How to insert text and image in a TouchableOpacity? - css

I have a login button and I would like to place a Login text at the center of the button and an image (scaling it properly) on the right edge of the button, far away from the text.
Currently I am using an Icon from the Vector Icons library in the following way:
<TouchableOpacity style={styles.buttonLoginTouchable} onPress={this.loginUser.bind(this)}>
<View style={{ flexDirection: 'row' }}>
<Text style={{ color: '#ffffff', fontWeight: '700', paddingLeft: '46%' }}>Login</Text>
<Icon name="arrow-right" color='#fff' size={15} style={{ paddingLeft: '33%' }} />
Which is probably also not the best way to do it. Now I would like to replace the Icon with an Image, so I wrote instead the following code:
<TouchableOpacity style={styles.buttonLoginTouchable} onPress={this.loginUser.bind(this)}>
<View style={{ flexDirection: 'row' }}>
<Text style={{ color: '#ffffff', fontWeight: '700', flex: 0.9 }}>Login</Text>
<Image source={require('../../common/arrow.png')} resizeMode='contain' style={{ height: 10 }} />
This way the image scale and it is placed somehow on the right but it is not anymore horizontally aligned (and I can't understand why).
Does anyone know the best way to achieve the style I am looking for?

use it like this:
<TouchableOpacity style={{flexDirection:"row",alignItems:'center',justifyContent:'center'}}>
<Text style={{flex:.8}}>Login</Text>
<Image source={require('../../common/arrow.png')} resizeMode='contain' style={{flex:.2 }} />

See the below simple example to add image in touchableopacity component in react native. It is very simple you need to wrap image component inside the touchableopacity component.
<TouchableOpacity activeOpacity = { .5 } onPress={ this.callFun }>
<Image source={require('./images/sample_image_button.png')} style = {styles.ImagesStyle} />


How to put Text and TextInput in one line?

In my React Native 0.66 app component, a Text and TextInput needs to be in one line and occupied half of the screen width. Here is the view code used:
<View style={{flex:1, flexDirection:'row', marginVertical: hp("1%")}}>
<View style={{flex:1, flexDirection:"row", width:wp("50%"), textAlign:"left"}}>
<Text style={styles.textTitle}>姓名:</Text>. //<<==Text
<TextInput style={styles.textTitle} //<<==TextInput
<View style={{flex:1, flexDirection:"row", width:wp("50%"),textAlign:"left"}}>. //<<==here is row
<Text style={styles.textTitle}>别号:</Text>
<TextInput style={styles.textTitle}
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
textTitle: {
container: {
//justifyContent: 'center',
The problem with the view code above is that the TextInput was far below the Text even though both of them are in one row with the same height. What is missing here and how to align Text and TextInput in one line?
<View style={styles.row}>
<Text style={styles.textTitle}>别号:</Text>
<TextInput style={styles.textTitle}
const style = stylesheet.create({
row: {
flex: 1,
flexDirection: 'row',
width: "wp('50%')",
textAlign: "left",
display: flex,
justifyContent: "space-between",
alignItems: "center"
textTitle: {...},
container: {...}
I think you missed adding display: flex; to the View Content.
I replaced the style class row.
This will work for you. thanks.
You have to add display:flex to your View component.
You can also use this
<SafeAreaView style={{flex:1}}>
<View style={{flexDirection:"row",flex:1,justifyContent:"center"}}>
<Text style={{flex:1,textAlign:"center",backgroundColor:"blue",color:"white",height:40,paddingTop:10}}>Name</Text>
I hope it solve your Query.
You can use the following mini-code for reference.

React native align image with text

on react native i already wrap the image with tag View. the code is below
<View style={{ flexDirection: 'row', marginTop: 3, alignItems:'center' }}>
<Image source={Images.rank} style={{ width: 20, height: 20 }}></Image>
<Text style={[mainstyle.textGrey, mainstyle.fs14, mainstyle.ml5,]}>
<Text onPress={() => this._goto('Rank')}
style={[mainstyle.textRed, mainstyle.fs14, mainstyle.bold,
{this.state.monthRank == '' ?
'-' : this.state.monthRank}
how i put the text on the center the container and align center with the image to. as we can see the text slightly up

Partially changing background color of a <View> component in React Native based on %

