Trying to get shipping fields with a new custome field created - woocommerce

I am trying to get the array for all the shipping forms with a new custom element that I already added. This code is not working:
$newObj = new WC_Checkout();
$shipping_fields = $newObj->get_checkout_fields($fieldset = 'shipping');
Woocommerce WC_Checkout methods:
Visit for more info!
I get NULL so the object is not existing
In detail:
I'm developing a website, where the total price is calculated according to a delivery area in some city. I decided to create a custom field within the shipping-form:
// Adding districts for the city of Lima on shipping form
add_filter('woocommerce_checkout_fields', 'custom_district_checkout_field');
function custom_district_checkout_field($fields) {
//the list for this example was shortened
$option_cities = array(
'' =>__('Select your district'),
'chorrillos' =>'Chorrillos',
'miraflores' =>'Miraflores'
$fields['shipping']['shipping_district']['type'] = 'select';
$fields['shipping']['shipping_district']['options'] = $option_cities;
$fields['shipping']['shipping_district']['class'] = array('update_totals_on_change');
$fields['shipping']['shipping_district']['input_class'] = array('wc-enhanced-select');
$fields['billing']['billing_district']['type'] = 'select';
$fields['billing']['billing_district']['options'] = $option_cities;
$fields['billing']['billing_district']['input_class'] = array('wc-enhanced-select');
wc_enqueue_js("jQuery( ':input.wc-enhanced-select' ).filter( ':not(.enhanced)' ).each( function() {var select2_args = { minimumResultsForSearch:5};jQuery( this ).select2( select2_args ).addClass( 'enhanced' );})");
return $fields;
I can confirm that the custome field is working. For other hand I'm trying to change the way the WooCommerce Advance Shipping plugin works as Jeroen Sormani (who is the developer) explain in his blogs:
How the plugin works!
and WAS Shipping fields conditions
The idea is to add to the condition list the shipping fields, the plugin shows by default this fields: WC Advanced Shipping Fields by Default
The goal is to been able to select the newly created field in the conditions (for example: "districts") so the price would appear in the cart when the user select the correct option, the plugin already has a list of the different districts with their respective prices. However, there is an error in the plugin because this line is not working (check the Github for the WAS Shipping fields conditions inside the first function:
$shipping_fields = WC()->checkout()->checkout_fields['shipping'];
I have been trying to solve this for weeks, hence the original ask in this post.
* WAS all checkout fields
add_filter('was_conditions', 'was_conditions_add_shipping_fields', 10, 1);
function was_conditions_add_shipping_fields($conditions) {
$newObj = new WC_Checkout();
$shipping_fields = $newObj->get_checkout_fields($fieldset = 'shipping');
foreach ($shipping_fields as $key => $values) :
if (isset($values['label'])) :
$conditions['Shipping Fields'][$key] = $values['label'];
return $conditions;
The above results in a NULL with the debugToConsole function.


Wordpress admin: Get current open post (order) edit page meta value

We have a website running on woocommerce and we run a custom tax solution there. On frontend everything works perfect atleast in admin as we have set, that tax is calculated by store address, we get the basic store country into all of the orders. What we are trying to achieve is to replace this country in admin from current open order post meta. But we are unlucky and we are not getting any data. Is there any possiblity to get current open post meta value?
function custom_base_country($base_country ){
if (is_admin()){
global $woocommerce;
$order = $_GET['post'];
$country = get_post_meta($order->id, 'country_code', true);
$base_country = $country;
return $base_country;
add_filter('woocommerce_countries_base_country', 'custom_base_country', 10, 1);
Found out the answer by changing the code to $country = get_post_meta($order, 'country_code', true);

