When I hit ./iiq console in command prompt my Sailpoint says database version doesn't match the system version - sailpoint

I'm trying to run the training modules in sailpoint, where I was following the exercises. I was able to set up the database and all. When I try to run the Identityiq console, using ./iiq console, it flashes the error, the database version and the system version do not match. How do I change the versions to make them match?
I tried changing the schema version to the system version, but it doesn't match as it was checking database version and system version.
in the bin directory, i used the command
$./iiq console
This was the result: System version 6.1-64 doesn't match database version 6.2-32 Attached

Try to run command : iiq patch 6.2

There are two options here
Either install the patch for 6.2
Drop the database and run the database scripts from the web-inf/database folder.


Installing the windows patch using PSWindowsUpdate

I am trying to install windows updates using PSWindowsUpdate module in powershell as:
Get-WindowsUpdate -Install -KBArticle 'KB4560960' and hit enter key but i am not getting any response. Then for confirmation whether the update has been installed or not i used Get-Hotfix command in powershell then it has displayed a list in that list the above update is not their. How to install the specific update using PSWindowsUpdate module in powershell.
After you install the module and then import it you can run the following command:
PS C:\Install-WindowsUpdate -MicrosoftUpdate -KBArticleID KB4560960 -AcceptAll -IgnoreReboot
It will show the progress of the install or you can type at the PS prompt.
Get-WUHistory. Keep in mind, you can't install updates with PSWindowsUpdates on remote boxes directly. Will have to use a Task Scheduler—which, in combination with Windows Admin Center, works beautifully.

Architect / StatET: Launching R Console was cancelled because R engine failed

I recently upgraded to Architect version 0.9.7 on my Win 7 machine. However, after starting Architect, the RJ console wouldn't launch and I got the error message:
‘Launching the R Console was cancelled, because It seems starting the R engine failed.”
Please make sure that R package 'rj' (2.0 or compatible) is installed and
that the R library paths are set correctly for the R environment
configuration 'Embedded R Server'.
I installed the packages ‘rj’ and ‘rj.gd’ through the RTerm run console (which does happen to work) within Architect using the command suggested on www.walware.de:
install.packages(c("rj", "rj.gd"), repos="http://download.walware.de/rj-2.0")
Then, I restarted windows, and restarted Architect. Same error message. I zoomed in on the details of the error message and noticed the following line:
SEVERE: Path to rj package not found. Use R_LIBS or java property
'de.walware.rj.rpkg.path' to specify the location.
So I opened an RTerm run console to check whether any of my .libPaths() locations contains the directories ‘rj’ or ‘rj.gd’. Oddly enough, they do. My first .libPaths path contains both packages. So that doesn’t seem to be the reason.
How could this be fixed?
I received prompt and helpful feedback from Open Analytics (thanks!), who informed me that the problem is due to changes in Java 8. With Java 7, Architect works fine. The next release of Architect will incorporate the changes in Java 8.
In order to get it work with Java 7, enforce the use of a specific Java Runtime, by using the -vm argument in the architect.ini file as follows:
C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin\javaw.exe
(mind the line break, which is required)
This is particularly useful if you have several Java versions on your system where the default Java is not suitable for use with Architect. The architect.ini file is found directly at the top level of the installation folder of Architect. You can find out where this is by looking at the Properties of the Architect shortcut on your desktop.
N.B. the -vm argument should be put before the -vmargs argument otherwise it is simply ignored!
N.B. examples of -vm specification on GNU/Linux and Mac OS X:

How do I get Rtools 3.0 working for R 3.0? R can't find the installation

I'm trying to get R to recognize that I have installed Rtools.exe. I've tried installing it in several different locations. However, whenever I restart R and load devtools I get the same error:
> library(devtools)
WARNING: Rtools is required to build R packages, but is not currently installed.
Please download and install Rtools 3.0 from http://cran.r-project.org/bin/windows
/Rtools/ and then run find_rtools().
Naturally, whenever I try the function find_rtools() I get the same error message. I'm done trying to figure this out with help files, as the devtools help doesn't offer much. I've tried installing in several of the locations returned by get_path() but the problem persists.
FYI, currently my R is installed at D:/R.
Has anyone else had this problem, and more importantly, can anyone help me?
I'm sorry if this is a duplicate, and I've tried to include as many relevant details as possible so if you need any clarification please let me know.
Grab the batch file Rpathset.bat from batchfiles, edit the SET statements in it appropriately and then run R like this from the Windows console:
I ran into this issue running a Windows 7 machine without admin rights. I leveraged G. Grothendieck's response, with a few additional steps.
Get Rpathset.bat from https://code.google.com/p/batchfiles/
Edit the Set statements in Rpathset.bat to your paths
Run CMD and change directories to where Rpathset.bat is stored
In the command prompt, run rpathset.bat > mypath.txt
Open mypath.txt with a text editor
Click Windows Start and search for environment
Click Edit environment variables for your account
Click path and then edit
Copy and paste the entire path from mypath.txt into the Windows path (everything after the path statement)
Restart RStudio and check that devtools::find_rtools() is TRUE
This file rtools.r contains the code for find_rtools(). It looks like it is trying to find ls and gcc in your system path (and then does some more checks based on the version) and if that fails it tries to look up SOFTWARE\R-core\Rtools in the the Windows registry.
As Thomas mentioned here, "Rtools is not a package." This is what I did to install Rtools. My RStudio is running R version 3.1.3. So I downloaded Rtools31.exe from https://cran.r-project.org/bin/windows/Rtools/. I executed the exe file, selected all the default options in the Setup Wizard and installed. (I had admin privilege on the computer I was using but I am not sure if that makes any difference.) To check that it was properly installed, you can enter find_rtools() in the R prompt which should return TRUE if Rtools installed properly.
For R 3.0, you probably just need to download Rtools30.exe and follow the same steps above.
I ran into this problem trying to install Rtools33 to use Hadley Wickham's lineprof package. I got that error multiple times. I'm running Windows 7 on a laptop.
I was able to fix the problem by running the Rtools installation file as the windows Admin (i.e. right-click the Rtools33.exe and choose "Run as administrator")
I also made sure to point the path to the R source directory, which I kept in C:\Rtools\ (which contains C:\Rtools\bin\ and C:\Rtools\gcc-4.6.3\).
This solved the problem for me and I am now able to install lineprof from GitHub and make use of it.

check if a program is installed

I'm writing a function that uses pandoc in R through the command line. How can I use R to check if pandoc installed (I also assume it would have to be on the path which may be an issue for windows users)?
I don't have pandoc to install , but generally I test if a program is installed like this :
pandoc.installed <- system('pandoc -v')==0
For example to test if java is installed:
java.installed <- system('java -version') ==0
java version "1.7.0_10"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_10-b18)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 23.6-b04, mixed mode)
> java.installed
[1] TRUE
This suggestion is based entirely on my personal experience with this question that RStudio can't seem to read what's in my .bashrc file on my Ubuntu system. I have installed Pandoc using the cabal install pandoc method described here since there were features I needed from more recent versions of Pandoc than were available with Ubuntu's package manager. Running R from the terminal could detect Pandoc as expected using Sys.which, but when using RStudio, it could not. I have no idea if this is a problem with Windows users or not though!
One alternative/workaround in this case is actually creating a vector of typical paths where you expect the Pandoc executable to be found (under the presumption that many users don't really futz around with where they install programs). This info is, again, available at the install page linked above, plus the typical C:\\PROGRA~1\\... path for Windows. Thus, you might have something like the following as the paths to Pandoc:
myPaths <- c("pandoc",
# Maybe a .exe is required for that last one?
# Don't think so, but not a regular Windows user
Which you can use with Sys.which() (for example, Sys.which(myPaths)) and some of the other ideas already shared.
If the first option is uniquely matched, then there's no problem: you can use system calls to Pandoc directly.
If any of the other options are uniquely matched, you can write your functions in such a way that you paste in the full path to the executable in your system call instead of just "pandoc".
If the first option and any of the other options are matched, then you can just select the first option and proceed.
If none are matched, prompt the user for the path to their Pandoc installation or provide a message on how to install Pandoc.
I suppose you could use Sys.which and see if the result is an empty string.
pandoc.location <- Sys.which("pandoc")
if(pandoc.location == ""){
print("pandoc not available")
print("pandoc available")

Using StatET with Eclipse in Win64: "no session of R is active in the current workbench window"

What do I do when I get the following error message in Eclipse when trying to launch R?
"no session of R is active in the current workbench window"
I've made a tutorial for installing StatET on my Win64 system, you can find it here (mirror). Although it's no rocket science it's easy to get into issues along the way.
You need to first configure R for your system and then you also need to go into Run > Run Configurations... and add a R Console before you can run it.
You also need to be careful about the Java version that you use. I had to uninstall all my Java, then reinstall the 64-bit before it worked. I guess I could've used the 32-bit, but since I use 64-bit R I thought that it might be a better option (although I think the Eclipse environment and R don't really care about sharing bits)
for me had to select rterm, that displayed the r console/terminal. Then do run , run as -> run in R as script via source
I had the sampe problem.
go to Run > Run Configurations > RStudio
and klick on "Run"
