R Create new columns with ifelse-function for multiple dataframes - r

I want to create several columns with a ifelse()-condition for multiple dataframes. In this case the dataframes are 3 time-series data for cryptocurrencies. Here is the code to download the 3 dataframes automatically:
crypto_chart <- crypto_prices()%>% select(-id, -symbol,-price_btc, -`24h_volume_usd`,-available_supply, -total_supply,-max_supply, -percent_change_1h, -percent_change_24h, -percent_change_7d, -last_updated)%>% slice(1:3)
list_cryptocurrencies <-crypto_chart$name
function(x) crypto_history(x, start_date = '20150101', end_date = '20190303')%>%
select(-slug, -symbol, -name, -`ranknow`))%>%
list2env(envir = .GlobalEnv)
##Calculating return
function(x) x %>% mutate(`return` = (close-open)/open * 100))%>%
list2env(mget(list_cryptocurrencies), envir = .GlobalEnv)
Now I want to detect positive overreactions (oR_pos) in the returns. I define an overreaction as a value (return) higher than the mean + 1 standard deviation. I want do this also for 1.5 and 2 standard deviations. Here ist my desired output for one cryptocurrencie (Bitcoin):
> Bitcoin
date open close return oR_pos>1sd oR_pos>1.5sd oR_pos>2sd
1 2018-01-01 14112.2 13657.2 -3.2241607 NA NA NA
2 2018-01-02 13625.0 14982.1 9.9603670 9.960367 9.960367 9.960367
3 2018-01-03 14978.2 15201.0 1.4874952 NA NA NA
4 2018-01-04 15270.7 15599.2 2.1511784 NA NA NA
5 2018-01-05 15477.2 17429.5 12.6140387 12.614039 12.614039 12.614039
6 2018-01-06 17462.1 17527.0 0.3716621 NA NA NA
7 2018-01-07 17527.3 16477.6 -5.9889430 NA NA NA
8 2018-01-08 16476.2 15170.1 -7.9271919 NA NA NA
9 2018-01-09 15123.7 14595.4 -3.4931928 NA NA NA
10 2018-01-10 14588.5 14973.3 2.6376941 NA NA NA
11 2018-01-11 14968.2 13405.8 -10.4381288 NA NA NA
12 2018-01-12 13453.9 13980.6 3.9148500 3.914850 NA NA
Now I have 3 new columns with overreactions(oR_pos) which are > 1sd; 1.5sd and 2sd.
I've already tried this code:
oR_pos_function <- function(y) {
n <- seq(1, 2, 0.5)
y[paste0("oR_pos>", n, "sd")] <-lapply(n, function(x)
ifelse(x$return > mean(x$return)+ sd(x$return),x$return, NA))
map(mget(list_cryptocurrencies), oR_pos_function)%>%
list2env(envir = .GlobalEnv)
But it doesen't works.
Can someone help me?

The following closely matches your intended function, adding the desired columns onto your crypto, while allowing the desired sd thresholds to be passed-in as parameter for flexibility. Aside note, the solution below uses > as per OP, but you may wish to consider movement +/- direction from sd. Using solution below could be done using instead:
col <- ifelse(returns > (r_mean+(r_sd*threshold)) |
returns < (r_mean-(r_sd*threshold)),
Solution as follows:
oR_pos_function <- function(returns,thresholds) {
r_mean <- mean(returns,na.rm=T)
r_sd <- sd(returns,na.rm=T)
cols <- lapply(thresholds,function(threshold) {
col <- ifelse(returns > (r_mean+(r_sd*threshold)),returns,NA)
cols <- as.data.frame(cols)
names(cols) <- paste0("oR_pos>",thresholds,"sd")
new_cols <- oR_pos_function(returns=Bitcoin$return,thresholds=c(1,1.5,2))
Bitcoin <- cbind(Bitcoin,new_cols)
> head(Bitcoin[Bitcoin$date>="2018-01-01",])
date open high low close volume market close_ratio spread return oR_pos>1sd oR_pos>1.5sd oR_pos>2sd
1097 2018-01-01 14112.2 14112.2 13154.7 13657.2 10291200000 229119155396 0.5248042 957.5 -3.2241607 NA NA NA
1098 2018-01-02 13625.0 15444.6 13163.6 14982.1 16846600192 251377913955 0.7972381 2281.0 9.9603670 9.960367 9.960367 9.960367
1099 2018-01-03 14978.2 15572.8 14844.5 15201.0 16871900160 255080562912 0.4894961 728.3 1.4874952 NA NA NA
1100 2018-01-04 15270.7 15739.7 14522.2 15599.2 21783199744 261795321110 0.8845996 1217.5 2.1511784 NA NA NA
1101 2018-01-05 15477.2 17705.2 15202.8 17429.5 23840899072 292544135538 0.8898258 2502.4 12.6140387 12.614039 12.614039 12.614039
1102 2018-01-06 17462.1 17712.4 16764.6 17527.0 18314600448 294217423675 0.8043891 947.8 0.3716621 NA NA NA
Alternative per comments:
oR_pos_function <- function(coin_data,thresholds) {
returns <- coin_data$return
r_mean <- mean(returns,na.rm=T)
r_sd <- sd(returns,na.rm=T)
cols <- lapply(thresholds,function(threshold) {
col <- ifelse(returns > (r_mean+(r_sd*threshold)),returns,NA)
cols <- as.data.frame(cols)
names(cols) <- paste0("oR_pos>",thresholds,"sd")
coin_data <- cbind(coin_data,cols)

