Partial or fuzzy match in R - r

I want to do fuzzy match on 2 dataframes (s1 is data and s2 is reference) based on the 'Answer' column inorder to get corresponding question count and category from s2 .
s1 <- data.frame(Category =c("Stationary","TransferRelocationClaim","IMS"),
Question =c( "Where do I get stationary items from?","Process for claiming Transfer relocation allowances.","What is IMS?"),Answer = c("Hey <firstname>, you will find it near helpdesk ","Hey <firstname>, moving to new places can be fun! To claim relocation expense please follow the steps given below- 1. request you to add the code in ,enter relocation code ,add. 2. select expenses ,add expense ,other expense ,fill the form ,save ,print (select the print icon).","ims or interview management system is a tool that helps interviewers schedule all the interviews"),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
s2 <- data.frame(
Question = c("Where to get books?", "Procedure to order stationary?","I would like to know about my relocation and relocation expenses","tell me about relocation expense claiming","how to claim relocation expense","IMS?"),
Answer = c("Hey Anil, you will find it at the helpdesk.", "Hey, Shekhar, you will find it at the helpdesk.", "hey sonali moving to new places can be fun! to claim relocation expense please follow the steps given below- 1. request you to add the code in ,enter relocation code ,add. 2. select expenses ,add expense ,other expense ,fill the form ,save ,print (select the print icon)","hey piyush moving to new places can be fun! to claim relocation expense please follow the steps given below- 1. request you to add the code in ,assignments ,enter relocation code ,add. 2. select expenses ,add expense ,other expense ,fill the form ,save ,print (select the print icon). 3. attach the bills to the printout and secure approval sign-off / mail (from the pa support for new joinee relocation claims and the portal approver for existing employees). 4. drop the bills in the portal drop box (the duty manager amp, finance team can confirm the coordinates.", "hey vibha moving to new places can be fun! to claim relocation expense please follow the steps given below- 1. request you to add the code in ,assignments ,enter relocation code ,add. 2. select expenses ,add expense ,other expense ,fill the form ,save ,print (select the print icon). 3. attach the bills to the printout and secure approval sign-off / mail from the pa support for new joinee relocation claims and the portal approver for existing employees). 4. drop the bills in the portal drop box (the duty manager amp, finance team can confirm the coordinates", "ims or interview management system is a tool that helps interviewers schedule all the interviews")
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
s1$Response=gsub('[[:punct:] ]+',' ',s1$Response)
s2$Response=gsub('[[:punct:] ]+',' ',s2$Response)
s1$Response <- tolower(s1$Response)
s2$Response <- tolower(s2$Response)
# data =s1, lookup=s2
d.matrix <- stringdistmatrix(a = s2$Response, b = s1$Response, useNames="strings",method="cosine", nthread = getOption("sd_num_thread"))
#list of minimun cosines
cosines<-apply(d.matrix, 2, min)
#return list of the row number of the minimum value
minlist<-apply(d.matrix, 2, which.min)
#return list of best matching values
#below table contains best match and cosines
answer<-data.frame(s1$Response, matchwith, cosines)
t11=merge(x=answer,y=s2, by.x="matchwith", by.y="Response", all.x=TRUE)
Next, I have to get count of s1.Response = 3 for Question : Process for claiming Transfer relocation allowances? along with Category name. Kindly guide me as to how it can be done.

You could try matching using the agrepl function which lets you set a maximum "distance" which is the sum of "transformations needed to go from a pattern to a target. I would take out the material around the flanking angle brackets with sub:
agrepl(sub("<.+>, ", "", df1$Answer), df2$Answer, 8)
(Note: teh FALSE comes from my having modified the second dataframe so that it had a non-matching "answer" value.

