Assign name to root project while keeping the default aggregation - sbt

I have a fairly large sbt project (about 30 sub-projects). From what I've figured out, sbt will use the name of the root directory as the name of the root project, if none is declared explicitly in build.sbt. Depending on where the project is checked out, e.g. in a CI environment, that name may change. I'm currently using sbt 1.2.8.
My issue is that I would like to assign a stable name to the root project so that I can e.g. run all tests using sbt root/test [0], leveraging the default aggregation of the root project over all sub-projects. The only way I have found so far to assign a name to the root project is by explicitly declaring the project. But this will disable the default aggregation.
Is there a way to assign a name to the root project that will keep the default aggregation over all sub-projects? Or is there another way to access the root project on the command line without relying on it's name?
[0]: The default project is changed by the build.sbt using onLoad in Global := (Command.process("project ...", _)) compose (onLoad in Global).value. So just running sbt test won't work.

Here is a potential solution without having to explicitly refer to the root project.
Given the following project structure consisting of root project, and sub-projects core and util
and the following build definition in build.sbt
lazy val util = (project in file("util"))
lazy val core = (project in file("core"))
onLoad in Global := { Command.process("project util", _: State) } compose (onLoad in Global).value
ThisBuild / libraryDependencies += "org.scalatest" %% "scalatest" % "3.0.5" % Test
we could run tests from all projects whilst being in any particular sub-project by defining a custom task testAll which evaluates test using inAnyProject scope filter
val testAll = taskKey[Unit]("Run tests in all projects whilst being in any particular sub-project")
ThisBuild / testAll := Def.taskDyn {
(Test / test).all(ScopeFilter(inAnyProject))
Now executing sbt will load util sub-project by default, nevertheless testAll should run all tests from all projects:
sbt:util> testAll
[info] RootSpec:
[info] The Root object
[info] - should say root hello
[info] UtilSpec:
[info] The Util object
[info] - should say util hello
[info] CoreSpec:
[info] The Core object
[info] - should say core hello
[info] Run completed in 349 milliseconds.
[info] Total number of tests run: 1
[info] Suites: completed 1, aborted 0
[info] Tests: succeeded 1, failed 0, canceled 0, ignored 0, pending 0
[info] All tests passed.
[info] Run completed in 309 milliseconds.
[info] Total number of tests run: 1
[info] Suites: completed 1, aborted 0
[info] Tests: succeeded 1, failed 0, canceled 0, ignored 0, pending 0
[info] All tests passed.
[info] Run completed in 403 milliseconds.
[info] Total number of tests run: 1
[info] Suites: completed 1, aborted 0
[info] Tests: succeeded 1, failed 0, canceled 0, ignored 0, pending 0
[info] All tests passed.
[success] Total time: 1 s, completed 11-Apr-2019 16:29:26
where RootSpec, CoreSpec, and UtilsSpec are at


What does 'skip in test' do in build.sbt?

I found this in the root build.sbt
skip in test := true
What does it do? I cannot find any reference regarding this in sbt documents. I'm using sbt 1.3.8 in my Scala project.
If set to true, the test task won't run and no test will be executed.
In your context, no test of the root project will be executed.
One way to know what the task is doing and how it used by other tasks is to run inspect task.
sbt "inspect test:skip"
[info] Task: Boolean
[info] Description:
[info] For tasks that support it (currently only 'compile', 'update', and 'publish'), setting skip to true will force the task to not to do its work. This exact semantics may vary by task.
[info] Provided by:
[info] Global / skip
[info] Defined at:
[info] (sbt.Defaults.globalSbtCore) Defaults.scala:294
[info] Delegates:
[info] Test / skip
[info] Runtime / skip
[info] Compile / skip
[info] skip
[info] ThisBuild / Test / skip
[info] ThisBuild / Runtime / skip
[info] ThisBuild / Compile / skip
[info] ThisBuild / skip
[info] Zero / Test / skip
[info] Zero / Runtime / skip
[info] Zero / Compile / skip
[info] Global / skip
[info] Related:
[info] Global / skip
With description
For tasks that support it (currently only 'compile', 'update', and 'publish'), setting skip to true will force the task to not to do its work. This exact semantics may vary by task.