You can use dplyr::mutate to add any such fields
Bitcoin %>%
mutate(oR_pos_1sd = ifelse(return > mean(return) + sd(return), return , NA),
oR_pos_1.5sd = ifelse(return > mean(return) + 1.5*sd(return), return , NA),
oR_pos_2sd = ifelse(return > mean(return) + 2*sd(return), return , NA))


data length cannot be over width of moving average

I use quantmod, to calculate the moving average over 2000 dataframes with loop
price = xts object
price <- cbind(price, SMA(price, 5), SMA(price, 10),
SMA(price, 20), SMA(price, 60), SMA(price, 120),
SMA(price, 180), SMA(price, 240))
But some data don't exceed the number of width, stop running in the middle. In that case, I just want to fill NA only.
I need some support to solve this problem.
Or if I need to use any other package for solving this problem, let me know
Moving average functions give an error when the chosen period is longer than the available data. As #RuiBarradas mentions in the comment, for a SMA zoo::rollmean could work. As you need to loop over quite a few data.frames a function is easier. The function below could be used in an lapply function or just in a loop.
I created a sub function inside the bigger function to check if the chosen period is bigger than the rows supplied. If so, return a vector of NA's else return a SMA. After that, loop over the periods to return a data.frame with the supplied price column and all the SMA columns with a name so you can see which SMA is in which column.
Note that there is no error handling in case of incorrect inputs. Sample data below.
# periods for the SMA
periods <- c(5, 10, 20, 60, 120, 180, 240)
get_smas <- function(price, n) {
my_sma <- function(x, n = 10) {
if (n < 1 || n > NROW(x)) {
out <- rep(NA_real_, NROW(x))
} else {
# change SMA for EMA if you want the EMA's
out <- TTR::SMA(x, n = n)
# combine the price column with the ma's. Reduce works backwards, so price column last
price_combined <- Reduce(cbind, lapply(n, function(x) my_sma(price, n = x)), price)
# turn matrix into data.frame
price_combined <- data.frame(price_combined)
# rename columns, assuming price column has a column name.
# change paste0 value from SMA to EMA if EMA is used.
names(price_combined) <- c(names(price_combined)[1], paste0("SMA_", n))
# supply a price and a vector of periods
my_prices <- get_smas(price, periods)
head(my_prices, 2)
Close SMA_5 SMA_10 SMA_20 SMA_60 SMA_120 SMA_180 SMA_240
1 182.01 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
2 179.70 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
tail(my_prices, 2)
Close SMA_5 SMA_10 SMA_20 SMA_60 SMA_120 SMA_180 SMA_240
142 156.79 154.156 152.053 147.475 145.4393 156.1770 NA NA
143 157.35 154.556 152.941 148.381 145.4292 156.0474 NA NA
# close prices of aapl from 2022-01-03 to 2022-07-28
price <- structure(list(Close = c(182.009995, 179.699997, 174.919998,
172, 172.169998, 172.190002, 175.080002, 175.529999, 172.190002,
173.070007, 169.800003, 166.229996, 164.509995, 162.410004, 161.619995,
159.779999, 159.690002, 159.220001, 170.330002, 174.779999, 174.610001,
175.839996, 172.899994, 172.389999, 171.660004, 174.830002, 176.279999,
172.119995, 168.639999, 168.880005, 172.789993, 172.550003, 168.880005,
167.300003, 164.320007, 160.070007, 162.740005, 164.850006, 165.119995,
163.199997, 166.559998, 166.229996, 163.169998, 159.300003, 157.440002,
162.949997, 158.520004, 154.729996, 150.619995, 155.089996, 159.589996,
160.619995, 163.979996, 165.380005, 168.820007, 170.210007, 174.070007,
174.720001, 175.600006, 178.960007, 177.770004, 174.610001, 174.309998,
178.440002, 175.059998, 171.830002, 172.139999, 170.089996, 165.75,
167.660004, 170.399994, 165.289993, 165.070007, 167.399994, 167.229996,
166.419998, 161.789993, 162.880005, 156.800003, 156.570007, 163.639999,
157.649994, 157.960007, 159.479996, 166.020004, 156.770004, 157.279999,
152.059998, 154.509995, 146.5, 142.559998, 147.110001, 145.539993,
149.240005, 140.820007, 137.350006, 137.589996, 143.110001, 140.360001,
140.520004, 143.779999, 149.639999, 148.839996, 148.710007, 151.210007,
145.380005, 146.139999, 148.710007, 147.960007, 142.639999, 137.130005,
131.880005, 132.759995, 135.429993, 130.059998, 131.559998, 135.869995,
135.350006, 138.270004, 141.660004, 141.660004, 137.440002, 139.229996,
136.720001, 138.929993, 141.559998, 142.919998, 146.350006, 147.039993,
144.869995, 145.860001, 145.490005, 148.470001, 150.169998, 147.070007,
151, 153.039993, 155.350006, 154.089996, 152.949997, 151.600006,
156.789993, 157.350006)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA,
rollmeanr and rollapplyr can handle the situation with fewer data items than width.
price <- 1:6
rollmeanr(price, 10, fill = NA)
## [1] NA NA NA NA NA NA
w <- c(5, 10, 20, 60, 120, 180, 240)
sapply(setNames(w, w), rollmeanr, x = price, fill = NA)
## 5 10 20 60 120 180 240
## [1,] NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
## [2,] NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
## [3,] NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
## [4,] NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
## [5,] 3 NA NA NA NA NA NA
## [6,] 4 NA NA NA NA NA NA

