Instantiate QWidget derived classes in a QObject derived class - qt

For some reason the Qt compiler doesn't compile if you try to pass a QObject derived class as the rparent to a QWidget derived class.
What is the correct way to provide a parent to QWidget derived classes in a QObject derived class? I'm thinking of the following solutions:
Use a smart pointer with the QWidget classes, instead of giving the object a parent.
Derive from QWidget instead of QObject (Sounds wrong to me, since the class isn't a widget).
Pass a QWidget instance to the QObject derviced class which already has a parent, as I've tried to demonstrate in the example below:
#include <QApplication>
#include <QtWidgets>
class ErrorMsgDialog;
class Controller;
class MainWindow;
// This is the QWidget class used in the QObject derived class (DataReadController)
class ErrorMsgDialog : public QDialog
explicit ErrorMsgDialog(QWidget *parent = nullptr)
: QDialog(parent)
errorLbl = new QLabel("An unknown read error occured!");
QHBoxLayout* layout = new QHBoxLayout;
setGeometry(250, 250, 250, 100);
~ErrorMsgDialog() { qDebug() << "~ErrorMsgDialog() destructed"; }
QLabel* errorLbl;
// QObject derived class - I want to instatiate Qwidget derived classes here, with this class as parent
class DataReadController
: public QObject
DataReadController(QWidget* pw, QObject *parent = nullptr)
: QObject(parent)
m_errorMsgDialog = new ErrorMsgDialog(pw);
//m_errorMsgDialog = QSharedPointer<ErrorMsgDialog>(m_errorMsgDialog);
//m_dataReader = new DataReader(this); m_dataReader->moveToThread(m_dataReaderThread); connect(....etc
//simulate that DataReader emits an error msg
QTimer::singleShot(2000, [&]() {
public slots:
void onNewDataArrived() {}
// called if reader emits an error message
void onErrorTriggered() { m_errorMsgDialog->show(); }
ErrorMsgDialog* m_errorMsgDialog;
//QSharedPointer<ErrorMsgDialog> m_errorMsgDialog;
//DataReader* m_dataReader;// DataReader is not shown here, it would be moved to a different thread and provide some data
// MainWindow
class MainWindow : public QMainWindow
MainWindow(QWidget *parent = nullptr)
: QMainWindow(parent)
parentWidget = new QWidget(this);
m_dataReadController = new DataReadController(parentWidget, this);
setGeometry(200, 200, 640, 480);
//Close after 5 seconds.
QTimer::singleShot(5000, [&]() {
QWidget* parentWidget; // QWidget to pass to OBject derive class for parenting QWidgets
DataReadController* m_dataReadController;
// Main
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication a(argc, argv);
MainWindow w;;
return a.exec();
#include "main.moc"
This test crashes if I use QSharedPointer with ErrorMsgDialog.
Any suggestions on the way to do this? Maybe none of my suggested solutions is the best practise?

