Is there anyway to get the UDID of a booted simulator in mac via terminal - appium-ios

Trying to start Appium server for different Ipad Simulators but when i use the below Command
xcrun simctl list | egrep '(Booted)'
i get the complete detail of the Booted Simulator
iPad (5th generation) (1D9E3D9C-7715-4742-A9DC-6096BCE95B64) (Booted)
is there any way to get only the UDID of the simulator which is Booted

This works for me:
xcrun simctl list devices | grep "(Booted)" | grep -E -o -i "([0-9a-f]{8}-([0-9a-f]{4}-){3}[0-9a-f]{12})"

Maybe try using awk or equivalent to grab just the UDID info:
xcrun simctl list | awk -F'[()]' '/(Booted)/ { print $4 }'
You might need to adjust the number that outputs the field (so instead of $4, it might be $3, etc.)


How to print unix tool version in BusyBox container?

I can't figure out how to print (unix tool) versions within a BusyBox container:
$ docker run -it
$ awk --version
awk: unrecognized option `--version'
BusyBox v1.32.0 (2020-08-31 17:40:13 UTC) multi-call binary.
Usage: awk [OPTIONS] [AWK_PROGRAM] [FILE]...
-v VAR=VAL Set variable
-F SEP Use SEP as field separator
-f FILE Read program from FILE
$ cut --version
cut: unrecognized option `--version'
BusyBox v1.32.0 (2020-08-31 17:40:13 UTC) multi-call binary.
Usage: cut [OPTIONS] [FILE]...
Print selected fields from each input FILE to stdout
-b LIST Output only bytes from LIST
-c LIST Output only characters from LIST
-d CHAR Use CHAR instead of tab as the field delimiter
-s Output only the lines containing delimiter
-f N Print only these fields
-n Ignored
Any suggestions? Many mulled containers are built on top of BusyBox, best I get on top of this.
busybox is a single program which acts as one of various tools depending on what name was used to call it. As you can see in the question, it shows its version as BusyBox v1.32.0.
Check which tools are (symbolic) links to busybox. All these are the same program and therefore have the same version, so you might only need the version of busybox and a list of commands linked to it.
According to the best way to display the version of busybox is
busybox | head -1

