Expand data.table so one row per pattern match of each ID - r

I have a lot of text data in a data.table. I have several text patterns that I'm interested in. I have managed to subset the table so it shows text that matches at least two of the patterns (relevant question here).
I now want to be able to have one row per match, with an additional column that identifies the match - so rows where there are multiple matches will be duplicates apart from that column.
It feels like this shouldn't be too hard but I'm struggling! My vague thoughts are around maybe counting the number of pattern matches, then duplicating the rows that many times...but then I'm not entirely sure how to get the label for each different pattern...(and also not sure that is very efficient anyway).
Thanks for your help!
Example data
text_table <- data.table(ID = (1:5),
text = c("lucy, sarah and paul live on the same street",
"lucy has only moved here recently",
"lucy and sarah are cousins",
"john is also new to the area",
"paul and john have known each other a long time"))
text_patterns <- as.character(c("lucy", "sarah", "paul|john"))
# Filtering the table to just the IDs with at least two pattern matches
text_table_multiples <- text_table[, Reduce(`+`, lapply(text_patterns,
function(x) str_detect(text, x))) >1]
Ideal output
required_table <- data.table(ID = c(1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5),
text = c("lucy, sarah and paul live on the same street",
"lucy, sarah and paul live on the same street",
"lucy, sarah and paul live on the same street",
"lucy has only moved here recently",
"lucy and sarah are cousins",
"lucy and sarah are cousins",
"john is also new to the area",
"paul and john have known each other a long time"),
person = c("lucy", "sarah", "paul or john", "lucy", "lucy", "sarah", "paul or john", "paul or john"))

A way to do that is to create a variable for each indicator and melt:
text_table[, lucy := stri_detect_regex(text, 'lucy')][ ,
sarah := stri_detect_regex(text, 'sarah')
][ ,`paul or john` := stri_detect_regex(text, 'paul|john')
melt(text_table, id.vars = c("ID", "text"))[value == T][, -"value"]
## ID text variable
## 1: 1 lucy, sarah and paul live on the same street lucy
## 2: 2 lucy has only moved here recently lucy
## 3: 3 lucy and sarah are cousins lucy
## 4: 1 lucy, sarah and paul live on the same street sarah
## 5: 3 lucy and sarah are cousins sarah
## 6: 1 lucy, sarah and paul live on the same street paul or john
## 7: 4 john is also new to the area paul or john
## 8: 5 paul and john have known each other a long time paul or john
A tidy way of doing the same procedure is:
text_table %>%
mutate(lucy = stri_detect_regex(text, 'lucy')) %>%
mutate(sarah = stri_detect_regex(text, 'sarah')) %>%
mutate(`paul or john` = stri_detect_regex(text, 'paul|john')) %>%
gather(value = value, key = person, - c(ID, text)) %>%
filter(value) %>%

DISCLAIMER: this is not an idiomatic data.table solution
I would build a helper function like the following, that take a single row and an input and returns a new dt with Nrows:
new_rows <- function(dtRow, patterns = text_patterns){
res <- map(text_patterns, function(word) {
textField <- grep(x = dtRow[1, text], pattern = word, value = TRUE) %>%
ifelse(is.character(.), ., NA)
personField <- str_extract(string = dtRow[1, text], pattern = word) %>%
ifelse( . == "paul" | . == "john", "paul or john", .)
idField <- ifelse(is.na(textField), NA, dtRow[1, ID])
data.table(ID = idField, text = textField, person = personField)
}) %>%
res[!is.na(text), ]
And I will execute it:
split(text_table, f = text_table[['ID']]) %>%
map_df(function(r) new_rows(dtRow = r))
The answer is:
ID text person
1: 1 lucy, sarah and paul live on the same street lucy
2: 1 lucy, sarah and paul live on the same street sarah
3: 1 lucy, sarah and paul live on the same street paul or john
4: 2 lucy has only moved here recently lucy
5: 3 lucy and sarah are cousins lucy
6: 3 lucy and sarah are cousins sarah
7: 4 john is also new to the area paul or john
8: 5 paul and john have known each other a long time paul or john
which looks like your required_table (duplicated IDs included)
ID text person
1: 1 lucy, sarah and paul live on the same street lucy
2: 1 lucy, sarah and paul live on the same street sarah
3: 1 lucy, sarah and paul live on the same street paul or john
4: 2 lucy has only moved here recently lucy
5: 3 lucy and sarah are cousins lucy
6: 3 lucy and sarah are cousins sarah
7: 4 john is also new to the area paul or john
8: 5 paul and john have known each other a long time paul or john