sbt: Invoking tests after other tasks

I have a multi-project build, and want to run tests after starting two Docker containers. This is my custom task:
runTestsWithDocker := Def.taskDyn {
val containerId = buildOrStartTestDatabase.value
Def.task {
(test in Test).value"running inside dynamic task")
As you can see from the output below, the Docker containers are started, and the log message is written from the dynamic task. However, there's no test output (and the build executes far too quickly for the tests to have run).
> runTestsWithDocker
[info] logging into ECR registry
[info] checking repository for image container1:1.2.3-1200
[info] successfully logged-in to ECR registry
[info] DockerSupport: pulling
[info] DockerSupport: docker run -d -p 389:389
[info] container ID: 80d16a268c6e13dd810f8c271ca8778fc8eaa6835f2d0640fa62d032ff052345
[info] image already exists; no need to build
[info] DockerSupport: pulling
[info] DockerSupport: docker run -d -p 5432:5432
[info] container ID: 2de559b0737e69d61b1234567890123bd123456789012d382ba8ffa40e0480cf
[info] Updating {file:/home/ubuntu/Workspace/mybuild/}mybuild...
[info] Resolving jline#jline;2.12.1 ...
[info] Done updating.
[info] running inside dynamic task
[success] Total time: 2 s, completed Jun 5, 2019 9:05:20 PM
I'm assuming that my scope is incorrect, and that I need to refer to test in some other scope, but I have no idea what that might be (I've tried Compile and ThisBuild as random stabs in the dark).
I've also seen (test in Test).result.value from other questions in SO. Thinking that maybe the test task was doing something non-standard I tried it, but with the same (non) result.
Lastly, I'm running SBT 0.13.16, so any convincing argument (as in a bug report) that it's a problem with that version would make me upgrade sooner than planned (my current goal is to refactor the build then upgrade).
Update: here's the output from inspect. It doesn't show the dependency on test, but I'm assuming that's because it's invoked from a dynamic task.
> inspect runTestsWithDocker
[info] Task: java.lang.String
[info] Description:
[info] Runs the test suite, after starting the LDAP server and running/initializing the test database
[info] Provided by:
[info] {file:/home/ubuntu/Workspace/mybuild/}mybuild/*:runTestsWithDocker
[info] Defined at:
[info] /home/ubuntu/Workspace/mybuild/build.sbt:597
[info] Dependencies:
[info] mybuild/*:buildOrStartTestDatabase
[info] mybuild/*:startDirectoryServer
[info] mybuild/*:settingsData
[info] Reverse dependencies:
[info] mybuild/*:publishTestDatabase
[info] Delegates:
[info] mybuild/*:runTestsWithDocker
[info] {.}/*:runTestsWithDocker
[info] */*:runTestsWithDocker
Update: if I specify a single sub-project, it correctly runs the tasks in that sub-project.
runTestsWithDocker := Def.taskDyn {
val containerId = buildOrStartTestDatabase.value
Def.task {
(test in (subproject,Test)).result.value
So it looks like maybe the root project isn't aggregating? We're relying on the "default root" project, so I think my next change will be to create an explicit root project.
It turned out that the default root project was not in fact "aggregat[ing] all other projects in the build." Once I created this project and explicitly aggregated the other sub-projects under it, I was able to specify my task like so:
runTestsWithDocker := Def.taskDyn {
val containerId = buildOrStartTestDatabase.value
Def.task {
(test in (root,Test)).result.value

