Website available even with no NGINX processes running - nginx

I have pulled into my web server so it has the latest code from my repo, i try to restart nginx - this doesnt do anything.
So I try the command
sudo nginx -s stop, and get the response that its failed because there is no such file or directory "run/" failed.
Trying to run the command ps aux | grep nginx gives me the response: unsupported option (BSD syntax) -- it actually comes out as ps aux > grep nginx in the digital ocean console.
Basically it seems that even though there are apparently no nginx processes running (although the command to check isnt working) my website is still running and using the old code, is there a way for me to check more definitively on the running processes?
Thanks if you can help.

Try sudo netstat -plunt to check if there's any nginx process running. See if there's anything running on port 80 or 443 and then look at the corresponding program name. You might have another server running possibly apache since it ships by default with most distributions which may be why nginx failed to start.
Another reason why it won't start might be due to faulty config. Go to /etc/nginx/ and double check that it's correct. You can also run sudo nginx -t to ensure that the config syntax is correct.
Alternatively, just check your nginx access log to see if it's actually serving any requests. You can also check the error log to see why it might fail to start. These resides in /var/log/nginx by default or check your nginx.conf for any custom path to logs.


Nginx reload shell command not working with in lua script

I have a dockerised Nginx server created with openresty base image. When a particular endpoint is called it need to update nginx config dynamically. For the changes to reflect I am trying to reload the nginx soon after the changes in config.
with in the container i am able to reload nginx server using /usr/local/openresty/nginx/sbin/nginx -s reload
when i try to use the same with in lua as below ,It doesn't shoot any error but the config changes aren't getting reflected.
os.execute("/usr/local/openresty/nginx/sbin/nginx -s reload ")
You can skip calling nginx altogether and just send a HUP signal to the master process using LuaJITs FFI.
local process = require 'ngx.process'
local ffi = require 'ffi'
ffi.cdef 'int kill(int pid, int sig);'
ffi.C.kill(process.get_master_pid(), 1)
However, this doesn't fix the permissions problem.
One idea that could work is:
Set up a named pipe with mkfifo and make it so your nginx-user can write to it
Enable the Priviliged Agent worker process.
Set the privileged worker up to listen for input on the named pipe (for example using the ngx.pipe module to open cat and waiting for input) and send a HUP signal to the master process
Change your os.execute code to instead write some line of text into the named pipe to have the privileged agent reload the server.
EDIT: If you dislike the cat hack, you might want to have a look at
It might be possible to use IPC to keep the whole thing self-contained within a single nginx server instance, without any file access.
This command would be run with nginx worker process privileges, and you need to be a root in order to execute this command. You can try to make a particular script for this (lets assume its name would be /usr/local/openresty/nginx/sbin/
/usr/local/openresty/nginx/sbin/nginx -s reload
set the owner of this script no nginx process user (lets assume its name is nginx), and set the suid bit on this script
chown nginx /usr/local/openresty/nginx/sbin/
chmod +x /usr/local/openresty/nginx/sbin/
chmod u+s /usr/local/openresty/nginx/sbin/
and try to execute this script from your lua code:

how do I restart nginx which is install by passenger

I installed nginx by passenger-install-nginx-module , and start nginx by /opt/nginx/sbin/nginx, but I don't know how to stop or restart nginx after I update my nginx conf.
I know I can use the way ps aux | grep and kill, it there a way like services restart nginx ?
nginx is build to reload configuration without the need for a restart. The common way to restart nginx is to first do
nginx -t
Which will analyse the configuration file and tell you if there are any problems (this is very convenient since syntax errors in the configuration file means downtime). And then
nginx -s reload
Will reload the configuration and restart nginx workers one by one with the new config. This simply finds the master nginx process and sends it the right signal (this is not much different from your ps axu | grep and kill, it just uses a different signal).
There are several other useful command line options for configuration and logging. Being aware of them lets you run nginx practically without any downtime.

wget: unable to resolve host address `http'

