"we can not access the URL currently" Google Vision API - google-cloud-vision

I was able to pass a simple URL (thousands) 6 days ago to the vision client and obtain an output. However,right now, it is not possible. What changed? I don't like the idea of a simple workaround by downloading the data and then placing that as input.
What happened Google? Why did this changed? Should we move to Azure, AWS?
Anybody got the URL working without the workaround

If you are using http URLs as input, it is possible that the Google crawling bot fails to fetch the URL you provided at that specific moment.
There are many reasons for this, for example:
The site of your URL is down, or it temporarily blocked Google bot, or it updated robot.txt to stop the Google bot to crawl URLs.
You can retry after a while, or you can download those URLs by yourself.
I guess if you try again today, it may recover to work.

Why don't you try to use base64 encoded string instead of image URL.
I had the same experience to get a response from Google OCR API. It failed two or three times out of ten API calls. It really got me stressed because I got no clue.
Since I've changed my code to base64 accidentally, It worked well. 100% response. Never fail!!
Good luck!


OpenGraph data won't show up on linkedin share

When sharing the URL on LinkedIn, the OpenGraph data won't show up. I did validate the data. Is this maybe a domain issue?
The url i tried to share was:
edit: following error was thrown on just the domain: i18n_url_preview_error
So LinkedIn share was working fine for me.
Today I started facing this error after moving on HTTPS.
Here is what I did :
While sharing URL, use http instead of https on LinkedIn and it will work (assuming that http redirects to https on your website).
I tried it for my site CoverMyStartup today. If this doesn't work, let me know.
The LinkedIn system does not recognize many of the new top level domains as being valid, as many of them have become a huge source of spamming and scamming.
Works perfectly fine for me. As usual, make sure you are URL-encoding your parameters...
Maybe it was rejecting .kpn domains previously, but it seems to be good and working now!

URL Shortener API Stats

Thru Google API I am creating programatically short URLs. This works fine. On my API console I can see the stats showing, for example, the number of requests as "urlshortener.url.insert" several dozens since I started using this API last Friday.
Now I would like to know how many clicks were done on those URLs. When going to goo.gl I can see a bunch of URLs I manually created but none of the URLs created thru the API. Is there a way to do this ? Or can it be seen in Analytics ?
Yes, you can get the URL's stats. You need to add &projection=FULL to your GET request to the API. See this page for details.

bit.ly numbers not reporting QR scans

So we're doing some tracking and I've setup some links to be tracked via bit.ly. I've also created some QR codes.
So, we scanned the codes using QR Reader, the #1 QR scanning app on the app store, and none of the hits were coming in through bitly. So we decided maybe it had to do with the fact that I made bit.ly links and then made QR codes from those, rather than using bit.ly's built in QR code creator (which we just found). Tried with the new codes, still nothing on bit.ly's site.
I downloaded a different scanner (QR Scanner) and it records everything as normal.
Does anyone have insight into this, done this before, know of a work around? I can't force my users to not use a particular QR scanner.
I mean, unless I'm crazy, when I hit a bit.ly link, their server goes and looks up what the URL is based on the code and redirects me. How the F! can that process happen without bit.ly recording the event?
bit.ly is not a reliable way to get usage statistics for a URL.
For best results, you should use the facilities provided by the web server itself.
Since you don't control bit.ly you can't control how they count hits.
I believe the QR Scanner program is performing a HEAD request instead of a GET request to validate the URL scanned. Since a HEAD will return re-direct information and is not (and should not be) counted in "hit" statistics you wouldn't see the hit on the bit.ly statistics.
While frustrating for your goals, this is one of the features that make QR Scanner better than other programs, you don't want to do a full GET when a HEAD will work.
Merely scanning a QR code containing a URL does not necessarily do anything to the URL. A simple app would do nothing at all. It would show the bit.ly URL to the user and wait for the user to confirm that he/she wants to access the URL. Then of course the browser would access the URL.
Some apps like Barcode Scanner on Android will access known URL redirectors to show the user what's behind the redirect before proceeding. It will issue a HEAD request after just scanning the QR code.
I would not expect any app to issue a GET just on scanning. It's unnecessary to read the redirect. And if the app is sending the user straight to the URL after scanning, that's a bit of a security risk.
A couple of things to check would be GET/HEAD and the User-Agent. If the QR reader is sending a strange, or no, user-agent header, it might get accidentally considered a bot click.
If you generate a bitly link - http://bitly.com/test - and then turn it into a QR code using a 3rd party service, you won't see any stats about whether scans have come from a QR code.
If you use the bitly QR generator - http://bitly.com/test.qr - you will get a QR code with a different url in it.
In this case
It is that r=qr part which is recording whether the click came from the QR code.
So, to clarify, you share the link "http://bitly.com/test" on Twitter / Facebook / etc. You share "http://bitly.com/test?r=qr" via QR code. That way you can track where hits are coming from.

Subscribe to iCloud calendar on Google

I am trying to subscribe to an iCloud calendar on my Google calendar. I am really open to any methods, but here is the one that seems most likely to work. See instructions to build proxy calendar. The problems is that when I try to subscribe to this proxy calendar (using both webdav://... and _http://...), I get the error message "Settings Error--Could not fetch the url." I know the file should work because I was able to use it in Outlook. Any idea on how to fix this, or a completely different alternative that I have not found?
So, the problem fixed itself the next day. I assume this is because Google cached the error and was not going to bother fetching the calendar again. So I guess this was a non-issue.

Is it possible to send data to Google Analytics service by url?

I've been trying to send data to Google Analytics through url, but it's not working.
Here is the url:
I have been trying follow the parameter here http://code.google.com/apis/analytics/docs/concepts/gaConceptsOverview.html
I call the url by curl and tested through the address bar, but not working, no data in my Google Analytics :(
Any ideas please?
It's possible, although if you're trying to do it you're probably doing something wrong.
But there's more to it than you can see at first sight. The best way to achieve it is to use a mobile library for Google Analytics. Google already provides this for a couple of languages. These libraries are built to send data to Google Analytics via your server. And if you check the server code you'll see that there are some calculations involved. You can possibly change one of these libraries to be run without a request. They're not complicated.
