How to set a mouse button combo as a hotkey? - button

Since I remapped XButton1 and XButton2 to ctrl+shift+tab and ctrl+tab
I wanted to set the right mouse button + XButton1/2 combos as forward&backward.
It works, but I don't have right click now...
I tried writing it as {RButton&XButton1}, needless to say that didn't help, but back/forward still works.
XButton1::Send ^+{Tab}
XButton2::Send ^{Tab}
RButton&XButton1::Send !{Left}
RButton&XButton2::Send !{Right}
I expect the right mouse button to work still as it is intended.

The prefix key in a custom combination (in this case RButton) loses its native function,
unless you add
RButton:: Send {RButton}


How to hide mouse cursor in Qt Application?

qApp->setOverrideCursor() method works successfully, if I want to hide mouse cursor, except one condition. If I add a dialog that is modal, and while it is shown, if the cursor is out of dialog's borders, it is shown again. Have you got any idea about the problem?
It does not matter how the solution for hiding mouse cursor is; whether by Qt or at the operating system level. My operating system is Windows 7.
You cannot hide the mouse cursor when it leaves your window (or dialog-window), because it is then handled by the window-manager of your OS. A workaround would be to constrain the mouse to your window/dialog, so it cannot leave. You will either need to look through the MSDN to find the specific windows functions to do it, or do it like in kshegunov's code example on the Qt-forums:

Fully programmatic hiding / showing of SignPosts

I'm trying to display some extra contextual help as a result of a button click elsewhere (in this case it cant be the trigger)
I'd like to be able to have users dismiss via clicking the close x, or clicking the trigger, but continue to show if users click in places other than the ACTUAL trigger.
I've tried setting *clrIfOpen="false" or to about just about any other way I can think of blocking it, but it seems like some place the click listener is just telling isopen service that its open... meaning the clrIfOpen is really only good for an initial state.
Any hacks around this?

Google VR Reticle Click on UI Button

So I am having this issue with using Google VR reticle where I cannot click a button. I have an image attached showing the heirarchy and the PlayButton is what I am trying to click. The Canvas has a Graphic Raycaster, the button has an Event Trigger that calls the method to navigate to the next scene. The UpScrollPanel, and DownScrollPanel work just fine. The EventSystem has the Gaze Input Module, as well as Event System, and Touch Input Module.
Any ideas on how to get this working? I have watched a few videos from NurFACEGAMES and while they helped a little, I haven't gotten the click to work yet.
Oh, and I am using Unity 5.3.4f
Sometimes things can get in the way of the button, make sure that no other UI elements overlap it, for example text borders (which are actually larger than they appear). You can also fix this by moving the button up the hierarchy among its siblings, I believe the first child is top.
Also try moving the button up the hierarchy if possible, sometimes UI having certain parents makes them not work
The canvas object should have a graphic raycaster
I found the issue to be unrelated to anything I thought it was. The menu I was using is a prefab I also use in another view that isn't VR. The scrollrect was loading that prefab, instead of the modified one I was using in the VR menu, and therefore the triggers I had added to the button were no being used when the app loaded.

find key presses from layout controls (not entry field) in xamarin.forms

I need to find what key the user pressed on a keyboard using xamarin.forms, ideally inside an AbsoluteLayout. I've come up with a few ways myself, but can't get any of them working.
As there isn't an event for this on the AbsoluteLayout control, i tried a little cheat, which was putting an entry field (textbox) on the screen, but hiding it above, so it can't be seen and using the result from that, but it loses focus when someone presses the screen or a button on the screen. so i tried adding an event to each button which refocuses the textbox once i've handled the press and this seemed ok at first, however, if they press anywhere else on the screen, it also loses focus.
I also tried adding a TapGestureRecognizer to the screen, and focusing the button when they press anywhere on the screen, however, there were 2 issues with this, the first being that it appears to only fire when something inside it is touched, and secondly, when i call the focus method for the second time (if they click the screen twice) it un-focuses the entry field, even if i check "isfocused" first (think this is a bug).
I'm only concerned about windows 8 and android apps so far. iOS may come later, but for now im just trying to get it working for these OS's. so maybe i could code it in the windows and android projects (inside my shared project solution), however, i have absolutely no idea where to even begin doing that. I mean, if this is the best way, how can i pass my AbsoluteLayout to the windows project and get it to know what it is, and convert it into a control which i can then add the event to.
Any help or advice, or ideas would be much appreciated. I cant find anything in NuGet which will help me with this. Any ideas?
Many thanks

No event getting generated on button click in MFC

I have a dialog based application. I have one static text control and a button on this, both of which I have made invisible in the beginning. I want to show both the controls on reaching a certain condition. When I click this button, again I want to make both the controls invisible.
However, I am able to show and hide the control and also captured the button click event like this:
and defined OnBnClickedMyButton().
But when I press the button, it is not pressed and the event is also not generated.
Any suggestions?
First check if the IDC_MY_BUTTON exists and is valid.
Remember to add DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP() at the header file.
Also check at the BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(MyClass,MyParentClass) if the class
and the parent class you write are right.
I hope this helps.
I think the IDC_MY_BUTTON maybe is invalid or other control has the same ID.
Well, finally I have come to know that though the button was visible but on clicking it was not taking control, hence I used BringWindowToTop() to draw it on top. Now it is being clicked and OnBnClickedMyButton() is also being called.
But now the issue is that after calling BringWindowToTop() the button is not shown. It is shown only when I take the mouse pointer on it. Not able to understand what is the issue.