Create column from data on dynamic number of columns depending on availabity in R

Given a uncertain number of columns containing source values for the same variable I would like to create a column that defines the final value to be selected depending on source importance and availability.
Reproducible data:
actuals = runif(10, 500, 1000)
get_rand_vector <- function(){return (runif(10, 0.95, 1.05))}
get_na_rand_ixs <- function(){return (round(runif(5,0,10),0))}
df = data.frame("source_1" = actuals*get_rand_vector(),
"source_2" = actuals*get_rand_vector(),
"source_n" = actuals*get_rand_vector())
df[["source_1"]][get_na_rand_ixs()] <- NA
df[["source_2"]][get_na_rand_ixs()] <- NA
df[["source_n"]][get_na_rand_ixs()] <- NA
My manual solution is as follows:
df$available <- ifelse(
Given the desired result of:
source_1 source_2 source_n available
2 NA NA 930.1242 930.1242
3 716.9981 NA 717.9234 716.9981
4 NA 988.0446 NA 988.0446
5 931.7081 NA 924.1101 931.7081
6 543.6802 533.6798 NA 543.6802
7 744.6525 767.4196 783.8004 744.6525
8 902.8788 955.1173 NA 902.8788
9 762.3690 NA 761.6135 762.3690
10 761.4092 702.6064 708.7615 761.4092
How could I automatically iterate over the available sources to set the data to be considered? Given in some cases n_sources could be 1,2,3..,7 and priority follows the natural order (1 > 2 >..)
Once you have all of the candidate vectors in order and in an appropriate data structure (e.g., data.frame or matrix), you can use apply to apply a function over the rows. In this case, we just look for the first non-NA value. Thus, after the first block of code above, you only need the following line:
df$available <- apply(df, 1, FUN = function(x) x[which(!is.na(x))[1]])
coalesce() from dplyr is designed for this:
df %>%
mutate(available = coalesce(!!!.))
source_1 source_2 source_n available
2 NA NA 930.1242 930.1242
3 716.9981 NA 717.9234 716.9981
4 NA 988.0446 NA 988.0446
5 931.7081 NA 924.1101 931.7081
6 543.6802 533.6798 NA 543.6802
7 744.6525 767.4196 783.8004 744.6525
8 902.8788 955.1173 NA 902.8788
9 762.3690 NA 761.6135 762.3690
10 761.4092 702.6064 708.7615 761.4092

how to declare a global variable within a for loop and why is the else statement read as unexpected?

