Awesome-WM: Position of context menus with Radical - awesome-wm

I'm currently trying to make myself familiar with the Radical menu subsystem of Awesome Window Manager. I want to create a simple menu like the ones you could also make with My code looks like this (of course this is not the complete config file, but the relevant parts of it):
local radical = require("radical")
local menu = radical.context {
style =,
item_style = ,
layout = radical.layout.vertical,
menu:add_item {text="Item 1"}
menu:add_item {text="Item 2"}
menu:add_item {text="Item 3"}
local menutextbox = wibox.widget.textbox("Menu")
menutextbox:set_menu(menu, "button::pressed", 1)
I then include the menutextbox into my wibar. However, when I click on it, the menu always opens in the upper left corner. I tried to set the position manually with menu.x and menu.y, but this didn't change anything. So, how can I change the position of the menu from the corner to the widget which opens it?

Better report a bug in the project repository with your Awesome version. Given the lack of effort to keep up with the newer Awesome changes, it might very well just be broken for your version.
I have a (local) branch with some newer fixes for Awesome v4.3, but it still has some regressions.


How do I overlay two Xamarin Forms layouts such that both can receive touch inputs?

(I posted this initially on the Xamarin Forums, but then decided I might get a faster answer here?)
TL;DR: Some layouts will count a tap on a transparent background, others won't. Setting InputTransparent on a container sets it for all of its children, and I feel like children should be able to override the parent. I need to create elements that overlay another element and pass taps through a transparent region but still have tappable buttons. When I try this with a Grid, it doesn't work. I don't want to go back to AbsoluteLayouts. I'm mostly working in iOS right now, I'm not quite sure if it's a problem in Android yet. Windows Phone/UWP isn't on the table.
Longer version:
I'm rewriting some layouts that worked OK in an older Xamarin Forms (1.3 I think). We recently upgraded to 2.1, and it wreaked havoc on the layout code's bad decisions. I'm tasked with updating the layouts to behave themselves. While I recognize 2.2 has been released, I just tried an upgrade and everything I'm typing seems true in that version as well, so it's not a 2.1 vs. 2.2 issue, or at least if some improvements are made they aren't helping me.
It's a mapping application, so the centerpiece of all layouts is an expensive, temperamental OpenGL element. This element very much does not like to be reparented, so I've adopted a layout sort of like this imaginary XAML:
<OurHeaderControl />
<TheMapControl />
<OurFooterControl />
<MapOverlay />
The purpose of "MapOverlay" is to implement our workflows by adding Xamarin elements on top of the header/footer areas and/or the map. For example, one layout adds a list of directions to the bottom above the footer, so it has less room for the map to appear. The custom layout understands this and lays out the map after the overlay so it can ask for the correct map bounds.
In this layout, I cannot tap on anything the MapOverlay is over. I can make it InputTransparent and tap those things, but then all of its children are also not tappable. This was not true in the old layouts.
Here's the only differences I see between the old layouts and the new:
The old layouts were a complicated mess of AbsoluteLayouts. It looked something like this, I didn't write it:
<AbsoluteLayout> // "main layout"
<AbsoluteLayout> // "map layout"
<Map /> // An AbsoluteLayout containing the OpenGL view.
<AbsoluteLayout> // "child layout"
<SubPage /> // An AbsoluteLayout
The main layout contains AbsoluteLayouts to constrain the child views. One child view is itself an AbsoluteLayout that contains the Map and a handful of other elements associated with it. The other child is the overlay, which is always an AbsoluteLayout that contains the elements relevant to that overlay. These layouts all reference each other in cycles and update each other as layout events change. It's a fascinating ping-ponging that eventually settles down. Usually. Sometimes things just disapper. Obviously there's a reason I'm rewriting it.
But I can click on what I need to click on at every layer, and I don't get that.
