A6 GSM Module | How to Play audio file with A6 mini GSM Module - gsm

I want to play an .amr file with A6 mini GSM Module.
In the datasheet of A6 GSM module it is noted that this module supports digital audio and analog audio, supports HR, FR, EFR, AMR voice coding.
I want to know if I can make a voice call using this module and play a pre-recorded audio file instead of plugging the microphone?
Can I store the audio file to the flash buffer of this module?
Is there an AT Command to do this?
How can I do this?


Problem with flashing project code to CC2541 chip (using CCLoader)

I have followed the project
which could turn the HM-10 Bluetooth module into a bluetooth mouse to control smart phone
but the LED on HM-10 was not blinking (if the flashing process is successful it will blink)
after I flashed the code
build project and export hex file on IAR embedded testbench
use hex2bin tool to convert .hex file into .bin file
command: hex2bin.exe HM-10_CC2541_Experimental.hex the output a binary file
upload ccloader code to my Arduino UNO board
(ccloader link:https://github.com/RedBearLab/CCLoader)
connect wire like this post
the flash the code
command:CCloader.exe 5 HM-10_CC2541_Experimental.hex 0
(format: CCloader.exe [com port] [.bin file] [0:is default setting UNO board] )
Result pic
and the LED on HM-10 was not blinking
my Android phone cannot discover the device
and the HM-10 cannot response to the serial port monitor in Arduino IDE.
I have not idea what can i do now 😥

How to read a flash drive with the MAX3421E USB Host module built in an Arduino Mega 2560?

I'm using an Arduino Mega 2560 (Iteaduino ADK v1.0d to be more specific, like the one shown below). It has a built-in MAX3421E USB Host module.
The main goal is: I want to read a text file from a flash drive plugged into its USB port.
From the board's documentation, I know that the USB Host module uses the following Arduino pins:
7 - RST
50 - MISO
51 - MOSI
52 - SCK
I have tried using Kroll's library (https://github.com/felis/USB_Host_Shield_2.0) to do some mass storage testing and see what happens (i.e. https://github.com/felis/USB_Host_Shield_2.0/blob/master/examples/USB_desc/USB_desc.ino), but nothing happened.
Also, I tried using the Greiman's library (https://github.com/greiman/UsbFat) with the DriveInfo example (https://github.com/greiman/UsbFat/blob/master/UsbFat/examples/UsbDriveInfo/UsbDriveInfo.ino) and it only returned:
UsbFat version: 20141220
FreeRam 7075
Error: initUSB failed
I think there might be the pins settings that are pointing to somewhere else, or I'm just using the wrong libraries for my board.
Does anybody know how to implement it to use the built-in USB port to read a flash drive?
The solution was to select Arduino Mega ADK as the board and the code uploads and runs.

How can i convert MP3 into PWM?

For a project that I am doing I am trying to essentially convert an mp3 file into vibrations. I have talked to staff at SparkFun Electronics who set me up with the Lilypad Vibe Board and the Arduino Uno. It is in my understanding that with the Arduino Uno its unable to read an MP3 file and convert it into PWM so that the Lilypad Vibe Board can produce the vibrations. Does anyone know if there is any code or another device that will allow me to do this? I have researched the Raspberry Pi but am also unsure as to if this will work in the way i would like it to work. Any help would be greatly appreciated. My aim is to take an mp3 file, convert it into PWM so that the Lilypad Vibe Board would be able to create the vibrations in relation to the mp3 file.

Use Arduino board as regular AVR microcontroller

I want to use ATmega2560 MC, but it manufactured only as surface mount IC which means i must make PCB to use it. I searched for a per-made kit and found Arduino Mega R3 board contains the desired MC. (It contains less I/O pins but that's OK for now). Can i implement my code (without any arduino code) in this board? or should i modify it to work with Arduino, also if it runs in the board will it be the same as normal IC or there will be differences in speed.
The MCU in the Arduino Mega2560 is a stock ATmega2560. There is no need to use the Arduino libraries to program it and no need to use the Arduino tools to communicate with it; avr-gcc and avrdude will work with it as normal. Note that you will need to select the appropriate programmer/protocol in avrdude for the bootloader programmed on the chip if you want to program it via serial rather than ISP.

Arduino - Play MP3 From SD Card

I have an SD Card Shield from seeed studio attached to my Arduino Uno board. I also have an SD card with a siren .MP3 file in it. I want my Arduino board to play the MP3 file but I am not sure how to get it to do that. I have a speaker connected as well.
As mentioned the Arduino is not able to decode MP3's. As an alternative you could convert the MP3 to the less cpu intensive WAVe file format then use Adafruit's Wave library to play the file out a pin.
Or you can use the VS1053 Co-Processor Shield to play the MP3 file.
The Arduino Uno does not have enough power to play MP3s in software. You will need to get a separate hardware MP3 decoder and instruct it to play them instead.
There is a new Library that will play WAV files. It can be found at https://github.com/TMRh20/TMRpcm
