How add image button and navigate it by angular material - angular-material-7

I want to make a button with including an (image on button) by angular material. as well as i want to link this button for a component what is relative to the button.
That's mean when i click the image as above mentioned, component should be visible on my project. then how i do this.


Multiple bootstrap code is observed in Angular

I have an angular application, I am using Bootstrap classes. Whenever I am adding a new component like nav, button, etc. I am not able to see exact color and properties whatever I see in the bootstrap documentation, for eg: if I add a button HTML and added btn and btn-primary classes then I am not getting the exact color which is specified in bootstrap documentation:
Primary button in my application
Primary button from bootstrap documentation
In the inspect page I can see like this:
Inspect page for button
Could someone please help me on this

React + Material-UI 4: When same-domain iFrame has focus, <Button> onClick doesn't get fired in Appbar

I have a React application that utilizes material-ui (v4). The specific component combination includes MUI's Appbar as a sticky header (position: sticky), which contains 2 Button components. The body of the component includes numerous tabs, some grids, etc..., and a same-domain iFrame.
Everything works fine, with one exception. When the iFrame has focus (a field or tab or whatever within the iFrame has been clicked), clicking directly on the Button components in the Appbar do not trigger the onClick callback. I temporarily converted the Button components into Link components, and attached an onClick event to those, and that works fine. A second click on the Button components does trigger the onClick callback.
I'm thinking that the Appbar is the issue, since I can place the Button components into the body (removing them from the Appbar), and their onClick callback is called.
So my question is - does anyone know if the Appbar MUI component specifically, in combination with a Button component, has some sort of limitation on event propagation? If so, is there a workaround other than converting the Button into a Link? Also, why does the Link work where the Button does not? And why does the button work in the body, but not in the Appbar?

Open ng-zorro-antd popover at current mouse position

I'm using the ng-zorro popover in an Angular 10 app.
When I click on the page, I'd like an instance of the popover to be shown at the current location of the mouse.
Any suggestions on how can this be quickly implemented? The code samples only seem to show how to display a popover when you click an existing element - button, link etc.

How can a backdrop be added for any component using Angular Material?

I would like to add a backdrop to the page so that when a component on the page is in "edit mode", only that component is accessible to the user.
I know I can achieve this with a modal dialog, but I want the component to remain in its original position and darken/disable everything else on the page.
Is this possible using Angular Material? Maybe using the CDK?

Images on buttons? It must be easy

It seems a very simple requirement.
How do I put an image on a button? The delete button has a style variant of Icon, but I can't see where the image is coming from.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Where can I find all App Maker button icons? ...partially solved my problem, in that I can see the text value is used to find the icon resource, but I would like to know how to put my own image on a button.
If you really want to use an image file of your own, you can insert it as an Image widget, and then use the onClick event for the image to set the button's action.
With that said, I am a huge fan of the Material icon set that's linked from the Where can I find all App Maker button icons? question. I can pretty much always find an icon that works for what I need; then it's just a matter of setting the button style to Icon and using the name of the icon as the button text.
