REST API woocommerce - Not showing all customers on GET/customers - wordpress

Problem summary
I am trying to fetch all customers with POSTMAN using the latest woocommerce API (v3):
Yet only a small segment is returned. The number of customers returned is 28 (X-WP-Total) which is much less than the 150+ customers I have in the system.
Do you guys have any ideas on why only a subset of all customers are being returned instead of all? Does this have anything to do with how I configure woocommerce? Or am I just using the API incorrectly?
What i have tried
My goal is to create a small application to look up a customer by phone/email and then fetch the orders he had made.
Only returns a small subset of all customers and the rest is omitted.
Any customers omitted from the GET/customers will also return an empty array when i for example use
The requests returns an empty array on the omitted customers but
works on customers that was not omitted from:
Yet, given a known omitted customer ID, it is possible to look up that customer by sending a request to
which does not make sense at all.

The solution is to set:
I figured that GET/customers only return by default customers whose role is 'customer'.
However, since I also make use of memberships/subscriptions, a customer would automatically get a new role assigned ('subscriber') whenever they opt-in for a membership. That customer would therefore not be included in the response since his role is no longer 'customer'.
Hope this helps anyone who stumbles upon the same problem.


Marketo Leads - How to find the updated values of progressionStatus field

I need to get the Marketo Leads who have changes on "progressionStatus" field (inside membership) with the API.
I can get all the leads related to a Program (with Get Leads by ProgramID API) without issues, but my need is to get those Leads with changes on "progressionStatus" column.
I was thinking to use the CreatedAt / UpdatedAt fields of the Program, so then, get all the leads related to those programs. But I didn't get the accurate results that I want.
Also, I tried to use the GET Lead changes API and use "fields" parameter to "progressionstatus" but that field don't exist.
It is possible to resolve this?
Thanks in advance.
You can get the list of Leads with progression status change by querying against the Get Lead Activities endpoint.
The Get Lead Changes endpoint could sound as a good candidate, but that endpoint only returns changes on the lead fields. Progression status change is not stored on the lead directly, so at the end that won't work. On the other hand the Get Leads by ProgramId endpoint returns –amongst others– the actual value of progressionStatus (program status of the lead in the parent program) but not the “change” itself, so you cannot process the resultset based on that.
The good news is that the progression status change is an activity type and luckily we have the above mentioned Get Lead Activities endpoint (which is also mentioned as the Query in the API docs) available to query just that. This endpoint also allows for filtering by activityTypeIds to narrow down the resultset to a single activity type.
Basically you have to call the GET /rest/v1/activities.json enpoint and pass the values of activityTypeIds and nextPageToken as query parameters (next to the access token obviously). So, first you need to get the internal Id of the activity type called “Change Status in Progression”. You can do that by querying the GET /rest/v1/activities/types.json endpoint and look for a record with that name. (I don't know if this Id changes from instance to instance, but in ours it is the #104). Also, to obtain a nextPageToken you have to make a call to GET /rest/v1/activities/pagingtoken.json as well, where you have to specify the earliest datetime to retrieve activities from. See more about Paging Tokens.
Once you have all of these bits at hand, you can make your request like that:
GET https://<INSTANCE_ID><TYPE_ID>&nextPageToken=<NEXTPAGE_TOKEN>&access_token=<ACCESS_TOKEN>
The result it gives is an array with items like below, which is easy to process further.
{"name":"Acquired By","value":true},
{"name":"New Status ID","value":33},
{"name":"Old Status ID","value":32},
{"name":"Reason","value":"Filled out form"},
{"name":"New Status","value":"Filled-out Form"},
{"name":"Old Status","value":"Not in Program"}
Knowing the leadIds in question, you can make yet another request to fetch the actual lead records.

How to fetch email marketing insights data from Marketo using API?

I am trying to fetch "Email Performance Report" from the platform
using API to analyze the KPI's like CTR etc by type of the email
(newsletter,email marketing etc).
I went through the documentation, however I didn't find endpoint from
which I can fetch the same.
Does anyone know if there is a way to get this information?
There is no endpoint to query reports directly. However, the good news is, that the “things” that make up an “Email Performance Report”, namely: email delivery, bounce, open and click are available to query via the API.
This means that you have to build the report yourself, but you can fetch the dataset to work on.
These “things” are called activity types (activity measured on a Lead) and can be fetched by querying against the Get Lead Activities endpoint, which is also mentioned as the Query in the API docs.
It sits at the GET /rest/v1/activities.json url and you have to pass a nextPageToken and the activityTypeIds as query parameters.
The nextPageToken indicates a datetime. Activities after that date will be returned by the call. To obtain one, you have to make a call to GET /rest/v1/activities/pagingtoken.json, where you have to specify the earliest datetime to retrieve activities from. See more about Paging Tokens.
To figure out the value of activityTypeIds, you first need to get the internal Ids of the activity types you are interested in. In order to do so, you have to query the GET /rest/v1/activities/types.json endpoint and look for the activity types with names like Send Email, Email Delivered, Email Bounced, Unsubscribe Email, Open Email and Click Email. (I don't know if these Ids are changing from instance to instance, but in ours these are from #6 to #11).
Once you have all of these bits at hand, you can make your request like that:
GET https://<INSTANCE_ID><TYPE_ID>&nextPageToken=<NEXTPAGE_TOKEN>&access_token=<ACCESS_TOKEN>
The result it gives is an array with items like below. Items can be filtered to specific email based on the primaryAttributeValue property and processed further accordingly.
"activityTypeId":11,// #11 = `Click Email`
"primaryAttributeValue":"EMAIL_NAME",// Name of the Email as seen in Marketo
// …