Sdkman Incorrect zsh completion script output

I am using oh-my-zsh and I have been trying to develop a custom completion script for sdkman.
However I have encountered a small problem when trying to mutualize some of the commands.
Below is the beginning of the completion script. There are three functions using the _describe method to output a completion help.
#compdef sdk
zstyle ':completion:*:descriptions' format '%B%d%b'
# Gets candidate lists and removes all unecessery things just to get candidate names
__get_candidate_list() {
echo `sdk list | grep --color=never "$ sdk install" | sed 's/\$ sdk install //g' | sed -e 's/[\t ]//g;/^$/d'`
__get_current_installed_list() {
echo `sdk current | sed "s/Using://g" | sed "s/\:.*//g" | sed -e "s/[\t ]//g;/^$/d"`
__describe_commands() {
local -a commands
'install: install a program'
'uninstall: uninstal an existing program'
_describe -t commands "Commands" commands && ret=0
__describe_install() {
local -a candidate_list
candidate_list=( $( __get_candidate_list ) )
_describe -t candidate_list "Candidates available" candidate_list && ret=0
__describe_uninstall() { # FIXME THis is not working, it only displays candidate list
local -a candidates_to_uninstall
candidates_to_uninstall=( $( __get_current_installed_list ) )
_describe -t candidates_to_uninstall "Uninstallable candidates" candidates_to_uninstall && ret=0
The __get_candidate_list echoes the following values:
ant asciidoctorj bpipe ceylon crash cuba cxf gaiden glide gradle grails groovy groovyserv infrastructor java jbake kotlin kscript lazybones leiningen maven micronaut sbt scala spark springboot sshoogr vertx visualvm
The __get_current_installed_list echoes the following values:
gradle java kotlin maven sbt scala
The second part of the script below is where we call everything so that the completion script is used correctly by zsh:
function _sdk() {
local ret=1
local target=$words[2]
_arguments -C \
'1: :->first_arg' \
'2: :->second_arg' \
&& ret=0
case $state in
case $target in
return $ret
_sdk "$#"
The problem is the following: when I type sdk install I get the right output, the one from the __get_candidate_list method BUT when I use sdk uninstall it still gives me the output from __get_candidate_list althought I am expecting __get_current_installed_list output.
EDIT: After a bit of debugging, it seems that zsh is not at fault here. I can't figure out why, but sdkman gives me the same output with both sdk list and sdk current (After the sed commands) from inside the completion script. IN my shell, both commands work properly with shell.
Is there something wrong with the way I use the _describe method ?
Is there anything else I am not seeing ?
Thanks for your help.
So I finally found a workaround to fix this but it is not ideal.
I chose to launch the commands in the background when launching the plugin, and fill text files with the results, so that completion scripts can use these after.
Below is the code I used in the zsh-sdkman.plugin.zsh file, in case my github repository disappears:
# --------------------------
# -------- Executed on shell launch for completion help
# --------------------------
# NOTE: Sdkman seems to always output the candidate list rather than the currently installted list when we do this through the completion script
# There are two goals in the code below:
# - Optimization: the _sdkman_get_candidate_list command can take time, so it is done once and in background
# - Bug correction: correct the problem with sdkman command output explained above
# WARNING: We are setting this as a local variable because we don't have it yet at the time of initialization
# A better approach would be welcome
# Custom variables for later
export ZSH_SDKMAN_CANDIDATE_LIST_HOME=~/.zsh-sdkman.candidate-list
export ZSH_SDKMAN_INSTALLED_LIST_HOME=~/.zsh-sdkman.current-installed-list
_sdkman_get_candidate_list() {
(sdk list | grep --color=never "$ sdk install" | sed 's/\$ sdk install //g' | sed -e 's/[\t ]//g;/^$/d' > $ZSH_SDKMAN_CANDIDATE_LIST_HOME &)
_sdkman_get_current_installed_list() {
(sdk current | sed "s/Using://g" | sed "s/\:.*//g" | sed -e "s/[\t ]//g;/^$/d" > $ZSH_SDKMAN_INSTALLED_LIST_HOME &)
# "sdk" command is not found if we don't do this
source "$SDKMAN_DIR_LOCAL/bin/"
# Initialize files with available candidate list and currently installted candidates
_sdkman_get_candidate_list "$#"
_sdkman_get_current_installed_list "$#"
For more information, you can see the complete repository of my plugin:
If you have another cleaner solution, I'll be willing to make the necessary modifications, or don't hesitate to make a pull request on the project.

