how to access Qt MainWindow members - qt

In my project, I want to call a variable QImage image generated in the mainwindow.h, in other class files, e.g., called SegSetupDialog.h. Here the image is loaded by clicking a pushbutton in mainwindow.ui, and the SegSetupDialog is a QDialog, which pops up by clicking one pushbutton in mainwindow.ui.
I tried to use a signal-slot connection to send qimage of mainwindow to SegSetupDialog as follows.
For Class MainWindow:
SegSetupDialog *segsetup;
emit sendImgData(image);
qDebug()<<"sendImgData emitted!";
if(segsetup==NULL) segsetup = new SegSetupDialog();
connect(this, SIGNAL(sendImgData(QImage)),segsetup,SLOT(getImgData(QImage)),Qt::QueuedConnection);
In SegSetupDialog::getImgData
void SegSetupDialog::getImgData(QImage qimage)
qImg = qimage;
qDebug()<<"qimage received!";
The above connection seems not to work since the qDebug message in getImgData is not printed out. Anyone can help check something wrong with codes, or suggest other methods for accessing image of mainwindow? Thanks!!

You need to do the signal/slot connection before you emit the signal. Connections are done once, usually in the constructor.
However, you should probably do the connect() in the constructor of SegSetupDialog instead of the MainWindow one. It's SegSetupDialog that wants to be notified about image data updates, so you should establish the connection there.
Also, to make sure the signals and slots are specified correctly, don't use Qt 4 connect() calls. Use Qt 5 ones that are checked at compile-time:
connect(this, &MainWindow::sendImgData,
segsetup, &SegSetupDialog::getImgData, Qt::QueuedConnection);
(Of course change it appropriately if you move it to the SegSetupDialog constructor.)


Send signal data from QMainwindow to QDialog

I am going to send data collected in the QMainWindow to an object of QDialog via signal-slot connections. Here is the relevant code fragment to do this in mainwindow.cpp:
void MainWindow::on_dialogA_clicked()
if(dialogA==NULL) dialogA =new MyDialog();
//'this' refers to MainWindow
connect(this,SIGNAL(sendData(QVector<bool>)), dialogA, SLOT(getData(QVector<bool>)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
However when working with dialogA, it seems that the data are not updated properly and the dialog interface becomes Not responding after while. I wonder if the signal-slot connection above is right or not, or that is the way to have data communication with a QDiaglog.
Two things...first, switch to the modern method of creating signal/slot connections:
connect (this, &MainWindow::sendData, dialogA, &MyDialog::getData, Qt::QueuedConnection);
If there's something wrong with the definition, using this format allows the compiler to catch it rather than a run-time warning. Assuming the parameters are defined correctly, there's nothing wrong with the "connect" statement except that it's in the wrong place, which is the second issue.
Every time the user clicks, an additional connection is being made between your main window and the dialog. Qt doesn't automatically ensure that only one connection is made between a given signal and slot. It'll create as many as you ask it for. The "connect" call should be part of the "if" block:
if (! dialogA)
dialogA =new MyDialog();
Depending on how much data is in that vector and what the dialog does with it, if you click enough times, it may be that you're just processing the data so many times that everything slows down tremendously.

Is there any QML window UI fully constructed signal?

I've found this, but it is only about QWidget based project. What about ApplicationWindow components in QML?
Finally I've connected to frameSwapped signal of the main top-level QQuickWindow of my application. It is called right after each repainting is done. So, after first repainting, my slot would be called, and I will start to really load the data (what is rather slow). Inside this slot I'm destroying this connection, so I don't slow down the application.
QQuickWindow* mainWindow =
QMetaObject::Connection loadingFinished =
QObject::connect(mainWindow, SIGNAL(frameSwapped()),
&controller, SLOT(construct()));
void Controller::construct() // this is slot
// some really long operation
Hope it will be helpful for someone.

How to disconnect a signal with a slot temporarily in Qt?

