How to download multiple files with the same name from html page? - r

I want to download all the files named "listings.csv.gz" which refer to US cities from, I can do it by writing each link but is it possible to do in a loop?
In the end I'll keep only a few columns from each file and merge them into one file.
Since the problem was solved thanks to #CodeNoob I'd like to share how it all worked out:
page <- read_html("")
# Get all hrefs (i.e. all links present on the website)
links <- page %>%
html_nodes("a") %>%
# Filter for listings.csv.gz, USA cities, data for March 2019
wanted <- grep('listings.csv.gz', links)
USA <- grep('united-states', links)
wanted.USA = wanted[wanted %in% USA]
wanted.links <- links[wanted.USA]
wanted.links = grep('2019-03', wanted.links, value = TRUE)
wanted.cols = c("host_is_superhost", "summary", "host_identity_verified", "street",
"city", "property_type", "room_type", "bathrooms",
"bedrooms", "beds", "price", "security_deposit", "cleaning_fee",
"guests_included", "number_of_reviews", "instant_bookable",
"host_response_rate", "host_neighbourhood",
"review_scores_rating", "review_scores_accuracy","review_scores_cleanliness",
"review_scores_checkin" ,"review_scores_communication",
"review_scores_location", "review_scores_value", "space",
"description", "host_id", "state", "latitude", "longitude")
read.gz.url <- function(link) {
con <- gzcon(url(link))
df <- read.csv(textConnection(readLines(con)))
df <- df %>% select(wanted.cols) %>%
mutate(source.url = link)
all.df = list()
for (i in seq_along(wanted.links)) {
all.df[[i]] = read.gz.url(wanted.links[i])
all.df = map(all.df, as_tibble)

You can actually extract all links, filter for the ones containing listings.csv.gz and then download these in a loop:
# Get all download links
page <- read_html("")
# Get all hrefs (i.e. all links present on the website)
links <- page %>%
html_nodes("a") %>%
# Filter for listings.csv.gz
wanted <- grep('listings.csv.gz', links)
wanted.links <- links[wanted]
for (link in wanted.links) {
con <- gzcon(url(link))
txt <- readLines(con)
df <- read.csv(textConnection(txt))
# Do what you want
Example: Download and combine the files
To get the result you want I would suggest to write a download function that filters for the columns you want and then combines these in a single dataframe, for example something like this:
read.gz.url <- function(url) {
con <- gzcon(url(link))
df <- read.csv(textConnection(readLines(con)))
df <- df %>% select(c('calculated_host_listings_count_shared_rooms', 'cancellation_policy' )) %>% # random columns I chose
mutate(source.url = url) # You may need to remember the origin of each row
all.df <-'rbind', lapply(head(wanted.links,2), read.gz.url))
Note I only tested this on the first two files since they are pretty large


Web Scraping using Rvest and Stringr: Can't figure out what I'm doing wrong

I have a code to scrape a senate website and extract all the information about representatives in a data frame. It runs fine up until I try to scrape the part about their term information. The function I'm using just returns "NA" instead of the term assignments. Would really appreciate some help in figuring out what I'm doing wrong in the last block of code (baselink3 onwards).
#Create blank lists
member_list <- list()
photo_list <- list()
memberlink_list <- list()
cycle_list <- list()
#Scrape data
cycles <- c("2007","2009","2011","2013","2015","2017","2019","2021")
base_link <- ""
for(cycle in cycles) {
member_list[[cycle]] <- read_html(paste(base_link, cycle, sep="")) %>%
html_nodes(".MemberInfoList-MemberBio a") %>%
memberlink_list[[cycle]] <- read_html(paste(base_link, cycle, sep="")) %>%
html_nodes(".MemberInfoList-MemberBio a") %>%
photo_list[[cycle]] <- read_html(paste(base_link, cycle, sep="")) %>%
html_nodes(".MemberInfoList-PhotoThumb img") %>%
cycle_list[[cycle]] <- rep(cycle, times = length(member_list[[cycle]]))
#Assemble data frame
member_list2 <- unlist(member_list)
cycle_list2 <- unlist(cycle_list)
photo_list2 <- unlist(photo_list)
memberlink_list2 <- unlist(memberlink_list)
senate_directory <- data.frame(cycle_list2, member_list2, photo_list2, memberlink_list2) %>%
rename(Cycle = cycle_list2,
Member = member_list2,
Photo = photo_list2,
Link = memberlink_list2)
#New Section from March 12
##Trying to use each senator's individual page
#Convert memberlink_list into dataframe
df <- data.frame(matrix(unlist(memberlink_list), nrow=394, byrow=TRUE),stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
colnames(df) <- "Link" #rename column to link
base_link3 <- paste0("", df$Link) #creating each senator's link
terminfo <- sapply(base_link2, function(x) {
val <- x %>%
read_html %>%
html_nodes('div.MemberBio-TermInfo') %>%
html_text() %>%
str_extract('(?<=Senate Term )\\d+')
if(length(val)) val else NA
terminfo <- data.frame(terminfo, df$Link)
I am not sure what exactly you are looking for, but something like this might help you. Note that the page has a crawl delay of 5 seconds. Something you did not implement or respect in your code above. See here
extract_terminfo <- function(link) {
html <- httr::GET(link)
val <- html %>%
content(as = "parsed") %>%
html_nodes('div.MemberBio-TermInfo') %>%
html_text() %>%
str_extract('(?<=Term Expires: )\\d+')
return(data.frame(terminfo = val, link = link))
} else {
return(data.frame(terminfo = "historic", link = link))
link <- base_link3[1]
term_info <- map_dfr(base_link3[1:3],extract_terminfo)