I have datasets that have sulfate and nitrate columns in them. Depending on what the user chooses, either sulfate mean or nitrate mean is returned. I have a for loop and within it I have an IF and ELSE statement to sort this out. The following error arises when attempting to compile data.frame(datada,vec1):
"Error in data.frame(datada, vec1) : object 'datada' not found"
Also, the else statement is considered unexpected. The following error is given:
"Error: unexpected 'else' in " else"
complete <- function(directory,pollutant = "sulfate", id = 1:332) {
datada <- id
filelist <- list.files(path = directory, pattern = ".csv", full.names = TRUE)
vec <- numeric()
vec1 <- numeric()
vec2 <- numeric()
for(i in datada) {
if (pollutant == "sulfate"){
data <- read.csv(filelist[i])
vec1<- c(vec1, colMeans(data$sulfate,na.rm = TRUE )
data.frame(datada,vec1) #datada is not "found"
else (pollutant == "nitrate"){ #else is "unexpected"
data <- read.csv(filelist[i])
vec2<- c(vec2, colMeans(data$sulfate,na.rm = TRUE )
Here is what one dataset looks like:
Date sulfate nitrate ID
1 2001-01-01 NA NA 2
2 2001-01-02 NA NA 2
3 2001-01-03 NA NA 2
4 2001-01-04 NA NA 2
5 2001-01-05 NA NA 2
6 2001-01-06 NA NA 2
7 2001-01-07 NA NA 2
8 2001-01-08 NA NA 2
9 2001-01-09 NA NA 2
10 2001-01-10 NA NA 2
11 2001-01-11 NA NA 2
12 2001-01-12 NA NA 2
13 2001-01-13 NA NA 2
14 2001-01-14 NA NA 2
15 2001-01-15 NA NA 2
16 2001-01-16 NA NA 2
17 2001-01-17 NA NA 2
18 2001-01-18 NA NA 2
19 2001-01-19 2.30 0.699 2
20 2001-01-20 NA NA 2
21 2001-01-21 NA NA 2
22 2001-01-22 NA NA 2
23 2001-01-23 NA NA 2
24 2001-01-24 NA NA 2
25 2001-01-25 2.19 4.970 2
Its expected to return something like this:
datada vec
1 1 117
2 3 243
3 5 402
4 7 442
5 9 275
Generated by the data.frame(datada,vec1)
Unless you want to manipulate environment objects, the easiest thing to do is to declare your variable outside the function and use <<- form of assignment inside the function.
datada <- NULL
complete <- function(directory,pollutant = "sulfate", id = 1:332) {
datada <<- id
I have no idea why datada is not found - when I tried a simplified version of the function on my system it seems to work fine.
As to the else -- an else must come directly after the end of the if's statement. It's not expected because you placed data.frame(datada,vec1) before it. If you put that line into the {}, everything should be fine.
But generally speaking your code is unnecessarily complex, plus it doesn't actually return anything.
Try something like this:
complete <- function(directory,pollutant = "sulfate", id = 1:332) {
datada <- id
filelist <- list.files(path = directory, pattern = ".csv", full.names = TRUE)
if (!(pollutant) %in% c("sulfate","nitrate")) stop("Unknown pollutant")
lapply(filelist, function(x) {
This will output a list where each element is the vector of colMeans of each of the files. You could replace lapply with sapply which will (probably) give you a matrix instead of a list.
(note I couldn't test it because I don't have the dataset, so there may be some errors here)

order() function strange behavior

I encountered some strange behavior with the order() function.
It was 2 datasets (training and testing), from this code:
train.part <- 0.25
train.ind <- sample.int(n=nrow(newdata), size=floor(train.part*nrow(newdata)), replace=FALSE)
train.set <- newdata[train.ind,]
test.set <- newdata[-train.ind,]
When I try to order train.set by:
train.set <- newdata[train.ind,]
It's all right, but with the second dataset, it's not good:
before sorting:
> test.set
noise.Y noise.Rec
1 7.226370 86.23327
2 3.965446 85.24321
3 5.896981 84.70086
4 4.101038 85.51946
5 7.965455 85.46091
6 8.329555 86.83667
8 6.579297 85.59717
9 7.392187 85.51699
10 5.878640 86.95244
after sorting:
> test.set<-test.set[order(noise.Y),]
> test.set
noise.Y noise.Rec
2 3.965446 85.24321
4 4.101038 85.51946
11 7.109978 87.44713
50 17.009351 92.36286
48 15.452493 92.09277
53 16.514639 91.57661
It was not properly sorting and lot of unexpected NA's.
What's the reason? Thanks!
Works with me.
test.set <- test.set[order(test.set$noise.Y),]
noise.Y noise.Rec
2 3.965446 85.24321
4 4.101038 85.51946
10 5.878640 86.95244
3 5.896981 84.70086
8 6.579297 85.59717
1 7.226370 86.23327
9 7.392187 85.51699
5 7.965455 85.46091
6 8.329555 86.83667
Note that if you want the rownames to be consecutive after sorting you can simply do
row.names(test.set) <- NULL

