I have a Vaadin7 application I am trying to move to Vaadin12 and there is a line of code where I call VaadinServlet.getCurrent() to get the servlet ( I actually need to configuration information ). It is returning null. What is happening and how can I fix?
Obviously, this line of code works fine in Vaadin7.
Ok, it was a simple solution: I just had to change import com.vaadin.server.VaadinServlet; to import com.vaadin.flow.server.VaadinServlet;. There is a addon we use that seems to reference vaadin 7 stuff, and thus neither of us noticed the wrong import statement. Either we should have stopped using this addon or updated it to the latest version.
Lesson to learn from this: make sure you are no referencing Vaadin 7 via depencies in your pom, I guess.
I noticed by accident that openstack.connect() automatically tries to access the clouds.yaml file. I tried to replicate this for the cinderclient, but it didn't work. I know of no documentation of that feature, therefore I just guessed:
from cinderclient import client
from keystoneauth1 import loading
loader = loading.get_plugin_loader('password')
auth_cinder = loader.load_from_options()
I also tried the other load commands given by loading, but none of them worked without further parameters like openstack.connect() did.
If I just missed the full documentation of this feature, I would love to be pointed towards the right direction.
I am trying to use Cypress.moment to compare dates. The targeted website is in french so the date format.
Therefore, I intended to use moment.js method to switch fr locale.
I should be able to do that as they say on cypress documentation :
Cypress automatically includes moment.js and exposes it as Cypress.moment
const todaysDate = Cypress.moment().format('Do')
const currentMonth = Cypress.moment().format('MMMM')
cy.get('.date__title').should('contain', todaysDate)
cy.get('.c-title').should('contain', currentMonth)
But the assertion fails as cypress refuse to take into account the fr locale. It keeps comparing 'décembre' with 'december' for instance. Which fails obviously.
I am doing something wrong ?
in the same aforementioned thread, a working answer recently surfaced:
put this in support/index.js:
it worked brilliantly in my project
Unfortunately, at the time of writing, I think this is not possible with Cypress.moment.locale(), as you can see in this issue in their git repository.
As commented there moment.locale requires an import in addition to the standard moment import, that import is moment-with-locales.min.js and has not been included in Cypress.
You know, I spend more time just trying to get things set up to work with Angular than I do actually developing with Angular. There must be an easier way... :(
Currently, I am using the aspnetcore-spa template, creating a project with the command "dotnet new angular" - this is version 1.0.3, which adds Angular 4.1.2 to the npm dependencies. This works great to get a project running quickly. But now I want to add PrimeNG to take advantage of their form controls. I have been struggling with this all day, and would love it if anyone could provide some assistance.
Here is what I have done in my current effort (the latest of many, starting fresh each time):
1) Added to the package.json file: "primeng": "4.1.0-rc.2"
2) Added 'primeng/primeng' to the webpack.config.vendor.js file's vendor collection.
3) Added the following to my test module (which is in turn referenced in app.module.shared.ts so I can route to it via my RouterModule):
import { FileUploadModule } from 'primeng/components/fileupload/fileupload';
And in the html for the module, in an attempt to use the file uploader control, I have (from their site - https://www.primefaces.org/primeng/#/fileupload):
<p-fileUpload name="myfile[]" url="./upload.php"></p-fileUpload>
4) ran "webpack --config webpack.config.vendor.js" from a command prompt at the root of the project folder, which completed with no errors.
Then I hit F5 to run the project, and I got this error:
Exception: Call to Node module failed with error: Error: Template parse errors:
'p-fileUpload' is not a known element:
1. If 'p-fileUpload' is an Angular component, then verify that it is part of this module.
2. If 'p-fileUpload' is a Web Component then add 'CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA' to the '#NgModule.schemas' of this component to suppress this message. (" type="button" (click)="onclick()" class="ui-button-info" label="Click Me">Click Me</button>-->
So, in an effort to comply, I added a reference to the ngprime module to the app.module.shared.ts file, like this (I don't really know how I should reference the module...):
import { FileUploadModule } from 'primeng/primeng';
But got the same exact error.
What am I missing???
Any help would be most appreciated.
I finally have this working, using the asp-prerender-module to get server-side rendering, and not having to rely on the asp-ng2-prerender-module (see my last comment). The trick, I found, was to reference the FileUploaderModule in the app.module.shared.ts file like this:
import { FileUploadModule } from 'primeng/components/fileupload/fileupload';
rather than like this:
import { FileUploadModule } from 'primeng/primeng';
The reason this matters is that the latter method of referencing will load all other components as well (see explanation here: https://www.primefaces.org/primeng/#/setup), and SOME of the PrimeNG components can not be rendered on the server due to DOM-related references (things like "window", which do not exist on the server). See the discussion here for more on this: https://github.com/primefaces/primeng/issues/1341
This change, combined with the other steps listed in my answer and, of course, actually referencing the directive in app.module (thank you #pankaj !) made everything work correctly at last. Only took me about 7 hours to figure it out. :(
In roboelectric when you write your test class you have declare the #RunWith annotation of which there is RobolectricGradleTestRunner and RobolectricTestRunner.class. What is the difference and which one should we use ? Why is there 2 in the first place. If I use RobolectricTestRunner then it does not work for me it says some weird error like :
"java.lang.IllegalStateException: You need to use a Theme.AppCompat theme (or descendant) with this activity."
However this seems to go away if I use RobolectricGradleTestRunner.
RobolectricTestRunner was first and is for maven based projects.
RobolectricGradleTestRunner was for gradle based projects because some paths have changed.
Since robolectric 3.1.1 this is not more necessary and is now deprecated.
For more details see also http://robolectric.org/getting-started/
I want to use a SuperAccordion GUI component. I.e. an accordion, where sereval windows can be opened simultaneously.
I found this:
However, I can get the code... Flex does not know about a component 'SuperAccordion".
Please help.
Your link contains all the code you need... SuperAccordion is composite component defined in this very example.
Edit: Actually, no. There is a library used: ws.tink.flex.containers, hosted at: http://tink.googlecode.com/svn-history/r49/trunk/ws/tink/flex/containers/
You can use svn to get it: svn checkout http://tink.googlecode.com/svn-history/r49/trunk/ws/tink/flex/containers/ [folder to store it]
Edit: or even simpler: http://code.google.com/p/tink/downloads/list