Can I show pageviews associated with events in custom report? - google-analytics

I've created a custom report in Google Analytics with event dimensions and pageviews as one of the metrics. View screenshot here:
My question is, will this accurately track pageviews associated with each specific event? Does GA detect the event gtag in the DOM and register 1 pageview with that specific event?
Here's my code in DOM:
jQuery('#unique-ad-slug').on('click', function() {
gtag('event', 'Click', {
'event_category': 'Ads',
'event_label': 'Title of unique ad'
Basically I'm trying to track impressions for each unique ad. I realize there are other ways to do this, but I'm wondering if this custom report will accurately reflect 1 pageview for each event when an event tag is present.
(Note: The "Events CTR" metric shown in screenshot is a custom metric that I created that divides Total Events by Pageviews.)

No, the pageview metric in this case will be the sum of total pageviews of sessions with that event. Won't be an accurate value at all.
You will need to do it in two report tabs. One for event and total clicks and one for page and pageviews.


How to view event label and category?

When I go to Reports > Engagement > Events, all the event names are shown.
I've setup custom click events which also send an event label and event category. However, these properties don't seem to be accessible.
How do I access event labels and categories in Google Analytics?

GA Event Tracking - Double form submission event logged

I have set up event tracking to track how many times the page is visited + how many times a modal trigger button is hit + How many times a form in the said modal is submitted.
Implemented tracking via GTM.
Now when I test with the GTM preview tool, events are reflecting fine but the form submission is displayed twice (with the event triggering for both) even tho form is submitted only once as intended.
Does this mean the GTM is logging 2 events for each submission or is having 2 occurrences in GTM preview a normal thing?
Screenshot of the preview tool
It is not normal, it means that the event is sent 2 times.

Google Tag Manager Event in Analytics as Goal

When I us Google Tag Manager for tracking a Link-Click, it shows up as an Event in Google Analytics. So far so good.
Let's say in GTM: Category is {{Event}} / Action is {{Click Event}} and Label is {{Page Path}}
Now I will have this Event as Analytics Goal (Conversion) - not AdWords. So Am I right, I have to set up in Analytics the Goal again but can't us the variables from GTM?
So the Category must be like "Test" Action "Click" Label "Link Click" or can I say, track my GTM Event in Analytics as Goal like linking them thogheter?
In GTM you can't set up an Analytics Goal right? You have to do the Event and then go to Analytics and make it as a Goal, true?
if you are using GTM to tracking event. it is not necessary to give {{Event}} or any predefined Macro(variables) as Event Category , Event Action or Event Label.
It is entirely upto you . You can give any string/ name the create goal in google analytics..
Link if you are click on any download link
Event Category will be 'Download Link',
Event Action you can choose as {{Click text}} or {{Click URL}}
and Event Label as {{{Page Path}}
after that at the time of goal creation you can use 'Download Link' as Goal Category and leave action and label. it will help you to tracks all download link as well as link url and on which page this event occcurs.. so on

Google Analytics: Real-Time Event tracking showing "phantom" events

In my Google Analytics Real-Time report "Events" I see events in the chart at the top. But the table below is empty -- no events with an event category.
So the question is what kind of events are shown in the chart?

How to track which pages caused custom events in Google Analytics?

I have multiple pages being tracked by google analytics. On all these pages I have an outbound link for which I make a call to create a custom event - the action is named the same on all the pages.
How can I see a breakdown of which pages caused this event to occur. I.e.
Page 1 - 7 clicks on outbound link, Page 2 - 2 clicks on outbound link, Page 3 - 1 clicks on outbound link, Page 4 - 19 clicks on outbound link
All events sent to Google Analytics send with the Page they were sent from (defined by location.pathname and combined, if I'm not mistakened).
You can drill down into what pages those events occurred in by clicking the secondary dimension dropdown (by default, it says "None") and select "Page".
GA has made several changes since 2011, and so Yahel's answer is outdated.
To see all pages where an event fired, you need to go into Events >> Overview and click the event category you care about. This will take you into Top Events, where you can select secondary dimension Page to see top pages where your event category is firing.
You can drill down further by selecting Primary Dimension: Event Action and secondary dimension Page.
