"Number of observations <= number of random effects" error - r

I am using a package called diagmeta for meta-analysis purposes. I can use this package with a built in data set called Schneider2017. However when I make my own database/data set I get the following error:
Error: number of observations (=300) <= number of random effects (=3074) for term (Group * Cutoff | Study); the random-effects parameters and the residual variance (or scale parameter) are probably unidentifiable
Another thread here on SO suggests the error is caused by the data format of one or more columns. I have made sure every column's data type matches that in the Schneider2017 dataset - no effect.
Link to the other thread
I have tried extracting all of the data from the Schneider2017 dataset into excel and then importing a dataset from Excel through R studio. This again makes no difference. This suggests to me that something in the data format could be different, although I can't see how.
diag2 <- diagmeta(tpos, fpos, tneg, fneg, cutpoint,
studlab = paste(author,year,group),
data = SRschneider,
model = "DIDS", log.cutoff = FALSE,
check.nobs.vs.nRE = "ignore")
The dataset looks like this:
I expected the same successful execution and plotting as with the built-in data set, but keep getting this error.
Result from doing str(mydataset):
> str(SRschneider)
Classes ‘tbl_df’, ‘tbl’ and 'data.frame': 150 obs. of 10 variables:
$ ...1 : num 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
$ study_id: num 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
$ author : chr "Arora" "Arora" "Arora" "Arora" ...
$ year : num 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 ...
$ group : chr NA NA NA NA ...
$ cutpoint: chr "6" "7.0" "8.0" "9.0" ...
$ tpos : num 133 131 130 127 119 115 113 110 102 98 ...
$ fneg : num 5 7 8 11 19 23 25 28 36 40 ...
$ fpos : num 34 33 31 30 28 26 25 21 19 19 ...
$ tneg : num 0 1 3 4 6 8 9 13 15 15 ...

Just a quick follow-up on Ben's detailed answer.
The statistical method implemented in diagmeta() expects that argument cutpoint is a continuous variable. We added a corresponding check for argument cutpoint (as well as arguments TP, FP, TN, and FN) in version 0.3-1 of R package diagmeta; see commit in GitHub repository for technical details.
Accordingly, the following R commands will result in a more informative error message:
diagmeta(tpos, fpos, tneg, fneg, as.character(cutpoint),
studlab = paste(author, year, group), data = Schneider2017)

You said that you
have made sure every column's data type matches that in the Schneider2017 dataset
but that doesn't seem to be true. Besides differences between num (numeric) and int (integer) types (which actually aren't typically important), your data has
$ cutpoint: chr "6" "7.0" "8.0" "9.0" ...
while str(Schneider2017) has
$ cutpoint: num 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ...
Having your cutpoint be a character rather than numeric means that R will try to treat it as a categorical variable (with many discrete levels). This is very likely the source of your problem.
The cutpoint variable is likely a character because R encountered some value in this column that can't be interpreted as numeric (something as simple as a typographic error). You can use SRschneider$cutpoint <- as.numeric(SRschneider$cutpoint) to convert the variable to numeric by brute force (values that can't be interpreted will be set to NA), but it would be better to go upstream and see where the problem is.
If you use tidyverse packages to load your data you should get a list of "parsing problems" that may be useful. You can also try cp <- SRschneider$cutpoint; cp[which(is.na(as.numeric(cp)))] to look at the values that can't be converted.


Converting a factor to a numeric to then create a subset is not working

I am new to R and am having issues trying to work with a large dataset. I have a variable called DifferenceMonths and I would like to create a subset of my large dataset with only observations where the variable DifferenceMonths is less than 3.
It is coded into R as a factor so I have tried multiple times to convert it to a numeric. It finally showed up as numeric in my Global Environment, but then I checked using str() and it still shows up as a factor variable.
Warning message:
NAs introduced by coercion
Warning message:
In Ops.factor(DifferenceMonths, 2) : ‘<=’ not meaningful for factors
'data.frame': 7831 obs. of 25 variables:
$ Age : Factor w/ 69 levels "","21","24","25",..: 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 ...
$ Alive.Dead : Factor w/ 4 levels "","A","D","S": 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
$ Status : Factor w/ 5 levels "","ambiguous",..: 4 4 5 5 4 5 5 5 4 5 ...
$ DifferenceMonths : Factor w/ 75 levels "","#NUM!","0",..: 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 ...
Thank you!
It's ugly, but you want:
The problem here, which you may have discovered, is that as.numeric() gives you the internal integer codes for the factor. The values are stored in the levels. But if you run as.numeric(levels(DifferenceMonths)), you'll get those values, but just as they appear in levels(DifferenceMonths). The way around this is to coerce to character first, and get away from the internal integer codes all together.
EDIT: I learned something today. See this answer
Is the more efficient and preferred way, in particular if length(levels(DifferenceMonths)) is less than length(DifferenceMonths).
EDIT 2: on review after #MrFlick's comment, and some initial testing, x <- as.numeric(levels(x))[x] can behave strangely. Try assigning it to a new variable name. Let me see if I can figure out how and when this behavior occurs.

Error in R code - c50 code called exit with value 1

So, I'm new to machine learning in R. I'm trying the Kaggle Home Depot product search relevance competition in R.
The structure of my training data set is -
'data.frame': 74067 obs. of 6 variables:
$ id : int 2 3 9 16 17 18 20 21 23 27 ...
$ product_uid : int 100001 100001 100002 100005 100005 100006
100006 100006 100007 100009 ...
$ product_title: Factor w/ 53489 levels "# 62 Sweetheart 14 in. Low
Angle Jack Plane",..: 44305 44305 5530 12404 12404 51748 51748 51748
30638 25364 ...
$ search_term : Factor w/ 11795 levels "$ hole saw",". exterior floor
stain",..: 1952 6411 3752 8652 9528 3499 7146 7148 4417 7026 ...
$ relevance : Factor w/ 13 levels "1","1.25","1.33",..: 13 10 13 9
11 13 11 13 11 13 ...
$ levsim1 : num 0.1818 0.1212 0.0886 0.1795 0.2308 ...
where levsim1 is the vector containing Levenshtein similarity coefficients after comparing the search term and product name. The target value is the relevance and I have tried using the C50 package in R for modeling this training set. However once I run this command:
relevance_model <- C5.0(train.combined[,-5],train.combined$relevance)
(the relevance vector is in the factor format with 13 levels). My computer hangs for about 15 - 20 minutes because of the computations in R, and I later get this message in R:
c50 code called exit with value 1
I know that this error is common if there are empty cells, however no cells are empty in the data set.
I'm not sure if I'm using the wrong kind of data for this package. If some one could shed light on why I'm getting this error, or what to read up on in terms of how to model this data set, that would be great.

