How to combine multiple 2D R plots into a single 3D plot - r

I am trying to stack multiple 2d plots into a single 3d plot in R.
For example, I want to try and put these plots
into a single 3d image. The z axis would be the biomass density, y axis be the size and the x axis be the time step (and then hopefully I could use a surface plot to join up all the lines). My aim is to try and show the wave travelling through the size over a long period of time instead of showing lots of images.
Does anyone know how to do this?


Draw quadratics with it crossing the x and y axis with points labled

I'm trying to draw curves and I need to have it crossing the x and y axis with where it crossing shown clearly on the graph.
Im using the code
curve(x^2-8*x+16, -2, 10)
this is making the curve I want but not showing the curve clearly crossing the axis
I have used Desmos to show what im aiming to create.

How to extract xy-data from Julia plots?

I am using the contour function from Julia's Plots to plot level curves. I want to extract a list of x coordinates and a list of y coordinates corresponding to the level curves from the plot, e.g., something like this. Is there a way to do it in Julia?
Not for contour, unfortunately. For most plot types you can extract the input data of, e.g. the first series in the first subplot, with p[1][1][:x]. But for contour in particular Plots does not generate the level curves, it simply passes the matrix to the backend that then does the computation and display.

Contour plot with 90 degree angles

I have a matrix, say cmat <- matrix(c(0,0,1,0,1,1,0,1,1),3,3) and I would like to plot the exact contours of the "region" with containing ones.
When using a contourplot(cmat) what I get is lines that define a sort of "smoothed" contour rather than following exactly the tiles. What I would like is a graph made only out of vertical and horizontal lines.
Does anyone know a function performing that?
Thanks in advance,

R find an area of a filled countour plot made from matrix

Is there a way to calculate an area of a filled countour like plot in r?
This image is just an example and not representative of my data. But I would, for example, want to calculate all areas above 1600. My data is in matrix for with speeds in each cell. The columns represent evenly spaced time intervals however my y axis or rows each represent a particular length and are not evenly spaced. The filled contour plot would be interpolating. I would like to bypass creating a color plot all together and just find the are of say speeds less than 35mph.

jfreechart xy series plot data points

In JFreechart xySeries I want to plot the lines using a very dense set of points in order to show curves with precision, however, I want to plot the points with less density. For example, I have 100 data points each one is 1 unit apart on the x axis, but I only want to plot the point every 5 unit. I do,however, want the lines to be connected every 1 unit in order to show the curve with high density.
Is this possible?
You can subclass XYLineAndShapeRenderer and override getItemShapeVisible(int series, int item).
