probability for winning combination in poker game - math

We are trying to calculate probabilities(and odds) for "bet on poker" game on which we are working now.
To calculate probabilities and odds for each hand we used library.
Now, having probabilities of "Royal Flush,Straight Flush, Four of a kind, Full house, Flush, Straight, Three of kind, Two pairs, One pair, High card" for each hand we are trying to calculate the same probabilities for entire table (for example we need probability that the winning combination of the table will be Royal flush) in this image we have probabilities of each hand but not for entire table

We have modified lib (which we used to calculate probabilities for each hands), especially calculate.js file and added 10 variables for each combination(var flush = 0, straight = 0 etc...), and after each iteration depending on winning combination I increment corresponding variable, at the end I have for example from 1000 iterations flush won 500 times , straight won 300 times and lets say pair won 200 times, after this we assume that the probability of flush 50%, pair 20% and the straight is 30%.
I know this is not very accurate and not very professional approach, but it seems working until we can find better way :)


Knapsack with non-linear constraints & step function including item dependencies

I am trying to solve an optimization which looks similar to a knapsack-problem. The setting is the following:
I am having a pool of ~80,000 players of which I want to build the cheapest squad of exactly 11 players. Each player has multiple attributes, the main position he is playing in, nation, club, league and rating.
The players not only need to be selected but also assigned to a position in the formation:
Stating the following problem:
The first constraint is a minimum rating of the squad, which can simply be formulated as a linear constraint. The second and third constraint make sure that exactly one player is selected for each position and each player can only be selected once.
There are several other linear constrains that can occur like a minimum amount of players from one nation or at most three players from a specific club etc.
The chemistry of a squad is a non-linear constraint with a step function.
A players individual chemistry is the product of his position & link bonus.
The position bonus is defined by what the players main position is and where in the formation he is placed in. A central defender placed in the according position gets 3 points, used as a striker he gets 0 points. The bonuses can be seen in the next table.
This part of the constraint still can be formulated linearly. The link bonus is the non linear component. Each position/node in the formation/graph has a weight between [0-3], two adjacent players have a weight of 1 if they are from the same nation, league or club. Sharing two attributes is a weight of 2 and for three respectively. The bonus for a specific position is the average of all edges multiplied by a factor 3.
This bonus is plugged into a step function, which can be seen in the next figure (mapping values between [0-1] to 0.9 etc.). The link bonus is multiplied by the position bonus and capped to 10. The team chemistry is defined as the sum of the individual player chemistries.
I implemented it as described with miniZinc solving it with the osicbc solver, but even for a player pool of ~100 players this is not really feasible to compute, depending on the additional constraints.
Now I am looking for an implementation that can approximate the solution. I was thinking about a simulated annealing or genetic algorithm. However, due to this chemistry constraint these approaches produce a lot of invalid solutions, wandering around in the dark.
Does anyone have an approach that might be applicable to my problem?

Discretization simulation of a Wiener Process

I got some problems with this homework which I have totally no idea, never got into this field before and I really need some help.
First, we have a wiener process like
Which means the probability of the process drops beneath -3 within the time interval [0,1].
Now the thing is we have to simulate the process by discretize it.
1.Suppose we first discretize the process by 100 points and simulate 10,000 process in this way.
i.e., W(0.01), W(0.02), …., W(1.00).
Note that W(t) – W(t-0.01) ~ N(0,0.01) independently.
2.Using the data obtained at 1., we approximate
what is the relationship between this value and the real
(larger, equal to or smaller)?
3.Repeat 1. and 2. by cutting [0,1] into 10,000 points instead. Will the
resulting probability increases or decreases?

Cellular automaton with more then 2 states(more than just alive or dead)

I am making a roguelike where the setting is open world on a procedurally generated planet. I want the distribution of each biome to be organic. There are 5 different biomes. Is there a way to organically distribute them without a huge complicated algorithm? I want the amount of space each biome takes up to be nearly equal.
I have worked with cellular automata before when I was making the terrain generators for each biome. There were 2 different states for each tile there. Is there an efficient way to do 5?
I'm using python 2.5, although specific code isn't necessary. Programming theory on it is fine.
If the question is too open ended, are there any resources out there that I could look at for this kind of problem?
You can define a cellular automaton on any cell state space. Just formulate the cell update function as F:Q^n->Q where Q is your state space (here Q={0,1,2,3,4,5}) and n is the size of your neighborhood.
As a start, just write F as a majority rule, that is, 0 being the neutral state, F(c) should return the value in 1-5 with the highest count in the neighborhood, and 0 if none is present. In case of equality, you may pick one of the max at random.
As an initial state, start with a configuration with 5 relatively equidistant cells with the states 1-5 (you may build them deterministically through a fixed position that can be shifted/mirrored, or generate these points randomly).
When all cells have a value different than 0, you have your map.
Feel free to improve on the update function, for example by applying the rule with a given probability.