So, let's talk about what I need to work, and maybe figure out if it's a bug why it's not working, or if it's a coincidence that it worked with other layouts. Here's a non-XAML page layout that demonstrates, my project's got its roots in the days when you couldn't use XAML in shared libraries:
I need to be able to tap both buttons in this UI and have them respond.
public class MyPage : ContentPage {
public MyPage() {
var mainLayout = new AbsoluteLayout();
// Two buttons will be overlaid.
var overlaidButton = new Button() {
Text = "Overlaid",
Command = new Command((o) => DisplayAlert("Upper!", "Overlaid button.", "Ah."))
mainLayout.Children.Add(overlaidButton, new Rectangle(0.25, 0.25, AbsoluteLayout.AutoSize, AbsoluteLayout.AutoSize), AbsoluteLayoutFlags.PositionProportional);
// The top overlay layout will be a grid.
var overlay = new Grid() {
RowDefinitions = { new RowDefinition() { Height = new GridLength(1.0, GridUnitType.Star) } },
ColumnDefinitions = {
new ColumnDefinition() { Width = new GridLength(1.0, GridUnitType.Star) },
new ColumnDefinition() { Width = new GridLength(1.0, GridUnitType.Star) },
BackgroundColor = Color.Transparent
var overlayingButton = new Button() {
Text = "Overlaying",
Command = new Command((o) => DisplayAlert("Upper!", "Overlaying button.", "Ah."))
overlay.Children.Add(overlayingButton, 0, 1);
mainLayout.Children.Add(overlay, new Rectangle(0, 0, 1.0, 1.0), AbsoluteLayoutFlags.All);
// This pair of property sets makes the overlaid button clickable, but not the overlaying!
// overlay.InputTransparent = true;
// upperOverlayButton.InputTransparent = false;
Content = mainLayout;
This only lets me tap the "overlaying" button even when I change the Grid to an AbsoluteLayout.
I'm stumped. It took me 2 weeks to debug the initial layouts and come up with a new solution. I really don't want to disassemble all of our layouts and put everything in one big AbsoluteLayout or a custom layout. In WPF, there were two kinds of transparent: "transparent background" meant the background could still hit test, and "null background" meant the background would not hit test. Is there some way to overlay layouts in Xamarin like this?
Or, more appropriate, why is the convoluted nest of numerous AbsoluteLayouts in our old layouts working like I need it to, but this much simpler layout isn't?
Here's some additional information I remembered:
This behavior is iOS specific. On Android, both the example code and our code work.
I'm not the first person to have this problem: On StackOverflow. On Xamarin's Forums.
In general it seems as if the behavior with iOS in regards to how InputTransparent is being handled in a Grid compared to the other two platforms. I'm not particularly certain whether I'd quantify the current behavior as a bug at this time, but I understand that it's frustrating to run into a disparity in platform behavior.
There is a fix of sorts for your situation, though, if I'm understanding it correctly. It appears similar a similar report was filed before and behavior regarding iOS was mentioned via this SO link. The question is posed in the scope of a non-Forms iOS app, but the logic can be applied here.
By using a custom renderer (let's use a CustomGrid as an example), you can specifically implement the iOS implementation of the Grid to follow the aforementioned link's manner of finding underlying views:
CustomGrid.cs (PCL):
public class CustomGrid : Grid
public CustomGrid() { }
CustomGrid.cs (iOS):
[assembly: ExportRenderer(typeof(CustomGrid), typeof(CustomGridRenderer))]
public class CustomGridRenderer : ViewRenderer
public override UIKit.UIView HitTest(CoreGraphics.CGPoint point, UIKit.UIEvent uievent)
UIView hitView = base.HitTest(point, uievent);
if (hitView == this)
return null;
return hitView;
In this manner you should not explicitly set InputTransparent for iOS, and any taps on the Grid itself are sent through to anything below. Since Android works with InputTransparent, though, in this particular case you can wrap that inside a Device.OnPlatform statement and skip implementing the Android custom renderer if you don't want to:
Device.OnPlatform(Android: () =>
overlay.InputTransparent = true
Using your above code modified to use the CustomGrid and iOS renderer, I'm able to tap both buttons.

