WSO2:AM: populating organization changes without Hazelcast - wso2-api-manager

We are running WSO2-AM 2.6 multi tenant cluster that has two kinds of nodes
Full profile node (publisher, store, KM, etc..)
Gateway worker nodes
Sharing information b/w publisher and gateways is done using EFS.
So far we were working with Hazelcast enabled, but we prefer to have Hazelcast disabled as it is giving us a lot of pain in production, and we understand that in WSO2 2.x it is not mandatory to have it enabled.
We tested our system with the following setting:
<clustering class="org.wso2.carbon.core.clustering.hazelcast.HazelcastClusteringAgent" enable="false">
Everything was running ok, except for one side effect that we noticed: that it takes a long time (can be even 15 minutes) until deactivation or re-activation of tenant is populated to the worker node.
When creating totally new organization with a newly created API, it is possible to run the API almost instantly at the worker. But if you disable the organization, the API will still run. It will take a long time until worker will report that the tenant is no longer active.
Same for re-activating a tenant. It will take a lot of time until worker will stop complaining about inactive organization and allow running the API.
Is there a configuration setup we need to change? Or is this expected behavior? Who should report to workers about organization changes in the absence of Hazelcast?

There is a tenant cache[1] which contains tenant information. The default TTL of the cache (and any cache) is 15 minutes. When you deactivate a tenant, this distributed cache is cleared using hazelcast. That is why you observe above when you disable hazelcast clustering.
Typically, in a production environment, it's very unlikely that you needing to activate and deactivate tenants very frequently. So I don't think 15min delay is a concerning problem.
However, if it really is, you have to keep Hazelcast clustering enabled. When you said you faced a lot of pain due to Hazelcast, I believe that's because of the distributed nature of these caches. As a solution, you may enable local cache as opposed to the distributed cache. Here, Hazelcast clustering is used only for the cache invalidation calls. That might work for you. (Disclaimer: I haven't tried this yet.)
For this, you need to set ForceLocalCache to true in carbon.xml
<!-- Default cache timeout in minutes -->
<!-- Force all caches to act as local -->

Honestly, I think you should explore more how to configure Hazelcast. Hazelcast is embedded in a lot of very highly used project stacks (JHipster, Atlassian, Apache Camel, SunGard, etc.) It’s very solid for doing what you want here, but it’s also highly configurable so you probably want to set it up according to your needs. If you just disable it, your removing all the clustered scalability that it brings. The configuration is just an XML file and you can find all the documentation here:
It’s easy to figure out and definitely worth your time.

Related Session or Distributed Cache - which is viable solution

We have MVC 4 application which communicates with backend D365 entities.
The application makes a lot of CRM calls to get the data hence it was really slow and the user experience was very poor
To improve its performance, cache layer has been added and whenever application gets a data from CRM, it puts it into Session variable.
Surely, that helped with the performance as within the user's session , it prevents the trip to server and everything is served from session data. However now the application is having a lot of data syncing issues. (data saved by one user is not reflected to others until they logout and re-login)
My questions : was it really a good way of handling the performance issue the application was having? In my opinion, rather then fixing the performance issue , a workaround was added which becomes the cause of other issue.
secondly question: is there a better architecture/design that can be put in place which will improve the performance as well as resolve the data syncing issues the application is having? I am thinking to add a distributed cache layer (Azure Redis likely) to replace in-place Session layer, and optionally (if that makes sense) to implement write-through strategy in Redis so that the front-end application only talks to Cache and let cache keep the data store up to date.
Any guidance or pointer is very much appreciated!
I think you're on the right path. As you've already experienced adding a cache to your application introduces new challenges: handling stale data. In your case it data is cached at the user-level, which means each user has its own cache. This works well if each user works on their own piece of the data. For instance: a banking app where each user sees only their own bank statements (and never those of others). However, this is not the case in your application. Multiple users operate on the same data and now you're running into synchronization issues. A quick fix could be to replace the Session cache with the Application cache which is shared with all users.
Externalizing your cache (e.g. Redis or Memcached) is another solution and offers many advantages (e.g. distribution; scaling; synchronization; etc.), but also increases the complexity of your application. Now your application is dependent on another piece of infrastructure with its own behavior.