R scrape multiple png files

I have tried to look at other subjects but it does not looks they are pertinent to my question. I am trying to scrape multiple .png plots with R from the 'Indicator' section of
For any indicator, there are multiple countries data and each country page includes a plot. I would like to find a way to scrape png files for each country through a single routine.
I have tried the first indicator ('growth rate') and yet my code is the following:
tradeec <- read_html("")
tradeec_countries <- tradeec %>% html_nodes("td:nth-child(1)") %>%
tradeec_countries <- str_replace_all(tradeec_countries, "[\r\n]" , "")
tradeec_countries <-
tradeec_countries <- tradeec_countries[-c(91:95), ]
tradeec_plots <- paste0("", tradeec_countries, "-gdp-growth.png?s=", i)
Nonetheless I am not reaching my goal.
Any hint?
updated answer
For example, all the figures in world column of link can be obtained using the following code. Other columns, such as Europe, America, Asia, Australia, G20 can also be obtained similarly.
page <- read_html("")
url_init <- ""
country_list <- html_nodes(page,"td a") %>% html_attr("href")
world_list <- paste(url_init,country_list,sep = "")
page_list <- vector(mode = "list")
for(page_index in 1:length(world_list)) {
page_list[[page_index]] = read_html(world_list[page_index])
for (i in 1:length(page_list)) {
figure_link <- html_nodes(page_list[[i]],"#ImageChart") %>% html_attr("src")
figure_name <- gsub(".*charts/(.*png).*","\\1",figure_link,perl = TRUE)
figure_name <- paste(i,"_",figure_name)
original answer
The following code can get the figure's link and name.
tradeec <- read_html("")
figure_link <- html_nodes(tradeec, "#ImageChart") %>% html_attr("src")
figure_name <- gsub(".*charts/(.*png).*", "\\1", figure_link, perl = T)
Then you can replace south-africa in the link to a series of countries you wanted. web scraping