reporting on event hits in google analytics

I have been tasked with using Google Analytics to report of use of a desktop app so we can see which parts of the program are being used and how heavily, and potentially also see which companies are using which parts of the program (each company has a unique companyID). Ideally I'd like to be able to look at correlations (e.g., How many users who use report A also use process B?)
I currently have my program set to fire off a call to analytics. I've set it up to use the event tracking, but I'm open to app/screen tracking or something else if something would work better. I'm passing values like
&t=event // Event hit type
&tid=UA-XXXXX-Y // our ID; real code has valid value here
&cid=12345 // CustomerID
&ec=JobFinancialReport // Event Category
&ea=Run // Event Action
&el=Manager // Event label
&ev=7 // Event value
What I can't figure out is how in Google Analytics to set up reports that would show me something like:
CustomerID Category Label Total Hits Unique Users
12345 JobFinancialReport Manager 27 2
12345 MarketingReport1 Manager 6 4
I'm totally new to analytics so pardon my ignorance if I have some key misconception here. I've searched Googles sites and other questions here, but I may be wording my question incorrectly so I'm not finding something that's there. This is only one example; in some cases we might want to see how broadly each customer is using the program; in other cases we'd want to take the customerID out and just see how much a particular report is being used overall. Appreciate any guidance. Thanks.
The "cid" parameter is the client id, the value that is used to stitch single interactions into sessions and users.
The first problem that comes to mind with your setup is that the client id is not exposed in the user interface (with the single exception of the user explorer report) or the API.
You would need to implement this via a custom dimension (probably user scope, since it probably will never change for a given user) where you pass in the client id (you still need the cid parameter).
Then you could create a custom report (or create a report in Google Data Studio) with the custom value as primary dimension and your selected metric.
If you want to report "Unique Users" you would probably need to create a cid per logged-in user (if all users of the app have the same cid then you will always have but a single user reported). You should then probably create a second custom dimension for the company id, so you can segment your reports by company.
you can use custom reports in google analytics to get your desired output. here is how to create custom reports

Efficiently storing and retrieving likes

In my Firebase database I have posts and then authenticated users can "like" posts. How can I efficiently get the number of likes a post has received. I know using MongoDB I can add/remove the user's id to a list and then use a MongoDB function to get the length of it very quickly and set that equal to the likes amount, but I'm not suer how to do that using Firebase. I could also add/remove it to the list and increment a likeCount variable, but that seems like it would cause concurrency issues unless Firebase has a function for that. What functions can I call to best handle this and scale well? Thanks in advance!
You can do both things:
1) Create a votes node with the UID as key and a value to sum up all the votes.
//All the data
And then just get a SingleValue Event or a Value event(depending if you want to keep track of changes) and sum up all the children
2)You can use a transaction block and just save a value and increase or decrease it depending on the votes
(here is a link where you can find transactions for android,iOS or java)
//All the data,
It really depends on how much information you want to store, and what the user can do once he/she already voted for some post,
I would recommend using both, to keep flexibility for the user to like (like in Facebook) so he can unlike something and use the transaction with number to keep it scalable.. so if a post gets 1,000,000 likes you don't have to count the 1,000,000 likes every time someone loads the post - Caching by Query-String (VaryByParam)

In which situations should we use Query-Strings (VaryByParam) to achieve Caching in ASP.NET?
Can anyone give an example of a real-life situation in case of an web-application?
Obviously you don't want the output cache of Products.aspx to have the data for the first product that got requested.
In detail
If I hit Products.aspx?productID=12345 the page will be processed for me, look up the info for product 12345, and cache the results. Then you hit Products.aspx?productID=54321, the page will not be processed for you but products.aspx will be retrieved from the output cache and you'll see the info for 12345. Not good. VaryByParam resolves this.
The most classic example may be: A product catalog
It may have a URL structure like so:
The first URL is the complete list of all products. There's no querystring here, but the second URL is the same page but with pagination. The Page Number (PageNum) and the number of items per page (PageSize) are both querystrings, so assuming the user couldn't re-order the product list, two different users requesting the:
URL would be getting the same information. The first request could cache this data so that the second request at a later time doesn't need to go back to the database to get the product items (and the details related to them: price, description etc.) in order to display them.
The third URL is a single product detail screen with the Product ID (which could be a unique identifier from the database) as it's single querystring parameter. Multiple requests for this will almost always need to return the same data (unless the price or description or some other element of that specific product changes on a frequent basis). Caching based upon the "ProductID" querystring (and it's variations in value for different products) will greatly reduce load of the database. Ensuring the cache duration isn't too long will ensure that the cache is expired in a reasonable time should the actual back-end database data change.
