Make Octave set a figure to be the active window (come to the "front of the screen") - plot

When Octave draws a plot, I would like it to set that to be the active window automatically, so that it becomes visible and I don't have to click back and forth between windows to see if the code and plot have finished. Is this possible? Since it would require reaching outside of Octave and controlling the OS, I'm not sure; it depends on whether or not that capability is part of Octave but I haven't found a reference for it yet.
I can always tell Octave to close the figure before opening a new one in the code, but that could prevent me from drawing multiple plots on the same axes, and it would require me to code that command in every time. It would be nice if there were a direct way just to bring the plot to be visible and take dominance over other windows.
EDIT: Somehow, although I noted that Octave would be required to control the OS to achieve this, I completely forgot to mention what that was... I'm running Windows 10 with the default window manager; I believe that would be the Desktop Window Manager.

When you plot something on a figure (whether you specify the figure you're plotting to within the plot command explicitly or simply let it plot into the currently active figure implicitly), this does not automatically raise the figure window to the forefront.
To do so, call the figure again using the figure function, along with the handle that you want to raise.
Alternatively, if you're sure that the figure you want to raise is the currently active one, you can simply use the shg command (which is effectively equivalent to figure(gcf))
Fig1 = figure; % (or figure(1) if you want to be explicit)
Fig2 = figure; % (or figure(2) if you want to be explicit)
figure(Fig1); plot(1:10); % raise Fig1 to the forefront, and plot.
PS: Note that there was a bug affecting this behaviour until recently (coincidentally submitted by yours truly :p See ). This is fixed in the latest version of octave though (i.e. 5.1.0)


How to update a Julia plot?

When updating a figure in Julia, how to do it without the plot window grabbing the focus?
Let's say I have the following code:
using Plots
n = 100
x = collect(range(0, pi, length = n))
for i = 1:30
y = sin.(x) .+ 0.1 * randn(100)
plot(x, y, show=true)
When run, the window that displays the plot will grab the focus every time the plot is updated, preventing me from doing anything useful.
How can I update the plot without the window being activated? This would be used for example for monitoring a program in the background.
The easy solution would be to open an empty figure window, arrange it on your desktop however the way you want and reuse it for the next plots. Reusing the same figure window is the default in Plots.jl. Here is how the solution looks.
using Plots
pyplot() # or another backend
plot() # this will open the plot window app and steal the focus once
# arrange the window however the way you want, put it in another monitor etc.
for i = 1:30
plot(rand(3,3), show=true, reuse=true) # reuse=true is not necessary since it is already the default
Since the same application window will be used again, the plot window will no longer steal focus.
As far as I know, the very first window will steal the focus (I think this is not really an issue in your use case), since it is created by another application process. This is the default behavior in most desktop environments. Some desktop environments may allow to change this default.
As a side note, instead of a for loop to regularly update your plot, you can use Timer events in Julia, which makes things easier and likely to be more efficient.

How to disable transparency in knitr plots?

I have a LaTeX/knitr document that I need to convert to PDF/A, but I'm getting errors about transparency being used (which is not allowed in PDF/A). I traced it back to the background fills of the boxplots that I'm generating in R via knitr. Regardless of whether I use "pdf", "cairo_pdf" or "tikzDevice" as the output device, the same error results.
The Tikz output includes the following:
\path[use as bounding box,fill=fillColor,fill opacity=0.00] (0,0) rectangle (505.89,325.21);
Manually removing the fill opacity=0.00 part and rerunning only pdflatex gets rid of the message for a particular graph, so I'm pretty sure that's the cause. However, I'd prefer to make the change in the source file (R code), so I don't have to manually make this fix every time the source changes and the intermediate files are regenerated.
Does anyone know the magic option to feed bxp or par in R that would translate into an opacity of 1.0, or, better still, specify no fill at all? (The fill is completely unnecessary, given that it's a white background being placed on an empty part of a page.)
(BTW, I tried bg=NA in the bxp call, and par(bg=NA) before, and neither had any effect. For that matter, using "red" also had no effect, so that doesn't seem to be the right option.)
Apparently, the bg in the graphics parameters (par=) only applies to objects within the plot (like the boxes in a boxplot). The background for the whole plot is set in knitr's dev.args chunk option, e.g., globally:
opts_chunk$set(dev='tikz', dev.args=list(bg="white"))
or at the start of a particular chunk. It appears there's no way to drop the fill option entirely (there's a "TODO" item in the tikzDevice source code), but changing it to "white" has eliminated the PDF/A validation errors, with no visible effect on the document. Once my thesis is in, maybe I can submit a patch for this. :-)

Plot zoom and locator in RStudio

Is there a way to enable locator() functionality in the RStudio plot zoom? This only works in the smaller window (default bottom right) of RStudio but when you click on a viewer already open as a separate window, no coordinates are captured:
plot(iris$Petal.Width, iris$Petal.Length)
Perhaps the answer here is that is not currently implemented and that is why I couldn't find mention of it online.
I'm using RStudio version 0.99.491.
Thanks in advance.
This does not directly use RStudio's "Zoom" function, but gets pretty close at what you're probably after:
df <- data.frame(1:4)
A couple of notes:
You can't dynamically resize the window. If you want to zoom in, you first need to call windows(), then resize the window, then execute plot(df).
Be careful to specify the n argument for locator(). Otherwise it will crash your R session because of this bug. (Which hasn't been resolved AFAIK)
But if your purpose is to be able to use locator() on a zoomed version of a plot (i.e. if you have a very crowded plot), this should do the trick.

How do you delete the current (but not all) plots in the RStudio plotting device?

How do you delete the current (but not all) plots in the RStudio plotting device? will remove all plots, but what if I just want to remove one? I don't want to have to press that red 'x' button because I want to remove one plot without pressing a button.
In R, you would just use before each plot, so you to only clear the last plot.
In RStudio, you can use x11(), windows() or quartz() (depending on your device) before each plot. Then call to clear last plot. You can also use dev.set() to choose specific plots that way.
If your question is specifically asking to delete the last plot within the same RStudio window (rather than making new windows), not sure if it's possible, since RStudio treats that window as one device. An idea would be to look at a way to call the C++ function removePlot() in the RStudio project.
I found in the Github repository for RStudio the C++ code:
You could output the plots and manage the files that way.

Is there a way to replace the legend or axis without redrawing the whole plot?

Sometimes I will place a legend at a particular location on the plot, let's say topright, and then I see that it covers an important part of the plot. Is there a way I can switch it to topleft or some other place without having to run all the other commands first? Sometimes I have the same problem with the axes, I misspell a word and then I have to issue all the commands again.
I eventually place everything in an R script which means this becomes less of a problem, but sometimes I want to quickly test something in console. Please tell me I have overlooked a basic command that does this.
There is no such thing, but you're on the right track - a script is definitely the way to go. I would also recommend R Studio, a free R IDE, which gives you several displays, one for scripts, one for the console, one for your plots - it's great! It makes working with scripts as easy as interacting with the traditional R console.
As Gabriel told you, a script is the best way. However, the following link could help you:
Using Inkscape to Post-edit Labels in R Graphs
