Google Analytics SDK UserActivity cannot show custom metrics? - google-analytics

The SDK reference
shows that custom dimensions are part of the result Activity, but custom metrics are not mentioned
I have a very simple problem, but cannot seem to find the answer anywhere:
How can I get the google analytics data, event by event, including my custom metrics?
Lets say given a client id
I have tried connecting the dataLayer variables through Tag Manager to Google Analytics in various ways and cannot find the custom metrics in detail (i.e. raw, event by event) anywhere in Analytics - Seems that only Analytics 360 allows it via BigQuery; but there must be a way using the SDK
Or is it just not possible?


find view(profile) ID for my project in google analytics V4

Currently, in my project "dev--sci" I do not see a third column with View Settings to get my view ID from (need this to call Google Analytics API).
I followed the directions from this stack overflow answer, which called for creating a new universal property. However, this appears to take me out of "dev--sci" altogether and create a new project called "views (UA-XXXXXX)", which does have the View Settings. But I need the view ID for my original "dev--sci" project, not this blank new one.
How do I get the view ID for my original project "dev--sci" and why doesn't it have the third view column? I believe it's b/c GA V4 doesn't have views, but then for some reason their API still requires it?
As you read in that post, GA4 does not have views, so if you are looking for a view ID to be able to use the APIs that require it in GA4, it means that you are using the wrong APIs, i.e. those that work with Universal Analytics (UA-XXXXX- XX).
GA4 uses a completely different data model from that of Google Analytics, for this reason the APIs to be used are different.
Here you can find some information about Google Analytics Data API V1 that provides programmatic methods to access report data in Google Analytics 4 (GA4) properties:
However, as you can see, this is an early preview version of the API and is subject to change:

Retrieve Google Analytics 4 event parameters via API

Google Analytics (particularly version 4, "GA4") has various predefined events, each with its own parameters. E.g. the purchase event has an items parameter, which contains data such as item_id and item_name for each purchased item. JS code on a website can send these events and pass the extra data, and I can actually see the data in the "Analysis hub" in the Google Analytics interface.
Is there a way to also fetch this extra data using the Google Analytics Data API? There is a way to retrieve some predefined dimensions and also "custom dimensions" (via customEvent:parameter_name), but e.g. purchase item data doesn't seem to be a part of that.
Do I have to define custom dimensions (e.g. a purchasedProductId) and send them in addition to the items parameter, if I want to access this data via API?
Ecommerce reporting is not yet supported in the Google Analytics Data API. I will update this question once I have more information about the timeline of this feature implementation.
The Google Analytics Team

How to get Paid User And Free User from google analytics

I'm New when it comes to google analytics and I have an Apps that use google analytics, but I got some question, Can we use google analytics to track paid and free user separately? If it can where I can find it in google analytics? I'm quite confused with a lot of information in there to use it in data studio
some metrics that I used right now from Google Analytics:
users -> to get all unique user that come to my apps
You can distinguish whether sessions that came or not from paid campaigns, but a user can have more than one session and each session could have been started by different channels, for example from a pay channel and another from an organic channel, but the user is always the same. So, with basic tracking, I'd talk about sessions and not users.
Yes, you can track such details, but you need to let Google Analytics know, who do you consider to be a free or a paid customer, as this is not a standard dimension. This can be achieved with Custom Dimensions.
Key steps involve:
Creating the custom dimension in Google Analytics administration. This is a property level setting. Based on your description, this will likely be a user level dimension.
You need to adjust your tracking code (or Google Tag Manager settings) to include the customers' level among the data, which is sent to Google Analytics. You need to refer the proper dimension ID, which you get during the creation of it.
You need to apply the given custom dimension to your reports. This can be done by using a secondary dimension within the standard reports, or by creating a Custom report. It is also possible by creating a segment of different users, and to apply this segment to various reports.
Further reading is available in this support article.

iOS: Issues with switching from Google Analytics to Firebase Analytics

I am using Google Analytics for years for my iOS apps and was truly satisfied with it. For my regret Google is sunsetting Google Analytics later this year so I am switching to Firebase API so I can keep tracking my apps. I already done most of the integration work and can see the events appearing in Firebase console. However, I can't see custom parameter values but only event count.
For example, sending event named add_book and adding parameter named isbn with value of 1234, I will be able to see in the console only the number of times that add_book arrived and also that it contains an isbn parameter. However, it seems there is no way to view the value (i.e. 1234) of the isbn parameter. I registered the isbn parameter for the add_book event as required. Am I missing something?
Does having the full functionality of the sunsetting Google Analytics (including advanced filtering + regex filters, etc.), means I should use both Firebase Analytics and BigQuery together?
By the way, I linked Firebase Analytics with BigQuery and exported the data as suggested by Firebase Analytics, but I can't see any Analytics tables yet in BigQuery. Do I need to allow several hours before I can view the exported data?
As of March 2019, Firebase Analytics is not so easy to use or test when setting it up (in comparison to Google Analytics). The main steps for setting up event parameters are:
Send your events with their event parameters. Send at least 80-90 events of one type, otherwise the parameters will appear as zero or "not set", until you reach 80 individual events.
The events will not display in the website until after one day. So wait for 24 hours.
When the events appear on the website, you must register their event parameters, with the '3 dots' menu -> "Edit Parameter Reporting" - Like this:
(Image credit: Firebase Analytics custom events params and Firebase Analytics. Can not add custom parameter to event )
After registering the event parameters, you must wait another 24 hours to see the parameters displayed on the website.
More info:
In your event overview from Firebase Console you can enable parameter reporting for individual events. The option is found in the 3 dot overflow menu.
You can do that for up to 10 unique text parameters and 40 unique numeric parameters.
Beyond those limits or for more control BigQuery is the way to go. And yes you need to wait for your first data in BigQuery. They populate a new table with one days data every day once.

Sending GA for Firebase event via Measurement Protocol

I'm using Google Analytics property for Firebase project, and I'm trying to send some event via Measurement Protocol but as far as I see there is no specific MP parameters for such events.
Is there any way to do this?
If you're trying to add an additional attribute to your GA data then a custom variable or dimension/metric within GA might be what you're after.
Once that's in place you should be able to populate it using the MP.
