I have a SaltStack state file (sls) that has a pretty simple state defined.
- source: salt://scripts/rule.ps1
- name: 'c:\scripts\rule.ps1'
- name: powershell c:\scripts\rule.ps1
- require:
- file: MyStateRule
When I run a state.apply command, the cmd.run appears to execute every time, which I can see makes sense. What I want is to only run when the managed file needs to be copied over to the minion. Can I use file.managed in that case? What do I need to change, such that the script only runs when the file is copied over?
Got it -- rather than using "require," use onchanges:
- name: powershell c:\scripts\rule.ps1
- onchanges:
- file: MyStateRule
I want to set "grains_cache" variable to "True" from Salt Master on all Minions. This variable is from default options that exist in minion config file and cannot be overridden by pillar data. So how can I set variables (for example "grains_cache", "grains_cache_expiration" or "log_file") from Master?
this should be an easy one. Manage the minion configuration file using the file.managed function.
A simple sls should help here:
- name: /etc/salt/minion
- contents: |
grains_cache: true
backup_mode: minion
- name: salt-call --local service.restart salt-minion
- bg: True
- order: last
- watch:
- file: salt-minion-config
In this example, saltstack ensures that the two lines beneath - contents: | are present within the minions configuration file.
The second state: salt-minion-restart will restart the salt-minion if the minion configuration file is being touched (managed by the first state).
So in short terms, this state adds your variables to the minion's configuration and restarts the minion afterwards.
This formula is os-independent.
The last thing left to do is, to target all of your minions with this.
If you want to know more about the cmd.wait and the shown example, please refer to this documentation.
I hope i could help.
I am currently trying to deploy Log-rhythm out into our environment that consists of 100+ Servers with the help of SaltStack:
While I am able to copy files over to a Windows minion with the use of file.managed, I am facing some difficulty in the process getting the IP Address of the minion server and adding this both to the .ini file and cmd.run file.
I would like to be able to do this for each minion that is connected to Salt:
While running salt -G 'roles:logging' state.apply. I seem to be getting the following error:
Rendering SLS 'base:pacakage-logrhythm' failed: Jinja variable 'dict object' has no attribute 'fqdn_ip4':
I was able to resolve the issue within the ini files: by placing the following
ClientAddress={{ grains['fqdn_ip4'][0] }}
currently having issues with passing grains into the cmd.run section of the program:
- name: C:\logrhythm
- source: salt://logrhythm/proxy1.ini
- name: c:\logrhythm\proxy1.ini
- template: jinja
- source: salt://logrhythm/proxy2.ini
- name: c:\logrhythm\proxy2.ini
- tempalte: jinja
- name: c:\logrhythm\LRSystemMonitor_64_7.4.2.8003.exe
- source: salt://logrhythm/LRSystemMonitor_64_7.4.2.8003.exe
- name: 'LRSystemMonitor_64_7.4.2.8003.exe /s /v" /qn ADDLOCAL=System_Monitor,RT_FIM_Driver HOST=<> SERVERPORT=443 CLIENTADDRESS={{ grains[''fqdn_ip4''][0] }} CLIENTPORT=0"'
- cwd: C:\logrhythm
I think it should work. You may have a problem with the multiple quotes you use: simple then double then simple. Trying removing the simple quotes englobing all the command and the two simple for accessing the grains dict.
- name: LRSystemMonitor_64_7.4.2.8003.exe /s /v" /qn ADDLOCAL=System_Monitor,RT_FIM_Driver HOST=<> SERVERPORT=443 CLIENTADDRESS={{ grains['fqdn_ip4'][0] }} CLIENTPORT=0"
In salt (2018.3.0) I created the following statefile that I started to write to collect existing ssh hostkey files from minions.
- path: '/etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key.pub'
- upload_path: '/'
salt-call state.apply sshHostKeys
I get:
ID: sshHostKeys
Function: cp.push
Result: False
Comment: State 'cp.push' was not found in SLS 'sshHostKeys'
Reason: 'cp.push' is not available.
Manually calling:
salt-call cp.push /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key.pub
works just fine, the file is copied to the salt master.
Anyone has an idea what I am doing wrong in the state file?