grepl for first column into last column: is this the most efficient

I have a list of names from different sources in one data set: one set is organized by FirstName LastName; the other has FullName. I want to see if the first name or the last name is within the full name column, and create a flag. Two questions:
First, I used this solution, but the resulting data doesn't have the right amount of rows, and I'm not sure how to get it to make a flag. I tried to turn it into an ifelse statement, but got another error. How do I fix this so if FirstName is in FullName, I flag True (or 1), otherwise I flag False (or 0)?
Second, I have a few million names, is this an efficient way to do things?
FirstName = c("mary", "paul", "mother", "john", "red", "little", "king")
LastName = c("berry", "hollywood", "theresa", "jones", "rover", "tim", "arthur")
FullName = c("mary berry", "anthony horrowitz", "jennifer lawrence", "john jones", "red rover", "mick jagger", "king arthur")
df = data.frame(FirstName, LastName, FullName)
#attempt 1 and error
df$match_firstname <- df[mapply(grepl, df$FirstName, df$FullName), ]
Error in `$<-.data.frame`(`*tmp*`, match_firstname, value = list(FirstName = c("mary", :
replacement has 4 rows, data has 7
#attempt 2 and error
df$match_firstname <- ifelse(df[mapply(grepl, df$FirstName, df$FullName), ], 1, 0)
Error in ifelse(df[mapply(grepl, df$FirstName, df$FullName), ], 1, 0) :
'list' object cannot be coerced to type 'logical'
Instead we could use str_detect which is vectorized for both pattern and string whereas in the Map/mapply code, it is looping over each row and thus could be less efficient
df %>%
filter(str_detect(FullName, FirstName))
FirstName LastName FullName
1 mary berry mary berry
2 john jones john jones
3 red rover red rover
4 king arthur king arthur
If we want to add a new binary column, instead of filtering, convert the logical to binary with as.integer or +
df <- df %>%
mutate(match_firstname = +(str_detect(FullName, FirstName)))
FirstName LastName FullName match_firstname
1 mary berry mary berry 1
2 paul hollywood anthony horrowitz 0
3 mother theresa jennifer lawrence 0
4 john jones john jones 1
5 red rover red rover 1
6 little tim mick jagger 0
7 king arthur king arthur 1
The error in the OP's code is because we are assigning a subset of data into a new column in the original dataset which obviously result in length difference
df[mapply(grepl, df$FirstName, df$FullName), ]
FirstName LastName FullName
1 mary berry mary berry
4 john jones john jones
5 red rover red rover
7 king arthur king arthur
Similar to the previous solution, use +
df$match_firstname <- +(mapply(grepl, df$FirstName, df$FullName))

