Heroku hangs during login - heroku-cli

I am trying to deploy my project on Heroku platform and I have already succeeded in this.
But after something happens, Heroku cli doesn't allow me to push the project and process of login looks like
I have already reloaded Heroku cli, but it doesn't work
Opening browser to https://cli-auth.heroku.com/auth/browser/378fa71d-d5f6-4fec-8e85-f17fc40e
Logging in... done
Logged in as happiva#yandex.ru
and it isn't working


why does my firebase deployment does not run my website

my cli interface approval of my website deployment
when i run my website i get this
i deployed to the firebase server and expected the server to run my coded website but does not deploy
I have run the website but all i get is i should another from firebase hosting
Firebase Hosting Setup Complete
You're seeing this because you've successfully setup Firebase Hosting. Now it's time to go build something extraordinary! this is the message i get on my website instead of my html css and javascript code

Firebase CLI authentication problem in cloud shell

I'm trying to deploy a test web application using Firebase. I found this Google documentation to deploy a test application 1. I am able to clone a Github repository and enable Firebase on the project. The Firebase web app was created, and I used my Google account as an authentication method. I enabled the web app in Cloud Firestore, and everything seems to be working fine on the Firebase side.
My project is being deployed using GCP and running the application using Cloud Shell. The Firebase version installed is 9.22.0. I got to the point where I need to authorize the Firebase CLI with the following command:
firebase login
According to the instructions, I'm supposed to get the following message: “Allow Firebase to collect CLI usage and error reporting information?” and authorize by pressing Y, and enter to generate an URL. I need to paste the URL in the browser to authenticate with the account being used to generate a verification code and then use it in the Cloud Shell prompt.
Once I run the firebase login command, it never prompts me with “Allow Firebase to collect CLI usage and error reporting information?” It generates the link, and I paste it in the browser and I get the following screen:
I have tried cleaning the browser cookies thinking it was a browser issue, but I kept getting the same error. I have tried different browsers, but keep getting the same error. I recreated the project several times, but Cloud Shell never prompts me to allow Firebase. I have created the project in another GCP account, and we have the same problem. The instructions were followed according to the documentation, but I cannot move forward because it is not allowing me to authorize the Firebase CLI. Does anyone have any insight on the issue? Any help would be very welcome.
1 https://firebase.google.com/codelabs/firebase-web#3
As mentioned in this documentation:
The firebase login command opens a web page that connects to localhost on your machine. If you're using a remote machine and don't have access to localhost, run the command with the flag --no-localhost.
Run the following command in your terminal:
firebase login --no-localhost
Tried the steps in the documentation you provided and I was able to launch the app successfully.

Vue app - Firebase deploy database issues

I successfully deployed my Vue app using Firebase hosting except for one small thing - the database that I was running from localhost isn't appearing / being referenced when I navigate to the hosting URL (https://.firebaseapp.com.
Instead, any changes I make in attempt to recreate the data on the hosted site only effects my instance running on localhost!
Why am I not seeing any db data once i deploy using the standard firebase commands firebase init and firebase deploy?
When I deploy how can I use the same database from localhost but have it running as a copy so that the deployed database and localhost database are kept separate?
I answered the first part via changing how I was deploying. Screenshot is attached.
I answered the second part through this post

Firebase : site not deployed and empty firebase.json file

I am trying to set up a very simple website using firebase and the hosting service. I installed node.js v6 following the official instructions provided on their website for Ubuntu. Then I installed firebase and tried to deploy my website following these instructions.
Unfortunately, I ran through several problems.
The firebase login worked fine and the firebase init command appeared to have worked fine too. I then added a very simple index.html file to my folder and then used firebase deploy. The command output told me the website had been successfully deployed, but it was not. The website is not found when I try to reach it with my browser, and the firebase online hosting utility tells me nothing was deployed.
I then checked my firebase.json file and noticed it only contained this :
It's been more than a day now, so I don't think their servers could be that slow at deploying my website, which is very light.
I've tried reinstalling everything, but nothing changed unfortunately...

meteor deploy isn't updating the code on my app on meteor.com

I had been developing the app a couple weeks ago and went back to it to make a few changes and I see the changes on my local version but I can't get them to app.meteor.com
I found this blog post: http://docs.meteor.com/#deploying. I have created my account, logged in from the command line and claimed the app. I am listed when I type "meteor authorized appname" from the terminal.
However, when I go to https://www.meteor.com/account-settings it says: "You haven't authorized any apps to access your developer account."
When I type "meteor deploy appname" everything looks fine on the command line but the site is not reflecting any changes.
Have a look at the "Claiming legacy sites" section of this blog post:
If you have existing apps deployed with meteor deploy, you'll be prompted to claim them with the new meteor claim command when you try to deploy them with the new Meteor release.
Once you are logged in on the command line, use meteor claim to associate these legacy apps with your new developer account. If the old app was password-protected, you'll be prompted for the site password one last time before you'll be able to claim the app. Once you've claimed it, you'll be able to deploy to it, run meteor mongo and meteor logs, and manage authorized users with meteor authorized, as long as you are logged in on the command line.
Make sure you are running the latest version of meteor by running meteor update, and the next deploy attempt should prompt you to claim the old app.