Thanks Rainer
Had the same problem. This should work:
custom function name:
- name: cp.push
- path: <<your path>>
See issue on github for reference:
I have a repository with salt states for provisioning my cluster of servers in the cloud. Over time, I kept on adding more states - the .sls files - into this repo. Now im starting to struggle what is what and what is where.
I am wondering if there is a there is some software utility/package that will generate documentation off my states repository, preferably as html pages, so that I can browse them and see their interdependencies.
The state sls files look like this:
- states.core.pip
- require:
- sls: states.core.pip
- require:
- sls: states.core.pip
And another sls example:
{% set user_home = '/home/username' %}
- name: {{ user_home }}/.virtualenvs/my_executable_virtualenv
- user: username
- system_site_packages: False
- pip_pkgs:
- requests
- numpy
- pip_upgrade: True
- require:
- sls: states.core
- name: /etc/supervisor/conf.d/my_executable.conf
- source: salt://files/supervisor_config/my_executable.conf
- user: username
- group: username
- mode: 644
- makedirs: False
- require:
- sls: states.core
I did some research and found that salt stack has created one. It does work as HTML pages too. According to the documentation. If you have python installed installing Sphinx is as easy as doing
C:\> pip install sphinx
Salt-stacks docs on this can be found here. According to the docs making the HTML documentation is as easy as doing:
cd /path/to/salt/doc
make HTML
I hope this answer is what you were looking for!
This needs a custom plugin which needs to be written.
There is no plugins directly available to render sls files.
There are some plugins available for rendering YAML files, may be you can modify the same to suite your requirement.
You can use some of the functions in the state module to list all the everything in the highstate for a minion:
# salt-call state.show_states --out=yaml
- ufw.package.install
- ufw.config.file
- ufw.service.enable
- ufw.service.reload
- ufw.config.services
- ufw.config.applications
- ufw.service.running
- apt.apt_conf
- apt.unattended
- cacerts
- kerberos
- network
- editor
- mounts
- openssh
- openssh.config_ini
- openssh.known_hosts
And then view the compiled data for each one (also works with states not in the highstate):
# salt-call state.show_sls editor --out=yaml
- installed
- order: 10000
__sls__: csrf.editor
__env__: base
- path: /usr/bin/vim.tiny
- set
- order: 10001
__sls__: csrf.editor
__env__: base
Or to get the entire highstate at once with state.show_highstate.
I'm not aware of any tools to build HTML documentation from that. You'd have to do that yourself.
To access all states (not just a particular highstate), you can use salt-run fileserver.file_list | grep '.sls$' to find every state, and salt-run state.orchestrate_show_sls to get the rendered data for each (though you may need to supply pillar data).
I have multiple salt deployment environments.
I have a requirement in which I raise an event from the minions, the master upon receiving the event, generates few files which I then want to copy to the minions.
How do I do this?
I was trying to get it to work using orchestrate. This is what I have right now:
reactor sls->
- mods: _orch.copy_certs
- saltenv: 'central'
copy_certs sls->
- tgt: 'kubeminion'
- tgt_type: nodegroup
- sls:
- kubemaster.copy_certs
The problem is that I want to happen for all the environments and not just one. How do I do that?
Or is there a way to loop over the environments using jinja in some way.
Also is it possible using anything other than orchestrate.
You don't need to use orchestrate for this, all you need is the salt reactor.
Lets say you fire an event from the minion salt-call event.send tag='event/test' (you can watch the salt event bus using salt-run state.event pretty=True):
event/test {
"_stamp": "2017-05-24T10:36:05.907438",
"cmd": "_minion_event",
"data": {
"__pub_fun": "event.send",
"__pub_jid": "20170524133601757005",
"__pub_pid": 4590,
"__pub_tgt": "salt-call"
"id": "minion_A",
"tag": "event/test"
Now you need to decide what happens when salt receives the event, edit/create /etc/salt/master.d/reactor.conf (remember to restart the salt-master after editing this file):
- event/test: # event tag to match
- /srv/reactor/some_state.sls # sls file to run
- tgt: kubeminion
- tgt_type: nodegroup
- arg:
- kubemaster.copy_certs
- kwarg:
- saltenv: central
This will in turn apply the state kubemaster.copy_certs to all minions in the "kubeminion" nodegroup.
Hope this helps.