C5.0 decision tree - c50 code called exit with value 1

I am getting the following error
c50 code called exit with value 1
I am doing this on the titanic data available from Kaggle
# Importing datasets
train <- read.csv("train.csv", sep=",")
# this is the structure
Output :-
'data.frame': 891 obs. of 12 variables:
$ PassengerId: int 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
$ Survived : int 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 ...
$ Pclass : int 3 1 3 1 3 3 1 3 3 2 ...
$ Name : Factor w/ 891 levels "Abbing, Mr. Anthony",..: 109 191 358 277 16 559 520 629 417 581 ...
$ Sex : Factor w/ 2 levels "female","male": 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 ...
$ Age : num 22 38 26 35 35 NA 54 2 27 14 ...
$ SibSp : int 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 3 0 1 ...
$ Parch : int 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 ...
$ Ticket : Factor w/ 681 levels "110152","110413",..: 524 597 670 50 473 276 86 396 345 133 ...
$ Fare : num 7.25 71.28 7.92 53.1 8.05 ...
$ Cabin : Factor w/ 148 levels "","A10","A14",..: 1 83 1 57 1 1 131 1 1 1 ...
$ Embarked : Factor w/ 4 levels "","C","Q","S": 4 2 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 2 ...
Then I tried using C5.0 dtree
# Trying with C5.0 decision tree
#C5.0 models require a factor outcome otherwise error
train$Survived <- factor(train$Survived)
new_model <- C5.0(train[-2],train$Survived)
So running the above lines gives me this error
c50 code called exit with value 1
I'm not able to figure out what's going wrong? I was using similar code on different dataset and it was working fine. Any ideas about how can I debug my code?
For anyone interested, the data can be found here: http://www.kaggle.com/c/titanic-gettingStarted/data. I think you need to be registered in order to download it.
Regarding your problem, first of I think you meant to write
new_model <- C5.0(train[,-2],train$Survived)
Next, notice the structure of the Cabin and Embarked Columns. These two factors have an empty character as a level name (check with levels(train$Embarked)). This is the point where C50 falls over. If you modify your data such that
levels(train$Cabin)[1] = "missing"
levels(train$Embarked)[1] = "missing"
your algorithm will now run without an error.
Just in case. You can take a look to the error by
Also this error occurs when there are a special characters in the name of a variable. For example, one will get this error if there is "я"(it's from Russian alphabet) character in the name of a variable.
Here is what worked finally:-
Got this idea after reading this post
test$Survived <- NA
combinedData <- rbind(train,test)
combinedData$Survived <- factor(combinedData$Survived)
# fixing empty character level names
levels(combinedData$Cabin)[1] = "missing"
levels(combinedData$Embarked)[1] = "missing"
new_train <- combinedData[1:891,]
new_test <- combinedData[892:1309,]
new_model <- C5.0(new_train[,-2],new_train$Survived)
new_model_predict <- predict(new_model,new_test)
submitC50 <- data.frame(PassengerId=new_test$PassengerId, Survived=new_model_predict)
write.csv(submitC50, file="c50dtree.csv", row.names=FALSE)
The intuition behind this is that in this way both the train and test data set will have consistent factor levels.
I had the same error, but I was using a numeric dataset without missing values.
After a long time, I discovered that my dataset had a predictive attribute called "outcome" and the C5.0Control use this name, and this was the error cause :'(
My solution was changing the column name. Other way, would be create a C5.0Control object and change the value of the label attribute and then pass this object as parameter for the C50 method.
I also struggled some hours with the same Problem (Return code "1") when building a model as well as when predicting.
With the hint of answer of Marco I have written a small function to remove all factor levels equal to "" in a data frame or vector, see code below. However, since R does not allow for pass by reference to functions, you have to use the result of the function (it can not change the original dataframe):
removeBlankLevelsInDataFrame <- function(dataframe) {
for (i in 1:ncol(dataframe)) {
levels <- levels(dataframe[, i])
if (!is.null(levels) && levels[1] == "") {
levels(dataframe[,i])[1] = "?"
removeBlankLevelsInVector <- function(vector) {
levels <- levels(vector)
if (!is.null(levels) && levels[1] == "") {
levels(vector)[1] = "?"
Call of the functions may look like this:
trainX = removeBlankLevelsInDataFrame(trainX)
trainY = removeBlankLevelsInVector(trainY)
model = C50::C5.0.default(trainX,trainY)
However, it seems, that C50 has a similar Problem with character columns containing an empty cell, so you will have probably to extend this to handle also character attributes if you have some.
I also got the same error, but it was because of some illegal characters in the factor levels of one the columns.
I used make.names function and corrected the factor levels:
levels(FooData$BarColumn) <- make.names(levels(FooData$BarColumn))
Then the problem was resolved.

How do I create a survival object in R?

The question I am posting here is closely linked to another question I posted two days ago about gompertz aging analysis.
I am trying to construct a survival object, see ?Surv, in R. This will hopefully be used to perform Gompertz analysis to produce an output of two values (see original question for further details).
I have survival data from an experiment in flies which examines rates of aging in various genotypes. The data is available to me in several layouts so the choice of which is up to you, whichever suits the answer best.
One dataframe (wide.df) looks like this, where each genotype (Exp, of which there is ~640) has a row, and the days run in sequence horizontally from day 4 to day 98 with counts of new deaths every two days.
Exp Day4 Day6 Day8 Day10 Day12 Day14 ...
A 0 0 0 2 3 1 ...
I make the example using this:
Another version is like this, where each day has a row for each 'Exp' and the number of deaths on that day are recorded.
Exp Deaths Day
A 0 4
A 0 6
A 0 8
A 2 10
A 3 12
.. .. ..
To make this example:
Each genotype has approximately 50 flies in it. What I need help with now is how to go from one of the above dataframes to a working survival object. What does this object look like? And how do I get from the above to the survival object smoothly?
After noting the total of Deaths was 55 and you said that the number of flies was "around 50", I decided the likely assumption was that this was a completely observed process. So you need to replicate the duplicate deaths so there is one row for each death and assign an event marker of 1. The "long" format is clearly the preferred format. You can then create a Surv-object with the 'Day' and 'event'
df3 <- df2[rep(rownames(df2), df2$Deaths), ]
'data.frame': 55 obs. of 3 variables:
$ Exp : Factor w/ 1 level "A": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
$ Deaths: num 2 2 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 4 ...
$ Day : num 10 10 12 12 12 14 16 16 16 18 ...
str(with(df3, Surv(Day, event) ) )
Surv [1:55, 1:2] 10 10 12 12 12 14 16 16 16 18 ...
- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
..$ : NULL
..$ : chr [1:2] "time" "status"
- attr(*, "type")= chr "right"
Note: If this were being done in the coxph function, the expansion to individual lines of date might not have been needed, since that function allows specification of case weights. (I'm guessing that the other regression function in the survival package would not have needed this to be done either.) In the past Terry Therneau has expressed puzzlement that people are creating Surv-objects outside the formula interface of the coxph. The intended use of htis Surv-object was not described in sufficient detail to know whether a weighted analysis without exapnsion were possible.

