Where to call IONIC SQLLITE select statement - sqlite

I have a DB function as shown below:
If I want to use the results of this query in a page module, where do I call this function? Do I call it in the constructor or the lifecycle method (ionViewDidLoad, ionViewDidEnter). Please advise.
Currently I call it in the constructor but it seems like it slows down the app. I am not sure if I am doing the right thing
getAddressDetails() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let sql = "select * from tablename"
this.database.executeSql(sql, []).then((data) => {

(...) main difference between the constructor and the ionViewDidLoad
(...) is that sometimes you want to interact with the DOM (maybe to
initialize a map).
In that case, if you try to access the DOM in the constructor, you
will notice that the DOM is not ready by that point and you won't be
able to get the map element. The correct approach to do it would be
inside the ionViewDidLoad (...).
See this answer.
constructor is called before all, once per instantiation of the
page, here you can do initialization that does not refer the HTML DOM
ionViewDidLoad is called when the page DOM has been loaded, before
than the page is shown, also a single time per page instantiation,
here you can do initialization thet needs the HTML DOM to be ready
And see this answer.


Cloud Functions for Firebase - get parent data from database trigger

Is there a clean built in way of directly referencing the data value of the node above the database trigger? I understand I can get a parent ref which I could then query for the value, but if there was a more concise way of doing this that would be great thanks.
For clarity, I want to use a child node within an object as a trigger, and when it occurs get the value of the parent object directly, to avoid the function being invoked when other changes are made to the parent object like so:
const parentObject = {
triggerValue: 'I want the function to be triggered only on writes to this path',
parentValue: 'But I also want this value',
I've googled for this answer like six times and keep having to re-implement the solution.
Here's how to get the parent data, post, from a child attribute, post.body, that's changed:
exports.doStuff = functions.database
.onWrite(event => {
return event.data.ref.parent.once("value").then(snap => {
const post = snap.val();
// do stuff with post here
You can use event.data.ref and event.data.adminRef to navigate the database. They are Reference objects and work exactly like they would if you were building a web app with Firebase on the client side. So, if using the parent property to navigate up a level works fine for you, then just use that. There's no additional special syntax.

checks inside action creators

I am creating simple app, which makes GET requests to the server, then prepares recieved data and creates chart. There are few questions:
Where should I place code responsible for checking and preparing raw data. Currently I have it in my action creators, but maybe it needs to be in the component itself?
I need to check and compare prepared data with the data which is already used for the chart, and do not call re-render if it's the same or not valid. Where should I put this check? For now I think to place it inside action creators too. But for that I need to use getState() for accessing the state, doesn't look right.
Action creators seems right place for all these checks for me, because if data is not valid, I can simply not update my state with it, (e.g. do not dispatch certain action creator) Or maybe I have to update state with new data despite it is not valid?
given these action creators, what is the best place for described checks?:
export function fetchPopulations(term = "") {
return function (dispatch) {
return fetch(`${API_URL}${term.replace(/\s/g, '%20')}`)
.then(response => response.json())
.then(json => dispatch(requestPopulations(json)))
export function requestPopulations(data = []) {
return {
payload: data,
export function fetchingPopulations() {
return {
I would say you are doing it right.
In your example, requestPopulations and fetchingPopulations are the real action creators and fetchPopulations is a composing function (yes, composing functions for the win!).
Where should I place code responsible for checking and preparing raw
data. Currently I have it in my action creators, but maybe it needs
to be in the component itself?
Components are not the place for putting the business logic of our application. Components should only represent the View in our MVC. No API calls, no business logic, only props and state.
I need to check and compare prepared data with the data which is
already used for the chart, and do not call re-render if it's the same
or not valid. Where should I put this check? For now I think to place
it inside action creators too. But for that I need to use getState()
for accessing the state, doesn't look right.
Create modular functions (it really shines with code maintenance and reuse) for performing these checks, compose them together in another one along with your real action creators, and you can dispatch only if needed. Further optimization can be done inside component life cycle hook shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState). Also I think it is definitely not an anti-pattern to use methods with a signature like this:
export function myComposingFunction(params) {
return (dispatch, getState) => {
// ...
So you can use getState().
Action creators seems right place for all these checks for me, because
if data is not valid, I can simply not update my state with it, (e.g.
do not dispatch certain action creator) Or maybe I have to update
state with new data despite it is not valid?
No, do not update the state with useless data. If you do that you will re-render the entire tree for nothing. You were absolutely right to say "if data is not valid, I can simply not update my state with it, (e.g. do not dispatch certain action creator)"

How can I use collection.find as a result of a meteor method?