Separate column into two: before and after a certain word

I have the following data set
> data
1: Light Ltd John Smith
2: Bolt Night Ltd Mary Poppins
3: Bright Yellow Sun Ltd Harry Potter
I want to separate it into two columns depending on the position of the "Ltd". So, the data would look like:
> data
firm_name name
1: Light Ltd John Smith
2: Bolt Night Ltd Mary Poppins
3: Bright Yellow Sun Ltd Harry Potter
I tried with the stringr package but did not find any particular solution.
thanks in advance
You can use separate from tidyr with a lookbehind regular expression for this.
df %>%
separate(col = firm_name, into = c("firm_name", "name"), sep = "(?<=Ltd)")
#> firm_name name
#> 1 Light Ltd John Smith
#> 2 Bolt Night Ltd Mary Poppins
#> 3 Bright Yellow Sun Ltd Harry Potter
df <- data.frame(firm_name = c("Light Ltd John Smith",
"Bolt Night Ltd Mary Poppins",
"Bright Yellow Sun Ltd Harry Potter"))
We can use base R with read.csv
read.csv(text = sub("(Ltd)", "\\1,", df$names),
header = FALSE, col.names = c('firm_name', 'name'))
# firm_name name
#1 Light Ltd John Smith
#2 Bolt Night Ltd Mary Poppins
#3 Bright Yellow Sun Ltd Harry Potter
df <- structure(list(names = c("Light Ltd John Smith",
"Bolt Night Ltd Mary Poppins",
"Bright Yellow Sun Ltd Harry Potter")), row.names = c(NA, -3L
), class = "data.frame")
Are you after something like this?
df <-
names = c("Light Ltd John Smith",
"Bolt Night Ltd Mary Poppins",
"Bright Yellow Sun Ltd Harry Potter")
df %>%
tidyr::separate(names, c("half_1", "half_2"), sep = "Ltd")
Does this work:
> df %>% mutate(name = gsub('([A-z].*Ltd) (.*)','\\2', df$firm_name), firm_name = gsub('([A-z].*Ltd) (.*)','\\1', df$firm_name))
# A tibble: 3 x 2
firm_name name
<chr> <chr>
1 Light Ltd John Smith
2 Bolt Night Ltd Mary Poppins
3 Bright Yellow Sun Ltd Harry Potter
Data used:
> df
# A tibble: 3 x 1
1 Light Ltd John Smith
2 Bolt Night Ltd Mary Poppins
3 Bright Yellow Sun Ltd Harry Potter
Using tidyr::extract :
tidyr::extract(df, names, c('firm_name', 'name'), regex = '(.*Ltd)\\s(.*)')
# A tibble: 3 x 2
# firm_name name
# <chr> <chr>
#1 Light Ltd John Smith
#2 Bolt Night Ltd Mary Poppins
#3 Bright Yellow Sun Ltd Harry Potter
Or in base R :
df$name <- sub('.*Ltd\\s', '', df$names)
df$firm_name <- sub('(.*Ltd).*', '\\1', df$names)
df$names <- NULL
Another base R option
strsplit(df$names, "(?<=Ltd)\\s+", perl = TRUE)
c("firm_name", "name")
firm_name name
1 Light Ltd John Smith
2 Bolt Night Ltd Mary Poppins
3 Bright Yellow Sun Ltd Harry Potter

separate different combinations of names to first and last using dplyr, tidyr, and regex

Sample data frame:
name <- c("Smith John Michael","Smith, John Michael","Smith John, Michael","Smith-John Michael","Smith-John, Michael")
df <- data.frame(name)
1 Smith John Michael
2 Smith, John Michael
3 Smith John, Michael
4 Smith-John Michael
5 Smith-John, Michael
I need to achieve the following desired output:
name first.name last.name
1 Smith John Michael John Smith
2 Smith, John Michael John Smith
3 Smith John, Michael Michael Smith John
4 Smith-John Michael Michael Smith-John
5 Smith-John, Michael Michael Smith-John
The rules are: if there is a comma in the string, then anything before is the last name. the first word following the comma is first name. If no comma in string, first word is last name, second word is last name. hyphenated words are one word. I would rather acheive this with dplyr and regex but I'll take any solution. Thanks for the help
You can achieve your desired result using strsplit switching between splitting by "," or " " based on whether there is a comma or not in name. Here, we define two functions to make the presentation clearer. You can just as well inline the code within the functions.
get.last.name <- function(name) {
lapply(ifelse(grepl(",",name),strsplit(name,","),strsplit(name," ")),`[[`,1)
The result of strsplit is a list. The lapply(...,'[[',1) loops through this list and extracts the first element from each list element, which is the last name.
get.first.name <- function(name) {
d <- lapply(ifelse(grepl(",",name),strsplit(name,","),strsplit(name," ")),`[[`,2)
lapply(strsplit(gsub("^ ","",d), " "),`[[`,1)
This function is similar except we extract the second element from each list element returned by strsplit, which contains the first name. We then remove any starting spaces using gsub, and we split again with " " to extract the first element from each list element returned by that strsplit as the first name.
Putting it all together with dplyr:
res <- df %>% mutate(first.name=get.first.name(name),
The result is as expected:
## name first.name last.name
## 1 Smith John Michael John Smith
## 2 Smith, John Michael John Smith
## 3 Smith John, Michael Michael Smith John
## 4 Smith-John Michael Michael Smith-John
## 5 Smith-John, Michael Michael Smith-John
df <- structure(list(name = c("Smith John Michael", "Smith, John Michael",
"Smith John, Michael", "Smith-John Michael", "Smith-John, Michael"
)), .Names = "name", row.names = c(NA, -5L), class = "data.frame")
## name
##1 Smith John Michael
##2 Smith, John Michael
##3 Smith John, Michael
##4 Smith-John Michael
##5 Smith-John, Michael
I am not sure if this is any better than aichao's answer but I gave it a shot anyway. I gives the right output.
df1 <- df %>%
filter(grepl(",",name)) %>%
separate(name, c("last.name","first.middle.name"), sep = "\\,", remove=F) %>%
mutate(first.middle.name = trimws(first.middle.name)) %>%
separate(first.middle.name, c("first.name","middle.name"), sep="\\ ",remove=T) %>%
df2 <- df %>%
filter(!grepl(",",name)) %>%
separate(name, c("last.name","first.name"), sep = "\\ ", remove=F)

