I use PHP Google Analytics library https://github.com/googleapis/google-api-php-client
But, now i need fetch data from Google Ecommerce.
What is the difference between Google Analytics Reporting API, Google Analytics API, and Google Analytics Data API? What I need is to report on the data for a 3rd party site/account, but it sounds like all 3 of these APIs are for reporting on data. Could you advise? I've been looking through their docs and they all still sound the same.
Analytics hub is for big query.
Google analytics reporting api - Gives access to extract data from Universal analytics accounts
Google analytics api - is a little harder to nail down. It almost sounds like it gives access to extract data and and configure google analytics data. Which would imply that its management api for for universal analytics Google analytics admin api and possibly the reporting api as well.
Google analytics data api - used to extract data from Google analytics ga4 accounts
What I need is to report on the data for a 3rd party site/account
Im not sure what you mean by this. None of those are for sending data to google analytics. To send data to google analytics. you would use one of the collection options.
Google Custom Search data is not at all getting logged after configuring Google Analytics Site Search. It has stopped logging after July 2021. Do we need to manually push the data to GA?
I'm currently working on a reporting module using Google Analytics API (v4) linked to a Google Adwords account.
While it does manage to query data based on a selection of criteria from the Google Dimension and Metrics Explorer from a linked Google Adwords account, I am unable to query data such as Click Type Performance (the one that shows Headline, Sitelink, etc) or Ad Extension Performance from Adwords through the GA API.
I do know that Google Adwords API is able to provide reporting functionality as well but is the API thorough enough to pull data such as Click Type Performance and Ad Extension Performance?
In other words, what does Google Adwords reporting API provide that GA API linked to a Google Adwords account can't do?
The Google Analytics is a website for displaying analytics about web and mobile applications. Google Adwords is is an online advertising website. they are two different systems.
The Google Analytics API can only return to you Google Analitcs data. That being limited to the dimensions and metrics found in the Google Dimension and Metrics Explorer.
The Adwords API can only return to you data for adwords.
What does Google Adwords reporting API provide that GA API linked to a Google Adwords account can't do?
Adwords returns analitics based upon the ads you are currently running. Google analytics api returns your website analytics data.
I am going to export those dashboards into my web using google analytics api.
Does google analytics api have any methods to get the data of the dashboards?
Or I have to create one by one myself using google analytics api?
The Google Analytics API us used for extracting data from Google Analytics. In the case of the Reporting API its dimensions and metric data. In the Case of the management API its information about the account itself.
Dashboards are UI data from the Google Analytics website. There is no way to export that information.
So no you are not going to be extracting dashboard info using any of the Google analytics APIs.
I am new to google tag manager.I am having a google analytics account.
I integrated google analytics account with google tag manager and applied some tracking event to my google analytics account.
Is it possible to retrieve the gtm event tracking data(through rest api) through google analytics query explorer?
If it possible kindly explain the steps.
There is really noch such thing as GTM event tracking data. You may deploy Google Analytics via GTM, but GTM itself does not collect data.
So Google Analytics event data collected by GA deployed via GTM is still just GA data, and you use the same APIs and tools (including the Query Explorer) that you would use to access GA data from properties that are not tagged using GTM.
You can however not use the GTM API to retrieve tracking data (it is not obvious from your question if you are aware of the difference).