I am getting this strange thing on my Ubuntu 12.04 64-bit machine when I do a wget
$ wget
--2014-07-18 14:44:32--
Resolving http (http)... failed: Name or service not known.
wget: unable to resolve host address `http'
I have encountered this problem earlier when I got it for any web pages (and not http), which required me to add my nameserver to /etc/resolv.conf.
However, here that doesn't seem to be the problem, instead it is recognizing http as something different. Any advise?
The DNS server seems out of order. You can use another DNS server such as Put nameserver to the first line of /etc/resolv.conf.
remove the http or https from wget . this worked fine for me.
I have this issue too. I suspect there is an issue with DigitalOcean’s nameservers, so this will likely affect a lot of other people too.
Here’s what I’ve done to temporarily get around it - but someone else might be able to advise on a better long-term fix:
Make sure your DNS Resolver config file is writable:
sudo chmod o+r /etc/resolv.conf
Temporarily change your DNS to use Google’s nameservers instead of DigitalOcean’s:
sudo nano /etc/resolv.conf
Change the IP address in the file to:
Press CTRL + X to save the file.
This is only a temporary fix as this file is automatically written/updated by the server, however, I’ve not yet worked out what writes to it so that I can update it permanently.
I figured out what went wrong. In the proxy configuration of my box, an extra http:// got prefixed to "proxy server with http".
and that has created problems. Corrected that, and it works perfectly.
Thanks #WhiteCoffee and #ChrisBint for your suggestions!
If using Vagrant try reloading your box. This solved my issue.
It might happen because of the overriding of resolv.conf, This answer helped me, use below every time when you set up a new WSL. sudo chattr +i /etc/resolv.conf - will make the file immutable and won't be overwritten next time you start wsl.
sudo bash -c 'echo -e "[network]
generateResolvConf = false" > /etc/wsl.conf
rm /etc/resolv.conf
echo -e "options timeout:1 attempts:1 rotate
nameserver" > /etc/resolv.conf
chattr -f +i /etc/resolv.conf'

curl can't connect to only certain HTTPS hosts

I am trying to install Meteor.js on a VM (Ubuntu 12.04) created with Vagrant.
The install should be as simple as:
curl | /bin/sh
However this fails with curl: (7) couldn't connect to host
I have isolated the failure to a request within that shell script to this URL:
When I changed it to use HTTP instead of HTTPS it works. However I am running into problems elsewhere where it needs to pull things from httpS://
I thought the problem was with https, but if I do:
I get the page no problem, so what could be the issue?
Per another Ubuntu/Meteor question, it appears that there's some kind of certificate error (Meteor's SSL CA may not be installed by default in Ubuntu?) that goes away when you:
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
For me upgrade didn't solve the problem.
My solution was to download the script from and replace TARBALL_URL from https to http and I ran the script manually.

Gitlab: Problems running Unicorn, Resque with Passenger/Nginx

I have installed a Gitlab on a brand new Ubuntu (10.04) and it is working almost correctly. Gitlab is reachable on HTTP, I can push/pull data via git to the server. There is one thing missing though, the activity feed is not updating. So I thought there is something wrong with the git hooks. I completely followed the installation process from Gitlab except I'd like to use Passenger to run Nginx in order to deploy multiple apps.
I was running the the sudo -u gitlab -H bundle exec rake gitlab:env:info RAILS_ENV=production to see if everything is set up correctly, but it said, Redis is not running. ps aux says, redis-server is up. So it is not the git hooks. Gitlab docu says, restart the gitlab service to solve that problem. In this case I get an error which I think is the problem I need to solve:
$ sudo /etc/init.d/gitlab restart
Error, unicorn not running!
My question is, how can I get around this problem? How can I run unicorn, I thought the gitlab service would start it? Am I not using Nginx? Before I start reinstalling the whole thing firstly without using Passenger, I thought I might ask the question here beforehand.
As mentioned by the OP pabera, nginx and mysql must be started, for the other components of GitLab (redis, unicorn, and now sidekiq) to run properly.
The official /etc/init.d/gitlab is here.
I have my own version of gitlabd (here), because I manage sidekiq in my own script, and I don't need to run the script as root.
You can see the run order for all the services in this script:
Apache and/or NGiNX
GitLab (which will start unicorn and sidekiq)
Kind of a poke in the dark...
In the GitLab README is states:
Start your GitLab instance:
sudo service gitlab start
# or
sudo /etc/init.d/gitlab restart
I did the first AND the second and got this exact error. However, I skipped the "or" and continued to the Nginx commands and it seems to work.
Hope this helps!