Correct storage and life-time management of dynamically created objects is not quite easy in C++. After a long time of struggling, I started to prefer certain techniques which I still use quite successful:
local variables (storage and life-time managed by scopes)
non-pointer member variables
smart pointers with clear ownership (shared pointer) or non-ownership (weak pointer).
With this, I banned raw pointers from my sources nearly completely resulting in much maintenance friendlier code and less annoying debugging.
Of course, when external libraries (like e.g. widget sets) come into play, then I am bound to their APIs.
Concerning gtkmm 2.4, the above techniques worked quite good as well. gtkmm provides
smart pointers for sharable objects
some kind of ownership for widgets concerning child widgets.
When I switched to Qt, I saw all the news and raw pointers in the tutorial samples which made me afraid a bit. After some experiments, I came to the conclusion that I will be able to write ful-featured Qt applications similar like I did before in gtkmm – without nearly any need of new by (again) defining widgets as local variables (e.g. in main()) or member variables of other classes derived (directly or indirectly) from QWidget.
Beside of this, over the time, I realized the general Qt concept of Object Trees & Ownership but I must admit that I rarely rely on this in daily business.
Concerning the specific problem of OP:
A QWidget is derived of QObject. Hence, the usual ownership principle of QObjects apply. Additionally, a QWidget expects another QWidget as parent. A QWidget may be parent of any QObjects but not vice versa.
Hence, I would suggest the following ownership:
MainWindow is parent of DataReadController
MainWindow is parent of ErrorMsgDialog (which is created in DataReadController).
DataReadController stores a pointer to ErrorMsgDialog as raw pointer. (I believe the ownership provided by a QSharedPointer would collide with the ownership of MainWindow.)
(As already described above, in my own programming, I would try to prevent pointers at all and use (non-pointer) member variables instead. However, IMHO that's a matter of style and personal preference.)
The modified sample of OP
#include <QtWidgets>
class Label: public QLabel {
const QString _name;
Label(const QString &name, const QString &text):
{ }
virtual ~Label()
qDebug() << _name + ".~Label()";
class HBoxLayout: public QHBoxLayout {
const QString _name;
HBoxLayout(const QString &name):
{ }
virtual ~HBoxLayout()
qDebug() << _name + ".~HBoxLayout()";
class ErrorMsgDlg: public QDialog {
const QString _name;
ErrorMsgDlg(const QString &name, QWidget *pQParent):
QHBoxLayout *pQBox = new HBoxLayout("HBoxLayout");
new Label("Label", "An unknown read error occured!"));
virtual ~ErrorMsgDlg()
qDebug() << _name + ".~ErrorMsgDlg()";
class DataReadCtrl: public QObject {
const QString _name;
ErrorMsgDlg *const _pDlgErrorMsg;
DataReadCtrl(const QString &name, QWidget *pQParent):
new ErrorMsgDlg(name + "._pDlgErrorMsg", pQParent))
//simulate that DataReader emits an error msg
QTimer::singleShot(2000, [&]() {
virtual ~DataReadCtrl()
qDebug() << _name + ".~DataReadCtrl()";
void onErrorTriggered()
class MainWindow: public QMainWindow {
const QString _name;
DataReadCtrl *_pCtrlReadData;
MainWindow(const char *name):
= new DataReadCtrl(_name + "._pCtrlReadData", this);
//Close after 5 seconds.
QTimer::singleShot(5000, [&]() {
qDebug() << _name + ".close()";
virtual ~MainWindow()
qDebug() << _name + ".~MainWindow()";
int main(int argc, char **argv)
qDebug() << "Qt Version:" << QT_VERSION_STR;
QApplication app(argc, argv);
// setup GUI
MainWindow winMain("winMain");;
// runtime loop
return app.exec();
and a minimal Qt project file
QT += widgets
Compiled and tested in cygwin64 on Windows 10:
$ qmake-qt5
$ make && ./testQParentship
g++ -c -fno-keep-inline-dllexport -D_GNU_SOURCE -pipe -O2 -Wall -W -D_REENTRANT -DQT_NO_DEBUG -DQT_WIDGETS_LIB -DQT_GUI_LIB -DQT_CORE_LIB -I. -isystem /usr/include/qt5 -isystem /usr/include/qt5/QtWidgets -isystem /usr/include/qt5/QtGui -isystem /usr/include/qt5/QtCore -I. -I/usr/lib/qt5/mkspecs/cygwin-g++ -o testQParentship.o
g++ -o testQParentship.exe testQParentship.o -lQt5Widgets -lQt5Gui -lQt5Core -lGL -lpthread
Qt Version: 5.9.4
After the QTimer::singleshot() in MainWindow is due, the main window is closed. The output of diagnostics illustrates that the object tree is destructed properly (instead of "thrown" away when OS releases process memory).


How can I connect a signal to QWidget::update slot?

