Kibana custom legend labels - kibana

I aggregate data by id, but in the legend I would like to show the names. Is it possible to use different field for labels?


changing name of x-axis for avplot

Using avplot in rStudio I created an Added Variable Plot.
I tried to change the name of the x-axis of the separate plots but can't figure out how to change them separately (so that every plot has the correct labelling of the x-axis).
Using xlab I could only change all of them at the same time with the same name.
My goal is to change the df$bis11_survey.Attention into "Attention" and so on.
I don't want to rename them in the data frame, only in the plot if thats's possible.
I added a screenshot of the plot
What command could I use that would let me change them separately?

gig-lot, I can't seem to change my Legend name and labels for my graph

So I'm trying to do a scatter graph and I've been trying to change the name of my legend name and labels. However it doesn't seem to work for me.
Here is my data :
Here is my attempt to try to change the label and title name of the legend. But it doesn't seem to work.
I've also tried to change the variables name on the data frame but I get an error.
Any tips?
Please note that if you use the color option in aes() you should use scale_color_*() like this:
Other way to change the title in legend can be labs(color="Company"). And next time follow the smart #r2evans.

ggplot2 add text in the legend area

I would like to add some totals on the right side of the plot (above and under the legend). And also under the title of the x axis.
I found how to add text within the plot, or add multiple legends of something ploted, but I don't want to do either one. I just want to calculate some totals and display them as mentioned above. Is it in any way possible?
As it is now:
As I would like it to be:

How to add titles below the bars in Bar CHart created from Core Plot?

Hi I need to show the String titles below the bars of my Bar Chart created from Core Plot. I have many places in Core Plot framework but didn't find how to put text below the bars?
I need to show titles just like shown in the attached image.
Please suggest!
There are a couple of ways to make axis labels that are not numeric representations of the data value.
If you are plotting categorical data, you can set the scale type of the plot space to show categorical labels and return the text of the label from the datasource for the plot value (e.g., the bar location for a bar plot).
From the "Vertical Bar Chart" demo in the Plot Gallery example app:
// setup
[barPlotSpace setScaleType:CPTScaleTypeCategory forCoordinate:CPTCoordinateX];
If you're not plotting categorical data or you just need more control over the labels, you can create custom axis labels. Set the axis labelingPolicy to CPTAxisLabelingPolicyNone, create a set of axis labels, and assign it to the axisLabels property. There are several demos in the example apps including the "Composite Plot" demo in the Plot Gallery example app. With CPTAxisLabelingPolicyNone, the tick marks and labels are independent, so if you want tick marks, you also need to set the majorTickLocations and/or minorTickLocations.

ggplot legend key color and items

Using the following data frame:
The following graph can be produced using either of these scripts:
However, when the fill color is changed, the item in the legend disappears.
Ideally, the legend should show the color change.
Question: What script can create items in a legend as well as offer color controls for those items?
You can adjust the values assigned to any aesthetic using scale_X_manual(values=(whatever)). Here you want scale_fill_manual.
geom_area(position="dodge") +
scale_fill_manual(values=c("red", "darkorchid", "green"))
Note that, as a rule, you want to let ggplot group the data for you, as you have done in your second ggplot call (This is what the group argument does). Supplying each 'slice' of data separately, as you have done in your first example, pretty much defeats the purpose of ggplot2, and should be avoided.