If we slightly modify your first input we can use packages fuzzyjoin/dplyr/stringr the following way :
df1 <- data.frame(
Category = "Stationary",
Question = "Where do I get stationary items from?",
Answer = "Hey <firstname>, you will find it <here>.", # <-notice the change!
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
df2 <- data.frame(
Category = c("Stat1", "Stat1"),
Question = c("Where to get books?", "Procedure to order stationary?"),
Answer = c("Hey Anil, you will find it at the helpdesk.", "Hey, Shekhar, you will find it at the helpdesk."),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
We make a regex pattern from Answer :
df1 <- dplyr::mutate(
Answer_regex =gsub("([.|()\\^{}+$*?]|\\[|\\])", "\\\\\\1", Answer), # escape special
Answer_regex = gsub(" *?<.*?> *?",".*?", Answer_regex), # replace place holders by .*?
Answer_regex = paste0("^",Answer_regex,"$")) # make sure the match is exact
We use stringr::str_detect with fuzzyjoin::fuzzy_left_join to find matches :
res <- fuzzyjoin::fuzzy_left_join(df2, df1, by= c(Answer="Answer_regex"), match_fun = stringr::str_detect )
# Category.x Question.x Answer.x Category.y
# 1 Stat1 Where to get books? Hey Anil, you will find it at the helpdesk. Stationary
# 2 Stat1 Procedure to order stationary? Hey, Shekhar, you will find it at the helpdesk. Stationary
# Question.y Answer.y Answer_regex
# 1 Where do I get stationary items from? Hey <firstname>, you will find it <here>. ^Hey.*?, you will find it.*?\\.$
# 2 Where do I get stationary items from? Hey <firstname>, you will find it <here>. ^Hey.*?, you will find it.*?\\.$
Then we can count:
# # A tibble: 1 x 2
# Answer.y n
# <chr> <int>
# 1 Hey <firstname>, you will find it <here>. 2
Note that I included spaces outside of < and > as part of the placeholders. If I didn't do this "Hey, Shekhar" wouldn't have been matched, because of the comma.
edit to address comment :
df1 <- dplyr::mutate(df1, Answer_trimmed = gsub("<.*?>", "", Answer))
res <- fuzzy_left_join(df2, df1, by= c(Answer="Answer_trimmed"),
match_fun = function(x,y) stringdist::stringdist(x, y) / nchar(y) < 0.7)
# Category.x Question.x Answer.x Category.y
# 1 Stat1 Where to get books? Hey Anil, you will find it at the helpdesk. Stationary
# 2 Stat1 Procedure to order stationary? Hey, Shekhar, you will find it at the helpdesk. <NA>
# Question.y Answer.y Answer_trimmed
# 1 Where do I get stationary items from? Hey <firstname>, you will find it here. Hey , you will find it here.
# 2 <NA> <NA> <NA>
# # A tibble: 2 x 2
# Answer.y n
# <chr> <int>
# 1 <NA> 1
# 2 Hey <firstname>, you will find it here. 1