I am using Qt5 with new signal/slot syntax.
I don't know why the following code doesn't work:
QWidget *widget = new QWidget();
connect(pipeline, &Pipeline::NewFrame, widget, &QWidget::update);
I get the error:
no matching member function for call to 'connect' why?
Pipeline class inherits from QObject and NewFrame signal has the same signature as QWidget::update
class Pipeline
: public QObject
Pipeline(QObject *parent);
void NewFrame();
I am using QtCreator on Arch Linux with g++.
TL;DR: The pipeline should be signaling an image, and the widget should have a SetImage method:
class Pipeline : public QObject {
Q_OBJECT // important
Q_SIGNAL void NewFrame(const QImage &);
class Viewer : public QWidget {
Q_OBJECT // important
QImage m_image;
Q_SLOT void SetImage(const QImage &image) {
m_image = image;
This is how you'd be using it - note that Viewer knows nothing about Pipeline, because it shouldn't: it just shows new frames, wherever they come from.
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
QApplication app(argc, argv);
Pipeline pipeline;
Viewer viewer;
QObject::connect(&pipeline, &Pipeline::NewFrame, &viewer, &Viewer::SetImage);
return app.exec();
Connecting anything to QWidget::update directly, especially from external sources, is usually a sign of bad design.
To satisfy your curiosity, you can use a lambda or qOverload to specify what you're connecting to, to fix the very error you're seeing - caused by ambiguity of the the type of the method pointer. Any of the following will work:
connect(…, widget, qOverload<>(&QWidget::update));
auto constexpr update = qOverload<>(&QWidget::update));
connect(…, widget, update);
connect(…, widget, [widget]{ widget->update(); });

Connection of pure virtual signal of interface class

I want to connect some object's signals derived from an interface class.
The connection is done in QWidget::listenToAnimal(AnimalInterface*).
This does not work because qt_metacall is not a member of 'AnimalInterface' and static assertion failed: No Q_OBJECT in the class with the signal.
Of course AnimalInterface does not have the Q_OBJECT macro and does not inherit QObject because it is an interface...
I want to connect through the interface class because I do not want to manually retype the same code for Cat and for Dog.
Is it possible to connect the signal the way I want to? Perhaps with templates? Is this perhaps a lambda-specific problem?
#ifndef WIDGET_H
#define WIDGET_H
#include <QWidget>
class AnimalInterface{
virtual ~AnimalInterface();
virtual void makeSound() = 0;
virtual void madeSound() = 0;
class Dog : public QObject, public AnimalInterface
void makeSound();
void madeSound();
class Cat : public QObject, public AnimalInterface
void makeSound();
void madeSound();
class Widget : public QWidget
Cat *cat_;
Dog *dog_;
Widget(QWidget *parent = 0);
void listenToAnimal(AnimalInterface *animal);
#endif // WIDGET_H
#include "widget.h"
#include <QDebug>
Widget::Widget(QWidget *parent)
: QWidget(parent)
dog_ = new Dog;
cat_ = new Cat;
void Widget::listenToAnimal(AnimalInterface *animal)
connect(animal, &AnimalInterface::madeSound,
qDebug()<<"animal made sound";
void Cat::makeSound()
qDebug()<<"Cat says miaow";
emit madeSound();
void Dog::makeSound()
qDebug()<<"Dog says wuff";
emit madeSound();
#include "widget.h"
#include <QApplication>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication a(argc, argv);
Widget w;;
return a.exec();
Since you know the derived type at compile type, you can connect to the proper, statically-known QObject-derived type. No need for dynamic casting or anything of the sort. You just don't want the listenToAnimal method to be available for non-AnimalInterface-inheriting types, though, even if it they have a compatible madeSound method:
#include <type_traits>
template< class T,
typename =
typename std::enable_if<std::is_base_of<AnimalInterface, T>::value>::type >
void listenToAnimal(T * animal) {
connect(animal, &T::madeSound, this, []{ qDebug() << "animal made sound"; });
template <class T>
void listenToAnimal(T * animal) {
connect(animal, &T::madeSound, this, &Widget::onAnimalMadeSound);
You can then use it without having to spell out the type - it's already known to the compiler:
If the derived type is not known at compile time, you have to dynamically cast to QObject and connect by name, not by method pointer. It will assert at runtime if you've passed in a wrong type - after all, it's not enough for it to be an instance of AnimalInterface, it also needs to be a QObject instance.
void listenToAnimal(AnimalInterface * animal) {
auto object = dynamic_cast<QObject*>(animal);
connect(object, SIGNAL(madeSound()), this, SLOT(onAnimalMadeSound()));
The fact that the type AnimalInterface has a virtual madeSound method is somewhat relevant - it guarantees that the derived class implements the method with such a signature. It doesn't guarantee that the method is a signal, though. So you should probably rethink your design and ask yourself: "What do I gain by using a static type system when I can't really use it for static type checking"?
Most likely you should make any methods that would nominally accept the AnimalInterface*, be parametrized and take a pointer to the concrete class. Modern code generators and linkers will deduplicate such code if type erasure leads to identical machine code.
Found a solution with templates. Did not work the first time I tried, obviously did something wrong first. Here it goes...
Just replace the corresponding parts from the example in the question (and remove definition of listenToAnimal from the source file):
template<class T>
void listenToAnimal(AnimalInterface *animal)
T *animal_derivate = dynamic_cast<T*>(animal);
if (animal_derivate){
connect(animal_derivate, &T::madeSound,
qDebug()<<"animal made sound";
After trying Kuba Ober's answer, it seems like this is working best now:
template<typename T>
typename std::enable_if<std::is_base_of<AnimalInterface, T>::value,void>::type
listenToAnimal(T *animal)
connect(animal, &T::madeSound, this, [](){ qDebug()<<"animal made sound"; });
However, the one point still not working is how to connect if I create an animal like AnimalInterface *bird = new Bird, because it throws the same error that the base class does not have the signal.

