How to edit a scss file in django-cms? - django-cms

I have been searching all over for information on where django-cms is storing the CSS and SCSS data for my site, which I am working on localhost. When I go to edit the CSS file directly, it has no effect, so I'm wondering what needs to be done to edit those CSS files. Obviously they have been loaded somewhere. How can they be reloaded, or in general what is the best practice for editing the CSS files?

Apparently I had to do this with both the style.scss and style.css files, which seem to have the same css classes. But even after editing both files, I had to refresh the site on my localhost a few times before I could see the changes. Frustrating, but it does work to edit the files directly in the static folder.

#Lawrence DeSouza At first you should mention which plugins and style frameworks you use.
If you are using some sort of a frontend framework like Bootstrap 4 your should compile its css from scss separately. You can do it right on the dev server in a separate directory outside your project dir and cloned from the official repository. Normally you would only need to change variables in "/bootstrap-4.x.y/scss/_variables.scss" file. On the next step you would compile your *.css files with "npm run dist" command and then copy compiled files from "/bootstrap-4.x.y/dist" directory to your "/projectname/appname/static/css" directory. The process is well-documented here. After copying changed files to your "static" folder you should run "python collectstatic" and refresh the page. If it's not working after refreshing the page in a browser (normally it should work) - restart the server. I am a bit biased towards Bootstrap, but the logic should be the same in your case.


Updating website's style with SASS and uploading it to server

I made changes to my website styles using the specific SASS file for the specific page that I updated. Now, in order to make this changes to my published website (until now, everything was done locally), should I upload just the modified SASS file? Or should I upload the main SASS and CSS files where everything is being compiled locally?
Answering my own question: the solution is to upload the newly modified SASS file, together with the main SASS file and the CSS file and it will work.

How to Use CodeKit with WordPress and Foundation

I’m a new user to CodeKit and sass and I’ve been playing around with it for the past few days trying to figure out how to use it correctly to improve my workflow.
I’m building a WP project so I start by creating a new CodeKit project with Zurb and compass. It outputs the files and I throw them into a folder called 'Foundation'. I then throw in my WordPress files, and throw that ‘Foundation’ folder into the theme I’m working on in WP in my ‘assets’ folder. I know in the YouTube video CodeKit mentions not to pull the files out so that any linking isn’t messed up, but I can’t keep those files in the root of my project because they need to be within the theme.
So it looks like this:
Assets is also where my sass files live for the overall site
Where I get hung up is in the compiling of the files.
I have one master style.sass file where I import all my partials and that works correctly. I want to include the foundation app.scss file so everything is in one place, but it doesn’t call it up. It says the compiling is complete, but when I look at the code it’s just the import line without the foundation code actually being outputted. I also found that if I place my sass partials in a folder called partials, CodeKit can't compile them, even though I'm importing them with the folder name, example: partials/layout, instead of layout.
I’m doing this locally so I can’t show you the link, but I guess I just feel like I’m setting this up entirely wrong.
My question are:
How do others setup their projects on CodeKit with WordPress and Foundation?
Is it correct to import .scss files into a .sass file?
Any help would be appreciated.
You should make your CodeKit project only contain the folder for the theme you are developing. CodeKit should then put foundation, jquery, and other scripts and frameworks in a folder called bower_components because it uses bower to fetch the project's dependencies.
The advantage of using bower is you can update the packages from the command line and also through CodeKit. You can also keep dependencies out of the git repo by adding bower_components to your .gitignore file.
Check out this directory structure that I use based on the Roots Sage Starter Theme
|--main.js // custom js for theme goes here
|--main.scss // all sass is imported through this file
|--/dist // all files compile to this directory
|--app.js // all js files concatenated together
|--app.css // main.scss outputs all imported sass to this file
|--style.css // no actual styles in this file, just theme info

