How to add Mono X to an existing ASP.NET website -

I have an existing ASP.NET 4.0 website and am contemplating using MonoX for our CMS. Is there any way to install MonoX as a subdirectory in the existing website? I know I can have two websites in the same project, but I'd like to be able to reference some master pages and possibly other things in MonoX from the existing website without relying on virtual directories.


How to host / point website as umbraco sub site

I have two website one is umbraco site and other one is site both on different location on same server
1) Umbraco site ( umbraco V6 and IIS 7) And bind on let say Eg. http://localhost:8090/
2) website. (Simple Site)
Now I have added website as Application in umbraco web site IIS and given Alias let say AspSubSite
My umbraco site is running fine. But when I try to access site by URL http://localhost:8090/AspSubSite
It is not working.
I have try adding respective Url to umbraco config key “umbracoReservedUrls” but that also didn’t work
You have to add the folders to exclude (/aspSubSite) in the web.config of the umbraco installation.
Umbraco will not interfere at all with this folders. To do this, add the folder to the umbracoReservedPaths in the appSettings section of the web.config.
<add key="umbracoReservedPaths" value="/umbraco,/install/,/aspSubSite/" />
(leave the existing paths, but just add your path at the end.)
Note: this will exclude ALL umbraco functionality from this folder. Including rendering partial's, macro's, ... Only do this if you really want to do this. If you want to use e.g. a common menu, this won't work anymore.

Upgrade classic ASP to MVC 4.0

I'm in the process of upgrading from classic ASP to MVC 4.0. MVC projects have a unique folder structure with modules, views, and controllers. Our classic ASP website is very well indexed in search engines, and uses all friendly URLs (some mapped to existing folders and removing page extensions, and others mapped for SEO and not to the folder containing the files), using Rewrite Rules in web.config. I need to maintain all the current URLs, but they all map into different folders than the MVC project will. I'd like the MVC project to remain in the folder structure defined in the default project, but also need to continue using the existing URLs.
What is the best way to maintain the current URLs of the site when moving to MVC? Is custom routing the only/best way to handle this?
I gues there are four ways to do rewriting urls, no matter which one you use, you need to do some changes. For example you should change the way you read the url parameters.
I follow this tutorial
It helps alot

Developing Website partially in Sharepoint and ASP.NET

Can I develop a part of the website using Content management System(i.e Sharepoint) and few other sections using core ASP.NET ?
Yes you can. A sharepoint website can contain pages and run them. Just build your web app and put the pages in a directory that can be accessed by your site, create the pages in sharepoint using the aspx files and put the dll file your app spits out in the bin directory of your sharepoint site.

How do I deploy an web application to a Sharepoint 2010 site using WSP

Suppose I created a custom web application that consists of:
several assembly DLLs: web app, business logic, data services
multiple aspx pages and ascx custom controls that use them
custom configuration section
custom HTTP module
More or less the usual stuff.
I would like to deploy it to a particular sharepoint site under a certain subfolder. So if I access my sharepoint site via http://myserver:90/ (because I'm not using sites/some_site) I'd like my application to be available under http://myserver:90/webapp
I could manually add a virtual folder (not application because I would need to access some Sharepoint site's data) to my sharepoint site in IIS and manually edit site's web.config file to register my HTTP module and add my custom configuration section as well either putting my DLLs into GAC or put them in the _app_bin (so I don't have problems with CAS), but I don't think that's a good thing to do, because this web application may get deployed in an environment where this shouldn't/couldn't be possible.
So I figured I could build a WSP using Visual Studio 2010 and deploy it that way. But I don't have enough experience doing that.
I created a new sharepoint 2010 project. Is there a way I could add all non-executable application files (aspx, ascx) at once? I've seen the advanced tab of the WSP package where I can add my DLLs either to bin folder or GAC. I don't know whether I would also have to add any safe control and register certain classes?
So I suppose I need some pretty detailed and explanatory guidance here.
The only real way to do this would be to use the layouts folder to deploy your application via the wsp. This will let you depot any files that you would normally deploy with a.web application.
There are couple of problems however. The URL for your application will be http://SharePoint/somesite/_layouts/yourapp
This is a blessing and a curse. Your urls will be ugly but they will work under every SharePoint site. If your application depends on SharePoint context to function, that context will automatically be available based on the requesting URL.
To add a layouts folder under your share point project right click on the project and add a mapped folder to layouts. I would also recommend adding a sub folder under layouts for your application so that your application files don't conflict with the default files directly in the layouts folder.
For the http module, or any web.config modifications, you can use the spwebconfigmodification class.
Heres a walkthru:

How to add custom ASP.NET pages into sharepoint

How to add custom ASP.NET pages into sharepoint?
I am very new to sharepoint but what I realized is that I can only make plain text pages or links. but what if I have a website already built in ASP.NET and want to add it through sharepoint.
Or is it possible to build the website itself from sharepoint including dynamic server side controls like buttons, trees ....
Simple answer: put your *.aspx files in inside the _layouts folder, usually located at
c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS\
afterwards you can access you page (named page1.aspx for example) through the sharepoint site by:
http://your site name/_layouts/page1.aspx
You can have inline code and/or code-behind, just like in a normal aspx page.
However, please note that pages added through this method are called application pages, meaning that they cannot be customized (easily) by the user and are available under all site collections in your farm.
SharePoint supports another kind of pages, called Site Pages which are site-specific, you can read more about them here.
See these questions which should cover everything you need:
How would you convert an ASP.NET site to work as a SharePoint site?
Moving from custom ASP.NET application to Sharepoint Services
Deploying custom applications to same IIS site as Sharepoint
SharePoint - ASP.Net Controls Integration
Sharepoint controls in ASP.NET application
Also this page on SharePoint Dev Wiki.
This Visual How To walks you through the process of creating an application page step by step.
Creating an Application Page in Windows SharePoint Services 3.0
The presenter of the video, Ted Pattison, has a book that is a great resource to help you get up and started with SharePoint development.
Inside Windows SharePoint Services 3.0
If you want some .aspx-Pages in a SharePoint-Website, you can build a SharePoint-Module Feature containing the .aspx-Pages.
See How to: Provision a File and Create and Use a SharePoint Feature Package