Frequent Unexpected Session Drops Hosted on Asure

Since we have moved to azure, we have numerous session lost issues only on production.
We have InProc, cookie based, sticky session, large timeout, no high traffic and no high memory/process usage.
We use HAProxy as loadbalancer.
I have done basic research and none of the following seems to be the cause:
session timeout
application pool settings/recycling
memory size and usage thresholds
no eaten exceptions
there is no changes to file system to cause a restart
I'm particularly more suspicious about how loadbalancer/ssl and application work together and if http headers are fine, but I don't know any tools to really monitor that.
I'm assigned to find a solution at the same time I have no privilege to access the machines.
Logs(Log4Net) are all stored in database but doesn't help to give a clear understanding of what is going on the system and cannot follow a user session using them.
I'm allowed to find the problem by adding required logs to code or to develop some kind of monitoring module or to use profiling/debugging tools.
Only once a month there will be a production deployment so I'm trying to use the opportunity as best as possible.
Is there any useful monitoring/profiling tool that can give me a clear view of what is happening in the system by aggregating information I may need? for example following a user/session between requests from time of login until session drop plus information about headers and other system application parameters.
if there is not such a tool out there, please give me your ideas to write one?
This is a common issue in load balanced environment. As mentioned in this answer for a similar question,
InProc mode, which stores session state in memory on the Web server. Which means that session data is maintained inside your web server on a given VM and is not shared outside of the VM. So when you have multiple server for load balancing, the session state isn't shared with each other. To solve this, you must store your session state external to the web server.
Use Redis, or SQL Database, or something else.

When to use load balancing?

I am just getting in to the more intricate parts of web development. This may not be in the best place. However, when is it best to get load balancing for a web project? I understand that it depends on good design/bad design as to how many users you can get to visit a site without it REALLY effecting the performance. However, I am planning to code a new project that could potentially have a lot of users and I wondered if I should be thinking off the bat about load balancing. Opinions welcome; thanks in advance!
I should not also that the project most likely will be (webforms or mvc not yet decided) with backend of mongodb or pgsql(again still deciding).
Load balancing can also be a form of high availability. What if your web server goes down? It can take a long time to replace it.
Generally, when you need to think about throughput you are already rich because you have an enormous amount of users.
Stackoverflow is serving 10m unique users a month with a few servers (6 or so). Think about how many requests per day you had if you were constantly generating 10 HTTP responses per second for 8 hot hours: 10*3600*8=288000 page impressions per day. You won't have that many users soon.
And if you do, you optimize your app to 20 requests per second and CPU core which means you get 80 requests per second on a commodity server. That is a lot.
Adding a load balancer later is usually easy. LBs can tag each user with a cookie so they get pinned to one particular target. You app will not notice the difference. Usually.
Is this for an e-commerce site? If so, then the real question to ask is "for every hour that the site is down, how much money are you losing?" If that number is substantial, then I would make load balancing a priority.
One of the more-important architecture decisions that I have seen affect this, is the use of session variables. You need to be able to provide a seamless experience if your user ends-up on different servers during their visit. Session variables won't transfer from server to server, so I would avoid using them.
I support a solution like this at work. We run four (used to be eight) .NET e-commerce websites on three Windows 2k8 servers (backed by two primary/secondary SQL Server 2008 databases), taking somewhere around 1300 (combined) orders per day. Each site is load-balanced, and kept "in the farm" by a keep-alive. The nice thing about this, is that we can take one server down for maintenance without the users really noticing anything. When we bring it back, we re-enable our replication service and our changes get pushed out to the other two servers fairly quickly.
So yes, I would recommend giving a solution like that some thought.
The parameters here that may affect the one the other and slow down the performance are.
Have to do with how many user you have, together with the media you won to serve.
So if you have to serve a lot of video/files to deliver, you need many servers to deliver it. Let say that you do not have, what is the next think that need to check, the users and the processing.
From my experience what is slow down the processing is the locking of the session. So one big step to speed up the processing is to make a total custom session handling and your page will no lock the one the other and you can handle with out issue too many users.
Now for next step let say that you have a database that keep all the data, to gain from a load balance and many computers the trick is to make local cache of what you going to show.
So the idea is to actually avoid too much locking that make the users wait the one the other, and the second idea is to have a local cache on each different computer that is made dynamic from the main database data.
Web app blocked while processing another web app on sharing same session
Replacing ASP.Net's session entirely
call aspx page to return an image randomly slow
Always online
One more parameter is that you can make a solution that can handle the case of one server for all, and all for one :) style, where you can actually use more servers for backup reason. So if one server go off for any reason (eg for update and restart), the the rest can still work and serve.
As you said, it depends if/when load balancing should be introduced. It depends on performance and how many users you want to serve. LB also improves reliability of your app - it will not stop when one system goes crashing down. If you can see your project growing to be really big and serve lots of users I would sugest to design your application to be able to be upgraded to LB, so do not do anything non-standard. Try to steer away of home-made solutions and always follow good practice. If later on you really need LB it should not be required to change your app.
You may need to think ahead but not at a cost of complicating your application too much. Do not go paranoid and prepare everything to work lightning fast 'just in case'. For example, do not worry about sessions - session management can be easily moved to SQL Server at any time and this is the way to go with LB. Caching will also help if you hit some bottlenecks in the future but you do not need to implement it straight away - good design (stable interfaces), separation and decoupling will allow for the cache to be added later on. So again - stick to good practices, do not close doors but also do not open all of them straight away.
You may find this article interesting.

