Adding custom key to aframe-super-keyboard - aframe

I'm trying to add an # key to the super-keyboard
I generated this code from the example:
{"key":"#", "x":0.109, "y":0.836, "w":0.162, "h":0.163}
And added the symbol to the image
And I assume I add it this way:
aframe.registerComponent('show-keyboard', {
dependencies: ['super-keyboard'],
init: function(){
var model = {
wrapCount: 30, inputOffsetY: 0.008, inputOffsetX: 0.08, img: 'my-keyboard.png',
layout: [...all keys from basic..,{"key":"#", "x":0.109, "y":0.836, "w":0.162, "h":0.163}]
this.el.components['super-keyboard'].addCustomModel('show', model)
Keyboard attributes:
'showhow-keyboard': {},
'super-keyboard' : {
model: 'show',
imagePath: '/assets/images/',
I get no keyboard.
If I remove the model attribute the keyboard shows..

Changed the order I added the components and its working.


How I can apply styling to active slide in react-image-gallery?

I want to add custom styling to the slides and gallery control buttons in react-image-gallery But I am confused how to do this. I have searched the assets on google and tried to do it on my own but I am unable to apply custom styling on it.
This is the code which I have applied till now:
import 'react-image-gallery/styles/css/image-gallery.css';
import ImageGallery from 'react-image-gallery';
const GalleryComponent = (props)=>{
const properties = {
thumbnailPosition: 'left',
showFullscreenButton: false,
useBrowserFullscreen: false,
showPlayButton: false,
items: [
original: "",
thumbnail: ""
original: "",
thumbnail: ""
original: "",
thumbnail: ""
return (
<ImageGallery {} />
Currently achived this :
Slider i wanted in actual:
So kindly tell me a way to target the required components in react-image-gallery to add styling to them.

react-jsonschema-form collapses the size of my array form and cuts off buttons

I've started building a form in react-jsonschema-form and i'm having a lot of difficulty changing it visually.
The form is an array and it has a button to add and remove a set of input boxes.
I've build it as a component in a test project which has no css applied to it so far.
The form will render as a tiny box where there is no room for the buttons (they are cut of as shown below in images).
a single element
a second element
How its supposed to look on react-jsonschema-form playground
A key difference between my array and the sample array is that i'm having two text input elements per array element. I dont know if this could cause it.
I do need to have two input values as its a group of data that is related, and both is required.
This is my code:
//json schema
const schema = {
type: "object",
properties: {
listOfNumbers: {
title: "opret ledig nummerserie",
type: "array",
required: ["nr_fra", "nr_til"],
items: {
properties: {
nr_fra: {
type: "string",
pattern: "^\\d*$",
minLength: 8,
maxLength: 8,
nr_til: {
type: "string",
pattern: "^\\d*$",
minLength: 8,
maxLength: 8,
const uiSchema = {
listOfNumbers: {
"ui:options": {
orderable: false,
items: {
//nr_fra: { "ui:options": { label: false } },
//nr_til: { "ui:options": { label: false } },
I'm applying no css to the below form.
// Form
onSubmit={(formOutput) => this.handleSubmit(formOutput)}
I've spent a day and a half on trying to strongarm this, but i could really use some help on how to proceed.
It seems it was css inputs that was needed to solve this.
The below will expand the elements to their proper size/form.
Posting this here for posterity, as this is not accurately documented.
<div className="col-md-offset-3 col-md-6">
<Form schema={schema}