Stop a looping function when one value is greater than another within loop

I have been trying to write a while command to stop the looping function when one value generated by the loop exceeds the other. However, I have failed to figure out the proper way to do it.
The for loop runs for 30 days, but I want it to stop as soon as the last value of parasite_l.A is less than than parasite_l.B.
I have included the working code I have for generating the data and the for loop.
Alternative solutions without a limit on the loop would also be greatly appreciated.
# Subject A, initially 400 parasites, growing by 10 %
subA = 400
infA = 1.1
# Subject B, initially 120 parasites, growing by 20 %
subB = 120
infB = 1.2
# How many days to model
days = 30
days_seq = seq(1, days, 1)
# Parasite load for A
parasite_l.A = rep(NA, days)
parasite_l.A[1] = subA
# Parasite load for B
parasite_l.B = rep(NA, days)
parasite_l.B[1] = subB
# Loop for subject A and B
for(i in 1:(days)){
parasite_l.A[i+1] = parasite_l.A[i]*(infA)
parasite_l.B[i+1] = parasite_l.B[i]*(infB)
There is a built-in control flow function for what you are referring to named while. As long as the conditions are met it will continue to loop.
i <- 1
while (parasite_l.A[i] > parasite_l.B[i]) {
parasite_l.A[i+1] = parasite_l.A[i]*(infA)
parasite_l.B[i+1] = parasite_l.B[i]*(infB)
i <- i + 1
# parasite_l.A
# [1] 400.0000 440.0000 484.0000 532.4000 585.6400 644.2040 708.6244
# [8] 779.4868 857.4355 943.1791 1037.4970 1141.2467 1255.3714 1380.9085
# [15] 1518.9993 NA NA NA NA NA NA
# [29] NA NA
# parasite_l.B
# [1] 120.0000 144.0000 172.8000 207.3600 248.8320 298.5984 358.3181
# [8] 429.9817 515.9780 619.1736 743.0084 891.6100 1069.9321 1283.9185
# [15] 1540.7022 NA NA NA NA NA NA
# [29] NA NA
Use an index value (i), a couple of counters (A.index.value, B.index.value), and a while loop:
# Subject A, initially 400 parasites, growing by 10 %
subA <- A.index.value <- 400
infA <- 1.1
# Subject B, initially 120 parasites, growing by 20 %
subB <- B.index.value <- 120
infB <- 1.2
# How many days to model
days <- 30
days_seq <- seq(1, days, 1)
# Parasite load for A
parasite_l.A <- rep(NA, days)
parasite_l.A[1] <- subA
# Parasite load for B
parasite_l.B <- rep(NA, days)
parasite_l.B[1] <- subB
# While Loop for subject A and B
i <- 1
while (A.index.value > B.index.value) {
parasite_l.A[i+1] <- A.index.value <- parasite_l.A[i]*(infA)
parasite_l.B[i+1] <- B.index.value <- parasite_l.B[i]*(infB)
i <- i + 1
With the results being:
> parasite_l.A
[1] 400.00 440.00 484.00 532.40 585.64 644.20 708.62 779.49 857.44 943.18 1037.50
[12] 1141.25 1255.37 1380.91 1519.00 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
> parasite_l.B
[1] 120.00 144.00 172.80 207.36 248.83 298.60 358.32 429.98 515.98 619.17 743.01
[12] 891.61 1069.93 1283.92 1540.70 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
if (parasite_l.A < parasite_l.B) { // if parasite a is less than b, do the following //
for(i in 1:(days)){
parasite_l.A[i+1] = parasite_l.A[i]*(infA)
parasite_l.B[i+1] = parasite_l.B[i]*(infB)
Use inside the loop something like:
if (parasite_l.A > parasite_l.B) {