I'm trying to follow the "Use the return value of a Meteor method in a template helper" pattern outlined here, except with collections.
Essentially, I've got something like this going:
(server side)
queryTest: function(selector) {
console.log("In server meteor method...");
return MyCollection.find(selector);
(client side)
Meteor.call('queryTest', {}, function(error, results) {
console.log("in queryTest client callback...");
queryResult = [];
results.forEach(function(result) {
// massage it into something more useful for display
// and append it to queryResult...
Session.set("query-result", queryResult);
query_test_result: function() {
return Session.get("query-result");
The problem is, my callback (from Meteor.call) doesn't even get invoked.
If I replace the Method with just 'return "foo"' then the callback does get called. Also, if I add a ".fetch()" to the find, it also displays fine (but is no longer reactive, which breaks everything else).
What gives? Why is the callback not being invoked? I feel like I'm really close and just need the right incantation...
If it at all matters: I was doing all the queries on the client side just fine, but want to experiment with the likes of _ensureIndex and do full text searches, which from what I can tell, are basically only available through server-side method calls (and not in mini-mongo on the client).
Ok, so I migrated things publish/subscribe, and overall they're working, but when I try to make it so a session value is the selector, it's not working right. Might be a matter of where I put the "subscribe".
So, I have a publish that takes a parameter "selector" (the intent is to pass in mongo selectors).
On the client, I have subscribe like:
Meteor.subscribe('my-collection-query', Session.get("my-collection-query-filter"));
But it has spotty behaviour. On one article, it recommended putting these on Templates.body.onCreate. That works, but doesn't result in something reactive (i.e. when I change that session value on the console, it doesn't change the displayed value).
So, if I follow the advice on another article, it puts the subscribe right in the relevant helper function of the template that calls on that collection. That works great, but if I have MULTIPLE templates calling into that collection, I have to add the subscribe to every single one of them for it to work.
Neither of these seems like the right thing. I think of "subscribing" as "laying down the pipes and just leaving them there to work", but that may be wrong.
I'll keep reading into the docs. Maybe somewhere, the scope of a subscription is properly explained.
You need to publish your data and subscribe to it in your client.
If you did not remove "autopublish" yet, all what you have will automatically be published. So when you query a collection on client (in a helper method for example), you would get results. This package is useful just for quick development and prototyping, but in a real application it should be removed. You should publish your data according to your app's needs and use cases. (Not all users have to see all data in all use cases)

Correctly stopping an autorun() function when template is destroyed

I have a template that contains a chart, rendered using MorrisJS. The chart should update when the currentData session variable is changed, so I have made it a reactive data source with:
Template.chart.rendered = function() {
var template = this;
Deps.autorun(function(c) {
// Stop if the template is removed from the dom
// Q: Is this really right?
if(template.__component__.dom.parentNode() === null) {
var results = Session.get('currentData');
// ... render a chart with `results` as the data
Morris.Bar({element: template.$(".chart-container"), data: results, ...});
Notice how I do a fairly horrid check for when to stop the autorun above. This was necessary because without this, when I navigate away from the page using the template (I'm using iron-router) to another page and back, I get warnings in the log like "Can't select in removed DomRange". I'm pretty sure this is happening because the template instance is removed, but the autorun is still running.
I feel like I'm doing something wrong here, though. Is there (a) a better place to put the autorun so that it doesn't have this problem or (b) a better way to stop the computation when the template instance is removed from the DOM?
I tried to find a way to do it with created and destroyed handlers, but I couldn't figure out how.
Tracker.autorun returns a handle that you can store as a template instance property, then call its stop method in the onDestroyed lifecycle event.
this.computation = Tracker.autorun(function(){...});
EDIT 29-09-2014
In newer versions of Meteor (0.9 onward), there is a new autorun function available on template instances which provide simpler code to achieve the same result : no need to store and stop the computation manually, this is taken care of by the framework.
With the new autorun
but with this autorun, when chart template is removed from the DOM it is removed automatically.
This is in Meteor documentation here:
The Computation is automatically stopped when the template is destroyed.

How to delay AngularJS App Initialization?

I have some data that is being processed asynchronously in the background and want to delay the initialization of the entire AngularJS application until this finished.
BackgroundData.initialized is a Q promise, so something like this:
The problem I run into is the home page's controller starts its initialization procedure, hits BackgroundData and either it has the wrong/no data.
What function can I wrap Angular's initialization in so, instead of just dom-ready, it waits for both dom-ready and BackgroundData.initialization?
I have gotten closer with the documentation on manual bootstrapping:
angular.element(document).ready ->
window.BackgroundData = new DataMachine()
BackgroundData.initialized.then ->
But when the controller files load (after this file), they are still getting initialized before BackgroundData is defined
Removing the ng-app directive in the HTML seems to have fixed the problem (since that was telling Angular to auto-init) but now it just ignores all of my angular.module calls
The problem was that I had left the ng-app directive in the html tag, which tells Angular to auto-initialize that scope. Removing it allowed my manual initialization to run correctly.
as Chris mentioned, it can be done with angular.bootstrap and not mentioning the ng-app:
<div id="appArea" ng-controller="someCtrl">
angular.module('someApp', [])
.controller('someCtrl', function($scope) {
$scope.name = "test name";
setTimeout(function() {
angular.bootstrap(document, ['someApp']);
}, 2000);
One way to approach this if you are using routes in your app is to have the app initialize but wait on defining routes until the data is available.
I.e. provide a user-friendly 'loading' message, and then load functionality after.
You are able to inject $route where required, and then call something like:
$route.routes["/RouteName/:param"] = {templateUrl:"template.html", reloadOnSearch:true, controller:"ControllerName"};
After that, call $route.reload() or $rootScope.apply() to refresh.
More information at https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups=#!msg/angular/AokZpUhZ6mw/x2kPIN2VAC0J