So I have these Views in react native I am using as cards, and I want to partially change the background of the view based on a %
So for example I would find what % 230 is of 1000 and I would fill the background of the card that % to a different color. Anyone have any suggestions on doing the background color with a % like that? I know I can fill it with border and border width but the issue is that pushes the content out of the way to fill it. I need the content to stay in place but the background color change partially based on the %. I also tried making another View overtop of this one and adding the border and border width and filling the top one, but that covers the content of the bottom one, which doesnt really help either.
Not sure a code snippet is needed for this question but screw it:
<View key={value.title + index} style={{ backgroundColor: 'white', margin: 10, borderRadius: 5, width: '90%', height: 70, alignSelf: 'center', justifyContent: 'center' }}>
<View style={{ flexDirection: 'row', alignItems: 'center' }}>
<View style={{ margin: 15 }}>
<View style={{ flexDirection: 'column', width: 125 }}>
<Text style={{ fontWeight: 'bold' }}>{value.title}</Text>
{ && (
<View style={{ flexDirection: 'column', marginLeft: '-5%' }}>
<View style={{ width: 150 }}>
<Text style={{ fontWeight: 'bold', textAlign: 'right', color: '#F36A53' }}> ${value.currentAmount} / ${value.goalAmount}</Text>
I ended up just adding another card overtop of it and just using a transparent border color so it didnt cover the content, but I am not totally happy with this solution, so am open to any other answers. Thanks.

React Native shadow adds shadow to everything inside card

I am trying to generate a box shadow equivalent for React Native.
Here is my code:
<View style={{
shadowColor: "#000",
shadowOffset: {
width: 0,
height: 5,
shadowOpacity: 1,
shadowRadius: 5,
elevation: 5,
<View styleName={"card promocard cardsize"} style={{
marginBottom: this.state.promoBottom, marginRight: this.state.promoRight,
<View styleName="promo-name" style={{ backgroundColor: this.rand }}>
<View styleName="promo-name-child">
<Image style={{ borderRadius: 50, resizeMode: "contain", backgroundColor: "#FFF" }} styleName="promocard-logo-img" source={{ url: }} />
<Text style={{ color: "#fff" }} styleName="promo-name-text">{}</Text>
<View styleName="promo-inner-card">
<Image styleName="promo-main-img" source={{ url: }} />
<View styleName="promo-title">
<Text styleName="promo-title-text">{}</Text>
<View styleName="promo-desc">
<Text styleName="promo-desc-text">{}</Text>
Rather than generate styles correctly around the rectangle (which is 330 by 175), it seems to apply the shadow to every element INSIDE the box.
I want something that looks like this:
I have been tearing my hair out, because every example I am seeing looks similar to the code I've got in my top level view, and yet I am getting shadows on all the text, and the images inside my view.
This was solved by adding a background color.
backgroundColor: "#FFF"

How to align the user name at the center of the profile pic in the same row if the text is too long

I need to align the text at center of the profile pic in the same line. But it move below the profile pic.
How can I achieve this?
<TouchableOpacity >
<View style={{flexDirection:'row',marginLeft: "8%", marginBottom:"5%",marginRight:"15%",}}>
<FastImage source={user.profilePicture} style={{width: 45, height: 45, borderRadius: 22.5}}/>
<Text style = {{fontFamily: 'Heebo-Light', fontSize:12, marginLeft:"1.5%",textAlign:'center' }}> { user.firstName } </Text>
I would propose to wrap your text in another View with justifyContent: 'center' and the same height as your userIcon. Additionally, I changed the textAlign to 'left'
Complete Code:
<TouchableOpacity >
<View style={{flexDirection:'row',marginLeft: "8%", marginBottom:"5%",marginRight:"15%",}}>
<Image source={{ uri: '' }} style={{width: 45, height: 45, borderRadius: 22.5}}/>
// Adding this View
<View style={{justifyContent: 'center', height: 45}}>
// changed textAlign to left
<Text style = {{fontFamily: 'Heebo-Light', fontSize:12, marginLeft:"1.5%",textAlign:'left' }}> Usernamed asdfklshfgkjdhgkjdfhgjk dfhljkghdfjkghfdjkgfhfjk ghsdflkaslödsfsdfdsgdkasälöjda skldjsa </Text>
Working Demo:
Updated Version
We add another View around the Image component and we are removing the height limitation, so that all of our text is visible and the container increases depending on the text content.
<TouchableOpacity >
<View style={{flexDirection:'row',marginLeft: "8%", marginBottom:"5%",marginRight:"15%",}}>
<View style={{justifyContent: 'center'}}>
<Image source={{ uri: '' }} style={{width: 45, height: 45, borderRadius: 22.5}}/>
<View style={{justifyContent: 'center'}}>
<Text style = {{fontFamily: 'Heebo-Light', fontSize:12, marginLeft:"1.5%",textAlign:'left' }}> Usernamed asdfklshfgkjdhgkjdfhgjk dfhljkghdfjkghfdjkgfhfjk ghsdflkaslödsfsdfdsgdkasälöjda skldjsa dasfsdkhf,jdshfkjdshfkjhdsjkfh TEST ETST fdsfgmd,gndfjghjdfkhg dfkghkjdfhgjkdf gkjdfhgjdf gkjdfhg fdg </Text>
