How we can track mp4 videos on website using google analytics? - google-analytics

I wanted to know, how we can track mp4 videos on website using google analytics? The video is embeded version of youtube


Need r_member permission from LinkedIn to get video analytics

We have a integration with Linkedin where our users upload links of their videos to linkedin from out platform. We now expanded our integration so that users can natively upload a video from our platform to linkedin so that is't like a natively uploaded video and not just a link. Now we want to have the video analytics (like, comment, view, share) from Linkedin in our platform.
We were instructed that we need the r_member permission for that to work.

How to embed an Instagram live video on a web page?

Instagram has option to get code to embed Instagram videos on a web page, although it does not have that option for live videos.
It's possible to embed Instagram live video on a web page?
Tried to use as an iframe but it asks to login.
And it's very difficult to contact Instagram support.

Rendering Google Drive video files on my website using Google API key

I am managing a Wordpress website that uses the Ultimate Video Player plugin in order to render video files that are stored in my Google Drive account.
Plugin details:
In order to render the Google Drive video files, this plugin needs the video file sources to be created using the following format:[file_id]?alt=media&key=[api_key]&v=[.mp4/.mp3/etc]
Therefore I have created a Google API key that I’m using to build my video source links.
So here are my questions:
Are there any limitations as to how many times a video can be visualised on my website (how many hits it gets) using the GoogleAPI key created?
Is there a download quota that can be exceeded by rendering these video files on my website as described above?
Thank you very much for your assistance.

Tracking embed Facebook video on GTM

I am trying to track embedded Facebook video in my website using Google Tag Manager. How do I proceed to track it? Not able to find any solution from the website.
Thank You.

how to play youtube video uploaded from website?

My code can upload video successfully. Now I want the url of that video and want to play that video with embed youtube player.
pleasee help me..
thanks in advance
Embedded YouTube player is there to play youtube videos. In this case initially your video should be uploaded to youtube prior to embedding it to the player. For this you may have to use the YouTube Data API