QLabel click event using Qt?

I'm new in Qt and have a question.
I have QLabel and QLineEdit objects, and when QLabel text is clicked on, I want to set this text in QLineEdit.
Also I have read that QLabel has not clicked signal.
Can you explain how can I do this and write code for me ?!
Either style another type of QWidget such as a specific QPushButton to look like a QLabel and use its clicked() signal or inherit QLabel yourself and emit your own clicked() signal.
See this example:
If you choose the latter option you can pass the text in the signal. Then connect the necessary signals/slots up between the QLabel and the QLineEdit like so:
QObject::connect(&label, SIGNAL(clicked(const QString& text)),
&lineEdit, SLOT(setText(const QString& text)));
A simple way to accomplish that, without a need for any subclassing, is a signal source that monitors the events on some object and emits relevant signals:
// main.cpp - this is a single-file example
#include <QtWidgets>
class MouseButtonSignaler : public QObject {
bool eventFilter(QObject * obj, QEvent * ev) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE {
if ((ev->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonPress
|| ev->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonRelease
|| ev->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonDblClick)
&& obj->isWidgetType())
emit mouseButtonEvent(static_cast<QWidget*>(obj),
return false;
Q_SIGNAL void mouseButtonEvent(QWidget *, QMouseEvent *);
MouseButtonSignaler(QObject * parent = 0) : QObject(parent) {}
void installOn(QWidget * widget) {
The emit keyword is an empty macro, Qt defines it as follows:
#define emit
It is for use by humans as a documentation aid prefix only, the compiler and moc ignore it. As a documentation aid, it means: the following method call is a signal emission. The signals are simply methods whose implementation is generated for you by moc - that's why we have to #include "main.moc" below to include all the implementations that moc has generated for the object class(es) in this file. There's otherwise nothing special or magical to a signal. In this example, you could look in the build folder for a file called main.moc and see the implementation (definition) of void MouseButtonSignaler::mouseButtonEvent( .. ).
You can then install such a signaler on any number of widgets, such as a QLabel:
int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
QApplication app(argc, argv);
MouseButtonSignaler signaler;
QWidget w;
QVBoxLayout layout(&w);
QLabel label("text");
QLineEdit edit;
QObject::connect(&signaler, &MouseButtonSignaler::mouseButtonEvent,
[&label, &edit](QWidget*, QMouseEvent * event) {
if (event->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonPress)
return app.exec();
#include "main.moc"
You need to create one Custom Label class, which will inherit QLabel. Then you can use MouseButtonRelease event to check clicking of Label and emit your custom signal and catch in one SLOT.
Your .h file will be as below:
class YourLabelClass : public QLabel{
void myLabelClicked(); // Signal to emit
public slots:
void slotLabelClicked(); // Slot which will consume signal
bool event(QEvent *myEvent); // This method will give all kind of events on Label Widget
In your .cpp file, your constructor will connect signal & slot as below :
YourLabelClass :: YourLabelClass(QWidget* parent) : QLabel(parent) {
connect(this, SIGNAL(myLabelClicked()), this, SLOT(slotLabelClicked()));
Remaining event method and SLOT method will be implemented as below:
bool YourLabelClass :: event(QEvent *myEvent)
case(QEvent :: MouseButtonRelease): // Identify Mouse press Event
qDebug() << "Got Mouse Event";
emit myLabelClicked();
return QWidget::event(myEvent);
void YourLabelClass :: slotLabelClicked() // Implementation of Slot which will consume signal
qDebug() << "Clicked Label";
For Changing a Text on QLineEdit, you need to create a Custom Class and share object pointer with custom QLabel Class. Please check test code at this link
In the above example the header needs Q_OBJECT:
class YourLabelClass : public QLabel{