Find differences betwen 2 dataframes with different lengths

I have two dataframes with each two columns c("price", "size") with different lengths.
Each price must be linked to its size. It's two lists of trade orders. I have to discover the differences between the two dataframes knowing that the two databases can have orders that the other doesn't have and vice versa. I would like an output with the differences or two outputs, it doesn't matter. But I need the row number in the output to find where are the differences in the series.
Here is sample data :
> out
price size
1: 36024.86 0.01431022
2: 36272.00 0.00138692
3: 36272.00 0.00277305
4: 36292.57 0.05420000
5: 36292.07 0.00403948
923598: 35053.89 0.30904890
923599: 35072.76 0.00232000
923600: 35065.60 0.00273000
923601: 35049.36 0.01760000
923602: 35037.23 0.00100000
price size
1: 37279.89 0.01340020
2: 37250.84 0.00930000
3: 37250.32 0.44284049
4: 37240.00 0.00056491
5: 37215.03 0.99891906
923806: 35053.89 0.30904890
923807: 35072.76 0.00232000
923808: 35065.60 0.00273000
923809: 35049.36 0.01760000
923810: 35037.23 0.00100000
For example, I need to know if the first row of the database out is in the database bit.
I've tried many functions : comparedf()
summary(comparedf(bit, out, by = c("price","size"))
but I've got error:
Error in vecseq(f__, len__, if (allow.cartesian || notjoin ||
!anyDuplicated(f__, :
I've tried compare_df() :
But I know the results are wrong, I've only 23 results and I know that there are more than 200 differences minimum.
I've tried match(), which() functions but it doesn't get the results I search.
If you have any other methods, I will take them.
Perhaps you could just do inner_join on out and bit by price and size? But first make id variable for both data.frame's
out$id <- 1:nrow(out)
bit$id <- 1:nrow(bit)
joined <- inner_join(bit, out, by = c("price", "size"))
Now we can check which id from out and bit are not present in joined table:
id_from_bit_not_included_in_out <- bit$id[!bit$id %in% joined$id.x]
id_from_out_not_included_in_bit <- out$id[!out$id %in% joined$id.y]
And these ids are the rows not included in out or bit, i.e. variable id_from_bit_not_included_in_out contains rows present in bit, but not in out and variable id_from_out_not_included_in_bit contains rows present in out, but not in bit
First attempt here. It will be difficult to do a very clean job with this data tho.
The data I used:
out <- read.table(text = "price size
36024.86 0.01431022
36272.00 0.00138692
36272.00 0.00277305
36292.57 0.05420000
36292.07 0.00403948
35053.89 0.30904890
35072.76 0.00232000
35065.60 0.00273000
35049.36 0.01760000
35037.23 0.00100000", header = T)
bit <- read.table(text = "price size
37279.89 0.01340020
37250.84 0.00930000
37250.32 0.44284049
37240.00 0.00056491
37215.03 0.99891906
37240.00 0.00056491
37215.03 0.99891906
35053.89 0.30904890
35072.76 0.00232000
35065.60 0.00273000
35049.36 0.01760000
35037.23 0.00100000", header = T)
Assuming purely that row 1 of out should match with row 1 of bit a simple solution could be:
df <- cbind(distinct(out), distinct(bit))
names(df) <- make.unique(names(df))
However judging from the data you have provided I am not sure if this is the way to go (big differences in the first few rows) so maybe try sorting the data first?:
df <- cbind(distinct(out[order(out$price, out$size),]), distinct(bit[order(bit$price, bit$size),]))
names(df) <- make.unique(names(df))

how to calculate R1 (lexical richness index) in R?

