Json output from Vegeta HTTP load testing - http

I am using Vegeta to make some stress test but I am having some trouble while generating a json report. Running the following command I am able to see text results:
vegeta attack -targets="./vegeta_sagemaker_True.txt" -rate=10 -duration=2s | vegeta report -output="attack.json" -type=text
Requests [total, rate] 20, 10.52
Duration [total, attack, wait] 2.403464884s, 1.901136s, 502.328884ms
Latencies [mean, 50, 95, 99, max] 945.385864ms, 984.768025ms, 1.368113304s, 1.424427549s, 1.424427549s
Bytes In [total, mean] 5919, 295.95
Bytes Out [total, mean] 7104, 355.20
Success [ratio] 95.00%
Status Codes [code:count] 200:19 400:1
Error Set:
When I run the same command changing -type-text to -type=json I receive really weird numbers ad they don't make sense for me:
"latencies": {
"total": 19853536952,
"mean": 992676847,
"50th": 972074984,
"95th": 1438787021,
"99th": 1636579198,
"max": 1636579198
"bytes_in": {
"total": 5919,
"mean": 295.95
"bytes_out": {
"total": 7104,
"mean": 355.2
"earliest": "2019-04-24T14:32:23.099072+02:00",
"latest": "2019-04-24T14:32:25.00025+02:00",
"end": "2019-04-24T14:32:25.761337546+02:00",
"duration": 1901178000,
"wait": 761087546,
"requests": 20,
"rate": 10.519793517492838,
"success": 0.95,
"status_codes": {
"200": 19,
"400": 1
"errors": [
"400 "
Does anyone know why this should be happening?

These numbers are nanoseconds -- the internal representation of time.Duration in Go.
For example, the latencies.mean in the JSON is 992676847, which means 992676847 nanoseconds, that is 992676847/1000/1000 = 992.676847ms.
Actually, in vegeta, if you declare type as text (-type=text), it will use NewTextReporter, and print the time.Duration as a user-friendly string. If you declare type as json (-type=json), it will use NewJSONReporter and return time.Duration's internal representation:
A Duration represents the elapsed time between two instants as an int64 nanosecond count. The representation limits the largest representable duration to approximately 290 years.


OpenAI package leaving linebreak in response

I've starting using OpenAI API in R. I downloaded the openai package. I keep getting a double linebreak in the text response. Here's an example of my code:
vector = create_completion(
model = "text-davinci-003",
prompt = "Tell me what the weather is like in London, UK, in Celsius in 5 words.",
max_tokens = 20,
temperature = 0,
echo = FALSE
vector_2 = vector$choices[1]
[1] "\n\nRainy, mild, cool, humid."
Is there a way to get rid of this without 'correcting' the response text using other functions?
No, it's not possible.
The OpenAI API returns the completion with starting \n\n by default. There's no parameter for the Completions endpoint to control this.
You need to remove linebreak manually.
Example response looks like this:
"id": "cmpl-uqkvlQyYK7bGYrRHQ0eXlWi7",
"object": "text_completion",
"created": 1589478378,
"model": "text-davinci-003",
"choices": [
"text": "\n\nThis is indeed a test",
"index": 0,
"logprobs": null,
"finish_reason": "length"
"usage": {
"prompt_tokens": 5,
"completion_tokens": 7,
"total_tokens": 12

Transform a list of maps in Elixir

I have a list of maps, that I get from querying my database.It has a datetime field that I want to transform into another list of maps where the datetime field is transformed to it's corresponding epoch value.
What i have:
m_id: 267,
end: #DateTime<2020-03-07 17:30:00Z>,
start: #DateTime<2020-03-07 14:30:00Z>,
type: "normal",
s_name: "smum",
w_id: 256
m_id: 267,
end: #DateTime<2020-03-07 07:30:00Z>,
start: #DateTime<2020-03-07 04:30:00Z>,
type: "normal",
s_name: "smum",
w_id: 256
What i want to transform it to:
m_id: 267,
end: 12356789, #some epoch value for eg
start: 12367576, #some epoch value for eg
type: "normal",
s_name: "smum",
w_id: 256
m_id: 267,
end: 12334567, #some epoch value for eg
start: 12354767, #some epoch value for eg
type: "normal",
s_name: "smum",
w_id: 256
To transform a single map, you can do
%{map | end: DateTime.to_unix(map.end), start: DateTime.to_unix(map.start) }
So just Enum.map over the list to apply this to all list members:
Enum.map(list, fn map -> %{map | end: DateTime.to_unix(map.end), start: DateTime.to_unix(map.start) } end)
(I suspected there may be a problem using the map update syntax here because end is a reserved word, but I tested in https://www.jdoodle.com/execute-elixir-online/ and it works.)
I would go with Kernel.SpecialForms.for/1 comprehension.
for %{start: s, end: e} = map <- list do
%{map | start: DateTime.to_unix(s), end: DateTime.to_unix(e)}
It’s slightly different from Enum.map/2 solution, because it would discard those elements not having either start or end keys. To handle those properly, one should use Map.update/4 wisely.