QImage and Threads

I am having problems with QImages and Qthreads.
I am trying to load big images in a Thread and then display them as QPixmap on a QLabel.
My problem is that as long as I don't use a different thread to load the QImages, everything is perfect but as soon as I use a different thread, nothing is renderder.
Though I still have a valid size for my QImage.
The thing that puzzles me is that, if I just comment the 22nd line in the cpp that moves the loader to the other thread, the label displays nicely.
Does anyone have an idea?
Here is my very simplified code:
Header :
class Loader : public QObject
explicit Loader(QObject *parent = 0);
void imageLoaded(QString, const QImage &);
public slots:
void loadImage(const QString& fichier);
namespace Ui {
class MainWindow;
class LoaderImages;
class MainWindow : public QMainWindow
explicit MainWindow(QWidget *parent = 0);
void loadImage(const QString& dossier);
private slots:
void imageAvailable(const QString& dossier, const QImage& img);
Ui::MainWindow *ui;
//QString mDossier;
Loader* mLoader;
//QMap<QString, QImage*> mMapDesImages;
int mWidth;
#include "mainwindow.h"
#include "ui_mainwindow.h"
#include <QFile>
#include <QPixmap>
#include <QImage>
#include <QDir>
#include <QThread>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QLabel>
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) :
ui(new Ui::MainWindow),
mLoader(new Loader(NULL)),
QThread* thread = new QThread(this);
connect(this, SIGNAL(loadImage(QString)), mLoader, SLOT(loadImage(QString)));
connect(mLoader, SIGNAL(imageLoaded(QString,QImage)), this, SLOT(imageAvailable(QString,QImage)));
emit loadImage("C:/img.jpg");
void MainWindow::imageAvailable(const QString &dossier, const QImage& img)
mWidth += (img.width() + 20);
QLabel* lab = new QLabel(ui->mScrollContent);
lab->setFixedSize(img.width(), img.height());
lab->setGeometry(mWidth - img.width() + 20, 0, img.width(), img.height());
delete mLoader;
delete ui;
Loader::Loader(QObject *parent) :
void Loader::loadImage(const QString& fichier)
QImage* image = new QImage(fichier);
emit imageLoaded(fichier, *image);
There are several mistakes:
You're not showing the label. When the image loader is in the GUI thread, the image is loaded and the label added to the contents pane before the main window is shown. Since the parent is shown, the children become visible.
When the loading is done in another thread, you'll be adding image labels to a widget that's already shown. Such child widgets are not visible unless you explicitly show() them.
You're leaking the image in loadImage. There's no reason to put that QImage on the heap.
You're allowing a running QThread to be destructed. That's a common error since QThread is essentially broken by design. Sane C++ classes should be always destructible. QThread isn't. Thus you need a workaround.
You're not setting the minimum height of the contents widget as well.
You might wish to consider the use QtConcurrent::run instead of a dedicated thread. This is especially worthwhile when the operation you're undertaking is a one liner, more or less. I've shown both, the implementations are alternated between at runtime. Note that you need to add the concurrent module and CONFIG += c++11 to the project file.
Style bugs:
There's no reason to pass NULL for default-valued parameters that are already zero.
There's no reason to keep QObject members that have the lifetime of the parent object on the heap, if such members are constructed along with the parent object.
Just because Qt Creator comes with silly template files doesn't mean that you shouldn't be using a std::unique_ptr or QScopedPointer to hold the ui member. Naked pointers should almost never be members unless they're pointers to QObjects with parents.
As quite a bit of the code is missing, I can't really tell what else might be wrong. Below is a complete example.
#include <QtWidgets>
#include <QtConcurrent>
class Thread final : public QThread {
~Thread() { quit(); wait(); }
class Loader : public QObject
explicit Loader(QObject *parent = nullptr) : QObject(parent) {}
Q_SIGNAL void imageLoaded(const QString &, const QImage &);
Q_SLOT void loadImage(const QString& fichier) {
QImage img(fichier);
if (! img.isNull()) emit imageLoaded(fichier, img);
class MainWindow : public QWidget
Loader m_loader;
Thread m_loaderThread;
QGridLayout m_layout{this};
QPushButton m_open{"Open"};
QScrollArea m_view;
QWidget m_content;
int m_width{};
bool m_threadImpl = true;
Q_SIGNAL void loadImage(const QString &);
Q_SIGNAL void imageLoaded(const QString &, const QImage & img);
Q_SLOT void imageAvailable(const QString &, const QImage & img) {
int spacing = 20;
if (m_width) m_width += spacing;
auto lab = new QLabel(&m_content);
lab->setFixedSize(img.width(), img.height());
lab->setGeometry(m_width, 0, img.width(), img.height());
m_width += img.width();
m_content.setMinimumHeight(qMax(m_content.minimumHeight(), img.height()));
Q_SLOT void open() {
auto dialog = new QFileDialog(this);
if (m_threadImpl)
connect(dialog, &QFileDialog::fileSelected, this, &MainWindow::loadImage);
connect(dialog, &QFileDialog::fileSelected, [this](const QString & fichier){
QtConcurrent::run([this, fichier]{
QImage img(fichier);
if (! img.isNull()) emit this->imageLoaded(fichier, img);
m_threadImpl = !m_threadImpl;
explicit MainWindow(QWidget *parent = nullptr) : QWidget(parent) {
connect(&m_open, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &MainWindow::open);
connect(this, &MainWindow::loadImage, &m_loader, &Loader::loadImage);
connect(this, &MainWindow::imageLoaded, this, &MainWindow::imageAvailable);
connect(&m_loader, &Loader::imageLoaded, this, &MainWindow::imageAvailable);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication a(argc, argv);
MainWindow w;;
return a.exec();
#include "main.moc"