Dependent task runs only when main task called directly

So, I have a SBT project, with two custom tasks jooq:codegen and flyway:migrate from [, ]
Not that it is relevant here, but the flyway:migrate task creates the schema in the database, and jooq:codegen generates code from the schema. Hence, it is imperative that flyway:migrate runs before jooq:codegen. So, I added the following line in my build.sbt
(codegen in JOOQ) <<= (codegen in JOOQ) dependsOn (migrate in Flyway)
Also, compile needs the generated code from jooq:codegen, but the plugin takes care of it by default.
Here is the weird part. When I run sbt compile, I get:
~/N/p/d/davion git:data-access ❯❯❯ sbt compile
[info] Loading project definition from /Users/rohan/Nomadly/projects/davion-projects/davion/project
[info] Set current project to davion (in build file:/Users/rohan/Nomadly/projects/davion-projects/davion/)
[info] Done updating.
[info] Initialising properties : /jooq-config4460313300896426081.xml
[info] Table records generated : Total: 669.172ms, +44.536ms
[info] Routines fetched : 0 (0 included, 0 excluded)
[info] Packages fetched : 0 (0 included, 0 excluded)
[info] GENERATION FINISHED! : Total: 688.254ms, +19.082ms
[info] Compiling 7 Scala sources and 17 Java sources to /Users/rohan/Nomadly/projects/davion-projects/davion/target/classes...
[success] Total time: 24 s, completed 14 May, 2015 12:13:35 PM
So, the flyway:migrate task doesn't run. But when I run sbt jooq:codegen, this happens:
~/N/p/d/davion git:data-access ❯❯❯ sbt jooq:codegen
[info] Loading project definition from /Users/rohan/Nomadly/projects/davion-projects/davion/project
[info] Set current project to davion (in build file:/Users/rohan/Nomadly/projects/davion-projects/davion/)
[info] Flyway (Command-line Tool) v.2.0.3
[info] Current schema version: 6
[info] Schema is up to date. No migration necessary.
[info] Initialising properties : /jooq-config6431105742854017589.xml
[info] License parameters
I have no idea why this is happening. If a task chain is setup where 'A' depends on 'B' which depends on 'C', then shouldn't running 'A' execute both 'C' and 'B' (and in that order)? Why does 'C' not run as a transitive dependency and how can I remedy this?

How to add custom resource directory to test classpath without copying the files inside?

When I run my tests, the contents of my special resources directory special-resources are copied to the target/classes directory. I have something like this
unmanagedResourceDirectories in Compile += baseDirectory.value / "special-resources",
But I do not want to copy these resources into the target directory, but I want them to be on the classpath of forked java processes (e.g. for testing).
I have tried using
unmanagedClasspath in Compile += baseDirectory.value / "special-resources",
but the resources are not available.
How can I add a resource directory to the classpath without having to copy the files? Or, alternatively, how can I setup sbt to not copy resources to the target directory?
To have the contents of the special-resources directory included in the classpath for tests and runMain task, do the following:
unmanagedClasspath in Test += baseDirectory.value / "special-resources"
unmanagedClasspath in (Compile, runMain) += baseDirectory.value / "special-resources"
Check that the setting is set properly with show:
> show test:unmanagedClasspath
[info] List(Attributed(C:\dev\sandbox\runtime-assembly\special-resources))
With the following Specs2 tests I'm convinced the setup worked fine:
import org.specs2.mutable._
class HelloWorldSpec extends Specification {
"Hello world" should {
"find the file on classpath" in {
val text = io.Source.fromInputStream(getClass.getResourceAsStream("hello.txt")).mkString
text must have size(11)
hello.txt is in the special-resources directory with a hello world string inside.
> ; clean ; test
[success] Total time: 0 s, completed 2014-08-06 20:00:02
[info] Updating {file:/C:/dev/sandbox/runtime-assembly/}runtime-assembly...
[info] Resolving org.jacoco#org.jacoco.agent; ...
[info] Done updating.
[info] Compiling 1 Scala source to C:\dev\sandbox\runtime-assembly\target\scala-2.10\test-classes...
[info] HelloWorldSpec
[info] Hello world should
[info] + find the file on classpath
[info] Total for specification HelloWorldSpec
[info] Finished in 17 ms
[info] 1 example, 0 failure, 0 error
[info] Passed: Total 1, Failed 0, Errors 0, Passed 1
And build.sbt:
unmanagedClasspath in Test += baseDirectory.value / "special-resources"
libraryDependencies += "org.specs2" %% "specs2" % "2.4" % "test"
fork in Test := true

In SBT, how does one `addCompilerPlugin` from Git?

