Architect website/mobile notifications generated by users activities - push-notification

I am working on a mobile application, this application has some features like users can follow each others, adding comments or reviews, like something .. etc.
So the requirement is we have notifications icon in the app, when the user click on it a list of notification will show up, taken in consider those notifications should be real time.
Many things comes to my mind will reviewing this feature, like using firebase to send the notification, or I can develop internal notification service for this purpose.
The question is what do you suggest guys, do you think using firebase is a good idea for such case? or there is something else you recommend for such case
Thank you in advance.

You can try signalR more manageable than firebase but you need to know programing to manage signalR


can I post data to my server directly instead of firebase

I am considering firebase for an app - mainly for the real-time but other features like the analytics and authentication (and price) are other bonuses.
I have my own database and I want everything saved in there. Firebase will have a small portion of the dataset I push as it's needed.
So I'm basically thinking that the firebase data will be read only to the users. If a user comments, that will actually go to my server, I'll authenticate, clean, whatever.. and push to the that feed.
Are there problems with this approach? Are there other (better) ways to solve the problem?
This is a completely valid approach. Firebase is designed so you can use specific features that suit your needs.

What service to use to send text message to user's phone?

Is anybody sending out text messages to user's phones with AppMaker? If so, would you mind posting your preferred solution that has been tried and works with AppMaker/Google Cloud?
Neither App Maker or App Script or Cloud Platform provide SMS services as first party.
So, you can to make market research, choose service that suits your needs best and then if you have any hurdles making it friends with App Maker come back here and ask more specific question, for instance how to authenticate 3rd party service.

Disable digest email in Application insights

I'm using Application insights for outside-in testing, but my code is not instrumented with it. I don't want to receive the weekly email summary about my service, since most columns are blank.
How can I disable the email being sent? (Note I do not want to just unsubscribe myself from it)
It appears this is not available yet, though someone has proposed it on the Application Insights uservoice site, and AI folks have commented on it:
I'd suggest upvoting that if you need it.
While not what you want, it looks like the only option at this time is to unsubscribe.
As of 6/18/2018, application insights is no longer sending digest emails at all.
see for details, the suggestion is to use other tools, like Logic Apps or Flows to query and generate your own content.

Manage Telerik backend push notifications based on data

I've been going around in circles today trying to figure out the best approach, but I'm still lost. Hoping someone here or the Telerik forums has the answer.
My user has a group of records with dates. I need to send a single push notification to the user for each unique date in that data.
I can create this push notification on the client side (appbuilder hybrid app) when a record is created. However, the client sdk for notifications only exposes create, not read or delete. That means -
I can't make sure there's only one notification per device, even if there are multiple records with the same date.
I can't change/remove the existing push notification if the date in a record is changed.
I thought about using Telerik Cloud Code for Data... But the sdk doesn't expose read/delete. I'd have to read all notifications for that User Id from the REST service and then determine which need to be updated/removed. That sounds like a mess of code for a scenario which I would consider somewhat normal. I'm also concerned about timing out, since there's a 5 second limit on cloud code for data.
So, what's the best way to manage my push notifications in Telerik backend services?
The question was answered in the Telerik Developer Forums here -> link

Does Simperium allow multi user collaboration?

On their Overview page one of the bullet points under "What it does" is:
Multiple users can collaborate with the same data at the same time
However there's nothing in the documentation to suggest how this can be done, all the real time syncing is done only between devices logged in with the same user. Their own Simplenote app which is built on the platform does allow multi-user collaboration, but this would appear to be using a private API that is not available to normal Simperium clients.
Is there something I've missed? Is it a feature that will be added in the future? If so, when?
We didn't release the collaboration feature yet, but if you'd like to test it, please, mail us and we'll get in touch with you:
Thank you!