I connect a slot with a signal. But now I want to disconnect them temporarily.
Here is part of my class declaration:
class frmMain : public QWidget
QTimer *myReadTimer;
private slots:
void on_btnDownload_clicked();
In the constructor of frmMain, I connect myReadTimer with a slot so that ReadMyCom will be called every 5 seconds:
myReadTimer=new QTimer(this);
But, in slot on_btnDownload_clicked. I don't want myReadTimer to emit any signal in on_btnDownload_clicked's scope. So I want to disconnect them at the beginning of on_btnDownload_clicked and reconnect them in the end. Like this:
void frmMain::on_btnDownload_clicked()
//some method to disconnect the slot & singal
...//the code that I want myReadTimer to leave me alone
//some method to reconnect the slot & singal
I searched in Stackoverflow and got some answer like call the QObject destructor. But I don't know how to use it.
I also tried to use disconnect, like:
QMetaObject::Connection myConnect;
disconnect(& myConnect);
But it still not work. So could any one help me how to do this?
There is a very nice function in QObject that comes in handy every now and again: QObject::blockSignals()
Here's a very simple fire-and-forget class that will do what you want. I take no credit for it's design, I found it on the internet somewhere a long time ago. Be careful though, it will block all signals to all objects. If this is not what you want, you can modify the class to suit your needs.
class SignalBlocker{
SignalBlocker(QObject *o): object(o), alreadyBlocked(object->signalsBlocked()){
if (!alreadyBlocked){
~SignalBlocker() {
if (!alreadyBlocked){
QObject *object;
bool alreadyBlocked;
Usage, in your case, becomes trivial
void frmMain::on_btnDownload_clicked()
SignalBlocker timerSignalBlocker(myReadTimer);
...//the code that I want myReadTimer to leave me alone
// signals automatically unblocked when the function exits
I see that from Qt 5.3, a very similar class has been offically added to the API. It does a similar job as the one above with a slightly bigger feature-set. I suggest you use the official QSignalBlocker class instead in order to keep your codebase up-to-date with any API changes.
Usage, however, remains exactly the same.
Disconnect/reconnect syntax
There are many ways to call disconnect, depending on exactly what you want disconnected. See the QObject documentation page for an explanation of how they work.
Here's an example using 0 to mean "disconnect all slots."
void frmMain::on_btnDownload_clicked()
// disconnect everything connected to myReadTimer's timeout
disconnect(myReadTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), 0, 0);
...//the code that I want myReadTimer to leave me alone
// restore the connection
Or you can specify the exact signal-slot pair to disconnect by copying your 'connect' syntax, like this:
Stopping the timer
Since you're working with a timer, this may be simpler:
void frmMain::on_btnDownload_clicked()
// stop the timer (so you won't get any timeout signals)
...//the code that I want myReadTimer to leave me alone
// restart the timer (using whatever interval was set previously)
Differences from your original approach:
Since you're stopping and restarting the timer, the next time it fires will be interval after your slot function finishes.
Do you need to do anything special at all?
In a single-threaded Qt application, if you're already handling a signal, another signal won't "jump in the middle" of that code. Instead it'll be queued up as an even to handle immediately after the current slot returns.
So perhaps you don't need to stop or disconnect your timer at all.
Differences from your original approach:
If on_btnDownload_clicked takes a while to execute, you might have multiple ReadMyCom events queued up after on_btnDownload_clicked completes. (Note that at this point you'd have an operation that basically "locks up" your GUI for a while anyway; it may make more sense to refactor the function or give it its own thread.)

nube: stdio to QTextedit

I've read lots of similar threads to this one but im not such a great programmer that i can make sense of it all. Im using qtcreator to make life simple and want to maka a program that can trigger another process, monitor its stdout and then kill it if necessary.
What I assume i want to do is create a QTextedit in the designer and plug a signal into it that updates the contained text whenever the stream updates, so far so good, but thats where i get fuzzy. My initial thought was to create a subclass of QObject that starts the process as a QProcess and whenever the stdout updates the QObject and appends new data to the QTextedit box.
So my program structure would run like this:
on button press create new QObject derived class.
The QObject derived class constructor starts a QProcess and connects the readyReadStdout() signal to the derived qObject class slot.
When the derived QObject is triggered it takes readyReadStdout() and appends any new data to the QTetEdit box.
on button press, call the derived QObject destructor and which kills the process.
Has anybody done something similar? Like i say ive read similar posts but sometimes it takes asking a question in your own words to be able to understand it
Thanks everyone (also my forst post, woo:)
Ok so heres my update:
I have added an instance of QProcess class (named proc) to my mainWindow class and also new instance of a QObject derived class (named procLog) to which I added a slot. I want this slot to take the readyReadStandardOutput() signal as a trigger to call readAllStandardOutput() and emit the new line to a new signal in procLog, I'm having trouble connecting the QProcess slot to the QObject derived class. heres what I'm trying:
connect(proc, SIGNAL(readyReadStandardOutput ()), procLog, SLOT(logReady()));
I get, error: QObject::connect: Cannot connect (null)::readyReadStandardOutput () to (null)::logReady()
Do you know why this is. Aslo is there a way to add code blocks to text in the comments?

How to set QWidget cursor outside the GUI thread

I am working on QT GUI project. In this application I have a QWidget as main window. I make the cursor from data coming from some source. When I set the cursor of widget. It gives me the following error.
QPixmap: It is not safe to use pixmaps outside the GUI thread
My code is as follows
void ImageWindow::setMouseCursor(unsigned char* data,unsigned char* maskbits,unsigned int length,int xHotSpot, int yHotSpot)
QBitmap bitmapData;
QBitmap bitmapMaskData;
Function setMouseCursor is called from other class, which set the data of cursor.
ImageWindow is my customized QWidget class.
Apparently, the object which calls setMouseCursor lives outside the GUI thread as far as i can tell. In order to avoid this, make setMouseCursor a slot. Do not call the slot directly, instead emit a signal from the caller object, and connect that signal to setMouseCursor slot using Qt::QueuedConnection.
See : ConnectionType
Two problems:
don't use a QBitmap outside the GUI-thread
don't call gui objects setCursor outside the GUI-thread
Creating a Paint Device
One advantage of using QImage as a
paint device is that it is possible to
guarantee the pixel exactness of any
drawing operation in a
platform-independent way. Another
benefit is that the painting can be
performed in another thread than the
current GUI thread.