Reading a csv file using ffdf and subsetting it successfully

I have been researching a way to efficiently extract information from large csv data sets using R. Many seem to recommend the package ff. I was successful in reading the data sets but am now running into problem trying to subset it.
The largest data set contains over 650,000 rows and 1005 columns. Not all columns contain the same data types. Viewed as a dataframe, the structure would look like this:
'data.frame': 5 obs. of 1005 variables:
$ SAMPLING_EVENT_ID : Factor w/ 5 levels "S6230404","S6252242",..: 2 1 3 4 5
$ LATITUDE : num 24.4 24.5 24.5 24.5 24.5
$ LONGITUDE : num -81.9 -81.9 -82 -82 -82
$ YEAR : int 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010
$ MONTH : int 4 3 10 10 10
$ DAY : int 97 88 299 298 300
$ TIME : num 9 10 10 11.58 9.58
$ COUNTRY : Factor w/ 1 level "United_States": 1 1 1 1 1
$ STATE_PROVINCE : Factor w/ 1 level "Florida": 1 1 1 1 1
$ COUNT_TYPE : Factor w/ 2 levels "P21","P22": 2 2 1 1 1
$ EFFORT_HRS : num 6 2 7 6 3.5
$ EFFORT_DISTANCE_KM : num 48.28 8.05 0 0 0
$ EFFORT_AREA_HA : int 0 0 0 0 0
$ OBSERVER_ID : Factor w/ 3 levels "obs132426","obs58643",..: 3 2 1 1 1
$ NUMBER_OBSERVERS : Factor w/ 2 levels "?","1": 2 1 2 2 2
$ Zenaida_macroura : int 0 0 1 0 0
All other variables being similar to this last one i.e. various species of bird.
Here is the code I used to “successfully: read the csv:
B2010 <- read.table.ffdf (x = NULL, “filePath&Name", nrows = -1, first.rows = 50000, next.rows = 50000)
Trying to learn about ffdf output, I entered command lines such as dim(B2010), str(B2010), ls(B2010), etc. dim(B2010) resulted in the appropriate number of rows but only one column (a string per record of the values separated by commas), and ls(B2010) outputted “[1] "physical" "row.names" "virtual" instead of the usual list of variables.
I not sure how to handle this type of output to be able to extract say STATE_PROVINCE == “California”? How do I tell B2010 what the variables are? I think I need to look at this differently but need some of your help to figure it out.
The ultimate goal for me is to subset a bunch of csv data sets (since I have one per year) and put the results back together as dataframe for various analysis.
To subset an ffdf, use the ffbase package.
As in
x <- subset(B2010, BB2010$STATE_PROVINCE == “California”)
I finally found the solution to getting the ffdf variable names and types properly read and accessible for subsetting:
B2010 <- read.csv.ffdf (file = "filepath/name", colClasses = c("factor", "numeric", "numeric", "integer", "integer", "integer", "numeric", rep("factor",998)), first.rows = 10000, next.rows = 50000, nrows = -1)
This took forever to read but seemed to have worked i.e. I was able to create a subset of the data. Next step: to save the subset back to a "normal" dataframe and/or to a csv.
According to the help page at ?read.table.ffdf, you should be using read.csv.ffdf(...). Then go to the page cited by Brandon.