How to handle ASP.NET Application variables in a load-balanced web farm

I am moving a site from a single server to a server farm consisting of three web servers behind a load balancer. It seems easy enough to handle session management - just make sessions "sticky" at the Load Balancer (we evaluated SQL-based session management but have decided to continue using InProc session management for efficiency).
However, we also use a sizable configuration object that we keep in the Application space (e.g. Application[ObjName]). Since the config object is loaded from memory, we have no problem until someone makes a change to the configuration. At that point, the application on the hosting server will have the change and the database will have the change. However, the other two servers won't have the change. We've debated having a "once a minute" polling rule (e.g. on new sessions), keeping information in the session instead (not very efficient), etc. All have serious drawbacks. I am wondering what other people do. Is it possible to keep the Application space on SQL Server but the Session space inproc? Any help or insight about how to handle this would be appreciated!
Application[] is always going to be local memory based, so no matter what you've going to have some code changes to make. So put it somewhere else, like a distributed cache, AppFabric, NCache, etc. When someone makes a change to the configuration update the cache, when you need to read the settings read from the cache. Propogation/Sync is taken care of by the cache itself.
We currently decided to use NCache as we have got 4 web servers for our web farms. This third party caching tool can work perfectly with load balancer and is easy to configure(just the Express version of it is free. For Professional and Enterprise version, only Developer Machine is out of charge). It is also really fast and stable. You must setup the NChache on each server and set the load balancer to work with all of them. Hope it helps.

Allowing Session in a Web Farm? Is StateServer Good Enough?

First of all to give you a bit of background on the current environment. We have a number of ASP.NET applications, all of which use session for certain aspects. We are "Load Balanced" over multiple servers due to traffic levels, however, our load balancing is set to use "Sticky Sessions" as currently all web applications are set to use "InProc" for session state.
We are looking at being able to remove the "Sticky Sessions" configuration on our load balancer, as due to our traffic loads servers can and do get overloaded. We want to go with a more balanced approach, but must be able to use session.
I know that SqlServer for session state will work, but for reasons beyond our control, we cannot use SqlServer to store our state. In researching it seems that StateServer is our best bet. We have an additional server, with loads of memory sitting around. This server could be our StateServer for the entire Web Cluster. We just want to know the following things.
1.) Besides any potential serialization issues with the switch from InProc to StateServer, are there any major known issues with losing session objects or generating errors with the above listed environment?
2.) Aside from the single point of failure, and slighly slower performance are there any other gotchas that we need to be aware of with using StateServer.
3.) Are there any metrics that show the performance differences between the three types of state storage?
Here is a decent FAQ on state:
From that Article, here is some information on StateServer:
In a web farm, make sure you have the same MachineKey in all your web servers. See KB 313091 on how to do it.
Also, make sure your objects are serializable. See KB 312112 for details.
For session state to be maintained across different web servers in the web farm, the Application Path of the website (For example \LM\W3SVC\2) in the IIS Metabase should be identical in all the web servers in the web farm. See KB 325056 for details
I have only used sql and in-proc. But these 3 that apply when using sql server apply as well:
Avoid storing too much information in the session, as it affects both in serialization and data transmitted over the network.
Make sure you don't have anything that depends on the Session_onEnd. This is just not available for out of process sessions.
Turn off session on pages that doesn't uses it. This don't make a difference for in-process session, but for out of process it will save you a lot.
Make sure your server etag ids are synchronized across the web farm otherwise caching at client browsers will be upset.
Have you reviewed your code in detail to make sure everything can be serialized out of process and across a LAN efficiently?
Are you solving the main performance problem within your system? I ask because the database is the typical source of contention.
My main motivation for moving away from sticky sessions was operational flexibility i.e. cycle down a problematic server or to deploy a software upgrade. So having implemented a central session state service make sure you take full advantage from an operational stand point.
In my experience we've found out that native state server or even using SQL Server for sessions is a very scary scenario as both have issues (mainly performance). By the way, we are also using sticky sessions.
I think you can explore other products for this to achive the absolute best. A free option would be Velocity but it is still not released.
And another comprehensive but proven product will be (Very expensive actually) NCache. THis will even help in your serilizations with less cost, If you use their API's it will be even better results.
Take a look and see which looks best for you.
About SQL Server, you server will die very soon if you have enough number of hits coming in (I belive you have some hits already which yielded you to do Web Farm or you do it just for the sake of redundancy)
Bottom line: We are evaluating Velocity because NCAchce is really expensive. However advantages are huge.
We are using StateServer for a very small web farm with only two nodes for a few hundred users.
I'm not responsible for its operation but I remember only two issues in two years where the service had to be restarted because it crashed.
I would like to another one more point to the accepted answer:
Make sure the version of framework dlls is the same.
In my case the System.Web dll versions were different as a few windows updates were skipped on one of the servers of the farm.
