How to deploy .NET Core application with Angular - .net-core

How can I deploy a .NET Core app with Angular? I don't want to use Azure.

The question is rather wide, but ye, there is no requirement for using Azure. (Of course, there are a lot of teams using .net core but running on AWS or GCP)
So first of all, you need to decide the running environment: Linux (NGINX/Apache), or Windows (IIS/Window Service). Then you need to config the app to point to correct folder.
Then you have the option to build and publish the code (either automatic by git or manual)
Also refer to


How to deploy a solution with two projects to Azure App Service?

I am trying to minimize the cost of running my web app in Azure App Service. I have a Visual Studio 2017 solution with two Web Projects: Web and API (both .NET Core). The entire solution is part of a single GitHub Repo. Before adding the API project, the build and deployment to Azure App Service was automated. My goal is to deploy both projects under the same App Service (to minimize cost) with two subdomains (e.g. and and keep everything automated.
Is this something that can be done? Can somebody please help me understand how this can be done? Can those settings be commited?
An Azure App Service Plan can contain multiple web apps. Normally when you use the Azure portal to connect it to source control, Kudu (the tool behind App Service Plans), will create a deployment script for that site.
In case you want to deploy two projects of a single solution (and git repo) to different Web Apps you have to do the following:
Create two web apps under the same App Service Plan
Connect both of them to the same git repo for automated deployments
Modify the deployment parameters
I'm going to suppose you know how to do the first two steps.
To modify the deployment parameters, you could either modify the deployment script by downloading it through Kudu and adapting it or, much simpler, configure it through the portal:
Go the App1 => Application Settings => Add setting PROJECT with value
Go the App2 => Application Settings => Add setting PROJECT with value <path>\<path-to-app2>.csproj
Every time you push up a change, both web apps will receive an update, but they will deploy a different part to the web site.
More information can be found here (see last paragraph):

How to deploy a .NET web application in Mono hosted on a Linux Server?

We have a web application we've been writing in VB.NET. We want to get that running within a Linux server, specifically CentOS. I installed Mono version 4.0.1 on the server, as well as xsp and mod_mono. I'm not sure however, how to properly configure the setup to get the application running. We have several .aspx and .dll files. Do I just FTP them over to the server? I think we would need some wrapper executable script to get the application going, since all the websites I have been looking at state that, but I'm not sure how that works for a web application.
If you are using Visual Studio, you should use FTP to deploy your applications into GNU Linux environment. The IDE would take care of what files has to be deployed in order to get your application working.
But if you are using MonoDevelop you could use SSH Fuse. Here you have a Getting Started guide about working and deploying ASP.NET apps from MonoDevelop to an Linux environment:
If you don't have experience with FUSE, don't worry I get this for you
That's all. You don't need a wrapper as you mentioned before, it is pretty much like and an standard IIS site. Quite easy right? It has to work always that your application and its dependencies are compatible with mono, and indeed with apache or xsp configured correctly.

Deploy to an Azure WebRole without Visual Studio

Is there a way I can deploy my entire website/webapp to an Azure WebRole without the need of Visual Studio?
Context: We have a test environment where there's an IIS hosted web app where our testers test (of course). The thing is, we want to grab that exact tested web app folder and deploy it "as is" to a WebRole.
Please avoid commenting on our procedure, we have been looking at it and we will eventually change it if we have to, I just need a 'simple' yes(how)/no answer.
IIS Web Deploy can be used to package/migrate/restore IIS applications. It can be enabled while deploying a web role as described in this article and allows to update the web role with the application as deployed in your test environment.
Be aware that only single instance cloud services are supported and that in case of a maintenance operation by the fabric controller, your service will be rolled back to the state created by the initial azure package deployment. (There once was a tool for syncing between multi-instance web deployments but sadly that did not work out too well and is no longer supported. Do not attempt to use or rebuild it.)
Installing and Configuring Web Deploy shows the steps to get web deploy for your local testing IIS while articles on using web deploy like this one show examples for calling the tool.
Another option to evaluate are azure websites and git deployment. This could provide you with a documented and reproducible form of deployment that is not prone to unwanted rollbacks while allowing the service to scale to multiple instances. This option might not work out if the application it too tied to the web roles infrastructure or contains code not suitable for the more restricted web sites environment.
A third option to look at is using CSPack as presented in this article. You basically create a service definition and package up the webapp manually without building it in Visual Studio or TFS.
Yes - make sure you have enabled Remote Access on your webrole. Then copy your web app from your local IIS folder to F:\sitesroot\0 (NOTE - may be E:\sitesroot\0 on same web roles).
Yes, you can write a programmatic interface against Web Deploy from your C# code. If you're deploying to Azure Web Sites, you could also use the Windows Azure Management Libraries to spin up new web sites or clouand deploy them.

What is a good way to deploy ASP.NET MVC applications to IIS?

My team works on a couple of ASP.NET MVC 2 applications, hosted on IIS 7 with an Oracle database. We do our database migrations manually and publish our projects directly to the web servers using Publish to File System in Visual Studio 2010.
Are there any best practices on how to release to test, stage and production environments directly from TFS? We would love to be able to automate our releases completely, including database migration scripts.
The preferred way to perform deployments these days seems to be WebDeploy. I believe this can be integrated into TFS, although we don't use TFS so no experience with this yet. WebDeploy is fully extendable with it's provider model.
You could use WebDeploy as a build task like TheCodeKing says. It works fine, we do it in our project and deploy to a dev-server and a test-server like that. The build definitions are available in the VS Team Explorer and every team member can push a build to Dev or Test.
For the database you could use the Data Dude features (or another schema compare tool) and run it via a TFS Build task (TFS 2010 supports database projects) or via the command line to compare and upgrade the database. This is of course dependent on you using the database projects.
Yes you will use web deploy for details information and step by step guide see the following post

Best ASP.NET application Deployment method

Which is the best method to deploy a web application. Currently i am publishing the application and placing that folder in the server and creating virtual directory and providing windows authentication.
I just want to know this is a better metod to deploy or i need to use any other deployment technique?
Plese suggest
It really depends on the situation. For some situations, using Visual Studio's publish feature (right click project) works great. However in some situations, particular larger organizations or environments where the infrastructure group and development team are a little more isolated, you need to use a Web Application Installer or an MSI package. I've also had instances where the easiest thing to do was create a simple .bat file and create an external command in Visual Studio.
Use a web application installer, easy to create with Visual Studio.
If you need a third person to deploy your application in production servers, I would suggest you to deploy using a MSI, it would also help you to version your release.
MSI can be created using various ways including but not limited to
Deployment projects in VS studio
Click once
