I figure that this is some timezone/UTC issue - but I can't quite figure it out.
I have setup Netlify CMS on my Gatsby website using the following config.yml:
name: git-gateway
branch: master
publish_mode: editorial_workflow
media_folder: src/images/uploads
public_folder: /uploads
- name: "tourInfo"
label: "Tour Info"
- file: "static/json/tours.json"
label: "Tours"
name: "tours"
- {label: "Tour", name: tour, widget: list, fields: [
{label: "Date", name: date, widget: "date"},
{label: "Spaces", name: spaces, widget: "number"},
{label: "Booked", name: booked, widget: "number", required: false} ]}
I've used this to create tour dates but on doing so there's inconsistencies:
On selecting a date through the CMS the date appears correct as above.
But then the date is saved as:
This is obviously inconsistent with the date which I input.
This behaviour is also consistent across all entered dates fetched via Gatsby on the front end:
They're all a day out.
I suspect this is some type of timezone issue? My locale is currently on BST.
Surely when working with the date widget time shouldn't matter - why does Netlify even have to save a time? I'm only inputting a date.
How can I rectify this? So when I enter 2019/04/04 I get 2019/04/04?
There is the ability to set the format for date in NetlifyCMS.
{label: "Date", name: date, widget: "date", dateFormat: "YYYY-MM-DD", "format": "YYYY-MM-DD"},
dateFormat is the widget output
format is the data output
These formats are moment based formatting.
See Docs
We can do this to disable the the date calendar only keeps the time selector:
Inside config.yml file, just need to write down something commands like this:
name: 'end_time'
label: 'End Time'
widget: 'datetime'
format: 'HH:mm A'
dateFormat: false
timeFormat: true
It will looks like this:
I'm using fullcalendar to display a month view which shows the time and title of events (and a popover showing the description when hovered). When I click the event, I show a listday view that shows all the events for that day. That all works fine and I have this working with this code:
var calendar = new FullCalendar.Calendar(calendarEl, {
headerToolbar: {
start: 'dayGridMonth,listDay',
center: 'title',
end: 'prev,next'
initialView: 'dayGridMonth',
initialDate: '2023-01-12',
height: 'auto',
dayMaxEvents: 3,
moreLinkClick: 'listDay',
eventClick: function(info){
eventColor: 'green',
views: {
listDay: {
displayEventEnd: true
events: [
title: 'All Day Event',
start: '2023-01-01'
title: 'Meeting',
description: 'My Description',
start: '2023-01-12T10:30:00',
end: '2023-01-12T12:30:00'
and in this code pen
I'd like to show the description text for the event in addition to the title in the listday view and I can't figure out how to do this. I don't know whether I need to use an event hook or what. I just can't make my way through the docs and examples to see what to do.
Appreciate any help.
I got this working with this use of eventDidMount.
eventDidMount: function(info) {
info.el.querySelector('.fc-list-event-title a').innerHTML += ` ${info.event.extendedProps.description}`
Frankly, it feels a little weird that I need to go into the depths of the rendered HTML to adjust the output instead of changing what is going INTO the generated HTML but I guess that's just how it works (??)
Thanks to #ADyson for the push in the right direction.
I'm trying to use the steps to display several steps in a wizard.
My wizard steps works, but I can't manage to have the current steps highlighted properly in the steps list.
I was able to replicate in a small stackblitz: https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-ivy-eujcl2?file=src%2Fapp%2Fsteps%2Fstep-two%2Fstep-two.component.html
When I run my code, I got basically this:
But in their demo, the current step gets highlighted:
Any idea what is going on? The styles are imported, I to bind an "activeIndex", but when I move, the step doesn't.
Your routes are not matching with what you have defined app route file vs what you have listed in wizard.component.ts, i.e.
// Your routes
{ path: 'step-1', component: StepOneComponent },
{ path: 'step-2', component: StepTwoComponent }
// But your step routeLinks
label: 'Step 1',
routerLink: '/setup/mongDb',
icon: 'fa-light fa-database',
label: 'Step 2',
routerLink: '/setup/auth-token',
Once they match, the highlight starts working.
this.items = [
label: 'Step 1',
routerLink: 'step-1',
icon: 'fa-light fa-database',
label: 'Step 2',
routerLink: 'step-2'
from what I see in your code, you don't use the proper routes.
The buttons trigger step-1 and step-2 but your step component is declared with /setup/mongDb and /setup/auth-token so I think the PrimeNg component doesn't see that you are on the declared path. I didn't look at the source code but I think this could be it.
I'm a beginner with FullCalendar, and trying to use the vertical resources view from the scheduler add-on. I have some external events that I want to drag onto my resources. The resources are defined like this:
*resources: [
{ id: 1,
title: 'shift1',
businessHours: [
start: '8:00',
end: '13:00',
dow: [1,4,5],
start: '8:00',
end: '11:00',
dow: [3],
start: '8:00',
end: '12:00',
dow: [2],
rendering: 'background',
The behaviour I want is for a dropped event to have it's start and end time set to that of the resource, ie the event duration is the same as the resource. I've searched through the docs and SO, but I can't find a function that works for me (additionally, resourceIds array doesn't work for association to an event, only resourceId). Does anyone have an idea on how to do this?
I would like to have a DateTime column in my Kendo UI grid. I've searched on forums, but I didn't find a solution for this problem.
