How do I get HoloViews to display in Google Colabs notebooks? - jupyter-notebook

I can't get any HoloViews graphics to display in any Google Colabs notebook.
For example even the simple Bokeh example right out fo the HoloViews introduction
points = hv.Points(np.random.randn(500,2))
points.hist(num_bins=51, dimension=['x','y'])
fails to show anything, without any error being reported, while the same code (and all example code from HoloViews) works fine in local Jupyter notebooks.
If I download the Colabs notebook locally and open it, I see the following where I say nothing for output in Colabs:
No (safe) renderer could be found for output. It has the following MIME types: application/javascript, application/vnd.bokehjs_load.v0+json
How do I get Bokeh HoloViews to display in Google Colabs notebooks?

See . Colaboratory has some serious limitations on how it handles notebooks, and for now you have to do this once:
import os, holoviews as hv
os.environ['HV_DOC_HTML'] = 'true'
Then for every single cell with a plot in it you have to re-load the JS:
hv.Curve([1, 2, 3])
It would be great if Google could fix that, as it's unworkable in my opinion.


How do I print latex from a code block in Google Colab?

In Jupyter, I can write:
And it will print the square root of 5 symbolically, using the symbol for square root.
How do I print symbolic LaTeX-formatted output from code blocks in Google Colab?
You could try using calls to the Math function like this.
from IPython.display import display, Math
latex = r'$\alpha=\Omega^4'
I was using a Jupyter Notebook with SageMath. Which is apparently different to every other type of Jupyter Notebook. It seems the function "show()" belongs to the module "sage", which cannot be imported into Google Colab. Instead of Google Colab, I've had to use which allows me to use a sage kernel.

Shift Tab for showing the documentation of a command in Jupyter Notebook is not working

I have a problem in using the shortcut 'shift tab' in order to get more informations of the package or command I am typing in in a cell. I installed Jupyter notebook via anaconda very recently, I am using python 3.7 and Ubuntu 18.04.
Do you know how to fix this problem ? I googled a lot but could not find a solution.
Many thanks.
Let's say you wrote the below code and trying to get the signature/documentation of function read_csv() with Shift+Tab (It may not work some times)
import pandas as pd
-> First type only below code
pd.read_csv? ## Execute this code with Shift+Enter
-> Now when you type pd.read_csv and type Shift+Tab, this will show u signature/documentation... This is just a workaround...
Follow two steps:
Step 1: Run that cell first (shift + enter)
Step 2: After running the cell, press the shift + tab.
It worked for me. I hope it will work for you too :)
In the Google Colab environment, if fixed it as follows:
Tools | Settings | Editor |uncheck Automatically trigger code inspection.
Then, Tab and Shift-Tab worked as expected.
I also faced a similar problem but can you confirm that you imported the library in the jupyter notebook and then were calling one of the methods of the library?
What I observed is that if the library wasn't imported into the notebook then the documentation wasn't also showing using Shift+Tab. Once I imported it, then the shortcut was working to show the documentation.
Scenario 1:
import numpy as np #Pressed Enter for next line
a=np.random.randint #Shift + Tab not working
Scenario 2:
import numpy as np #Shift + Enter
a=np.random.randint #Shift + Tab working
Just Run the tab of your code
Then bring your curser in the parenthesis and press shift + tab
press shift + tab + tab for more info
On Google colab:
clicking on the function after running,
move the cursor away and then
bring the mouse and hover it over causes it to pop up.
Note: colab Tools | Settings | Editor | check Automatically trigger code inspection (first setting)
Run again your line of importing the libraries. Now, having loaded your modules you should be able to see the command documentation.

Persistent plotly plots in jupyter notebooks

My jupyter notebooks that have plotly plots do not retain the plots between sessions.
This is running on a Singularity container based on the official jupyter/datascience-notebook docker image with plotly pip installed on top.
I am using the new renderer framework with the notebook renderer.
My notebooks are trusted.
My plots show up during the session without issues.
They persist across refreshes and reloads of the same notebook, even if I restart the kernel.
They disappear either when I restart the jupyter server or sometimes when I reboot the client machine and come back with a new browser session.
The output cells persist with the correct dimensions, but they are blank.
I can see that a whole bunch of js is embedded in the notebook but it does not render in the browser.
At this point, even if I nbconvert to html, they still do not show up.
Tried with Chromium and Firefox.
import plotly.graph_objects as go
import as pio
import as px
then later I plot a bunch of things like:
go.Figure(go.Scattergl(x = var1, y= var2, mode='markers', marker_size=1))
go.Figure(go.Histogram2dContour(x = var1, y= var2))
My understanding is that I am set up to retain these figures in offline (non-running) notebooks; the js generated for the plots and the entirety of plotly.js library appears to be embedded in each notebook adding up to 10s of MBs, but they are not rendered.
Due to this issue I end up having to re-run (sometimes expensive) notebooks when all I need is to take a look at a previous plot.
As a recent matplotlib/seaborn convert I absolutely love the interactivity but this is quickly becoming a showstopper at this point.
I feel like I'm missing something.
Any advice is appreciated.
For me, the following solution worked :
in the environment you're using : install orca :
conda install -c plotly plotly-orca
at the beginning of your notebook : override default renderer as 'notebook' :
import as pio
plotly graphs were persistent between sessions (ie : after restart of kernels) with these modifications.

ipywidget interactive plot in Html presentations ipython notebook

I would like to use the interactive function from ipywidget in an ipython notebook to make a presentation in notebook.
I have stored my data in a pickle file and what I want is to change the parameters interactively so that I can see my plot.
My code is like this.
def spin(model, power):
with open(path_cluster1+'SSHFS/Model'+str(model)+'/'+str(power)+'/spinpython2.pickle','rb') as f:
spin = pickle.load(f)
interactive(spin, model=(1,4,1), power=(70,101,1))
My collaborators are unfamiliar with python so in principle I would like to make the life easier for them to see my data just by changing a parameter in a html page. Maybe I have to save all the data in a pickle file but the question is if this can work in a html without running python.
Is something like this possible?
Have a look at To quote from the website "nbinteract is a Python package that provides a command-line tool to generate interactive web pages from Jupyter notebooks."

loading bokehJS in jupyter lab

I am having a strange behavior with bokeh library.
So apparently, I am trying to create some beautiful plots with bokeh. When I try to load the bokeh in JupyterLab, I get constant, "Loading bokehJS..." message but if I try to plot with jupyter (from import output_notebook, show output_notebook()), I could plot it. It looks like lab has some issues? or am I not using lab properly?
comparative screenshot attached. Dark (JupyterLab), Light(Jupyter Notebook)
You likely need to install the jupyterlab_bokeh extension:
