Newly added button( DevExpress.XtraBars.ButtonItem) display as disable .Why so that? - devexpress

i have added a button item to a top ribbontoo my windows form . but it shown like disable (couldn't perform click event) when i run the application.but in the Button properties Enable =true.enter image description here


How to add condition when element presented only?

My app behave like this:
Add items -> user clicks Add button -> app return to main page
IF there are too many items, after user clicks Add button -> new dialog prompt 'waiting...', then user click OK button -> user click send button again
it is a loop if the new dialog prompt after send button is clicked. (from manual testing, this dialog could appear 2-3 times only).
I have written test case after click add ->
if there is dialog appear then click ok -> click add -> back to mainpage.
it is working fine when the new dialog appear.
I noticed if the new dialog does not appear, ROBOT still proceed to the ${VERIFIED} lines....this causing the script pausing for quite sometimes. no error but how do I get rid of it?
However the application may prompt the dialog many times when server loading is slow.
I want robot press this ok whenever dialog appear again then click add.
How do I achieve it?
Add Item
Click Add
${VERIFIED} Run Keyword And Return Status Wait Until Page Contains Element ${ANDROID-WIDGET-TEXT-VIEW}\[#text='Please wait'] 3s
Run Keyword If ${VERIFIED} Wait Until Page Contains And Click ${ANDROID-WIDGET-BUTTON}\[#text='OK']
Run Keyword If ${VERIFIED} Click Add
Wait Until Page Contains Navigation Bar Title MainPage not showing in summary window

I'm making a trigger which fires on element click (Button) on my Add to cart button , When I click while on GTM Preview mode I cannot see the in summary window , I also have clicked all the Click Variables inside Variables tab , what else can I do , or am I missing something?
I inspected the element of the button through firebug
class="btn-add-to-cart">ADD TO CART
The Trigger fires on
Some Clicks > Click Classes equals btn-add-to-cart
Tag Configuration
Track Type : Event
Label:{(Page URL)}
Enable Display Advertising Features Clicked
If that gtm.clicks tab shows I can inspect the Click Class variable for that and then it might work .
Currently it is not showing.
Did you enable the CLICKS from VARIABLE configuration ? Also make sure Tag is active

Custom popup in JavaFX

Is there any way to create a custom PopUp in JavaFX? I can't use tooltip, since I would like it to appear on double click, also I would like a different style than the standard tooltip.
My demands for the popup are:
1. If the user double click, show the popup
2. if the user clicks outside the popup, hide it
See this guide on all the different types of popups.
Use Popup.
Popup popup = new Popup();
// add content (you can add as many nodes as you want)
popup.getContent().add(new Label("Hello Popup!"));
// show (move this to the double-click listener);
// hide (move this to the click listener)

Retrieve button name in Oracle Forms Builder after right click

I'm using Oracle Forms Builder. I have a button which has a pop-up menu attached to it. I need to retrieve the name of that button into a text_item after the user right clicks on it and selects one of the pop-up option.
If you need the name of the button clicked inside a trigger like when-button-pressed, then you can use the system parameter :system.trigger_item this will give you the item that fired the trigger. So if you use that in the when-button-pressed trigger you will get the item that pressed the button.
If you start another application instead of just a popup or so and you need the item in that application then you can set a global or create a parameterlist with the itemname and then you can refer to that in the application you just started.

Vaadin : Upload button listener

How can I get the upload button listener of component upload? This is because I want to validate other fields upon clicking the upload button. I've tried adding...
upload.addListener(new Upload.StartedListener() {});
It only works if there is already a chosen file but if the file is blank, it didn't.
Try to hide the submit button of Upload with CSS and create a button that calls:
No need to hide the 'Upload' Button with CSS.
Another simple way to hide:
Upload upload = new Upload("Caption", receiver);
upload.setButtonCaption(null);//will hide the Upload Button