App does not close if I set QQuickView-WindowContainer as central widget

My application is designed in that way that different plugins can set the central widget of the main windows to show the desired content.
This works so far.
But if I set a QQuickView-WindowContainer as central widget, the app does not quit when I close the main window.
If I set a "normal" widget like QPushButton as central widget the appliation quits just fine. Why is that?
This is the code of a minimal example which shows this behaviour (MainWindow is a class created from the QtCreator wizard):
class AppCore : public QObject
explicit AppCore(QObject *parent = 0);
public slots:
void showMainWindow();
MainWindow *m_mainWindow;
AppCore::AppCore(QObject *parent) :
void AppCore::showMainWindow()
QQuickView *view;
QWidget *container;
view = new QQuickView();
container = QWidget::createWindowContainer(view);
m_mainWindow = new MainWindow();
//m_mainWindow->setCentralWidget(new QPushButton("Button"));
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication a(argc, argv);
AppCore appCore;
return a.exec();
This looks like a bug. I see a dead lock in debugger: v8::internal::RuntimeProfiler::WaitForSomeIsolateToEnterJS and QQmlDataLoader::shutdownThread wait for each other. I can't find a good workaround for this issue.
I found a dirty hack that solved the issue. If container is deleted a bit earlier, all works ok:
void MainWindow::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *e) {
if (e->isAccepted() && centralWidget()) {
delete centralWidget();
You probably should send a bug report. Note that m_mainWindow is not needed to reproduce the issue. Using container->show(); gives the same result.
