Why does Bpf allow ether[0:2] and ether[0:4] but not ether[0:3]? - networking

Why does Berkeley Packet Filter allow filtering on ether[0:2] and ether[0:4] but not ether[0:3] which is the vendor?tcpdump 'ether[0:3] = 0x000000' returns with
tcpdump: data size must be 1, 2, or 4

This is confirmed by the pcap-filter man page (search for “byte offset”), although it does not provide additional information either.
My guess would be that libpcap refuses to create a program that compares three bytes at a time because the classic BPF programs it generates do not have instructions to directly support such comparisons. It can load one byte, one half-word (two bytes) or one word (four bytes) into one of the registers and compare it to a value, but it is not able to work with three-byte long values.
I suppose the workaround would be to compare the value in two steps, ether[0:2] then ether[2].


How does sound data look like?

I read how sounds represented with numbers in computer here.
And I figured out that usual representation is that, we get 44,100 numbers between [-32767, 32767] per second.
Then to my imagination, there's got to be a big one-column matrix, right?
I'm a R user, so speaking in R, sound data of 3 seconds would be,
s <- 3
sound <- matrix(0, ncol = 1, nrow = 44100 * s)
#> [1] 132300
one-column matrix with 132,300 rows.
Is this really the case?
I want some analogous picture in my head, say, in case of a picture with 256 * 256,
if we RGB that picture, we get 3 matrices each with 256 * 256.
And in the case of sounds, we get a long long column? As I think about this again, it's not even a matrix after all. It's a column.
Am I right? I can't find any similar dataset searching Internet.
Any advices will be welcomed. Thanks.
The raw format that is created early in that linked question could look a lot like a single dimension array. And probably the signal that is sent to the speaker to make the sound could be represented similarly.
But you're unlikely to find a file on your computer that looks like that for several reasons:
Sound can be stored at different bit depth - that is how many bits for each 'number' CD Audio tracks have a 16 bit depth, but you could have 8 or 32 bits etc. In a straight stream of these numbers you need some how to know how far to read to the next number, so that information needs to be safed somewhere.
Sample rate can vary. If you've got a sequence of numbers representing an audio signal, then you need to know how long each number lasts for.
mostly sounds are more complex. Instead of a single source, you have stereo, or 5 channel, or whatever, so the system needs to be able to store / decode multiple pieces of information for the sounds you want to hear at a particular time
much of sound is repetitive, and so can often benefit from compression.
So most sounds are stored in a compressed format that includes wrapper information about how to decode it. The wrapper information includes how to decode the different audio channels, what sort of compression was used etc.
The closest you're likely to find are a .wav file (Windows) or .aiff (Mac). But even these include some metadata (sample rate and bit depth to start).

AX.25 protocol interfering with sending data packet

I am very sorry to not be able to provide code for this question but it is more of a logical situation. My termination sequence for the AX.25 protocol is "111111" which is six 1s. So if this sequence of 1s is found inside my data packet, it will denote the end of the packet file and send it without correctly sending the rest of the packet. I will do my best to explain my conclusions and test results such that you can understand my dilemma.
***Programming in Arduino******
byte 1 contains 8 bits. Look below and attempt to picture a byte in a rectangular box. right next to it is byte 2 which also contains 8 bits.
Situation 1:
||_1_0_1_1_1_0_1_0_ ||_1_1_1_1_1_1_0_0_||
Attempted Solution 1: you could simply change 1 into 0 and keep track of it.
Situation 2:
||_1_0_1_1_1_0_1_1_ ||_1_1_1_1_0_0_1_0_||
Attempted Solution 2: attempted solution 1 breaks apart. and I am stuck here.
Individually the bytes are safe from activating AX.25 termination sequence but combined bytes results in a problem.
Here is a list of possible cases:
1) six 1s = termination sequence activated for end of packet
2) six 1s inside actual data of packet = premature termination
3) if 1s are changed to 0s than a sequence of six 0s can be a problem in reverting changes back
4) can only read 1 byte at a time (EEPROM) due to memory limitations
5) if six 1s occur between two bytes will also prematurely activate termination sequence.
Thank you in advance for any kind of help.
The solution mandated by the ax.25 protocol is bit stuffing.
Conceptually, any time the receiver sees five sequential one bits and a zero bit, it assumes that the zero bit has been stuffed by the sender (to break up erroneous frame sequences in the data), and removes it before emitting the received data. The only sequence of six 1-bits that can have been sent un-stuffed is the framing sequence; all data will have been sent stuffed. The receiver must always de-stuff.
To stuff or unstuff will generally require a couple of bytes of working ram (or a couple of bytes of registers), although there might be creative ways around that.
To quote the official TAPR protocol standard:
"In order to ensure that the flag bit sequence mentioned above does not appear accidentally anywhere else in a frame, the sending station monitors the bit sequence for a group of five or more contiguous “1” bits. Any time five contiguous “1” bits are sent, the sending station inserts a “0” bit after the fifth “1” bit. During frame reception, any time five contiguous “1” bits are received, a “0” bit immediately following five “1” bits is discarded."
A google search for AX.25 bit stuffing should return as much detail as you might need.

