Jupyter notebook doesn't launch - jupyter-notebook

I am trying to launch jupyter notebook from Anaconda prompt but it does not launch and there isn't any error in command prompt either. However, jupyter lab works ok and I am able to run notebooks.

Follow the steps:
conda update conda
conda update anaconda-navigator
conda update navigator-updater
and try again.


launching Error of Jupyter notebook and spyder notebook in Anaconda Navigator

After installing Anaconda Navigator I'm facing this kind of error. I completely two time uninstall and install it again but having same problem
what to do next or any other packages is required to install or not?
I'm expecting my jupyter notebook must be open from here. not from anaconda command prompt.

Is there any way to work in R using jupyter notebook (IntelliJ)?

I am using IntelliJ Ultimate. There is support for python in jupyter notebook. But can I run R scripts on it too?
You can add R to Jupyter Notebook by typing this command in the Anaconda Prompt
conda install -c r r-irkernel

Opening Jupyter Notebook in python 3.8.8 in Windows 10

I have installed Anaconda. I want to open Jupyter notebook in python 3.8.8 in Windows 10
I ran conda install spyder-notebook -c spyder-ide in Anaconda cmd and I am getting All requested Packages already installed.
Even after restarting the Spyder, I am not able to see the Notebook option in view pane.
What more should I do so that I can open and run Jupyter notebook in Spyder

How to use conda from Jupyter Lab terminal?

Question in the title. What I've tried: Installing nb_conda and nb_conda_kernels. This did allow me to choose the environment my kernel runs in. However, I am unable to use conda from the terminal inside the Jupyter Lab notebook.
Before launching Jupyter Lab:
wesle#DESKTOP-VV4V3ND MINGW64 ~/Jupyter Notebooks/jn-anomaly-detect (master)
$ conda activate general-ml
wesle#DESKTOP-VV4V3ND MINGW64 ~/Jupyter Notebooks/jn-anomaly-detect (master)
$ jupyter lab
From Jupyter Lab terminal:
Change the kernel to run in the general-ml conda environment, then open up a notebook terminal:
wesle#DESKTOP-VV4V3ND MINGW64 ~/Jupyter Notebooks/jn-anomaly-detect (master)
$ conda info -e
bash: conda: command not found
as if it doesn't exist at all. Is there a known solution to this?
I noticed that packages installed from Anaconda Navigator GUI are reflected live in Jupyter Notebook. This is an undesirable workaround as it is not efficient to open a new program, navigate through the gui, search for a package then install. All of this could be done from the terminal in 3 seconds.

Can't run jupyter notebook after installation

[when i run jupyter notebook i got this error again after all commands ][3]
enter image description here
Try this, it will reinstall everything from pypi.
pip3 install --upgrade --force-reinstall --no-cache-dir jupyter
Then Try to use this command to run you notebook as your terminal also suggested.
jupyter notebook
