I can't subtract date with R - r

I try to subtract datetime (round 30mins). I can do it with Robo3T. But when I try to do this I am getting an error like below.
"Error: cant $subtract a string from a Date"
I can do it with robo3T but I couldn't do it with R.
Here is my R script;
{"$group": {
"_id": {
"Time": {"$add": [
{ "$subtract": [
{ "$subtract": [
{ "$add": [ "$CreateDate", ',1000 * 60 * 60 * 10 ,'] },
"new Date(0)"
{ "$mod": [
{ "$subtract": [
{ "$add": [ "$CreateDate",', 1000 * 60 * 60 * 10 ,'] },
"new Date(0)"
1000 * 60 * 30,'
"new Date(0)"
"Longitude": { "$avg": "$Longitude" },
"Latitude": { "$avg": "$Latitude" }

You can use the lubridate package to achieve this.
minutesLeftToday <- 1440 - hour(time)*60 - minute(time)


Is there a way to transform these 2 arrays by using jq, into a set of objects, like in the example down below?

Example json data:
"data": [
"place": "FM346",
"id": [
"values": [
"place": "LH210",
"id": [
"values": [
what i need to transform it into:
"data": [
"place": "FM346",
"7_day_A": {
"value": 0
"7_day_B": {
"value": 30
"7_day_C": {
"value": 23
"7_day_D": {
"value": 43
"place": "LH210",
"1_day_A": {
"value": 4
"1_day_B": {
"value": 45
"1_day_C": {
"value": 100
"1_day_D": {
"value": 9
i have tried this:
data:[.data |.[]|
place: (.place),
value: (.values[])
(in jqplay: https://jqplay.org/s/f4BBtN9gwmp)
and this:
data:[.data |.[]|
place: (.place),
value: (.values[])
(in jqplay: https://jqplay.org/s/pKIvQe1CzgX)
but they arent grouped in the way i wanted and it gives each value to each id, not the corresponding one.
I have been trying for some time now, but im new to jq and have no idea how to transform it this way, thanks in advance for any answers.
You can use transpose here, which can play a key role in converting the arrays to key/value pairs
.data[] |= {place} +
([ .id, .values ] | transpose | map({(.[0]): { value: .[1] } }) | add)
The solution works by converting the array-of-arrays [.id, .values] by transposing them, i.e. converting
With the transformation done, we construct an object with key as the zeroth index element and value as an object comprising of the value of first index element, and combine the results together with add
Demo - jqplay

Groovy to collect and remove duplicates from a complex json structure

this is my first question at Stack Overflow, so, firstly, Hello colleagues and many thanks in advance.
I have this json input message I'm dealing with, but I cannot find the key to get the message I need for further processing
"callId": "70f354ed47e643bc9d1cd6595e018f9b",
"errorCode": 0,
"apiVersion": 2,
"statusCode": 200,
"statusReason": "OK",
"time": "2022-08-01T07:56:34.631Z",
"results": [
"UID": "5abc8d08d8e148158610c7c6776c4ad5",
"groups": {
"organizations": [
"businessModels": [
"keys": [
"Company Code",
"Sales Org",
"Distribution Channel",
"businessEntities": [
"codes": [
"id": "SalesArea_161185"
"keys": [
"businessEntities": [
"codes": [
"codes": [
"id": "ShiptoInc_161185"
"keys": [
"businessEntities": [
"codes": [
"id": "Payer_161185"
"UID": "d9f2b591f58e4aeebaa0b88175d4fe3c",
"groups": {
"organizations": [
"businessModels": [
"keys": [
"Company Code",
"Sales Org",
"Distribution Channel",
"businessEntities": [
"codes": [
"id": "SalesArea_161185"
"keys": [
"businessEntities": [
"codes": [
"codes": [
"id": "ShiptoInc_161185"
"keys": [
"businessEntities": [
"codes": [
"id": "Payer_161185"
"UID": "74a9ccbc9b8549d1a7726ac1f77f7ea9",
"groups": {
"organizations": [
"businessModels": [
"keys": [
"businessEntities": [
"codes": [
"id": "ShiptoInc_161185"
"UID": "d5ed356a3c2a48568ccacb8d9c7c5506",
"groups": {
"organizations": [
"businessModels": [
"keys": [
"Company Code",
"Sales Org",
"Distribution Channel",
"businessEntities": [
"codes": [
"id": "SalesArea_161185"
"keys": [
"businessEntities": [
"codes": [
"codes": [
"codes": [
"id": "ShiptoInc_161185"
"keys": [
"businessEntities": [
"codes": [
"id": "Payer_161185"
"objectsCount": 4,
"totalCount": 4
For a known id ("Payer_161185" or "ShiptoInc_161185") and a given value ("100563692") we need to extract all repetitions of businessEntities.codes of all UIDs and after get the list, remove duplicates.
For example, for "ShiptoInc_161185", the desired output would be:
{ "salesAreas": ["HU50_HU50_10_10","HU50_HU50_20_20"]}
This output is the list of salesAreas for the given value 100563692 into all the id = ShiptoInc_161185
Other case that I would like to solve is:
How could I add the id instead of text salesAreas?. Something like this {"Payer_111":["HU50_HU50_10_10","HU50_HU50_30_20"],"Payer_222":["HU40_HU40_10_10","HU20_HU20_30_20"]}. This means the id wouldn't be provided, just the prefix Payer_
Your help is appreciated.
***I solved the second requirement
def data = new JsonSlurper().parseText(body);
def bModelsIdFiltered = data.results.groups.organizations.businessModels
.collect { it[0] }.flatten()
.findAll { it.id.contains('Payer_') }
def nList = [];
def rembM = bModelsIdFiltered.each{
it.businessEntities.codes.each { code ->
println "nl " + nList;
def codesFiltered = nList
.findAll { '100563692' in it }
return codesFiltered;
If the structure is rigid and i understood the task correctly (namely, you should find codes that have value 100563692 in the same array), you can doing it like that:
class FindCodesSpec extends Specification {
def testString = '''<insert_your_string_here>'''
def flattenOnce(List array) {
return array.inject([]) { res, el -> res + el }
def findCodes(String message, String id, String code) {
def data = new JsonSlurper().parseText(message)
def bModelsIdFiltered = data.results.groups.organizations.businessModels
.collect { it[0] }.flatten()
.findAll { it.id == id }
def codesFiltered = flattenOnce(bModelsIdFiltered.businessEntities.codes)
.findAll { code in it }
def uniqueCodes = codesFiltered.flatten().unique() - code
return JsonOutput.toJson(['salesAreas': uniqueCodes])
def 'run test'() {
'''{"salesAreas":["HU50_HU50_10_10","HU50_HU50_20_20"]}''' == findCodes(testString, 'ShiptoInc_161185', '100563692')

Is there any function that is used to decrease the date by year when the key has null value

FOllowing is the input that i have
"date": " "
"date": "2022-01-21"
"date": " "
"date": " "
"date": " "
And the required output is as follows
"Date": "2022-01-21"
"Date": "2021-01-21"
"Date": "2020-01-21"
"Date": "2019-01-21"
"Date": "2018-01-21"
Thanks in advance!!
It should be obvious that there is no buil-in function in DataWeave to achieve this result. You can create a custom function for it. For example using a recursive function we can get the expected output from your input:
%dw 2.0
output application/json
fun decDates(a, nextDate)=
[{date: nextDate}]
if (sizeOf(a) > 1) decDates(dw::core::Arrays::drop(a, 1), nextDate - |P1Y|) else []
decDates(payload, |2022-03-21|)
"date": "2022-03-21"
"date": "2021-03-21"
"date": "2020-03-21"
"date": "2019-03-21"
"date": "2018-03-21"

How can I duplicate multiple times an existing object within a JSON array using jq?

I have the following json file:
"actions": [
"values": "test",
"features": [
"v1": 100,
"v2": {
"dates": [
"2020-04-08 06:58:26",
"2020-04-08 06:58:26"
I would like to append n-times the object within the "actions" array to the end of it, creating n+1 total objects.
Expected output if n=2:
"actions": [
"values": "test",
"features": [
"v1": 100,
"v2": {
"dates": [
"2020-04-08 06:58:26",
"2020-04-08 06:58:26"
"values": "test",
"features": [
"v1": 100,
"v2": {
"dates": [
"2020-04-08 06:58:26",
"2020-04-08 06:58:26"
"values": "test",
"features": [
"v1": 100,
"v2": {
"dates": [
"2020-04-08 06:58:26",
"2020-04-08 06:58:26"
I found this answer [How can I duplicate an existing object within a JSON array using jq? however it only works with one element at the end.
You can just use a reduce() function with range() together to create the index to include the object at.
jq --arg n 2 'reduce range(0, ($n|tonumber)) as $d (.; .actions[$d+1] += .actions[0] )' json

Create an object with specified indexes

I am trying to use for loop for every object using jq.
Sample Input generated by Elasticsearch
"took": 202,
"timed_out": false,
"aggregations": {
"aggsDateHistogram": {
"buckets": [
"key": 1465974236000,
"search": {
"value": 14
"key": 1465975137000,
"search": {
"value": 16
I want to have an object that has a key value and corresponding value of value index from search.
{ "date": .aggregations.aggsDateHistogram.buckets[].key, "value": .aggregations.aggsDateHistogram.buckets[].search.value }
This gives me an object but with cartesian product, but I only want to have values like
key[1] : search[1].value
key[2] : search[2].value
So you want to produce this output?
"key": 1465974236000,
"value": 14
"key": 1465975137000,
"value": 16
The following will do just that:
| map({key: .key, value: .search.value})
And from a terminal:
jq '.aggregations[].buckets
| map({key: .key, value: .search.value})' input.json
Here is a slightly simpler solution
[ .aggregations[].buckets[] | {key, value:.search.value} ]