Hi I need to write a function to calculate R1 which is defined as follows :
R1 = 1 - ( F(h) - h*h/2N) )
where N is the number of tokens, h is the Hirsch point, and F(h) is the cumulative relative frequencies up to that point. Using quanteda package I managed to calculate the Hirsch point
a <- c("The truck driver whose runaway vehicle rolled into the path of an express train and caused one of Taiwan’s worst ever rail disasters has made a tearful public apology.", "The United States is committed to advancing prosperity, security, and freedom for both Israelis and Palestinians in tangible ways in the immediate term, which is important in its own right, but also as a means to advance towards a negotiated two-state solution.")
a1 <- c("The 49-year-old is part of a team who inspects the east coast rail line for landslides and other risks.", "We believe that this UN agency for so-called refugees should not exist in its current format.")
a2 <- c("His statement comes amid an ongoing investigation into the crash, with authorities saying the train driver likely had as little as 10 seconds to react to the obstruction.", " The US president accused Palestinians of lacking “appreciation or respect.", "To create my data I had to chunk each text in an increasing manner.", "Therefore, the input is a list of chunked texts within another list.")
a3 <- c("We plan to restart US economic, development, and humanitarian assistance for the Palestinian people,” the secretary of state, Antony Blinken, said in a statement.", "The cuts were decried as catastrophic for Palestinians’ ability to provide basic healthcare, schooling, and sanitation, including by prominent Israeli establishment figures.","After Donald Trump’s row with the Palestinian leadership, President Joe Biden has sought to restart Washington’s flailing efforts to push for a two-state resolution for the Israel-Palestinian crisis, and restoring the aid is part of that.")
txt <-list(a,a1,a2,a3)
DFMs <- lapply(txt, dfm)
txt_freq <- function(x) textstat_frequency(x, groups = docnames(x), ties_method = "first")
Fs <- lapply(DFMs, txt_freq)
get_h_point <- function(DATA) {
fn_interp <- approxfun(DATA$rank, DATA$frequency)
fn_root <- function(x) fn_interp(x) - x
uniroot(fn_root, range(DATA$rank))$root
s_p <- function(x){split(x,x$group)}
tstat_by <- lapply(Fs, s_p)
h_values <-lapply(tstat_by, vapply, get_h_point, double(1))
To calculate F(h)—the cumulative relative frequencies up to h_point— to put in R1, I need two values; one of them needs to be from Fs$rank and the other must be from h_values. Consider the first original texts (tstat_by[[1]], tstat_by[[2]], and tstat_by[[3]]) and their respective h_values(h_values[[1]], h_values[[2]], and h_values[[3]]):
fh_txt1 <- tail(prop.table(cumsum(tstat_by[[1]][["text1"]]$rank:h_values[[1]][["text1"]])), n=1)
fh_txt2 <-tail(prop.table(cumsum(tstat_by[[1]][["text2"]]$rank:h_values[[1]][["text2"]])), n=1)
tail(prop.table(cumsum(tstat_by[[4]][["text2"]]$rank:h_values[[4]][["text2"]])), n=1)
[1] 1
tail(prop.table(cumsum(tstat_by[[4]][["text3"]]$rank:h_values[[4]][["text3"]])), n=1)
[1] 0.75
As you can see, the grouping is the same— docnames for each chunk of the original character vectors are the same (text1, text2, text3, etc.). my question is how to write a function for fh_txt(s) so that using lapply can be an option to calculate F(h) for R1.
Please note that the goal is to write a function to calculate R1, and what I`ve put here is what has been done in this regard.
I've simplified your inputs below, and used the groups argument in textstat_frequency() instead of your approach to creating lists of dfm objects.
a <- c("The truck driver whose runaway vehicle rolled into the path of an express train and caused one of Taiwan’s worst ever rail disasters has made a tearful public apology.")
a1 <- c("The 49-year-old is part of a team who inspects the east coast rail line for landslides and other risks.")
a2 <- c("His statement comes amid an ongoing investigation into the crash, with authorities saying the train driver likely had as little as 10 seconds to react to the obstruction.")
## Package version: 3.0.0
## Unicode version: 10.0
## ICU version: 61.1
## Parallel computing: 12 of 12 threads used.
## See for tutorials and examples.
dfmat <- c(a, a1, a2) %>%
tokens() %>%
tstat <- quanteda.textstats::textstat_frequency(dfmat, groups = docnames(dfmat), ties = "first")
tstat_by <- split(tstat, tstat$group)
get_h_point <- function(DATA) {
fn_interp <- approxfun(DATA$rank, DATA$frequency)
fn_root <- function(x) fn_interp(x) - x
uniroot(fn_root, range(DATA$rank))$root
h_values <- vapply(tstat_by, get_h_point, double(1))
## text1 text2 text3
## 2.000014 1.500000 2.000024
tstat_by <- lapply(
function(x) subset(tstat_by[[x]], cumsum(rank) <= h_values[[x]])
), tstat_by)
## feature frequency rank docfreq group
## 1 the 2 1 1 text1
## 29 the 2 1 1 text2
## 48 the 3 1 1 text3
You didn't specify what you wanted for output, but with this result, you should be able to compute your own either on the list using lapply(), or on the combined data.frame using for instance dplyr.
Created on 2021-04-05 by the reprex package (v1.0.0)