i don't really understand FFT and sample rates

Im really confused over here. I am a ai programmer working on a game that is designed to detect beats in songs and some more. I have no previous knowledge about audio and just reading through whatever material i can find. While i got fft working and stuff I simply don't understand the way samples are transferred to different frequencies. Question 1, what does each frequency stands for. For the algorithm i got. I can transfer for example 1024 samples into 512 outcomes. So are they a description of the strength of each spectrum at the current second? it doesn't really make sense since what i remember is that there are 20,000hz in a 44.1khz audio recording. So how does 512 spectrum samples explain what is happening in that moment? Question 2, from what i read, its a number that represent the sound wave at this moment. However i read that by squaring both left channel and right channel, and add them together and you will get the current power level. Both these seems incoherent to my understanding, and i am really buff led so please explain away.
DFT output
the output is complex representation of phasor (Re,Im,Frequency) of basis function (usually sin wave). First item is DC offset so skip it. All the others are multiples of the same fundamental frequency (sampling rate/N). The output is symmetric (if the input is real only) so use just first half of results. Often power spectrum is used
which is the amplitude of basis function. If phase is needed then
beware DFT results are strongly dependent on the input signal shape,frequency and phase shift to your basis functions. That causes the output to vibrate/oscillate around the correct value and produce wide peaks instead of sharp ones for singular frequencies not to mention aliasing.
if you got 44100Hz then the max output frequency is half of it that means the biggest frequency present in data is 22050Hz. The DFFT however does not contain this frequency so if you ignore the mirrored second half of results then:
for 4 samples DFT outputs frequencies are { -,11025 } Hz
for 8 samples frequencies are: { -,5512.5,11025,16537.5 } Hz
The output frequency is linear to its address from start so if you got N=512 samples
do DFFT on it
obtain first N/2=256 results
i-th sample represents frequency f=i*samplerate/N Hz
where i={ 1,...,(N/2)-1} ... skipping i=0
the image shows one of mine utility apps tighted together with
2-channel sound generator (top left)
2-channel oscilloscope (top right)
2-channel spectral analyzer (bottom) ... switched to linear frequency scale to make obvious what I mean in above text
zoom the image to see the settings ... I made it as close to the real devices as I could.
Here DCT and DFT comparison:
Here the DFT output dependency on input signal frequency aliasing by sampling rate
more channels
Summing power of channels is more safe. If you just add the channels then you could miss some data. For example let left channel is playing 1 Khz sin wave and the right exact opposite so if you just sum them then the result is zero but you can hear the sound .... (if you are not exactly in the middle between speakers). If you analyze each channel independently then you need to calculate DFFT for each channel but if you use power sum of channels (or abs sum) then you can obtain the frequencies for all channels at once , of coarse you need to scale the amplitudes ...
Bigger the N nicer the result (less aliasing artifacts and closer to the max frequency). For specific frequencies detection are FIR filter detectors more precise and faster.
Strongly recommend to read DFT and all sublinks there and also this plotting real time Data on (qwt) Oscillocope

Generate random small numbers with a target average

I need to write a function that returns on of the numbers (-2,-1,0,1,2) randomly, but I need the average of the output to be a specific number (say, 1.2).
I saw similar questions, but all the answers seem to rely on the target range being wide enough.
Is there a way to do this (without saving state) with this small selection of possible outputs?
UPDATE: I want to use this function for (randomized) testing, as a stub for an expensive function which I don't want to run. The consumer of this function runs it a couple of hundred times and takes an average. I've been using a simple randint function, but the average is always very close to 0, which is not realistic.
Point is, I just need something simple that won't always average to 0. I don't really care what the actual average is. I may have asked the question wrong.
Do you really mean to require that specific value to be the average, or rather the expected value? In other words, if the generated sequence were to contain an extraordinary number of small values in its initial part, should the rest of the sequence atempt to compensate for that in an attempt to get the overall average right? I assume not, I assume you want all your samples to be computed independently (after all, you said you don't want any state), in which case you can only control the expected value.
If you assign a probability pi for each of your possible choices, then the expected value will be the sum of these values, weighted by their probabilities:
EV = − 2p−2 − p−1 + p1 + 2p2 = 1.2
As additional constraints you have to require that each of these probabilities is non-negative, and that the above four add up to a value less than 1, with the remainder taken by the fifth probability p0.
there are many possible assignments which satisfy these requirements, and any one will do what you asked for. Which of them are reasonable for your application depends on what that application does.
You can use a PRNG which generates variables uniformly distributed in the range [0,1), and then map these to the cases you described by taking the cumulative sums of the probabilities as cut points.