How to get ACF data from WooCommerce customers for order export

On a Wordpress-Shop I use WooCommerce (WC) with Advenced-Custom-Fields (ACF)
and WP-All-Import (WPAI) + WP-All-Export (WPAE).
I added a ACF field CustomerNumber to the WC-Customer (which enhanced the WP-User).
On the WPAI-XML-Import I set the CustomerNumber with a value from a ERP.
So all customers have a unique CustomerNumber.
I now need to export the WC-Orders (to import them in the ERP again).
The Order-XML must include the CustomerNumber from the Customer belongs to the Order.
As I see, the other standard fields from the customer – like name and address – are copied automatically to the order (by WooCommerce itself).
My question is now: How I have to do this for the ACF’s?
Did I have to do this by code on my own? Adding the same AC-fields to the WC-Order and hook into the order checkout and copy the values from the customer to the order?
Or is there some kind of setup which do that and which I did not recognize?
I did not really found an answer.
My current solution is now as I described it in my question.
I added a new rule for these acf to also make them available on the orders.
Then I added a hook to new created orders, determine the acf from the user and copied the necessary values into the order acf.
function di_woocommerce_new_order( $order_id ) {
$order = new WC_Order( $order_id );
if ( !$order ) return;
$customer_id = $order->get_customer_id();
if ( !$customer_id ) return;
$customer = new WC_Customer($customer_id);
if ( !$customer ) return;
$customer_number = $customer->get_meta('customernumber');
if ( !$customer_number ) return;
// add customer number
$order->add_meta_data('customernumber', $customer_number);
// update order modified timestamp
$order->add_meta_data('order_last_updated', current_time( 'mysql' ));
add_action( 'woocommerce_checkout_order_processed', 'di_woocommerce_new_order', 10, 1);

Adding a Woocommerce Downloadable File From Custom Field

Using Advanced Custom Fields, I've added a "Post Object" field to my Woocommerce edit page, set to return Post IDs.
I'm trying to get data from these posts, and automatically populate my Woocommerce Downloadable Files from them.
The problem with my current code is that if I change the data in the custom field, and then save my product, it doesn't update the downloads. I need to update the product again for the downloads to be affected.
add_action( 'woocommerce_admin_process_product_object', 'mysite_add_downloads', 50, 1 );
function mysite_add_downloads( $product ){
$mysite_select_albums = get_field('mysite_select_albums');
$downloads = array(); // Clear $downloads variable
foreach ($mysite_select_albums as $album) {
// Gets Information About Download From Album Post Type
$post = get_post($album);
$file_title = $post->post_title;
$file_url = "";
$file_md5 = md5($file_url);
$download = new WC_Product_Download(); // Get an instance of the WC_Product_Download Object
// Set the download data
$downloads[$file_md5] = $download; // Insert the new download to the array of downloads
$product->set_downloads($downloads); // Set new array of downloads