Comparing IP v6 addresses

has anybody some good ideas to compare two ipv6 addresses. It look like the shortage rules are making it complicated.
for instance the full address
leading zero can be removed => 1234:0db8::::ff00:ff00:11
one group of empty fields can be removed 1234:0db8::ff00:ff00:00111
the last 32 bit can be an old fashioned ipv4 address 1234:0db8::::ff00:
You can use the standard library function socket.inet_pton to convert the addresses into a byte string for comparison:
>>> socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6,'1234:0db8::ff00:ff00:0011')
>>> socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6,'1234:0db8:0000:0000:0000:ff00:ff00:0011')
This will reduce the risk of you creating your own IPv6 bug.
Example above is in python, but the inet_pton function is available on different platforms and languages:
You could just split it by colons and then compare each value.
If you encounter an empty field -> insert '0000' for it.
If you encounter a field with less than 4 digits -> fill it up with zeroes
Additionally you could give each of the fields a weight to emphasize the values of the fields.

What is the name for encoding/encrypting with noise padding?

I want code to render n bits with n + x bits, non-sequentially. I'd Google it but my Google-fu isn't working because I don't know the term for it.
For example, the input value in the first column (2 bits) might be encoded as any of the output values in the comma-delimited second column (4 bits) below:
0 1,2,7,9
1 3,8,12,13
2 0,4,6,11
3 5,10,14,15
My goal is to take a list of integer IDs, and transform them in a way they can still be used for persistent URLs, but that can't be iterated/enumerated sequentially, and where a client cannot determine programmatically if a URL in a search result set has been visited previously without visiting it again.
I would term this process "encoding". You'll see something similar done to permit the use of communications channels that have special symbols that are not permitted in data. Examples: uuencoding and base64 encoding.
That said, you still need to (and appear at first blush to have) ensure that there is only one correct de-code; and accept the increase in size of the output (in the case above, the output will be double the size, bit-for-bit as the input).
I think you'd be better off encrypting the number with a cheap cypher + a constant secret key stored on your server(s), adding a random character or four at the end, and a cheap checksum, and simply reject any responses that don't have a valid checksum.
<integer>+<random nonsense>
<integer>+<random nonsense>
Then decrypt the first part (remember, cheap == fast), validate the ciphertext using the checksum, throw off the random nonsense, and use the integer you stored.
There are probably some cryptographic no-no's here, but let's face it, the cost of this algorithm being broken is a touch on the low side.

Control sum in network connection

i'm making network application which doesn't send good data every time (most of time they are broken) so i tought to make control sum. At the end of data i will add control sum to check if they are valid. So i'm not sure is that a good idea to multiply every data (they are from 1 to 100) by 100, 100^2, 100^3..., and sum them.
Do you have any suggestion what to do, without making really big number(there are many data in the every packet).
Data: 1,4,2,77,12,32,5,52,23
My solution:1,4,2,77,12,32,5,52,23, 100+40000+2000000+ 77*10^4 ...
When client receive the packet he will check if last data is equal to sum of other datas.
Is there any better solution?
Multiplying the data results in a very large number to transmit, and not a lot of confidence that the numbers are correct. And addition runs into potential overflow issues. That is why it is customary to use an xor.
Or you can read up on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Error-correcting_code to get even fancier solutions that can detect, and sometimes correct, small numbers of errors.
Best explanation here:
CRC functions will be available in you language's networking library.
Because 128 is 10000000 in binary, there is only 1 bit for subnetting, and there are 7 bits for hosts. We're going to subneting the Class C network address = Network address Subnet mask