R: Replace all Values that are not equal to a set of values

I've been trying to solve a problem on a large data set for some time and could use some of your wisdom.
I have a DF (1.3M obs) with a column called customer along with 30 other columns. Let's say it contains multiple instances of customers Customer1 thru Customer3000. I know that I have issues with 30 of those customers. I need to find all the customers that are NOT the customers I have issues and replace the value in the 'customer' column with the text 'Supported Customer'. That seems like it should be a simple thing...if it werent for the number of obs, I would have loaded it up in Excel, filtered all the bad customers out and copy/pasted the text 'Supported Customer' over what remained.
Ive tried replace and str_replace_all using grepl and paste/paste0 but to no avail. my current code looks like this:
#All the customers that have issues
out <- c("Customer123", "Customer124", "Customer125", "Customer126", "Customer127",
"Customer128", ..... , "Customer140")
#Look for everything that is NOT in the list above and replace with "Enabled"
orderData$customer <- str_replace_all(orderData$customer, paste0("[^", paste(out, collapse =
"|"), "]"), "Enabled Customers")
That code gets me this error:
Error in stri_replace_all_regex(string, pattern, fix_replacement(replacement), :
In a character range [x-y], x is greater than y. (U_REGEX_INVALID_RANGE)
I've tried the inverse of this approach and pulled a list of all obs that dont match the list of out customers. Something like this:
in <- orderData %>% filter(!customer %in% out) %>% select(customer) %>%
This gets me a much larger list of customers that ARE enabled (~3,100). Using the str_replace_all and paste approach seems to have issues though. At this large number of patterns, paste no longer collapses using the "|" operator. instead I get a string that looks like:
"c(\"Customer1\", \"Customer2345\", \"Customer54\", ......)
When passed into str_replace_all, this does not match any patterns.
Anyways, there's got to be an easier way to do this. Thanks for any/all help.
Here is a data.table approach.
First, some example data since you didn't provide any.
customer <- sample(paste0("Customer",1:300),5000,replace = TRUE)
orderData <- data.frame(customer = sample(paste0("Customer",1:300),5000,replace = TRUE),stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
orderData <- cbind(orderData,matrix(runif(0,100,n=5000*30),ncol=30))
out <- c("Customer123", "Customer124", "Customer125", "Customer126", "Customer127", "Customer128","Customer140")
result <- orderData[!(customer %in% out),customer := gsub("Customer","Supported Customer ",customer)]
customer 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1: Supported Customer 134 65.35091 8.57117 79.594166 84.88867 97.225276 84.563997 17.15166 41.87160 3.717705
2: Supported Customer 225 72.95757 32.80893 27.318046 72.97045 28.698518 60.709381 92.51114 79.90031 7.311200
3: Supported Customer 222 39.55269 89.51003 1.626846 80.66629 9.983814 87.122153 85.80335 91.36377 14.667535
4: Supported Customer 184 24.44624 20.64762 9.555844 74.39480 49.189537 73.126275 94.05833 36.34749 3.091072
5: Supported Customer 194 42.34858 16.08034 34.182737 75.81006 35.167769 23.780069 36.08756 26.46816 31.994756

Partial string matching & replacement in R

I have a dataframe like this
> myDataFrame
1 Investment LLC
2 Hyperloop LLC
3 Invezzstment LLC
4 Investment_LLC
5 Haiperloop LLC
6 Inwestment LLC
I need to match all these fuzzy strings, so the end result should look like this:
> myDataFrame
1 Investment LLC
2 Hyperloop LLC
3 Investment LLC
4 Investment LLC
5 Hyperloop LLC
6 Investment LLC
So, actually, I must solve a partial match-and-replace task for categorical variable. There are a lot great functions in base R and packages to solve string matching, but I'm stuck to find a single solution for this kind of match-and-replace.
I don't care which occurrence will replace other, for example "Investment LLC" or "Invezzstment LLC" are both equally fine. Just need them to be consistent.
Is there any single all-in-one function or a loop for this?
If you have a vector of correct spellings, agrep makes this reasonably easy:
myDataFrame$company <- sapply(myDataFrame$company,
c('Investment LLC', 'Hyperloop LLC'),
value = TRUE)})
# company
# 1 Investment LLC
# 2 Hyperloop LLC
# 3 Investment LLC
# 4 Investment LLC
# 5 Hyperloop LLC
# 6 Investment LLC
If you don't have such a vector, you can likely make one with clever application of adist or even just table if the correct spelling is repeated more than the others, which it likely will be (though isn't here).
So, after some time I ended up with this dumb code. Attention: It is not fully automating the process of replacement, because every time the proper matches should be verified by human, and every time we need a fine tune of agrep max.distance argument. I am totally sure there are ways to make it better and quicker, but this can help to get the job done.
# Manual renaming with partial matches
# a) Take a look at the desired column of factor variables
sort(unique(MYDATA$names)) # take a look
# ****
Sensthreshold <- 0.2 # sensitivity of agrep, usually 0.1-0.2 get it right
Searchstring <- "Invesstment LLC" # what should I search?
# ****
# User-defined function: returns similar string on query in column
Searcher <- function(input, similarity = 0.1) {
MYDATA$names, # <-- define your column here = TRUE, value = TRUE,
max.distance = similarity))
# b) Make a search of desired string
Searcher(Searchstring, Sensthreshold) # using user-def function
### Did it get it right?
## ACTION! This changes your dataframe!
## Please make backup before proceeding
## Please execute this code as a whole to avoid errors
# c) Make a vector of cells indexes after checking output
vector_of_cells <- agrep(Searchstring,
MYDATA$names, = TRUE,
max.distance = Sensthreshold)
# d) Apply the changes
MYDATA$names[vector_of_cells] <- Searchstring # <--- CHANGING STRING
# e) Check result
unique(agrep(Searchstring, MYDATA$names, = TRUE, value = TRUE, max.distance = Sensthreshold))