Woocommerce Readonly Billing Fields

I have some e-commerce website where the customer billing address is predefined on the back-end.
I need to set the "Billing Address" fields as 'readonly' to avoid the customer to replace the information placed there... but i don´t know how/where to do it...
Is it possible?
Put following code in your theme's "function.php" file.
function customization_readonly_billing_fields($checkout_fields){
$current_user = wp_get_current_user();;
$user_id = $current_user->ID;
foreach ( $checkout_fields['billing'] as $key => $field ){
if($key == 'billing_address_1' || $key == 'billing_address_2'){
$key_value = get_user_meta($user_id, $key, true);
if( strlen($key_value)>0){
$checkout_fields['billing'][$key]['custom_attributes'] = array('readonly'=>'readonly');
return $checkout_fields;
This function checks if the address fields have value (i.e. if the address is specified), and if it has value, makes the field/s readonly. Else keeps the fields open to add data for user.
Hope this helps.
You have not specified which form you want to customize making the billing address fields read-only. Normally the billing address fields appear on two types of forms on a WooCommerce site:
On a checkout form
On a my-account/edit-address/billing/ page
If your case is the first one, then zipkundan's answer is the best one. But if your case is the second one, then copy and paste the following code to your active theme's (or child theme if any) functions.php file:
add_filter('woocommerce_address_to_edit', 'cb_woocommerce_address_to_edit');
function cb_woocommerce_address_to_edit($address){
array_key_exists('billing_first_name', $address)?$address['billing_first_name']['custom_attributes'] = array('readonly'=>'readonly'):'';
array_key_exists('billing_last_name', $address)?$address['billing_last_name']['custom_attributes'] = array('readonly'=>'readonly'):'';
array_key_exists('billing_email', $address)?$address['billing_email']['custom_attributes'] = array('readonly'=>'readonly'):'';
array_key_exists('billing_email-2', $address)?$address['billing_email-2']['custom_attributes'] = array('readonly'=>'readonly'):'';
return $address;
The above code will make the following fields read-only:
Billing first name
Billing last name
Billing email address
Billing confirm email address
Array keys for other form fields on the same page are as follows:
Additionally, you can make the read-only fields appear slightly faded out. So, add the following CSS to your theme's style.css
.woocommerce-address-fields input[readonly="readonly"]{
opacity: 0.5;
$checkout_fields['billing'][$key]['custom_attributes'] = array('readonly'=>'readonly');
this solves the problem
This one worked for me.
add_filter('woocommerce_billing_fields', 'my_woocommerce_billing_fields');
function my_woocommerce_billing_fields($fields)
$fields['billing_first_name']['custom_attributes'] = array('readonly'=>'readonly');
$fields['billing_last_name']['custom_attributes'] = array('readonly'=>'readonly');
return $fields;

Applying a coupon code programmatically to the cart/order

I've been stuck trying to apply a Drupal commerce coupon for about 2 days now. I have taken care of validating the coupon and currently stumped when I'm trying to redeem it.
So inside my callback function I'm calling:
And inside the redeem function I have:
function my_module_coupons_coupon_redeem($coupon) {
global $user;
$uid = $user->uid;
$order = commerce_cart_order_load($uid);
// Wrap the order for easy access to field data.
$order_wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper('commerce_order', $order);
// Create the new line item.
$line_item = commerce_coupon_line_item_new($coupon, $order->order_id);
$line_item->commerce_unit_price = array('und' => array(
'0' => array('amount' => 500, 'currency_code' => commerce_default_currency())
$line_item_wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper('commerce_line_item', $line_item);
if (!is_null($line_item_wrapper->commerce_unit_price->value())) {
// Add the base price to the components array.
if (!commerce_price_component_load($line_item_wrapper->commerce_unit_price->value(), 'base_price')) {
$line_item_wrapper->commerce_unit_price->data = commerce_price_component_add(
$line_item_wrapper->commerce_total->data = $line_item_wrapper->commerce_unit_price->data;
//$line_item_wrapper->commerce_product->data = $coupon;
// Save the line item now so we get its ID.
// Add it to the order's line item reference value.
$order_wrapper->commerce_line_items[] = $line_item;
The coupon line_item is being saved on the DB but when I refresh the cart page I get the following error:
EntityMetadataWrapperException: Unknown data property commerce_product. in EntityStructureWrapper->getPropertyInfo()
Just wondering if this is the correct way of applying coupons without the use of Rules and should I be saving it as a line item in the first place?
Take a look in sites/all/modules/commerce_coupon/oncludes/
global $user;
$uid = $user->uid;
$error = '';
// load the cart
$order = commerce_cart_order_load($uid);
// load the coupon from the coupon code
// see MySQL -> your-schema, table: commerce_coupon, column: code
$coupon = commerce_coupon_redeem_coupon_code($code, $order, $error);
// 302 to the cart
drupal_goto('checkout/' . $order->order_id);
I realized this was posted a few years ago, but there was no working answer and I still couldn't find a complete solution for it anywhere.
After you've added the line item you still need to add the commerce coupon reference to the order like so:
$order_wrapper->commerce_coupon_order_reference[] = $coupon;
This way it won't get removed when commerce_coupon_commerce_cart_order_refresh() runs.