Realtime css / scss edition with meteor avoiding server restart

While building large applications with meteor, we do face the regular problem of editing the stylesheets files. Once a file is edited, the whole application reloads which takes time each time a little change is made. A large project implicitly implies complex css files. For this reason I chosen to use the sass in order to structure them and be more efficient in the development processing. What I'm looking for is a workflow where I can change the .scss files in an editor and watch the result in real time in my meteor app.
Here is what you need (it looks fastidious but do not be afraid, it worth it):
Setup your project to externalise .css files
Meteor compiles all the .css files into one monolithic one, most of the css editors are not expecting this behaviour. For the development phase, I do recommend to use the traditional approach of including the stylesheet to the html page itself. to do so:
Create a public folder in the root of your meteor project: meteorProject/public
Add a css file into this folder: meteorProject/public/style.css
Import the stylesheet in your main html code <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/style.css" />
What you did ? You created a public repository accessible through the path localhost:3000/ then you added the stylesheet style.css to this repository, that one became available through the relative path /style.css. By using this technique, meteor will not compile neither include by itself the stylesheet to your project, you just load it manually in the regular way using the link tag. Now it is time to configure an editor.
Now that the styles are imported the way they were 10 year ago, you can use compatible tools which will override the style to allow live editing. A simple one but only for css is the well known Espresso (formerly CSSEdit), open the page and override the styles… but that one is currently not supporting .scss files.
Editing .scss files in realtime with meteor:
To achieve this, you will need to use Sublime Text 2 or 3 as the editor, you can get it here: it is not free but there is no feature nor time restriction. So if you continue using it, just buy it to support the developers team.
You will need the awesome tool to allow the live edition which is takana, get it here:
That takana is freaking awesome! the concept is the following: Once installed and ran it will create a server interacting with the sublimetext editor, then you are requested to add a js snippet to your code so that the browser will get connected with the takana server and reload the .css or .scss files in realtime without having to reboot meteor.
To setup the meteor project with takana just do the following:
open the terminal
sudo npm install -g takana (enter your password if requested)
start takana in another terminal by providing it the absolute path of the meteorProject/public folder created above is might look something like: takana /Users/aUser/meteorProject/public
Add to your main html page the js snippet <script type="text/javascript" src="http://localhost:48626/takana.js"></script>
You are all set, now to use it
Start your meteor project in a second terminal. command meteor from the right path…
Open any browser to your meteor page i.e. probably http://localhost:3000
Open sublimetext, try editing your style.css file, the css changes are automatically displayed on the browser page without saving anything.
This is also working with .scss file. Just rename the style.css to style.css.scss and edit it within sublime text. Here the magic happen, you are editing a scss file with live result on a meteor application without having to reload anything.
Once you are satisfied with the result you can either compile the .scss to a .css file and add it the regular way to the project, or use the meteor .scss package which will do this for you at each restart. Note: Don't forget to remove the js and style snippet one to your code once in production.
Last but not least: you can open the project in several browsers and see them be refreshed in live while you edit the file in SublimeText, also it worked fine with Safari, FF but for some reasons I had to use "Google Chrome Canary" instead of "Chrome". Please comment if you made it work on other browsers such as IE, Opera or even if it worked with the regular "Chrome" on your computer.

How to create cms templates from HTML files via GruntJS?

In my webdesign process i use jade, sass, coffe etc. to generate static files via a GruntJS watch task into a dev folder. And most of the times after the build process is done, a cms comes along and want some templates to work. Thats usually html files with some php/ruby/python tags in it. Let´s say it´s a Wordpress Theme.
The Problem is:
i have to modify my generated files in the dev folder directly
when im modifing my source jade, html, coffee - files, the dev folder would be overwritten
if i clone the static files and move them into the theme folder, i have to apply manually every change i made to the src/dev folder to the cloned theme template files.
that´s very odd. So i´am in need of a grunt task that maybe...
generate the templates for me out of the static files (via a json mapping file)
generate the templates directly from the src files via special attributes, comments or something similar
There´s just one thread i found where the user tries to accomplish the same with jsdom.
Can someone help me to find a existing tool that accomplish such a task or do i have to build it on my own?
Thanks, Robert
Check out grunt-usemin
Replaces references to non-optimized scripts or stylesheets into a set of HTML files (or any templates/views)

rails caching problem with css

I have two different css files... style.css and style_main.css
both are used separately in different layouts for the same application. In development mode everything works fine, but when in production mode, caching happens and both css files are loaded as all.css?xxxxxxx but unfortunately all.css is made from style.css and does not update with the change in layout. how do i prevent this???
When you deploy the code to the production server, you are probably also deploying the all.css file. Have you tried excluding this file from your version control system? When you update style.css etc on your development machine, commit the changes and then redeploy, rails will re-generate all.css if it finds that it isn't already in the public folder.