Normally, when not using Git, you can just write:
addCompilerPlugin("something" % "blah" ...)
scalacOptions += "-P:blah:..."
This addCompilerPlugin takes a ModuleID. But here... I've tried adding:
lazy val root = project in file(".") dependsOn
to the project/plugins.sbt as well as:
lazy val wartRemover = RootProject(
lazy val root = Project(...).settings(
scalacOptions += "-P:wartremover:...",
) depends on wartRemover
Both result in:
[error] (root/*:update) sbt.ResolveException: unresolved dependency:
org.brianmckenna#wartremover_2.10.3;0.5-SNAPSHOT: not found
tl;dr The project wartremover has not been published for Scala version 2.10.3. Downgrade yours with the following in build.sbt among the other necessary settings:
scalaVersion := "2.10.2"
Detailed procedure focusing on Scala 2.10.3
The following in build.sbt
addCompilerPlugin("org.brianmckenna" % "wartremover" % "0.5" cross CrossVersion.full)
adds org.brianmckenna:wartremover:0.5:plugin->default(compile) to libraryDependencies.
[sbt-0-13-2]> show libraryDependencies
[info] List(org.scala-lang:scala-library:2.10.3, org.brianmckenna:wartremover:0.5:plugin->default(compile))
So to use a RootProject that points at the project wartremover at GitHub I had to use the following in build.sbt (this is the complete file):
scalacOptions in root += "-P:wartremover:traverser:org.brianmckenna.wartremover.warts.Unsafe"
lazy val root = project in file(".") dependsOn wartRemover % "plugin->default(compile)"
lazy val wartRemover = RootProject(
Since the project wartremover is not published for 2.10.3 I followed the steps below:
Show available projects
[root]> projects
[info] In file:/Users/jacek/sandbox/so/sbt-0.13.2/
[info] * root
[info] In git://
[info] wartremover
Switch to wartremover and publishLocal it for scalaVersion set to 2.10.3.
[wartremover]> set scalaVersion := "2.10.3"
[info] Defining wartremover/*:scalaVersion
[info] The new value will be used by wartremover/*:allDependencies, wartremover/*:assemblyPackageScala::assemblyDefaultJarName and 12 others.
[info] Run `last` for details.
[info] Reapplying settings...
[info] Set current project to wartremover (in build git://
[wartremover]> publishLocal
[info] Packaging /Users/jacek/.sbt/0.13/staging/d6dd3d2e3d818e69943a/wartremover/target/scala-2.10/wartremover_2.10.3-0.6-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar ...
[info] Updating {git://}wartremover...
[info] published ivy to /Users/jacek/.ivy2/local/org.brianmckenna/wartremover_2.10.3/0.6-SNAPSHOT/ivys/ivy.xml
[success] Total time: 7 s, completed Jan 18, 2014 11:34:07 PM
Switch to the project root and do update. It should now work fine.
[wartremover]> project {file:/Users/jacek/sandbox/so/sbt-0.13.2/}
[info] Set current project to root (in build file:/Users/jacek/sandbox/so/sbt-0.13.2/)
[root]> update
[info] Updating {file:/Users/jacek/sandbox/so/sbt-0.13.2/}root...
[info] Resolving org.fusesource.jansi#jansi;1.4 ...
[info] Done updating.
[success] Total time: 0 s, completed Jan 18, 2014 11:36:24 PM
console should work fine now, too.
[root]> console
[info] Starting scala interpreter...
<console>:5: error: var is disabled
var value: = _
Welcome to Scala version 2.10.3 (Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, Java 1.7.0_45).
Type in expressions to have them evaluated.
Type :help for more information.
The error message worries me, though. I don't know the plugin and neither do I know how to get rid of it. It also happens when I follow the steps described in Compiler plugin when scalaVersion := "2.10.2" is set in build.sbt (so the compiler plugin's available in the repo).
