Firebase Dynamic links Analytics not shown? - firebase

I am exploring the dynamic links in firebase. My requirement is I will have an sms in my cell phone, which will have a short link and upon click of this link I will open a web page (later we might integrate this with a page in the app)
So I created fire base account and setup an app using my personal gmail account.
Am using their post api with the right api key to generate short urls. (getting warning about the phishing issues which I am ignoring for the time being)
Upon clicking the urls (short link/preview link) I can go to the appropriate URL I have configured.
now I am trying to see the analytics around this dynamic url but dont know why I cannot see anything.
I am checking Grow -->DynamicLink--> Selected My app and I expect the dynamic link generated in above steps to appear here but I cannot see anything.
I am going to analytics -->Events it is asking me to add an app to see the analytics which is not the case for now as I am just hitting the url on the browser directly.
Please let me know if I am doing the right thing?

One of the main use cases (as mentioned in firebase docs) of the firebase dynamic links is web to app conversion and your app must contain the firebase SDK. Once the user comes to the app through the dynamic link, firebase SDK fires the appropriate events. These events can be tracked from analytics -> Events.
But your use case is different you are creating dynamic links for the SMS and after clicking user comes to the website and there is no firebase SDK installed in your website hence no analytics (although firebase will measure some events like click, etc) on the analytics -> Events.
If you want to see the analytics, you will need to create a dynamic link in the firebase console manually or use the dynamic link analytics api.
In short, API created dynamic links can only be tracked if firebase SDK is installed in your app and after that, you need to add that app to firebase analytics -> events section. According to your use case, my suggestion would be to either create dynamic links from console manually or use the dynamic link analytics api


How should I track a mobile app landing page with firebase / google analytics

Right now I have a mobile app with both ios and android version using firebase.
Users and events tracking is done with firebase.
The firebase account is also linked to google analytics for better reports and analytics.
I can add inside both firebase and analytics a web tracking source which would be a third tracking source for this case.
But since I want to track a landing page and not a web version of my mobile app I feel that doesn't correspond to my use case.
What I would want is to be able to tell how many of my users downloaded the app by clicking on the landing page download button.
I also would also like to be able to track how users got on the landing page.
For example I would like to have stats on how many views and app download a post on a specific blog or a specific ad generated.
I though this would be quite simple to setup with firebase / google analytics but I'm not so sure anymore.
If I add my landing page as a third web tracking source, I actually think it will affect the stats of my mobile app usage.
Does someone here had the need for something similar ?
How did you set your landing page tracking ?

How can I track source of app install and conversions in Firebase?

I have installed Firebase for my app and I would like to track which marketing channel is driving apps open and my in-app conversions (tracked in Firebase already).
I have tried using utm tracking links that goes to Google Play and iTunes; however I couldn't find any source data in Firebase: all conversions are attributed to "direct"
I then tried using Dynamic Links in Firebase console to create dynamic links that include campaign tracking parameters. Same result as the utm tracking links I created
Is Firebase recognising utm tracking links by default? Or there has to be additional coding done when implementing Firebase SDK?
Similarly for dynamic links: I have only created the links via Firebase console but haven't been doing any coding changes within my app. Is there anything I need to do so that my app open and conversions can be attributed to the source I specified in the dynamic link settings?

Can Firebase Dynamic links be used for App install Ad Campaigns?

I've looked at use cases for Firebase links and it seems that non paid campaigns through email and whatnot are an example.
I wanted to see if anyone had any experience with running Facebook, Twitter, Google, any paid platform ads with Firebase links that take them to the app store based on what OS they are using.
The link would be for an app on the app store. Not sure if this is a good way to do it or sticking with a landing page and utm links. The goal is to track conversions and send them to the correct app store depending on device without the use of a landing page.
No, you cannot use Firebase to track installs from Facebook ads. Because Facebook requires you to use the link for the actual app store page (or Google play page), and not a redirect link (which is what Firebase calls Dynamic Links Firebase Dynamic Links | Firebase). You can track ads in AdWords through Firebase, but not other platforms that don’t let you put in a redirect link.

Tracking mobile web app with Google Analytics using the website script

I have built a web app (read: a website within a naitive app container) for iOS and Android. I started by adding the website script provided by Google to my app, figuring it would work since it's basically a website hosted within a container. The issue? Well, it doesn't work.
When I access the app from my phone, all I get within the Analytics GUI is that there is a user at page / nothing else despite how many pages I go to. I get the same result if I just browse to the website on my phone. However, if I go to the website on my computer, the script seems to pick up everything perfectly. I can see all pages I've visited and when, for example.
So I guess I have two questions:
Why doesn't the script work as expected through the app on my phone, but perfectly when accessing the webiste on my computer from a technical point of view? Does Google perform some sort of blocking regarding the request headers?
Is there any way to get the website script to work within an app or do I have to use Firebase for long-term and sustainable tracking?
Have in italics since the feeling I get when reading here is that the Google Analytics Services SDK for Android and iOS will probably be phased out sooner or later. According to this post the GA SDK is already deprecated. So using that doesn't really feel like an alternative.
Also, I am not interested in comments like "Why don't you use this analytics tool instead", or, "What's your problem with Firebase? Just use it".
There are two types of Google Analytics accounts. Web accounts and mobile accounts. Web accounts run off of pageview hits. Mobile accounts run off screenview hits. If you insert a screenview into a web account the only thing you will see is page / because its sending the in correct hit type.
The SDK is used for tracking mobile applications so it inserts screen views. You cant use the same Google analytics account for tracking with it your going to need a mobile Google analytics account if you want to use the SDK. You wont of course be able to analyse between the web and mobile accounts.
Cant help with firebase sorry.

I downloaded the sdk for google-analytics but where i can setup the account?

I downloaded the sdk for google-analytics for android but where i can setup the account?
I have the option for only adding http or https wesites.
I use the UA number that i got from a fake url but i get no analytics.
Tracking Status: Tracking Not Installed (Last checked: 19-Jul-2010 11:35:21 )
The Google Analytics tracking code has not been detected on your website's homepage. For Analytics to function, you or your web administrator must add the code to each page of your website.
The Google Analytics javascript runs when you load a page. You must have a Javascript snippet that actually notifies the Google Analytics server when a client visits the page. This snippet is available once you've set up a site in Google Analytics.
I'm not exactly clear what you mean by "where can I setup the account". It sounds like you've found it.
Edit: For the Mobile version (non website) there's info here:
From that page:
Before you begin using the SDK, you
must first create a free account at and create a
new website profile in that account
using a fake but descriptive website
URL (e.g.
Once you create the profile, write
down or keep a copy of the web
property ID that is generated for the
newly-created profile.
To uninstall the Google Analytic Mod from your Zen Cart follow these steps
Perhaps here, where it says "Sign up now"? I'm not 100% sure, and am not a user of analytics, but that seemed likely to me. Also see here for a getting started guide.