I have tried scraping data from a real estate site, and arranging the data in a way that can then easily be filtered and checked using a spreadsheet. I’m actually a little embarrassed that i don’t move of this R code forward.
Now that i have all the links to the posts, i can not now loop through the previously compiled dataframe and get the details from all the URLs.
Could you just please help me with it? Thanks a lot.
#Loading the rvest package
library(magrittr) # for the '%>%' pipe symbols
library(RSelenium) # to get the loaded html of
complete <- data.frame()
# starting local RSelenium (this is the only way to start RSelenium that is working for me atm)
selCommand <- wdman::selenium(jvmargs = c(""), retcommand = TRUE)
shell(selCommand, wait = FALSE, minimized = TRUE)
remDr <- remoteDriver(port = 4567L, browserName = "chrome")
URL.base <- ""
for (i in 1:10000) {
#Specifying the url for desired website to be scrapped
main_link<- paste0(URL.base, i)
# go to website
# get page source and save it as an html object with rvest
main_page <- remDr$getPageSource(header = TRUE)[[1]] %>% read_html()
# get the data
name <- html_nodes(main_page, css="") %>% html_text()
locality <- html_nodes(main_page, css="") %>% html_text()
norm_price <- html_nodes(main_page, css="") %>% html_text()
sreality_url <- main_page %>% html_nodes(".title") %>% html_attr("href")
sreality_url2 <- sreality_url[c(4:24)]
name2 <- name[c(4:24)]
record <- data.frame(cbind(name2, locality, norm_price, sreality_url2))
complete <- rbind(complete, record)
# Write CSV in R
write.csv(complete, file = "MyData.csv")
I would do this differently:
I would create a function, say 'scraper', that groups up together all the scraping functions you have already defined, doing so I'll create a list with the str_c of all the possibile links (say 30), after that a simple lapply function. As it all said, I will not use Rselenium. (libraries: rvest , stringr , tibble, dplyr )
url = ''
here it is the URL base, starting from here you should be able to replicate the URL strings for all the pages (1 to whichever) you are interested in (and for all the possible url, for praha, olomuc, ostrava etc ).
main_page = read_html('')
here you create all the linnks according to the number of pages you want:
list.of.pages = str_c(url, 1:30)
then define a single function for all the single data you are interested, in this way you are more precise and your error debug is easier, as well as the data quality. (I assume your CSS selections are right, otherwise you will obtain empty obj)
for names
name = function(url) {
data = html_nodes(url, css="") %>%
for locality
locality = function(url) {
data = html_nodes(url, css="") %>%
for normprice
normprice = function(url) {
data = html_nodes(url, css="") %>%
for hrefs
sreality_url = function(url) {
data = html_nodes(url, css=".title") %>%
those are the single fuctions (the CSS selection, even if i didnt test them, seem to be not correct to me, but this will give you the right framework to work on). After that combine them into a tibble obj = function(html){
name = name(html)
locality = locality(html)
normprice = normprice(html)
hrefs = sreality_url(html)
combine = tibble(adtext = name,
loc = locality,
price = normprice,
URL = sreality_url)
combine %>%
select(adtext, loc, price, URL) return(combine)
then the final scraper:
scrape.all = function(urls){
list.of.pages %>%
lapply( %>%
bind_rows() %>%
write.csv(file = 'MyData.csv')

How to rename filenames considering their IDs

I'm a begginer with R programming. I have downloaded many pictures which have their ID as name. For example, pictures "senador588", "senador3", "senador16" and so on. Each picture shows one senator of Brazil. I need the name instead of the ID.
I also have a dataframe which displays only the ID (id_senador) and the name (name_lower).
This first part of the code downloads all the pictures:
# all the senators of Brazil
url <- ""
# get all url on the webpage
url2 <- getURL(url)
parsed <- htmlParse(url2)
links <- xpathSApply(parsed,path = "//a",xmlGetAttr,"href")
links <-, links)
colnames(links)[1] <- "links"
# filtering to get the urls of the senators
links_senador <- links %>%
filter(links %like% "/senadores/senador/")
links_senador <- data.frame(links_senador)
# creating a new directory for the pics
# running a loop to download all pictures
i <- 1
while(1 <= 81){
# defining the row of each senator
foto_webpage <- data.frame(links_senador$links[i])
# renaming the column's name
colnames(foto_webpage) <- "links"
# getting all images of html page
# filtering the photo which we want
html <- as.character(foto_webpage$links) %>%
httr::GET() %>%
xml2::read_html() %>%
rvest::html_nodes("img") %>%
map(xml_attrs) %>%
map_df(~as.list(.)) %>%
filter(src %like% "senadores/img/fotos-oficiais/") %>%
# downloading the photo
foto_senador <- html$src
download.file(foto_senador, basename(foto_senador), mode = "wb", header = TRUE)
}, error = function(e) return(NULL)
i <- i + 1
This second part creates a dataframe with the ID and name of each senator:
url <- ""
file <- read_html(url)
tables <- html_nodes(file, "table")
table1 <- html_table(tables[1], fill = TRUE, header = T)
table1_df <-[1]
table1_df_sem_acentuacao <-$Nome, from = "UTF-8", to = "ASCII//TRANSLIT"))
colnames(table1_df_sem_acentuacao) <- "senador_lower"
table1_df_lower <-$senador_lower))
colnames(table1_df_lower) <- "senador_lower"
table_name_final <-" ", "-", table1_df_lower$senador_lower))
id_split <-"", "senador", links_senador$links))
table_dfs_final <- cbind(table_name_final, id_split)
colnames(table_dfs_final)[1] <- "name_lower"
colnames(table_dfs_final)[2] <- "id_senador"
For the loop to replace the ID for the name, I tried this:
for (p in photos) {
id <- basename(p)
id <- gsub(".jpg$", "", id)
name <- table_dfs_final$name_lower[match(id, basename(table_dfs_final$id_senador))]
fname <- paste0(table_dfs_final$id_senador, ".jpg")
file.rename(p, fname)
cat("renaming", basename(p), "to", name, "\n")
To make it more "R way" you can use one of the functions from apply family. create your function that changes names and than just apply it on ids and names columns you created.
changeName<- function(old_name, new_name){
file.rename(paste0(old_name,'.jpg'), paste0(new_name,'.jpg'))
mapply(changeName, table_dfs_final$id_senador,table_dfs_final$name_lower)