R & xml2: Locate elements by specific text value, store all children values in data.frame

I work with regularly refreshed XML reports and I would like to automate the munging process using R & xml2.
Here's a link to an entire example file.
Here's a sample of the XML:
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<riDetailEnrolleeReport xmlns="">
I would like to:
Read in the XML into R
Locate a specific insuredMemberIdentifier
Extract the planIdentifier and all claimIdentifier data associated with the member ID in (2)
Store all text and values for insuredMemberIdentifier, planIdentifier, claimIdentifier, and claimPaidAmount in a data.frame with a row for each unique claim ID (member ID to claim ID is a 1 to many)
So far, I have accomplished 1 and I'm in the ballpark on 2:
## Step 1 ##
ride <- read_xml("/Users/temp/Desktop/RIDetailEnrolleeReport.xml")
## Step 2 -- assume the insuredMemberIdentifier of interest is 'ARS001' ##
memID <- xml_find_all(ride, "//d1:insuredMemberIdentifier[text()='ARS001']", xml_ns(ride))
[I know that I can then use xml_text() to extract the text of the element.]
After the code in Step 2 above, I've tried using xml_parent() to locate the parent node of the insuredMemberIdentifier, saving that as a variable, and then repeating Step 2 for claim info on that saved variable node.
node <- xml_parent(memID)
xml_find_all(node, "//d1:claimIdentifier", xml_ns(ride))
But this just results in pulling all claimIdentifiers in the global file.
Any help/information on how to get to step 4, above, would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.
Apologies for the late response, but for posterity, import data as above using xml2, then parse the xml file by ID, as hinted by har07.
# output object to collect all claims
res <- data.frame(
insuredMemberIdentifier = rep(NA, 1),
planIdentifier = NA,
claimIdentifier = NA,
claimPaidAmount = NA)
# vector of ids of interest
ids <- c('ARS001')
# indexing counter
starti <- 1
# loop through all ids
for (ii in seq_along(ids)) {
# find ii-th id
## Step 2 -- assume the insuredMemberIdentifier of interest is 'ARS001' ##
memID <- xml_find_all(x = ride,
xpath = paste0("//d1:insuredMemberIdentifier[text()='", ids[ii], "']"))
# find node for
node <- xml_parent(memID)
# as har07's comment find claim id within this node
cid <- xml_find_all(node, ".//d1:claimIdentifier", xml_ns(ride))
pid <- xml_find_all(node, ".//d1:planIdentifier", xml_ns(ride))
cpa <- xml_find_all(node, ".//d1:claimPaidAmount", xml_ns(ride))
# add invalid data handling if necessary
if (length(cid) != length(cpa)) {
warning(paste("cid and cpa do not match for", ids[ii]))
# collect outputs
res[seq_along(cid) + starti - 1, ] <- list(
# adjust counter to add next id into correct row
starti <- starti + length(cid)
# insuredMemberIdentifier planIdentifier claimIdentifier claimPaidAmount
# 1 ARS001 25032VA013000101 CADULT4SM00101 100.00