Eclipse RCP CSS pack() does not consider new font

I work on a RCP-application and use the eclipse-css-feature too change the overall font of the application. But when used, the table-elements in the main-perspective does not adapt to the changes. In createPartControl(Composite) the table is filled with content and TableColumn.pack() is called on each one. Before I changed the overall font to Verdana 9px columns always were large enough to hold their content, e.g. "My very long text that is long". Now, however, the columns only display "My very long text that i...". Re-setting the content of the table (clear, fill and pack()) during the setFocus()-function seems to be working, but it also is a pretty bad workaround. Also, this does not solve the problem that I have to wait for the first click to do this.
How do I get my application to pack() table-columns properly on startup?
This is my css:
* {
font: Verdana 8px;
background-color: White;
The problem is that the CSS styles are not applied until the SWT.Skin event is generated after the controls are created.
So you need to run your pack after that event. One way to do that is to use Display.asyncExec to run your pack code after the createPartControl has completed. The asyncExec Runnable should then run after the SWT.Skin.
Alternatively you can get the CSS styling engine and force the styling to happen. In a 3.x compatibility view/editor use:
IStylingEngine engine = getSite().getService(IStylingEngine.class);;

Button links on Wordpress front page are not clickable

I was given a Wordpress theme to install for a new website and then asked to make some customizations.
The site is here: (I'm not sure where the original theme came from.)
There are 3 buttons along the right side of the front page slider. "Employers", "Candidates", and "Open Positions". The buttons were initially clickable and all they did was change the current slider image.
I'm trying to make them clickable so that they open the corresponding page. If you hover over each button you can see in the status bar that the link paths are setup correctly, but when I click the button nothing happens.
I'm guessing it is a CSS issue and some layer is covering up the actual buttons, but I don't know enough CSS to figure out what the cause is. I have the Firebug plugin for Firefox installed so I can more easily inspect the CSS. I've played around with changing the z-index of various elements, but I just can't get it to work.
I actually think it's your jQuery Faded plugin. It looks as if this:
if (o.pagination) {
if (o.autopagination) {
$t.append("<ul class="+o.pagination+"></ul>");
$("."+o.pagination+"",$t).append("<li><a rel="+number+" href=\"#\" >"+(number+1)+"</a></li>");
$("."+o.pagination+" li a:eq(0)",$t).parent().addClass("current");
$("."+o.pagination+" li a",$t).click(function(){
current = $("."+o.pagination+" li.current a",$t).attr("rel");
clicked = $(this).attr("rel");
if (current != clicked) {animate("pagination",clicked,current);}
Is preventing the default action of your links. I'm not sure what will happen, but try commenting the "return false" line out. See if any unwanted side-effects happen. Otherwise, add this code to your (or what I assume is yours) custom.js file:
jQuery(".pagination ul li a").click(function()
window.location = this.href; //UPDATED FOR EPHRAIM
I'm not exactly sure why this is happining, because if you open the link in a new tab, it works perfectly. It's possible that it's a css problem, but more likely, it has to do with your HTML.
What I would try is adding a target to your link. This will tell it to open the link specifically in the window your in, which may solve the problem. (I haven't tested it myself though)
Instead of
Try changing it to one of the following:
Or, if that one doesn't work, try this one as well
Let me know if that helps!
as I've seen on your site, the 3 buttons are linked like this:
a href="/townsend/employers/"
But i think it should be like this to work because a href="/townsend/employers/" does not refer to anywhere in your server
try changing it like so:
<a href="">

Webdriver error: Element is not clickable at point (-99999800, 242.5) driving Facebox control via watir-webdriver