xcodebuild test : Could not launch simulator: -10827

I am running my build agent as a launch agent. I get this error when I try to run "xcodebuild test ..." :
2016-07-14 16:31:00.535 xcodebuild[11579:21390] [MT] iPhoneSimulator: Could not launch simulator: -10827 xcodebuild: error: Failed to build project XcodeTestsTest1 with scheme XcodeTestsTest1. Reason: The operation couldn’t be completed. (OSStatus error -10827.)
Do you have any idea about how can this issue be solved?
I had exact same issue.
It happens because Mac OS X doesn't allow an iOS simulator to run in the BACKGROUND.
If you are constructing a Jenkins CI environment, and trying to unit test via the simulator, you can't run the simulator, because Jenkins is basically run as a DAEMON. This also happens if you're running the tests behind environments like tmux or screen.
Here is a great tutorial to read that can help you fix this.
For me this helped
- close XCode & Simulator (if running)
- open Terminal and type:
ps -ax | grep simdeviceio | grep -v grep
this had some output on my Mac:
50755 ?? Ss 0:00.67 /Library/Developer/PrivateFrameworks/CoreSimulator.framework/Versions/A/Resources/SimStreamProcessorServices.simdeviceio/Contents/XPCServices/SimStreamProcessorService.xpc/Contents/MacOS/SimStreamProcessorService
50756 ?? Ss 0:00.07 /Library/Developer/PrivateFrameworks/CoreSimulator.framework/Versions/A/Resources/SimAudioProcessorServices.simdeviceio/Contents/XPCServices/SimAudioProcessorService.xpc/Contents/MacOS/SimAudioProcessorService
This 2 processes could either manually be killed by typing their PIDs (first number in above lines) with a kill command:
kill -9 50755 50756
or with
ps ax | grep simdeviceio | grep -v grep | awk '{print $1}' | xargs kill -9
Go to the apple icon (top left of screen), then force quit then select the simulator
Run the project again
If you run
xcrun simctl boot "iPhone 7"
run xcodebuild test
then after cleanup with
xcrun simctl shutdown "iPhone 7"
Note: you have to have an active user session running somewhere on the box you are trying to run this on.

How to use Qt's 'windeployqt' in Linux / Fedora

I'm currently trying to cross-compile my Qt apps on a Fedora 21 machine to Windows (32 bit, for now). Compilation works without problems, but deployment doesn't. Of cours, I could copy all the necessary files out of the directories, but I think that's a waste of time, so I want to use Qt's 'windeployqt' tool.
But whenever I invoke it, e.g. in Qt Creator as a build step, it just puts out this message(my test application is called day_404 :D) :
Unable to find dependent libraries of /home/marius/Entwicklung/build-day_404-Windows_32bit-Release/release/day_404.exe :Not implemented.
Does any of you know how to fix this, and use windeployqt without using Windows?
Thanks in advance,
The windeployqt tool doesn't seem to be usable on Fedora 23. It relies on accessing qmake, thus, it doesn't work in the mingw cross-compile environment, where you build with mingw32-qmake-qt5 (or mingw64-qmake-qt5). Even if this issue is patched - it wouldn't work with Qt5 projects using mingw64-cmake.
A relatively simple way to get a list of all DLLs that need to be copied for deployment is to run the application under wine and trace all dll loads.
For example like this:
$ WINEDEBUG=+loaddll wine ./myapp 2> dll.log
The dll paths can be extracted like that:
$ grep Loaded dll.log | grep -v 'system32\|:load_builtin_dll' \
| awk -F'"' '{print $2}' \
| sed -e 's#\\\\#/#g' -e 's/^[A-Z]://' \
| sort > dll.lst
The file dll.lst looks like this for a typical Qt5 project cross-compiled with mingw64:
You can then deploy those files like this:
$ mkdir -p "$deploy_dir"/{imageformats,platforms}
$ for i in imageformats platforms ; do
grep "/plugins/$i" dll.lst | xargs -r cp -t "$deploy_dir"/$i
$ grep -v '/plugins/' dll.lst | xargs -r cp -t "$deploy_dir"
Wine Config
For running a cross-compiled binary under wine, the mingw dll directory has to be added to the wine path, e.g. via:
sed 's/^\("PATH".*\)"$/\1;Z:\\\\usr\\\\x86_64-w64-mingw32\\\\sys-root\\\\mingw\\\\bin"/' \
-i $HOME/.wine/system.reg
The file ~/.wine/system.reg is automatically created by wine if it is doesn't exist, yet.
You can also use the tool peldd to get a list of all DLLs that a windows binary depends on. The tool runs on Linux, e.g.:
$ peldd myapp.exe -a -p . \
| sed -e 's#^\./#'"$PWD"'/#' -e 's#^\([^/]\)#'"$PWD"'/\1#' \
| sort > dll2.lst
The tool transitively walks all dependencies as compiled into the binaries - but - DLLs that are conditionally loaded at runtime (think dlopen(), think Qt plugin) don't leave traces in the binary headers. In contrast to that: when running under wine, those DLLs are recorded, as well. For our example, this could be:

Force line-buffering of stdout in a pipeline

Usually, stdout is line-buffered. In other words, as long as your printf argument ends with a newline, you can expect the line to be printed instantly. This does not appear to hold when using a pipe to redirect to tee.
I have a C++ program, a, that outputs strings, always \n-terminated, to stdout.
When it is run by itself (./a), everything prints correctly and at the right time, as expected. However, if I pipe it to tee (./a | tee output.txt), it doesn't print anything until it quits, which defeats the purpose of using tee.
I know that I could fix it by adding a fflush(stdout) after each printing operation in the C++ program. But is there a cleaner, easier way? Is there a command I can run, for example, that would force stdout to be line-buffered, even when using a pipe?
you can try stdbuf
$ stdbuf --output=L ./a | tee output.txt
(big) part of the man page:
-i, --input=MODE adjust standard input stream buffering
-o, --output=MODE adjust standard output stream buffering
-e, --error=MODE adjust standard error stream buffering
If MODE is 'L' the corresponding stream will be line buffered.
This option is invalid with standard input.
If MODE is '0' the corresponding stream will be unbuffered.
Otherwise MODE is a number which may be followed by one of the following:
KB 1000, K 1024, MB 1000*1000, M 1024*1024, and so on for G, T, P, E, Z, Y.
In this case the corresponding stream will be fully buffered with the buffer
size set to MODE bytes.
keep this in mind, though:
NOTE: If COMMAND adjusts the buffering of its standard streams ('tee' does
for e.g.) then that will override corresponding settings changed by 'stdbuf'.
Also some filters (like 'dd' and 'cat' etc.) dont use streams for I/O,
and are thus unaffected by 'stdbuf' settings.
you are not running stdbuf on tee, you're running it on a, so this shouldn't affect you, unless you set the buffering of a's streams in a's source.
Also, stdbuf is not POSIX, but part of GNU-coreutils.
Try unbuffer (man page) which is part of the expect package. You may already have it on your system.
In your case you would use it like this:
unbuffer ./a | tee output.txt
The -p option is for pipeline mode where unbuffer reads from stdin and passes it to the command in the rest of the arguments.
You can use setlinebuf from stdio.h.
This should change the buffering to "line buffered".
If you need more flexibility you can use setvbuf.
You may also try to execute your command in a pseudo-terminal using the script command (which should enforce line-buffered output to the pipe)!
script -q /dev/null ./a | tee output.txt # Mac OS X, FreeBSD
script -c "./a" /dev/null | tee output.txt # Linux
Be aware the script command does not propagate back the exit status of the wrapped command.
The unbuffer command from the expect package at the #Paused until further notice answer did not worked for me the way it was presented.
Instead of using:
./a | unbuffer -p tee output.txt
I had to use:
unbuffer -p ./a | tee output.txt
(-p is for pipeline mode where unbuffer reads from stdin and passes it to the command in the rest of the arguments)
The expect package can be installed on:
MSYS2 with pacman -S expect
Mac OS with brew install expect
I recently had buffering problems with python inside a shell script (when trying to append timestamp to its output). The fix was to pass -u flag to python this way: with python -u
unbuffer -p /bin/bash 2>&1 | tee /dev/tty | ts '[%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S]' >> somefile.txt
This command will put a timestamp on the output and send it to a file and stdout at the same time.
The ts program (timestamp) can be installed with the moreutils package.
Update 2
Recently, also had problems with grep buffering the output, when I used the argument grep --line-buffered on grep to it stop buffering the output.
If you use the C++ stream classes instead, every std::endl is an implicit flush. Using C-style printing, I think the method you suggested (fflush()) is the only way.
The best answer IMO is grep's --line-buffer option as stated here:
