Dropdown Widget and Related Model - google-app-maker

I have two models, Country and City and a one-to-many relationship between them. One country can have many cities and a city can only have one country. App Maker generates a Country_fk field in the City model.
Now when I create a Create form and drop a form bound to the City model and include the related Country field App Maker creates a dropdown with the following:
options: #datasources.Country.items
value: #datasource.item.Country
Which, if I compare it with some example apps looks absolutely fine. However, I only get the Id of the related Country field not the country name field.
This has happened so many times with different models. I did once manage to create a relationship that worked, and it used the same datasource options and value values, but I can't for the life of me see why something so simple as this is so hard to do. it is so basic newbie stuff I'm beginning to give up on App maker.

You can use a little bit of help from the official documentation.
When you create a model, you can select the default display field. App Maker uses the default display field when it refers to a record in the model. A display field is commonly used for widgets that select a record, such as dropdowns.
Go to your model and make sure you select the proper display field. Something similar like in the image below.

You need to make the required field the 'Display Name' in the relevant model. Once you do this it will display as you want 👍


How to show more than 100 items in dropdown options using projections list

I have a model "address", and one field is country, in the create/edit form I use dropdown to let user select from country list, country list is store in another model called "listCountry", there are 249 countries in total, but in the dropdown options, only first 100 countries shown.
My questions and concern are:
In the options setting, I use #datasources.listCountry.items..Country, and I know there is a default pagesize of 100, but I tried to change that property pageSize as suggested by google's doc, I added to Event Load of that dropdown app.datasources.listCountry.query.pageSize = 300;, but it doesn't work, any suggestion?
I tried Search Box instead of dropdown as workaround, it works, but it requires to set a relation between Address model and listCountry model, which is not required when I use Dropdown. I'm wondering which is the best practice to store an option list, like in this case when we need give an list options such as country for an address form, is that relation setting necessary?
Thanks in advance.

Showing count of content based on the select list values Drupal 7

I have a requirement in which I need to show some content along with its count based on values in a select list. I wanted to display the allocated,released and resigned resources of a particular department in a selected date range. Using views, date range and department fields are created as exposed filters.
Created a content type for creating resources. The Resources content type is having action as a select list with values allocated,released,resigned. Department is another select list and date field is also added.
Please help me with an answer if views module is not enough. Provide some other solutions also. I'm using Drupal 7.
I figured out how to show node count in views. In my view I’ve some exposed filters and passed my select list cck field as contextual filter. If no result available I made the view to display summary as row count. In the template file, I’m planning to do some calculations for showing the resources count in and out of the project. Please correct me if there is anything wrong in this approach.

Dropdown from values of a database field

I have an issue related to the data filtering. I have a Google Drive table to store data, and I want to show one field of this data source in a dropdown to make a filter by this field (Country).
The problem is that this dropdown filter it's only showing the countries that appears on the current page of the list. For example, if in the first page appears one country (Thailand) on the dropdown I'll only see Thailand.
If we move to the second page of the list we have another two countries (Spain and Portugal) and then the dropdown will only show Spain and Portugal.
What I really want is a dropdown which shows all the countries, no matter if they aren't on the current page, but I don't know how to fix it. ​
​This the the configuration of the Country Selector:
In the help, it's said we should use #datasource.model.fields.COUNTRY.possibleValues,
but if I use this paramater as Options, nothing is displayed in the selector.
I have spend a lot of hours trying to fix this issue and I don't find the solution, and I would like to check with you if it's an issue or I'm doing something wrong...
Could you help me?
You are using the same datasource for your dropdown and table and by #distinct()#sort() you are filtering items that are already loaded to browser (opposed to the whole dataset stored in database).
You need to have a separate datasource for your dropdown. There are at least three techniques to do this:
Possible values
You can predefine allowed values for your Country field and use them to populate drop down options both in create form and table filtering #datasource.model.fields.Country.possibleValues as you mentioned in question:
Create model for countries
By introducing dedicated related model for countries you can get the following benefits:
normalized data (you will not store the same country multiple times)
you'll be able to keep your countries list clean (with current approach there is possibility to have the same country with different spellings like 'US', 'USA', 'United State', etc)
app users when they create new records will be able to choose the country they need from dropdown (opposed to error prone typing it every time for all new records).
your dropdown bindings will be as simple as these:
// for names
// for options
// for value
Create Calculated Model
With Calculated Model you'll be able to squeeze unique country values from your table. You server query script can look similar to this:
function getUniqueCountries_() {
var consumptions = app.models.Consumption.newQuery().run();
var countries = [];
consumptions.reduce(function (allCountries, consumption) {
if (!allCountries[consumption.Country]) {
var country = app.models.CountryCalc.newRecord();
country.Name = consumption.Country;
allCountries[consumption.Country] = true;
}, {});
return countries;
However with growth of your Consumption table it can give you significant performance overhead. In this case I would rather look into direction of Cloud SQL and Calculated SQL model.
I gave a pretty broad answer that also covers similar situations when number of field options can be unlimited (opposed to limited countries number).

how to limit view to just show each type one time?

I have a content type what is news, the news has a field type that is List (text) to keep different types of news. for example I have Health, Sport, Economic and etc.
So now I am going to create a block and have each of these type in that as a hyperlink.
I can do it and I created a new view block but each news_type may showing more than one time according to published content.
How to set the view (for block) to just show news_types and show them just one time?
You can achieve this by following the steps given below:
Enable aggregation under Advanced Accordion of the view
Add Nid field & set aggregation type as Count Distinct
Exclude Nid field from display
Add news type field & set Aggregation type as Group results together, in Group Column select Value option from dropdown
Remove Publishing Date from sort criteria
Please check attached screenshot for reference
You can check this question for more information, and maybe help you.

pro asp.net 4.5 in c# book by adam freeman sportstore

just wondering did anybody complete the sport store application in this book, i am having a problem with the data binding in the orders page for the admin, i want to pull in the product id from the order lines table but i keep getting errors, it working correctly for the quantity but i can seem to get the product id to bind. i have tried the following code but this is not working for me at the moment
**<td><%# Item.OrderLines.Product_ProductID %></td>**
it says i am missing a definition in the orderline
First of all, OrderLines is of type List most likely. So the list doesn't have a definition of Product_ProductID. You should rather make a loop for Item.OrderLines and then you can access each order line of the order with its product. At second, take a look at your OrderLine model. Does it contain Product_ProductID? Most likely it has Product property
references to Product model which contains ProductID. So after all, your code would look like:
**<td><%# Item.OrderLines[i].Product.ProductID %></td>**