My field for the TimeStamp column is defined such as:
TimeStamp: { type: "date" },
The records are showing data according to the format specified in the template. But I would like to be able to filter my data source with greater precision. However, currently my filter is only able to filter by date. Is there a way to filter by DateTime instead of filtering only by date?
I was informed that this is not possible currently with Kendo UI. I know this is bad news, but this is the answer to my question.
you can achieve it to use template on kendo grid column, create one more property and pass that property in template in kendo grid column.
timeStamp: { type: "date" },
timeStamp1: { type: "String" },
pass timestamp1 in template like
title: "Last Login",
width: 80,
template: '<span>#= timeStamp1#</span>',
field: "timeStamp",
type: "date"
its work fine according your requirement and sorting will work fine like database sorting.
Its Posible:
DeliveredDate: {
type: "datetime",
editable: false,
nullable: false
And the template is:
field: "DeliveredDate",
title: "Delivered Date",
template: '#= kendo.toString(data.DeliveredDate,"dd/MM/yyyy") === null ? "--/--/----" : kendo.toString(data.DeliveredDate,"dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm") + " Hrs" #',
width: 60,
groupable: false,
sortable: true,
filterable: true
The easiest Way to us the TimeStamp format data from your Database for KendoGrid.
In your HTML file, use the data from DB as shown.
<kendo-grid [data]="gridData">
<kendo-grid-column class="CreatedAt" field="CreatedAt" title="title"
[width]="120" [headerStyle]="{'background-color': '#36455a','color': '#fff'}"
[style]="{'background-color': '#36455a','color': '#fff'}">
<ng-template kendoGridCellTemplate let-dataItem>
{{dataItem.CreatedAt | date:"yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"}}
PS: gridData is my var that stores Data from DB. and CreatedAt is one of the fields.
I'd like to create a simple app that shows me a list of the latest stories from my favourite news sites using Sencha Touch 2 and the RSS feeds, of course.
How do I get data from an rss-feed and then display it as a list, showing title, author, date and content?
I can get a list of the latest news stories going, but I can only manage to display each item title/headline, not the author, date, snippet etc. Here's my code:
1 model, 1 store, 1 view, 1 app.js:
//The store
Ext.define("NewsApp.store.EbStore", {
extend: "Ext.data.Store",
requires: ["Ext.data.proxy.JsonP", "Ext.dataview.List" ],
config: {
model: "NewsApp.model.NewsListModel",
autoLoad: true,
proxy: {
type: 'jsonp',
url: 'https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/services/feed/load?v=1.0&num=5&q=http://feeds.feedburner.com/newsapp_pol',
reader: {
type: 'json',
rootProperty: 'responseData.feed.entries'
//The Model
Ext.define("NewsApp.model.NewsListModel", {
extend: "Ext.data.Model",
config: {
fields: [
{name: 'title', type: 'auto'},
{name: 'author', type: 'auto'},
//The view
Ext.define("NewsApp.view.NewsList", {
extend: "Ext.Container",
requires: "Ext.Toolbar",
alias: "widget.newslistview",
config: {
layout: {
type: 'fit'
items: [{
xtype: "toolbar",
title: "Danske Nyheder",
docked: "top",
items: [
xtype: 'spacer'
xtype: "button",
text: "Indstillinger",
ui: "action",
id: "settingsButton",
iconMask: true,
iconCls: 'settings'
xtype: "button",
text: "Refresh",
ui: "action",
id: "refreshButton",
iconMask: true,
iconCls: 'refresh'
xtype: "list",
store: "EbStore",
onItemDisclosure: true,
itemTpl: '{title}'
// And the app.js just for kicks
name: "NewsApp",
models: ["NewsListModel"],
stores: ["EbStore"],
views: ["NewsList"],
launch: function () {
console.log("App starts");
var newsListView = {
xtype: "newslistview"
With this code, I can display the titles of the rss items nicely. But if I change the {title} to, say, {author}, the list items are created in my view, but without any content whatsoever. The RSS that I'm trying to read uses normal standards, I think: http://feeds.feedburner.com/newsapp_pol
So how do I display more than just the title and acces the rest of the rss?
I guess it boils to my not understanding what data is being captured in the proxy-code or how or in what format exactly.
Can anybody help? :-)
I have checked out these two examples of Sencha Touch RSS readers, and both are excellent, except that the code is way too advanced for me to understand:
If you want to look at the data response of your google feed, I suggest you take a peek at the json data with a json beautifier to make it easier to read. First paste your google feed url into the browser's address bar. Copy the resulting json response - and paste it into the beautifier. That will give you a structured view of the data fields in the response data.
When i tried it, the first entry looked like this:
"title": "Over 50 såret under kampe i Kosovo",
"link": "http://politiken.dk/udland/ECE1672568/over-50-saaret-under-kampe-i-kosovo/",
"author": "",
"publishedDate": "Thu, 28 Jun 2012 12:09:18 -0700",
"contentSnippet": "35 politifolk og 20 serbere blev såret, da en gruppe serbere stødte sammen i det etnisk delte Kosovo.",
"content": "35 politifolk og 20 serbere blev såret, da en gruppe serbere stødte sammen i det etnisk delte Kosovo.",
"categories": []
I noticed that the "author" field is empty on all entries, which may explain why you get an empty list.
That should help you understand the data structure in the feed and create matching references in your code.