Does anyone know how to trigger an event in Google App Maker when something happens on the server side? Such as when new data gets entered in the model, an action happens on the client side? I am using the standard Google MySQL as the database.
Unable to get notification console when app is quit/kill. I want to see my payload/data which is trigger from backend side.
I want to see my payload/data which is trigger from backend side. When app is in quit/kill state.
I successfully open a web app using an in-line button from my Telegram bot. When the "work" is complete in the web app, it persists the data to a DB via an API call and then closes itself (the web app) using Telegram.WebApp.close(). Upon the closing of the Web app my bot then needs to automatically refresh some information shown in the private chat from where the web app was launched.
Question: How can my bot know that the web app has been closed? Or how can I send a "notification" from the web app to the bot to let it know that it should refresh the data.
Supposedly I should be using answerWebAppQuery but search as I may, I cannot find any examples of how to use this. The closest example I could find is "In our case, we need to send data via answerWebAppQuery, without any servers, using the bot API:${yourBotToken}/answerWebAppQuery, options.
You will need query_id from initData to send data using this approach.". I tried it and it just gives a 404 error.
I would appreciate any help or pointers to where I can find the info I need.
I need to make some of my webapp features realtime. So i started with signalR.For any database changes i want to show new data on client realtime. I have seen two approach of doing this.
The first way is in which function i am changing the data then call
the signalrhub to send the new data to all connected client. and
the other process is by triggering "sql server dependency or sql server table dependency" and send notification to connected client and and client will reload the data after getting the notification.
But there is a microservice that is constantly fetching data and changing the value from database which is not integrate with the core core project. Now i want to show the data change by the microservice. In that manner i have to call the signalr hub from the microservice. My question is "is that possible? if possible then how?".
I am developing angular 6 site. it's fetching data from firebase firestore and display on table.
But if site is already load and I have fetch data and display on table after that If I delete or update record in firebase directly then Can I get that immediate reflection on web table
Is it possible with observable of angular firebase like AngularFirestore ?
Your client needs event to act on, it cannot be automatically without event to trigger, you can use some scheduler or maybe with setTimeout to pull the data and refresh your table, if you have control on that external site you can push notification from it to your server side, then trigger that from your client to get the data refreshed.
I am integrating Google calendar data with an external app and need to do some operations when an event starts. Is it possible to get Google calendar to send a http call when an event starts?
You can try Google Apps Script. That should be able to let you send a server call or email.