls in dependencies. I only want to pull in the direct dependencies - not any transitive dependencies. I'd like to find the filename of the dependency that's pulled in, so that I can copy it somewhere.
e.g. given a build.sbt file with the following contents:
libraryDependencies += "org.eclipse.jetty" % "jetty-server" % "9.4.28.v20200408"
I would like to know where is the jetty-server jar on the file system.
I have tried adding the following to my build.sbt file:
lazy val mytaskKey: TaskKey[Unit] = TaskKey[Unit]("mytask")
def mytask: Def.Setting[Task[Unit]] = mytaskKey := {
val updateReport = update.value
updateReport.allFiles foreach { f =>
When I run this, I get a full list of dependencies:
I don't want that full list - I just want the jetty jar. i.e.
How might I get this list?
Yes, there is with either intransitive() or notTransitive() classifiers. It's documented here.

Include a simple val in sbt build files from global.sbt

I wish to set my version numbers externally across several build.sbt files through a single include file.
Within build.sbt I can do this
val base = "1.1"
version := base + ".8-SNAPSHOT"
This works fine as a first step.
According the the online help I should be able to create a file global.sbt in my ~/.sbt/0.13 folder
I created the file global.sbt with single line
val base = "1.1"
and removed the corresponding line from build.sbt
But when I start up my sbt I get "error: not found: value base"
So either it's not finding the global sbt or this form of global setting doesn't work.
Any suggestions as to how I can resolve this?
Can I make an explicit include command in my build.sbt files?
It seems from your test that vals in global ~/.sbt/0.13/*.sbt files don't propagate to local *.sbt files.
Here's a setup that works:
import sbt._, Keys._
object VersionBasePlugin extends AutoPlugin {
override def requires = plugins.CorePlugin
override def trigger = allRequirements
object autoImport {
val versionBase = settingKey[String]("version base")
import autoImport._
override def projectSettings = Seq(versionBase := "1.1")
and then in your build.sbt:
version := (versionBase.value + ".8-SNAPSHOT")
Does that work for you?

How to include additional dependencies when packaging an sbt app using sbt-native-packager

I am trying to include the breeze-natives dependency only when packaging the app (universal:packageBin and debian:packageBin) while always including the breeze dependency. Here is what I came up with :
val breezeDependencySettings = {
val breezeUniversalNativesDependency = libraryDependencies in Universal += D.breezeNatives
val breezeDebianNativesDependency = libraryDependencies in Debian += D.breezeNatives
val breezeDependency = libraryDependencies += D.breeze
Seq(breezeUniversalNativesDependency, breezeDebianNativesDependency, breezeDependency)
And in the project that I want to package, I use
settings = (mySettings) ++ SbtNativePackager.packageArchetype.java_server ++
However, the breeze-natives dependency is not included in the final package created by universal:packageBin. (breeze is included correctly though)
What am I doing wrong?
Not 100% clear on your requirement but have you tried ExportJars := true?
See the excerpt from my build in my question here:

sbt-assembly: skip specific test

I would like to configure sbt-assembly to skip a specific test class.
Is there any way to do this? If it helps, I tagged the test using ScalaTest #Network tag.
See Additional test configurations with shared sources. This allows you to come up with alternative "test" task in FunTest configuration while reusing your test source.
After you have fun:test working with whatever filter you define using testOptions in FunTest := Seq(Tests.Filter(itFilter)), you can then rewire
test in assembly := test in FunTest
Eugene is right (obviously) but that wasn't quite enough information for me to get it to work - I have a build.scala file. I am defining baseSettings like this:
val baseSettings = Defaults.defaultSettings ++
buildSettings ++
Seq(sbt.Keys.test in assembly := {})
You can tag your tests with ignore, then sbt/ScalaTest won't run them. See ScalaTest docs on Tagging tests.
Just for completeness, if you want to skip all tests in assembly task or run only particular ones you can customize it with test in assembly := { ... }
Based on #eugene-yokata reply, I found how to use the flag from ScalaTest:
lazy val UnitTest = config("unit") extend (Test)
lazy val companyApp = (project in file("applications/"))
.assembly("", "app.jar")
UnitTest / testOptions ++= Seq(
test in assembly := (UnitTest / test).value

How do I evaluate an sbt SettingsKey

I want to combine the sbt-release plugin with the Play framework.
The plugins reads the current version number from a file version.sbt. Its content is
version in ThisBuild := "0.41.0-SNAPSHOT"
I would like to use this setting in my main build file but the variable version is of type sbt.SettingKey.
There is an evaluate method but for the life of me I can't figure out what to pass in to get the String I defined in version.sbt.
I tried the accepted answer's solution but it didn't compile. (Play 2.1.5)
[error] (ss: sbt.Project.Setting[_]*)sbt.Project <and>
[error] => Seq[sbt.Project.Setting[_]]
[error] cannot be applied to (Seq[sbt.ModuleID])
[error] val main = play.Project(appName).settings(appDependencies).settings(releaseSettings).settings(
[error] ^
[error] one error found
Instead I came up with this solution:
lazy val appSettings = Defaults.defaultSettings ++ ... ++ releaseSettings
val main = play.Project(appName, dependencies = appDependencies, settings = appSettings).settings(
version <<= version in ThisBuild,
This is a little shortcoming with the play.Project constructor, it excepts a static version number, not one from a setting key.
However, the only required parameter is the application name, so you can switch from something like:
val main = play.Project(appName, appVersion, appDependencies, settings =
Defaults.defaultSettings ++ releaseSettings ).settings(...)
val main = play.Project(appName).settings(appDependencies).
Normally, the version defined in version.sbt should be picked up here automagically. If it isn't, you can always add to the above:
.settings(applicationVersion <<= version in ThisBuild)