I'm using watir-webdriver with chrome to automate my tests and I'm kinda stuck now.
I have a form inside a facebox( There are many checkboxes inside this form as you can see:
irb(main):113:0> b.checkboxes.size
=> 122
My problem is when i try to set one of this checkboxes I get the following error:
irb(main):111:0> b.checkbox(:id => 'week_0').set 1
Selenium::WebDriver::Error::UnknownError: Element is not clickable at point (-99999800, 242.5)
start_thread [0x5e9e99]
from /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/selenium-webdriver-2.14.0/lib/selenium/webdriver/remote/response.rb:50:in `assert_ok'
from /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/selenium-webdriver-2.14.0/lib/selenium/webdriver/remote/response.rb:15:in `initialize'
from /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/selenium-webdriver-2.14.0/lib/selenium/webdriver/remote/http/common.rb:58:in `new'
from /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/selenium-webdriver-2.14.0/lib/selenium/webdriver/remote/http/common.rb:58:in `create_response'
from /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/selenium-webdriver-2.14.0/lib/selenium/webdriver/remote/http/default.rb:64:in `request'
from /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/selenium-webdriver-2.14.0/lib/selenium/webdriver/remote/http/common.rb:39:in `call'
from /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/selenium-webdriver-2.14.0/lib/selenium/webdriver/remote/bridge.rb:450:in `raw_execute'
from /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/selenium-webdriver-2.14.0/lib/selenium/webdriver/remote/bridge.rb:428:in `execute'
from /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/selenium-webdriver-2.14.0/lib/selenium/webdriver/remote/bridge.rb:264:in `clickElement'
from /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/selenium-webdriver-2.14.0/lib/selenium/webdriver/common/element.rb:34:in `click'
from /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/watir-webdriver-0.3.9/lib/watir-webdriver/elements/checkbox.rb:25:in `set'
from (irb):111
from /usr/local/bin/irb:12:in `<main>'
What should I do to handle facebox with watir-webdriver on chrome?
I found the problem with a TIP from Chuck (look elements attribute at inspect element tool).
So I noticed the checkboxes had -999999px left position.
(since this was the class that was causing the left negative shift)
I found the problem with a TIP from Chuck (look elements attribute at inspect element tool). So I noticed the checkboxes had -999999px left position.
(since this was the class that was causing the left negative shift)
The error makes me think the thing may not be visible or active somehow. Is the script actually displaying the lightbox at the time it tries to interact with it? Do you need to insert a brief pause or wait for the checkbox to get rendered and the javascript code that 'pops up' the lightbox to finish it's thing?
If it is not visible then I could see it producing an error of the sort you are getting.
Likewise if the script is just going a little too quick, that could be the issue also.
Use the developer tools (in chrome you can right click an element and choose 'inspect element') and look at the properties (specifically position) of the element in question, and the elements further up the 'tree' (as it were) that contain it.
You might be able to brute force around this by changing the class, or altering the CSS for the class to temporarily to 'relocate' the object such that Watir believes it is visible. I've had to do something similar for stuff that used the hover state to hide or show menus, where for whatever reason 'onmouseover' events were not good enough for the browser to apply a different css psuedoclass. If you are already using jquery there's some pretty simple functions that can be called to do that sort of thing. (one of your devs might be able to help you out with it) You can use .execute_script to invoke code like that if it's needed.
Try this. It will move the element into view using Javascript. Worked for me.
module Watir
class Element
def move_into_view
var element = arguments[0]; = 'absolute'; = '10px'; = '10px';
return true;],
self )

How to add background-image to a div?

I am working with the Mojo SDK and I'am trying to add a background image to a div but havn't been able to find a way to do it.
Obviously I have tried doing it the normal CSS-way but it doesn't seem to work with Mojo.
Here is the latest thing I tried:
var t=document.getElementById("kblayoutdiv");
var t=document.getElementsByTagName("BODY")[0];
var div=document.createElement("div");"fixed";"kblayoutdiv";"block";"80%";"92%";"16px"; = "11px"; = url('/usr/palm/frameworks/mojo/keyb_en-us.png'); = "255";
I have tried several solutions to get the background image to show.
The rest is working fine. It is just the background iamge that won't show no matter what.
So if anyone can show me the piece of code to add the background image I'd be real happy :) = url('/usr/palm/frameworks/mojo/keyb_en-us.png');
You have to quote strings in JavaScript = "url('/usr/palm/frameworks/mojo/keyb_en-us.png')";
Obviously, the URI has to be correct as well.
That said, as a rule of thumb, it is almost always better to predefine all your styles in an external stylesheet and generate elements that match the selectors (e.g. by setting .className).
