Where can I see the SwiftPM Manifest file definition? - swift-package-manager

It started as simple as that I would like to look up all possible providers. Which ones are allowed?
However, where is the full struct definition?

There isn't a place that I am aware of where the documentation is hosted outside of the GitHub repo here.
I just dig through those and the actual implementation files if needs be to figure out what is available to me if I'm looking for/at new features.
As of WWDC 2019 there is now documentation on Apple's developer website for the package manager. It is here at the time of updating this.


Alfresco content services - Extentions/AMP/customization - How does it work?

I have recently started learning about Alfresco Content Service.
I have some questions:
My understanding is that the standard way to add customization is to create AMP's.
Why create an amps for each customization instead of adding it directly to the configurations of ACS? Are there some benefits like not having to restart the service or something?
If apply_amps adds all custom amps to the alfresco server (.war files), won't there be a risk of customizations writing over each other?
E.g if two different amps change the same standard button in the share service.
I have found that there are 2 ways to add these customizations as well:
Add dependency to the pom file. (works only for .jar)
Actually compile the .amp and move it to the correct folder and run apply_amps.sh.
From the documentation it seems to my like AMP-files used to be the standard way of adding customization but that there have now been a move away from this in favor of using regular jar files and eventually in 7.1 and forward use JSON instead.
Yet other tutorials I find mentions things like "always use .amp". Which then seems strange if it contradicts the information on the official documentation.
Also I found something about adding amps through the share interface? Or must they always be added when building the server (.war)?
Could someone provide me with a thorough explanation of the best practice for applying customizations to the alfresco content service? Preferably with details regarding a live production setting.
Thanks for helping me make some of this clearer.
I'll try to give you helpful answers:
Making app packages (APMs or JARs) is much better than changing config manually. It's good for versioning, portability (TEST vs PROD or between projects), composition (you can add some addons witch are often very useful)... It is standard and good way how to build a web app.
About conflict of customizations, I'm not sure how it works. Is good practise always use own namespace for every AMP.
If AMPs write to the same file, result is always append (share-config-custom.xml can get be very big).
Problem about JARs and AMPs is simple. Old version of Alfresco supports more AMPs than JARs. Now it does not matter with way you use. Try to look inside these packages they look very similarly.
I never heard about adding AMPs through the share interface. Have you some source? Only thing which is similar is creating content model through Model manager (https://docs.alfresco.com/content-services/latest/tutorial/model/)
I use for PROD combination of AMPs and JARs. I have a lot of legacy code and addons in AMPs and new things in JARs. Alfresco work with them same...

Amplify API Reference

I am having a really difficult time navigating the API reference. The old AWS SDK for java used to have all used classes labeled with their proper parameters, errors thrown, and return values. I am not finding this with Amplify.
Currently I am trying to understand the Amplify.storage class for Android. The closest reference I can find for it is here,
The problem is that it does not describe the function used by their tutorial, Amplify.Storage.downloadFile()
This all seems to be the javascript implementation of this and not the java based SDK so maybe that is the problem. I've been digging around on google and I can't find anything useful, is there reference material out there that I am just not finding or is this what we have to work with?
As I dig I keep getting linked back to the tutorial which is very frustrating because I want more information than what the tutorial provides.
The Amplify Android project does not currently publish its Javadoc.
I have created an issue for this on the Amplify Android GitHub repo.
For the time-being, your best bet is to read the source code, which does contain JavaDoc. The API for the storage category is here.

Getting started Alfresco development

I want to develop Document Manager application based on Alfresco. I am going to change there many things: user interface, language, may be some functions... But I don't know how to start, where I can get Alfresco source code, how can I rewrite codes with netBeans and how can I test my changes. This is my first serious project so I need any help. Where I can get Started ?!
A very popular way to get started is to work through my tutorials.
You don't need the source code, although it is available and helpful when you are troubleshooting or learning how something works. Instead of forking Alfresco you will write extensions that customize the platform. If you find yourself needing to compile Alfresco's source code, most likely you are doing something wrong.

Programatically get the latest Google Hosted library version?

Do anyone know if there's a way to programatically get the latest version of a Google hosted library?
The reason why I'm asking this is to use it in a template generator. IMHO, it's good to download latest library at the time the template is being applied to the project and it's slightly annoying having to update the repo just because the library released a new version.
Don't get me wrong, this isn't meant to always use the latest while your app is working. It's meant to always give you the latest version available at the time of coming up with your project.
Thanks! :)
If you use cdnjs: http://cdnjs.com/packages.json
Also available via HTTPS: https://cdnjs.com/packages.json
I couldn't find a suitable solution so I went out there and built one. Would you give CDN.io a go and share your thoughts?
Objective? Always have the latest reference to a CDN hosted library, programatically.
Why could this be useful? I.e., to be used in template generators. In that way we can always rest assured that the user will get the latest version of their CDNed library and we don't have to worry about updating helpers anymore.
Why did I even bother? Because CDN services don't offer an API to access their list of hosted libraries!
What if you don't want to use the Web Service? No problem, just use it as a library.
Thanks! :)

Paypal PayFlow Pro Asp.Net configuration

So, this does not necessarily have to do directly with the code itself, although it is certainly a component of it.
I recently downloaded and installed the PayFlow Pro SDK for use with ASP.net
link here:
I installed this to my development machine. I also came accross this example code which I figured outlined the primary setup for basic Paypal Credit Card Transaction functionality.
link here:
Anyways, I have two main questions
Do I have to install the SDK on the web hosts server in order to utilize the functionality of it? This seems to make sense, however, the tutorial in the second link suggests I create a web reference. Unless I am not understanding something here, wouldn't this just strictly work on my development machine, or at least, the functionality of the remote website that references this web reference to access the sdk, would this not be dependent on my computer running and broadcasting this information?
I just need clarification on how to install and/or access the sdk for use on a remote webhosts server (ie. do i need to install the sdk on the web-hosts server and if so, how would one go about doing so (ie. where to install, how to install)?).
Are there any other clean cut examples like my second link provides, that sort of outline the basic functionality of Payflow Pro? I find paypal's examples numerous and convoluted and their online slides/video tutorials to be tedious.
Perhaps I should just get off my lazy ass, but I have found peers from the general community to be much more informative in a way more efficient manner, so any help would be greatly appreciated.
For anyone interested, after enough searching I found a great example that notified me of all the fundamental processes to creating a basic transaction and allowed me the knowledge to further manipulate the sdk.
Check it -
Code Projects PayflowPro example and introduction.