Match text across multiple rows in R

My data.frame(Networks) contains the following:
Location <- c("Farm", "Supermarket", "Farm", "Conference",
"Supermarket", "Supermarket")
Instructor <- c("Bob", "Bob", "Louise", "Sally", "Lee", "Jeff")
Operator <- c("Lee", "Lee", "Julie", "Louise", "Bob", "Louise")
Networks <- data.frame(Location, Instructor, Operator, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
I wish to include a new column Transactions$Count in a new data.frame Transactions that sums the exchanges between each Instructor and Operator for every Location
Location <- c("Farm", "Supermarket", "Farm", "Conference", "Supermarket")
Person1 <- c("Bob", "Louise", "Sally", "Jeff")
Person2 < - c("Lee", "Julie", "Louise", "Louise")
Count < - c(1, 2, 1, 1, 1)
Transactions <- data.frame(Location, Person1, Person2, Count,
For example, there would be a total of 2 exchanges between Bob and Lee at the Supermarket. It does not matter if one person is a instructor or operator, I am interested in their exchange. In the expected output, the two exchanges between Bob and Lee at the Supermarket are noted. There is one exchange for every other combination at the other locations.
I thought grepl may be of use, but I wish to iterate across 1300 rows of this data, so it may be computationally expensive.
Thank you.
You can consider using "data.table" and use pmin and pmax in your "by" argument.
Networks <- data.frame(Location, Instructor, Operator, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
, TransCount := .N,
by = list(Location,
pmin(Instructor, Operator),
pmax(Instructor, Operator))][]
# Location Instructor Operator TransCount
# 1: Farm Bob Lee 1
# 2: Supermarket Bob Lee 2
# 3: Farm Louise Julie 1
# 4: Conference Sally Louise 1
# 5: Supermarket Lee Bob 2
# 6: Supermarket Jeff Louise 1
Based on your update, it sounds like this might be more appropriate for you:
, c("Person1", "Person2") := list(
pmin(Instructor, Operator),
pmax(Instructor, Operator)),
by = 1:nrow(Networks)
, list(TransCount = .N),
by = .(Location, Person1, Person2)
# Location Person1 Person2 TransCount
# 1: Farm Bob Lee 1
# 2: Supermarket Bob Lee 2
# 3: Farm Julie Louise 1
# 4: Conference Louise Sally 1
# 5: Supermarket Jeff Louise 1
You may try
Networks %>%
group_by(Location, Person1=pmin(Instructor,Operator),
Person2= pmax(Instructor,Operator)) %>%
# Location Person1 Person2 Count
#1 Conference Louise Sally 1
#2 Farm Bob Lee 1
#3 Farm Julie Louise 1
#4 Supermarket Bob Lee 2
#5 Supermarket Jeff Louise 1
Or using base R
d1 <-cbind(Location=Networks[,1],
data.frame(setNames(Map(do.call, c('pmin', 'pmax'),
list(Networks[-1])), c('Person1', 'Person2'))))
aggregate(cbind(Count=1:nrow(d1))~., d1, FUN=length)
# Location Person1 Person2 Count
#1 Farm Bob Lee 1
#2 Supermarket Bob Lee 2
#3 Supermarket Jeff Louise 1
#4 Farm Julie Louise 1
#5 Conference Louise Sally 1
Networks <- data.frame(Location, Instructor, Operator,