Understanding fold() and its impact on gremlin query cost in Azure Cosmos DB

I am trying to understand query costs in Azure Cosmos DB
I cannot figure out what is the difference in the following examples and why using fold() lowers the cost:
g.V().hasLabel('item').project('itemId', 'id').by('itemId').by('id')
which produces the following output:
"itemId": 14,
"id": "186de1fb-eaaf-4cc2-b32b-de8d7be289bb"
"itemId": 5,
"id": "361753f5-7d18-4a43-bb1d-cea21c489f2e"
"itemId": 6,
"id": "1c0840ee-07eb-4a1e-86f3-abba28998cd1"
"itemId": 5088,
"id": "2ed1871d-c0e1-4b38-b5e0-78087a5a75fc"
The cost is 15642 RUs x 0.00008 $/RU = 1.25$
g.V().hasLabel('item').project('itemId', 'id').by('itemId').by('id').fold()
which produces the following output:
"itemId": 14,
"id": "186de1fb-eaaf-4cc2-b32b-de8d7be289bb"
"itemId": 5,
"id": "361753f5-7d18-4a43-bb1d-cea21c489f2e"
"itemId": 6,
"id": "1c0840ee-07eb-4a1e-86f3-abba28998cd1"
"itemId": 5088,
"id": "2ed1871d-c0e1-4b38-b5e0-78087a5a75fc"
The cost is 787 RUs x 0.00008$/RU = 0.06$
g.V().hasLabel('item').values('id', 'itemId')
with the following output:
cost: 10639 RUs x 0.00008 $/RU = 0.85$
g.V().hasLabel('item').values('id', 'itemId').fold()
with the following output:
The cost is 724.27 RUs x 0.00008 $/RU = 0.057$
As you see, the impact on the cost is tremendous.
This is just for approx. 3200 nodes with few properties.
I would like to understand why adding fold changes so much.
I was trying to reproduce your example, but unfortunately have opposite results (500 vertices in Cosmos):
gave respectively
86.08 and 91.44 RU, while same queries followed by fold() step resulted in 585.06 and
590.43 RU.
This result I got seems fine, as according to TinkerPop documentation:
There are situations when the traversal stream needs a "barrier" to
aggregate all the objects and emit a computation that is a function of
the aggregate. The fold()-step (map) is one particular instance of
Knowing that Cosmos charge RUs for both number of accessed objects and computations that are done on those obtained objects (fold in this particular case), higher costs for fold is as expected.
You can try to run executionProfile() step for your traversal, which can help you to investigate your case. When I tried:
I got 2 additional steps for fold() (same parts of output omitted for brevity), and this ProjectAggregation is where the result set was mapped from 500 to 1:
"name": "ProjectAggregation",
"time": 165,
"annotations": {
"percentTime": 8.2
"counts": {
"resultCount": 1
"name": "QueryDerivedTableOperator",
"time": 1,
"annotations": {
"percentTime": 0.05
"counts": {
"resultCount": 1

Grafana: How to have the duration for a selected period

I can't find the correct mathematical formula to compute a SLA (availability) with Grafana:
I have graph to show the duration of downtime for each days:
From this, i would like to compute the SLA (eg: 99,5%).
On the graph for the selected period (Last 7 days) i can to have this data:
71258 is the sum of duration of downtime in second. I have this with summarize(1day, max, false)
I need to have the sum of duration of time for the selected period (here 7 days = 604800second). But how ?
If i have this last data, after i will do :
(100% * 604800) / 71258 = X %
100% - X % = My SLA!!
My question is: Which formula use to have the duration for a selected period in Grafana ?
One of the database you can run behind Grafana, is Axibase Time Series Database (ATSD). It provides built-in aggregation functions that can perform SLA-type calculations, for example, to compute % of the period when the value exceeded the threshold.
THRESHOLD_COUNT - number of violations in the period
THRESHOLD_DURATION - cumulative duration of the violations
THRESHOLD_PERCENT - duration divided by period
In your example, that would be THRESHOLD_PERCENT.
Here's a sample SLA report for Amazon Web Services instance: https://apps.axibase.com/chartlab/0aa34311/6/. THRESHOLD_PERCENT is visualized on the top chart.
The API request looks as follows:
"queries": [{
"startDate": "2016-02-22T00:00:00Z",
"endDate": "2016-02-23T00:00:00Z",
"timeFormat": "iso",
"entity": "nurswgvml007",
"metric": "app.response_time",
"aggregate": {
"types": [
"period": {
"count": 1,
"unit": "HOUR"
"threshold": {
"max": 200
ATSD driver: https://github.com/grafana/grafana-plugins/tree/master/datasources/atsd
Disclosure: I work for Axibase.

How to process output from match function in jq?

I'm using js tool to parse some JSONs/strings. My minimal example is the following command:
echo '"foo foo"' | jq 'match("(foo)"; "g")'
Which results in the following output:
"offset": 0,
"length": 3,
"string": "foo",
"captures": [
"offset": 0,
"length": 3,
"string": "foo",
"name": null
"offset": 4,
"length": 3,
"string": "foo",
"captures": [
"offset": 4,
"length": 3,
"string": "foo",
"name": null
I want my final output for this example to be:
But in this case I get two separate objects instead of an array or similar that I could call implode on. I guess either the API isn't made for my UC or my understanding of it is very wrong. Please, advise.
The following script takes the string value from each of the separate objects with .string, wraps them in an array [...] and then joins the members of the array with commas using join.
I modified the regex because you didn't actually need a capture group for the given use case, but if you wanted to access the capture groups you could do .captures[].string instead of .string.
echo '"foo foo"' | jq '[match("foo"; "g").string] | join(",")'
