nginx redirect map folder - dictionary

I can't seem to get something to work to redirect anything from a folder or its subfolders to another folder in my nginx redirect map.
I want to redirect any request to anything within the folder /fauxnews to /topics/faux-news. (Not to redirect to another file with the same name in the destination folder, but just to "/topics/faux-news", which will list all posts in that topic.)
I've found things that seemingly should work, like:
/fauxnews(.*) /topics/faux-news/;
/fauxnews.* /topics/faux-news/;
... but they aren't working. What should I use there?

Okay, found out you have to tell nginx you're using regex for a particular line, by inserting the tilde at the beginning. (The '^' is an anchor telling it to start the matching there):
~^/fauxnews(.*) /topics/faux-news/;


Redirect a domain name to a specific page in NGINX and Next JS

I explain you my situation,
I have a website that we'll called that is link to my personal project.
On this project, every users can have a page, with the url[username]. So the urls will then be,, ...
For the context, I'm building it in Next JS, with the following code architecture :
-- [username]
-- index.tsx
-- about.tsx
And I'm using Nginx with pm2 and a proxy pass that points to my http://localhost:3000
Now, I'd like to redirect a second domain name to a specific page of a user.
So I would like that when I go to, it displays without modifying the url.
I pointed the DNS of to my server, I created a new host nginx and I made a proxy_pass to http://localhost:3000/user1. It's working, but I don't have the ressources css and js, because next is trying to load them from and they don't exists (, ...).
I also tried to modify the build-manifest.json in the .next folder created after the build and it didn't work
So either I would like to find a way for Next JS to take the resources from even if it is on (let it be an absolute path), or put a configuration with the nginx host but I don't don't know which one.
Thanks you for your help

DRUPAL 7 - Clean URL and relative path : it's doesn't work

I start with Drupal and I have read some of topics about my problem but I didn't found the solution.
My problem is the following :
On my website (for the moment in localhost) I use Clean URLS module. The problem is when I enable this module and when I use the relative path of my files, my pictures or links don't work.
For example : src="./sites/default/files/styles/large/public/add_tool_version.png".My pictures are not visibles.. I don't know why this module doesn't work with the relative path.
But when I disable the module, the link is works fine.
Please, can an you help me ? Do you have any solution to fix it ?
Thanks in advance for your answers
Try using absolute paths. In you case with image it would be like:
src="/sites/default/files/styles/large/public/add_tool_version.png", without dot.
This absolute path will always refers to that image instead of relative path - it depends on you current directory or page.
The problem with clean urls is the way browsers read urls and interpret them as directions in a file directory. Lets say you are at, or, with clean urls enabled, at
When enabeling clean urls, and putting a link with a source into some node, your browser will search for your files in the folder that is specified in your url. Thus, when you declare the source to be sites/default/files/styles/large/public/add_tool_version.png and are on the url, then the browser will look for the file in the directory node/11/sites/default/files/styles/large/public/. Usually this would work, but in drupal, there actually is no such folder. All drupal pages are just versions of the index.php in your base-directory. In drupal, the url doesn't have anything to do with file structure - unfortunately, the average browser doesn't know that.
Without clean urls, however, your browser will recognize the url as a combination of a base path ( and a query (?q=node/11). It will therefore look for your file starting from the directory specified in your base path.
If you still want to have your relative paths working with clean urls enabled, you can use the function base_path() in front of your actual source.

Referencing relative (parent) path with sudomain

I have a website with several subdomains that direct the user into a subfolder on my site. Inside each subfolder is a Default.aspx file which does some processing and then redirects the user to "../Default.aspx".
This works fine if you type the full URL to that page. If you try to access it through the subdomain, the ".." parent is not being parsed correctly, and just concatenates the subfolder path into the main path and I get a page not found.
The root path of my application is
The subdomain points to
When I navigate to, I get this error:
"404 - /root/subfolder/root/Default.aspx not found"
All I want is for to redirect the user up one folder level to
Can anyone help? Is this a feature/restriction of using a shared hosting provider - the subdomains are restricted to the folder where they are pointed?
Your description is a bit confusing, since you mix local paths and URLs together. Am I right that you are trying to do: Page at redirects to
That means you want to do 2 things:
Redirect from sub-domain subdomain to sub-domain www, and
Navigate to a file one folder up.
Both things you can do in a single HTTP redirect. For this, use the Response.Redirect method, and make sure that in the URL you use the www sub-domain, and the correct absolute path to the page you want to show.
Or, redirect to a URL relative to the current page, in the same domain.
Response.Redirect( Page.ResolveClientUrl( "../Default.aspx" ) );
Update 2
Or, use the Host HTTP header to distinguish on subdomains and switch programatically in your shared codebase.
The answer is to point all the subdomains to the same folder (the main code base) and then in the Master file, switch based on the http header. If they are coming in from, use css1 - if they are from, use css2, etc.
This allows me to use relative paths throughout the code AND preserve the subdomain in the browser's URL bar.
One caveat - if you are testing in multiple environments (I have a DEV and a TST) you need some code to detect which environment you are in and operate a little differently, since the http header host would show something like "localhost:51510". For me, those subdomains only exist in my Production environment.
Credit to bgever - thanks!

Does WordPress do something that overrides .htaccess?

I'm working locally on a WordPress site for a client. The client keeps their install of wordpress in the server root, but because I have more than one client, I like to install everything in a client folder, like localhost/client. Normally it's a simple matter to add a rewrite rule to .htaccess, setting the rewrite base to be /client/. But today it's not working at all. Even if I put nonsense in the rewrite rule, the site works (which it should not, if the rewrite rules are in effect). The images references are still looking for root at localhost/, instead of localhost/client/, which means they are broken.
I looked into WordPress's documentation and found it has something called WP_rewrite, and there is a place to set parameters for it in wp-includes/rewrite.php). I set the root parameter to client/ but that doesn't seem to have any effect either.
One last thing: there is an .htaccess file in localhost/client/, and another one in localhost/client/wp/. I have them both set to RewriteBase = /client/, but I've tried just about every other sensible combination--no change.
So my question is: does WordPress do something else that would make the rewrite rules I set in .htaccess not work?
I'd recommend a small change to your local environment for a more flexible solution. Use virtual hosts. If you're running WAMP/MAMP, this tool is readily available to you. It allows you run a directory within your localhost as its own site, which you can access using a local-only URL of your choosing. I have my sites set up as sitename.local, for instance, so they all live in their own happy little ecosystem. Highly recommended.
Yes it does, you have to make some steps that will change entries in db before you move it to subfolder.
Here are detailed info:
What you need to do:
copy everything as it is setup on your clients server i.e. in root folder
do the steps in above url, important are 4. & 5.; step 10. actually just go to permalink settings and click on "Save" button (or "Update" I do not remember how it says)
Now you can work :)
Are you modifying only theme or what?

drupal how to add url alias to "sites/all/modules/..."

I tried in menu, pathauto, they both report such source path does not exist or I don't have permission. How can this be achieved in most easy way?
Url alias doesn't work with files, only paths that are known by Drupal (defined in the code/database).
Path aliases work by rewriting the url into something that Drupal understands. So if you wanted to make an alias to a file, you would need to serve the file yourself, since Drupal doesn't serve the files.
If you really wanted to, you could make a redirect to the file from, but that's not pretty.
Try setting the Download Method to private, under admin/settings/file-system. If you do, Drupal will serve your files and the redirects might work (I didn't test it myself... :-).
Naturally, this has a price in terms of performance. Your links will look different.
If you want to keep the public download method, your need to redirect in the HTTP server level, because file requests are not going through Drupal in that case.