tabBarBackgroundColor not workig for topTabs react native navigation Wix

I am using react native navigation version 1.1.486 by wix. I am using
topTabs and want different colors for navbar and tapbar, but the
properties I a passing is not working.
I am sharing my code here:-
import { Navigation } from 'react-native-navigation';
import Icon from 'react-native-vector-icons/Ionicons';
import SimpleIcon from 'react-native-vector-icons/SimpleLineIcons';
const startTabs = ()=>{
]).then(sources =>{
screen: {
screen: 'prabhuji.CustomPack',
topTabs: [
screenId: 'prabhuji.FlowerTabOne',
title:'Tab 1',
icon: sources[1],
screenId: 'prabhuji.FlowerTabTwo',
icon: sources[0],
title:'Tab 2'
navigatorButtons: {
appStyle: {
tabBarBackgroundColor: '#0f2362',
selectedTabFontSize: 12,
export default startTabs;
The effect for this code is:-
Is there any way to use different colors for toptabs and navbar? May
be I am asking a silly question. Apology for that, I am new to react native.
Don't put the styles in navigatorStyle, just add all tab properties to appStyle , you should add BottomTabs styles to AppStyle.
Here's an example :
appStyle: {
tabBarBackgroundColor: '#0f2362',
tabBarButtonColor: '#ffffff',
tabBarHideShadow: true,
tabBarSelectedButtonColor: '#63d7cc',
tabBarTranslucent: false,
tabFontFamily: 'Avenir-Medium', // existing font family name or asset file without extension which can be '.ttf' or '.otf' (searched only if '.ttf' asset not found)
tabFontSize: 10,
selectedTabFontSize: 12,
Another way
1. Disabling persistent styling properties :
appStyle: {
keepStyleAcrossPush: false
2. Setting styles dynamically:
navBarBackgroundColor: 'blue'

ExtJS 4 / 5 - Set the correct CSS for a Drag and Drop that is not allowed with custom rules

I have two grids side by side.
The left grid has a list of tags the user can select, and the grid on the right is empty so the user can drag the tags he wants there.
The plugin code for both grids is:
viewConfig: {
plugins: [
Ext.create('Ext.grid.plugin.DragDrop', {
ddGroup: 'selectedTags'
So, as I wanted to limit the user to be able to drag only 5 tags, I've added the following code to the grid on the right:
listeners: {
beforedrop: {
fn: function() {
if (grid.getStore().data.items.length > 4) {
scope: me
This is working perfectly but what I wanted is to show the NO-DROP icon when the items are dragged over the grid instead of showing the green line as if the action was allowed.
After looking for this solution for a while, I finally figured it out.
You must add two methods to the dropZone in the Target Grid:
notifyOver and onNodeDrop
The solution for my problem would be the code below:
Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel', {
store: myStore,
columns: [columns],
viewConfig: {
plugins: {
ptype: 'gridviewdragdrop',
dragText: 'Drag and drop to reorganize',
pluginId : 'dragNdrop',
notifyOver:function(source, e, data){
var store = this.view.ownerCt.getStore();
return store.getCount()<5?this.dropAllowed:this.dropNotAllowed
var sourceStore = dragZone.view.ownerCt.getStore(),
targetStore = this.view.ownerCt.getStore(),
isDropValid = targetStore.getCount()<5;
return isDropValid;
height: 200,
width: 400,
renderTo: Ext.getBody()
Lopes, you can use column renderer in grid where you can check the items count and display appropriate icon. Code snippet for your reference:
gridCheckboxRenderer: function(value, meta, rec, rowInd, colInd, store){
var cssPrefix = Ext.baseCSSPrefix, cls = [cssPrefix + 'grid-checkheader'];
if (condition == false) {
cls.push(cssPrefix + 'grid-checkheader-checked-disabled');
return '<div class="' + cls.join(' ') + '"> </div>';
return '<div class="x-grid-row-checker"> </div>';
Hope it helps.

Dojo Datagrid editable cell, constraints not working

I’m trying to create a Datagrid with editable cells.
As I am using dijits for the editable cells I try to set constraints within the “widgetProps” property of the layout, like this:
widgetProps: {
required: true,
constraints: {
min: 0,
max: 100,
places: '0,2'
Here required: true works as expected, whereas the constraints property is not working at all.
An example here: where I've tried to use constraints both in a NumberTextBox and a DateTextBox.
Bug in Dojo or am I missing something?
From Oliver on the dojo mailinglist:
It should be "constraint", and it should be put outside "widgetProps".
Which solves the problem.
I found a ‘dirty’ solution to this issue:
First declare my own NumberTextBox with the required constraints:
postCreate: function(){
this.set('constraints', {min:0,max:100, places:'0,2'});
Then I’m using it as the widgetClass in the grid structure:
field: 'employmentPercentage',
name: 'Employment %',
type: dojox.grid.cells._Widget,
widgetProps: { required: true },
widgetClass: my.custom.PercentageNumberTextBox,
editable: true,
width: '150px'
This is a workaround for now (full example here:,