Merge data frames with partial id

Say I have these two data frames:
> df1 <- data.frame(name = c('John Doe',
'Jane F. Doe',
'Mark Smith Simpson',
'Sam Lee'))
> df1
1 John Doe
2 Jane F. Doe
3 Mark Smith Simpson
4 Sam Lee
> df2 <- data.frame(family = c('Doe', 'Smith'), size = c(2, 6))
> df2
family size
1 Doe 2
2 Smith 6
I want to merge both data frames in order to get this:
name family size
1 John Doe Doe 2
2 Jane F. Doe Doe 2
3 Mark Smith Simpson Smith 6
4 Sam Lee <NA> NA
But I can't wrap my head around a way to do this apart from the following very convoluted solution, which is becoming very messy with my real data, which has over 100 "family names":
> df3 <- within(df1, {
family <- ifelse(test = grepl('Doe', name),
yes = 'Doe',
no = ifelse(test = grepl('Smith', name),
yes = 'Smith',
no = NA))
> merge(df3, df2, all.x = TRUE)
family name size
1 Doe John Doe 2
2 Doe Jane F. Doe 2
3 Smith Mark Smith Simpson 6
4 <NA> Sam Lee NA
I've tried taking a look into pmatch as well as the solutions provided at R partial match in data frame, but still haven't found what I'm looking for.
Rather than attempting to use regular expressions and partial matches, you could split the names up into a lookup-table format, where each component of a person's name is kept in a row, and matched to their full name:
df1 <- data.frame(name = c('John Doe',
'Jane F. Doe',
'Mark Smith Simpson',
'Sam Lee'),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
df2 <- data.frame(family = c('Doe', 'Smith'), size = c(2, 6),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
str_df <- function(x) {
ss <- strsplit(unlist(x)," ")
data.frame(family = unlist(ss),stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
splitnames <- df1 %>%
group_by(name) %>%
name family
1 Jane F. Doe Jane
2 Jane F. Doe F.
3 Jane F. Doe Doe
4 John Doe John
5 John Doe Doe
6 Mark Smith Simpson Mark
7 Mark Smith Simpson Smith
8 Mark Smith Simpson Simpson
9 Sam Lee Sam
10 Sam Lee Lee
Now you can just merge or join this with df2 to get your answer:
Joining by: "family"
family size name
1 Doe 2 Jane F. Doe
2 Doe 2 John Doe
3 Smith 6 Mark Smith Simpson
Potential problem: if one person's first name is the same as somebody else's last name, you'll get some incorrect matches!
Here is one strategy, you could use lapply with grep match over all the family names. This will find them at any position. First let me define a helper function
transindex<-function(start=1) {
function(x) {
ifelse(x, start-1, NA)
and I will also be using the function coalesce.R to make things a bit simpler. Here the code i'd run to match up df2 to df1
idx<-do.call(coalesce, lapply(lapply(as.character(df2$family),
function(x) grepl(paste0("\\b", x, "\\b"), as.character(df1$name))),
Starting on the inside and working out, i loop over all the family names in df2 and grep for those values (adding "\b" to the pattern so i match entire words). grepl will return a logical vector (TRUE/FALSE). I then apply the above helper function transindex() to change those vector to be either the index of the row in df2 that matched, or NA. Since it's possible that a row may match more than one family, I simply choose the first using the coalesce helper function.
Not that I can match up the rows in df1 to df2, I can bring them together with
cbind(df1, size=df2[idx,])
name family size
# 1 John Doe Doe 2
# 1.1 Jane F. Doe Doe 2
# 2 Mark Smith Simpson Smith 6
# NA Sam Lee <NA> NA
Another apporoach that looks valid, at least with the sample data:
df1name = as.character(df1$name)
#[1] "John Doe" "Jane F. Doe" "Mark Smith Simpson" "Sam Lee"
regmatches(df1name, regexpr(paste(df2$family, collapse = "|"), df1name), invert = T) <- ""
#[1] "Doe" "Doe" "Smith" ""
cbind(df1, df2[match(df1name, df2$family), ])
# name family size
#1 John Doe Doe 2
#1.1 Jane F. Doe Doe 2
#2 Mark Smith Simpson Smith 6
#NA Sam Lee <NA> NA