How to scrape the data when there's missing values in selector nodes

Hi I am trying scrape the data from ebay in R, I used the code mentioned below but I encountered with a problem wherein there were missing values for a particular selector elements, to get round it I used a for loop as shown(inspecting each listing and giving the number for which there was data missing) since the data scraped was less it was possible to inspect but how to do it when there's large amounts of data to be scraped.
Thanks in advance
web<- read_html(url)
subdescp<- html_nodes(web, ".lvsubtitle+ .lvsubtitle")
subdescp1<- str_replace_all(subdescp1, "[\t\n\r]" , "")
for (i in c(5,6,10,19,33,34,35)){
webpage <- read_html(url)
Descp_data_html <- html_nodes(webpage,'.vip')
Descp_data <- html_text(Descp_data_html)
price_data_html <- html_nodes(web,'.prc .bold')
price_data <- html_text(price_data_html)
price_data<-str_replace_all(price_data, "[\t\n]" , "")
price_data<-gsub("Rs. ","",price_data)
price_data<- as.numeric(price_data)
Desc_data_html <- html_nodes(webpage,'.lvtitle+ .lvsubtitle')
Desc_data <- html_text(Desc_data_html, trim = TRUE)
j7_f2<-data.frame(Title = Descp_data, Description= Desc_data, Sub_Description= Z, Pirce = price_data)
For instance you can use something like this.
data <- read_html("url.xml")
var <- data %>% html_nodes("//node") %>% xml_text()
# observations that don´t have certain nodes - fill them with NA
var_pair <- data %>% html_nodes("node_var_pair")
var_missing_clean = sapply(var_pair, function(x) {
tryCatch(xml_text(html_nodes(x, "./var_missing")),
error=function(err) NA)
df = data.frame(var, var_pair, var_missing)
Here there are three types of nodes that you may consider. var gathers the nodes that do not have missing data. var_pair includes the nodes that you want to pair with the nodes that contain missing observation and var_missing refers to the nodes with missing information. You can create variables and aggregate them in a data data frame (df)
The process here is simple and in two steps -- First extract all nodes at the block level (not each element and don't convert to text). This is a list of length equal to the number of blocks. Second from this extracted list extract each element as text and clean it. Since this is being done from a list, NA's where applicable are automatically coerced in the right places. See an example from the same ebay India site:
# specify the url
url <-""
# read the page
web <- read_html(url)
# define the supernode that has the entire block of information
super_node <- '.li'
# read as vector of all blocks of supernode (imp: use html_nodes function)
super_node_read <- html_nodes(web, super_node)
# define each node element that you want
node_model_details <- '.lvtitle'
node_description_1 <- '.lvtitle+ .lvsubtitle'
node_description_2 <- '.lvsubtitle+ .lvsubtitle'
node_model_price <- '.prc .bold'
node_shipping_info <- '.bfsp'
# extract the output for each as cleaned text (imp: use html_node function)
model_details <- html_node(super_node_read, node_model_details) %>%
html_text() %>%
str_replace_all("[\t\n\r]" , "")
description_1 <- html_node(super_node_read, node_description_1) %>%
html_text() %>%
str_replace_all("[\t\n\r]" , "")
description_2 <- html_node(super_node_read, node_description_2) %>%
html_text() %>%
str_replace_all("[\t\n\r]" , "")
model_price <- html_node(super_node_read, node_model_price) %>%
html_text() %>%
str_replace_all("[\t\n\r]" , "")
shipping_info <- html_node(super_node_read, node_shipping_info) %>%
html_text() %>%
str_replace_all("[\t\n\r]" , "")
# create the data.frame
mobile_phone_data <- data.frame(
